Min CC 08/12/2003 - Joint Public Hearing JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING & ZONING PUBLIC HEARING CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 109 S. MAIN August 12, 2003 6:30 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order—Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 6:34 P.M. 2. Roll Call—All members of council were present. All members of Planning and Zoning were present with the exception of Commissioner Ramcharan and Amy Madison. 3. Citizens to be Heard(limit of three minutes each) Nathan Gray stated that he is concerned with the re-zoning. Would like to see this portion be left R-1 and not changed. Wants the neighborhood to remain with large lots. Terry Van Syoc stated that when she purchased her home she liked the open land behind her home and would like it to remain the same. Tom Farzad stated that would like to see the building in this area to remain with the same lot size as already in that area. 4. Public Hearing Discussion of a Rezoning request by Mr.Lewis C.Borgfeld from R-1 to R-2B for land being of 105.221 acres of land out of the of the Mathias Lindenburg Survey,Abstract No.215, Guadalupe County,Texas, and the Trinidad Garcia Survey No. 94,Abstract No. 137,Guadalupe County,Texas, and being out of and a part of a 315 acre tract as conveyed by Deed from Hugo O.Borgfeld and Irma L.Borgfeld to grandson Lewis C.Borgfeld, executed on May 31, 1968,and recorded in Volume 409,Pages 43 6-43 8 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County,Texas. Ray Thomas asked about this area and what has already been'completed.There was no other discussion. 5. Adjournment Councilman Campbell made the motion to adjourn at 6:42 P.M. Councilman O'Brien seconded. For: All, Against: None. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26THDAY OF AUGUST 2003. UY4 Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: Iivonne riifFm ty Secretary