109 S.MAIN
November 12,2002
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order-Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.
2. Roll Call-All members of council were present.
3. Invocation-Councilman O'Brien gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Alle ig'ance-Mayor Ruppert led the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard(limit of three minutes each)
Alice Kline&Debbie Meriworth- Spoke concerning the new Women's Association constructing a new soccer complex
in Cibolo. Stated that they had just purchased 52.3 acres which will consist of 16 soccer field when completed. Stated
that they need help with restrooms, lighting,field maintenance and anything else the city or surrounding business could
help with.
Roy Gardner-Stated that he was having erosion problems with his back yard and needed help from the city to get this
fixed. It's caused by the irrigation drains behind the property. Gave council a letter with recommended solutions to the
Mike Wanke- Spoke on stop sign items.
Joy Spelling- Spoke on stop sign items.
Mona Schuster- Spoke on stop sign items.
Mr.Weaver-Spoke on stop sign items.
6. Consent Agenda-Consent Items
(All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and
will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a
Council member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will removed from the consent agenda and
considered as part of the order of business.)
A. Consideration and Approval of October 22,2002,Minutes of the Joint City Council and Planning and Zoning
Public Hearing.
B. Consideration and Approval of October 22,2002 Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting.
C.Consideration and Approval of October 2002 Check Register.
D. Confirmation of hiring a animal control officer.
Chuck Balcar pulled item 6D from the consent agenda. Councilwoman Duggar made the motion to approve
consent agenda items A-C. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For: All,Against: None.
7. Ordinances
A.Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval of sign ordinance.
Councilwoman Duggar stated that she would like more time to review ordinance. Lee Perry stated that there
' were several changes to the current ordinance. Chuck Balcar stated that he did some research on getting rid of
signs that were purchased before the sign ordinance was in place. A committee can be established to get rid of
these signs. Councilwoman Duggar made the motion to table item till the November 26,2002. Seconded by
Councilman Campbell. For: All,Against: None.
B.Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval of ordinance on annexation for Mr.Baxley's 10.01 acre tract of
land located in the Gustavus Bunson Survey No. 72,Guadalupe County,Texas,being all of a called 10.000
acre tract of land described in the deed to John L.Baxley,Jr. and wife,Linda M.Baxley recorded in volume
657,page 590 of the deed records Guadalupe County,Texas.
There was no discussion. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve the annexation ordinance for Mr.
Baxley's 10.01 acres. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For: All,Against: None.
8. Discussion/Action
A. Discussion/Action on future TxDoT project to include
1. Changing of Signage on IH35.
2. Extension of FM1103
3. Borgfeld Road
4. Other projects submitted by council.
Chuck Balcar stated that the Metropolitan Planning Organization has not asked for projects because they don't
have enough funds to fund the projects they have now. Stated he would be attending the Transportation
Improvement Program(TIPs)on November 20,to ask for funding for future road projects,to include the
extension of FM1103 and Borgfeld Road. If any projects get approved the city would have to pay a 20%match.
Only roads that connect to state roads are eligible for this program. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to
direct Chuck Balcar to send forward a letter and attend the TIPs meeting. Seconded by Councilman Campbell.
For: All,Against: None.
B. Discussion/Action on appointments to unfilled position on the Parks and Recreation Commission.
Mayor Ruppert stated that he chaired the first Parks Meeting and gave them the basic structure of the Parks
Commission. There are currently one position still vacant and two applicants. Recommended appointing one
and making the other the alternate. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to appoint Mike Wanke and the
primary and Anthony Vaught as the alternate to the Parks Commission. Seconded by Councilman Williams.
For: All,Against: None.
C. Discussion/Action on establishing a facility committee for future construction of city facilities.
Chuck Balcar stated that this could be a combination of council and citizens with input from city staff. This
project could be funded by General Obligation Bonds,which would require citizen vote. Councilwoman
Duggar stated that she thought it would be a good idea to advertise to the citizens for their input. Councilman
Campbell made the motion to establish a facility committee with Councilwoman Duggar and Councilman
O'Brien being the representatives from Council,with the alternate being Councilman Campbell. Seconded by
Councilman Williams. For: All,Against: None.
D.Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval of R-2 Zoning for Mr.Baxley's 10.01 acre tract of land located
in the Gustavus Bunson Survey No. 72,Guadalupe county,Texas,being all of a called 10.00 acre tract of
land described in the deed to John L.Baxley,Jr.and wife,Linda M.Baxley recorded in Volume 657,Page
590 of the deed records Guadalupe County,Texas.
There was no discussion. Councilwoman Duggar made the motion to approve the R-2 Zoning for Mr.Baxley's
10.01 acre tract. Seconded by Councilman Williams. For:All,Against: None.
E.Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval on participation in the City's portion of cost sharing with
?, A Guadalupe County and Bexar County on rebuilding of low water crossing on Schaeffer Road at Cibolo Creek.
Chuck Balcar stated that this will be a joint project. The low water crossing in located on the county line and
must be constructed to hold the weight of a vehicle. Item will come back to council once cost estimate is
completed. Chuck Balcar stated that he felt the city should not pay more than$5,000 for their share. There are
road and bridge taxes that everyone pays that should fund this project. Road crossing at this time is a total wash
out. Councilman Campbell made the motion to approve limited participation pending the written estimate and
donation of existing pipe. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: All,Against: None.
F.Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval of stop sign at Deer Creek Blvd and Rio Vista.
Councilman Campbell stated that after earlier comments from citizens felt that council should forgo this item.
Was placed on agenda due to petition that was being passed around Deer Creek. Councilman Campbell made
the motion to disapprove stop sign at Deer Creek Blvd and Rio Vista. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar.
For:All,Against: None.
G.Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval of stop sign at Deer Creek Blvd and Oak Creek.
Councilman Campbell stated that the council should give time to let the crosswalks to work before reviewing
this item again,due to citizens comments. Also stated that crosswalk guards should be look into.
Councilwoman Duggar made the motion to disapprove stop sign at Deer Creek Blvd and Oak Creek. Seconded
by Councilman O'Brien. For: councilwoman Duggar, Councilwoman Epperson, Councilman Williams,and
councilman O'Brian,Against Councilman Campbell.
H. Discussion/Action on setting date for meeting of the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee.
Chuck Balcar stated that the Local Government Code requires that the Capital Improvement Advisor Committee
meet every 6 months. Also recommended making the Planning and Zoning the Advisory Committee. They
would also have to appoint a realtor and ETJ member,Fritz Schlather has stated that he would be interested in
helping. Chuck Balcar stated that he would try and call Fritz Schlather. Councilman O'Brien made the motion
to set this item aside till Mr.Balcar could make the phone call. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For: All,
Against: None. Chuck Balcar stated that he could not get ahold of Fritz Schlather. Councilman O'Brien made
the motion to appoint the Planning and Zoning Capital Improvement Advisory Committee and to meet on
December 17,2002. Seconded by Councilman Williams. For:All,Against: None.
I.Discussion/Action on letter from Fair Housing Council concerning Mr.Provost post construction variance
Mayor Ruppert stated that the city has received a letter from the fair labor board concerning Mr.Provost
variance request. Councilwoman Duggar stated that she felt the council did try to give reasonable
accommodation to Mr.Provost,but he was not willing to work with the council. Chuck Balcar stated that he
talked to a member of the HUD Labor Board and they would not go against a city ordinance. City Attorney
also advised not to write any more violations and give him the option to resubmit for a variance request.
Councilwoman Duggar made the motion to authorize Mr.Balcar to respond to the Fair Housing Council with
assistance form City Attorney. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For: All,Against: None.
A. City Staff
Chuck Balcar stated that Tejas has come out to start road projects but due to rain has had problems.
Mark Riffe gave update of Warrant Program and stated that they should have a new officer ready to start by
the first of December.
Keith Gilbreath stated that he was still working with the Planning and Zoning on the Zoning Ordinance.
B. City Council
a r
Councilwoman Duggar stated that she would like to see the crosswalk guard program looked into,also using
volunteers from the area.
Councilman Campbell stated that he would also like to see the crosswalk guard program look into and on a
future agenda.
Councilman O'Brien stated that he would like Lee Perry to review the Zoning Ordinance.
C. Mayor—None.
10. Adjournment
Charles Ruppert
ohne Griffm
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