Min CC 02/11/2003 3 - ;
109 S.MAIN
February 11,2003
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order—Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
2. Roll Call—All members of Council were present.
3. Invocation—Councilman O'Brien gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Ruppert led the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard(limit of three minutes each)
There were no citizens to be heard.
6. Consent Agenda-Consent Items
(All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and
will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a
Council member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will removed from the consent agenda
and considered as part of the order of business.)
A. Consideration and Approval of January 28,2003 City Council minutes.
B. Consideration and Approval of Check Register for January 2003.
C. Consideration and Approval of the Hiring of Danny Nelson to Public Works.
D. Consideration and Approval of calling for an election and setting the date of May 3,2003,for a
Mayor and two Council members(Place 2 and 3).
Councilwoman Duggar made the motion to approve the consent agenda items. Seconded by Councilman
Campbell. For: All,Against: None.
7. Presentation
Presentation by Mr.Marcus Pridgeon,General Manager and CEO of GVEC, of the Annual
Franchise payment to the City of Cibolo.
Mr.Pridgeon presented the Mayor and council with a check for 2002 franchise fees in the amount of
8. Executive Session
The City Council will meet in Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.071,
regarding pending and contemplated litigation; consultation with attorney to discuss the following:
FHA complaint filed by Mr.J.C.Provost.
Council went into executive session at 7:10 P.M.
9. Reconvene in Open Session
Discussion/Action on Action,if any,on item discussed in Executive Session
Council reconvened at 7:51 P.M. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to authorize the Mayor to
sign the letter from the attorney. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: All,Against:None.
Discussion/Action on resolution of the City of Cibolo supporting a settlement in the contested rate
case between Canyon Regional Water Authority and Guadalupe Blanco River Authority.
Councilman Williams gave the council an overview of the CRWA meeting. Mayor Ruppert went over the
resolution which discussed the lawsuit between CRWA and GBRA. Councilwoman Duggar stated that she
though the resolution would be more beneficial if all of council were to sign it. Councilwoman Duggar made
the motion to approve the resolution as written with the Mayor and all councilmemebers signatures.
Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For: All,Against: None.
A. Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval of a ordinance that covers bad check fees and
Chuck Balcar stated the ordinance will keep the fee at$25,but would after two NSF's stop citizens
for writing a check to the city for any business. Previous ordinance only applied to water. Councilman
O'Brien made the motion to approve the ordinance as written. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For:
B. Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval of amending the Variance Fee Ordinance.
Chuck Balcar recommended tabling item. Councilman Campbell made the motion to approve tabling item
till the February 25th meeting. Seconded by Councilman Willams. For: All,Against: None.
12. Discussion/Action
A. Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval on Parks Commission current resignation,vacancy's
and appointments.
Chuck Balcar stated that Mr.Bupp has resigned from the Parks commission and Anthony Vaught is
interested in being on the parks commission. Councilman Campbell made the motion to accept the
resignation of Mr.Bupp. Seconded by Councilwoman Duggar. For: All,Against: None. Councilman
Campbell made the motion to appoint Anthony Vaught to the Parks Commission. Seconded by Councilman
O'Brien. For: All,Against: None.
B. Discussion/Action on Approval/Disapproval on Parks Commission recommendation for Capital
projects for FY2002-03.
Chuck Balcar stated the park commission stated that their recommendation for the park in Deer
Creek would be a walking trail,parking lot and restrooms. Their currently working with Gail Douglas from
Schertz to connect the walking trail between the two city's. $75,000.00 has been budgeted. Councilwoman
Duggar made the motion to approve the Parks recommendation for FY2002-03. Seconded by Councilman
Williams. For:All,Against: None.
A. City Staff
Chuck Balcar stated that American Sunrise is looking to do a housing area with assistance with
GMAC. This would be a program for Municipal Employees and School District Employees. Also stated
that he doesn't have a written document from Commission Wolverton yet.
Mark Riffe stated that there were a total of 381 warrant served which have a cash value of$79,490.
B. City Council
Councilman Campbell stated that citizens have approached him about bus service. Chuck Balcar
replied that it is currently being looked into. Also asked if there was a adult entertainment ordinance in
place. Also asked about the signboard.
Councilwoman Duggar stated that she was concerned about the situation with the dog on the news.
Wanted to ensure that the city has something in place to stop this from happening. Chief Riffe replied saying
that the incident happened in the county.
Councilman Williams stated that the TML conference he attended was very good and informative.
C. Mayor-None.
14. Adjournment
Councilwoman Epperson made the motion to adjourn at 8:45 P.M. Seconded by Councilwoman Epperson.
For: All, Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For: All,Against: None.
Charles Ruppert
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