Min CC 05/13/2003 - Joint Public Hearing JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING PUBLIC HEARING CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 109 S.MAIN May 13,2003 6:30 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order—Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. 2. Roll Call- All members of council were present. Amy Madison and Bede Ramcharan were absent from the Planning and Zoning. 3. Citizens to be Heard(limit of three minutes each) There were no citizens to be heard. 4. Public Hearing Discussion on a rezoning request from R-2 to R-3 by David Fluker, SCUCISD, the land being 7.176 acres out of the Simon Cockrell Survey,A-98,and the Lewis Survey, A216,Cibolo,Guadalupe County,Texas,and being part of a 30.000 acre tract as described in Volume 460,Page 379 of the deed records of said county. Chuck Balcar stated that Council would not approve this until the May 27th Meeting. 5. Adjournment Councilwoman Epperson made the motion to adjourn at 6:34 P.M. Seconded by Councilman Campbell.For: All,Against: None. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27TH DAY OF MAY 2003. Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: V ohne Griffin Ci Secretary