Min CC 06/28/2022 r .. :: .. .. ..i, 1 - .• T£x As "Cityof Choice" CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S. Main Cibolo, Texas:78108 June:28, 2022: . 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. MINUTES 1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Mayor Boyle at 6:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Excused Absences—Council Present: Mayor Boyle;Councilman Benson, Councilman Osorio, Councilman Bone, Councilwoman Cunningham, Councilman Allen; Councilman Hetzel, and Councilman hicks: 3. Invocation:—Councilman Benson gave the Invocation. 4. Pledge of Alle iannce—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Recognitions . A. Brooks of Cibolo - Brooks of Cibolo presented the City with a beautiful picture.of the:City of Cibolo Emblem made by one of their residents. B. Roadrunner Towing—Roadrunner Towing was presented a plaque by Mayor Boyle for all the:work and volunteer service Roadrunner does for the City of Cibolo. 6. Citizens to be Heard This is the only time during the Council Meeting that a citizen can address the City Council. It i,s the opportunity for visitors and'guests to address the City Council :on any issue to include agenda items. All visitors wishing to speak must fill out the Sign-In Roster prior to the start of the meeting. City Council may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this.time;however, City Council may present any factual response to items.brought'up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion— JC-0169) (Limit of three minutes each) All remarks shall be.addressed to the Council-as a body. Remarks may also be:addressed to any individual member of.the Council so long as the'reinarks are (i) about matters of local public concern and (ii) not disruptive to the meeting or threatening to the member or any attendee. .Any person violating this-policy may be requested to leave the meeting, but no person may be requested to leave or forced to leave the meeting because of the viewpoint expressed. This-meeting-is livestreamed. If anyone would like to make comments on:any matter regarding the City of Cibolo or on an agenda' item and have this item read at this meeting, please email' pcimic0p1cibolotx.2ov and vchanman(a)cibolotx.gov or telephone 210-566-6111 before 5:00 pm the date of the meeting. Nick Sherman sent an email in and it was read by Councilman Allen. Mr. Sherman stated that there was an opening on the GVSUD Board and if any Cibolo resident that was qualified and wanted to serve on the Board to notify Mr. Pat Allen at the GVSUD Office. 7.1 Public Hearin A. The City of Cibolo City Council will conduct a public hearing to hear.public testimony regarding a proposed Ordinance to amend the Unified Development Code to Expand the Requirements to Provide Adequate-Public Facilities—Wastewater. Mayor Boyle Opened the public hearing at 6,:51 p.m. There was.no one i.n the audience that wish to speak on this item. Mayor Boyle closed the public hearing at 6:52 p.m.. 8. Consent Agenda Consent Items (General Items) (All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion. There.will be no-separate discussion of these items unless a Council member so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered as part of the order of business.) , A. Approval of the minutes.of the regular City Council Meeting held on June 14, 2022. B. Approval of the minutes of the Workshop held on June.14, 2022. C. Approval of the April 2022:Check Register pending final acceptance of the City's financial audii.for the 2021/2022 fiscal year. D.: Approval;of the April 2022 Revenue and Expense Report pending final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the 2021/2022 fiscal year. .... Councilman Hicks.made the.inotion to approve the consent agenda. Motion was seconded by-, . -Councilman Bone: For:All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 9. Staff Update A. Administration a. Introduction of.Ismael Segovia=Mr. Read introduced Mr. Segovia as the new Planning Director. He comes to.Cibolo with 15 years of experience in the planning field. b. Student Internships—The city has two interns—one in the City Managers Office and one in Animal Services. c. Recruitment for Finance Director and ED Director-Finance Director is still on going. Hopefully an announcement can be made on the ED Director position soon: : . B. Fire Department a.. Introduction of Battalion Chiefs (Harold Melton, ScottLee, and Tom Hollick) Chief Troncoso introduced all three.of'his.new Battalion Chiefs. Scott Lee is currently with Cibolo and has 43 years of experience. Harold Melton is also-currently with Cibolo and has 11 years of experience. Tom Hollick comes to us from one of are neighboring cities with many years of experience in Fire Services. During the selection process for these three positions there were over 5.1 applicants that applied. . - '2 C. Police Department a. Introduction of Lt. Wells John Wells was introduced by Chief Hugghins as the new Lieutenantfor the Police Department. He. has 20 years' experience and 12 years command level experience: 10. Discussion/Action A'. Discussion/Presentation on the FY23-24 Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority.Wastewater Rate Plan. Mr. Fousse introduced:the General Manager of COMA Clint Ellis. Mr.Ellis went over the:rate increase schedule that was approved the pp b y CCMA of Directors on June 13, 2019. The current rate for FY 22 is $4.05 per month for.1,000 gallons. The,fee would increase in FY 23 to $4.13per month.which is.$0.08 or:2% increase. In FY.24 the fee would.increase to_$4.21 with is $0.08 or L9%_increase::Total increase through FY 2024 should cost the average homeowner approximately $0.85 per month based on 5,300- :.gallon average monthly water use. B. Discussion/Action regarding the.Preliminary Acceptance of Public Infrastructure for Steele Creek Unit 3 Councilman Hicks made the motion to table this item until the July 12'h Council Meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allen. For: Councilmembers: Osorio,.Bone,Allen, Hetzel, and Hicks; Against: Councilmembers Benson and Cunningham. Motion carried 5 to 2: C. Discussion/Presentation on the Employee:Compensation Market Study. Mr. Knott the HR Director gave this presentation and covered the following items: Objectives and. Methodology, Project process to.include position review, Market Assessment, Pay Plan Development, and Implementation. Council had the opportunity to ask question but no action was taken. D. Di scussion%Action on proposed Change Orders in the total amount of$89,950.00 from JC Stoddard to continue construction'onthe City Hall Annex `Old School House'. Councilman Hicks made the motion to.approve-all change orders with the exception.of#9 by removing:. the latter but add the blocking for the latter if needed.at a later.date. Motion was seconded by.Councilman Benson. . For: Councilmembers .Benson; .Osorio, and Hicks; .Against: Councilmembers:, Bone, Cunningham, Allen, and Hetzel. Motion failed 3 to 4. Councilwoman Cunningham Made the:motion to approve alLchange orders. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bone. For: Councilmembers:Bone, Cunningham; and Hetzel; Against:.Councilmembers Hicks, Osorio, Allen, and Benson. Motion failed 3 to 4. Council decided to take.each change order separately. Councilwoman Cunningham made the motion to:approve change order #8 for- $26,557.00. Motion was seconded by Councilman.Hicks. For: Councilmembers: Benson, Osorio, Bone, Cunningham, Hetzel, and Hicks; Against: Councilmember Allen. Motion carried 6 to.1. Councilwoman Cunningham made the motion toapprove change order#9 in the amount of$18,341.00. Motion was seconded by_Councilman Bone.. For: Councilmembers: -Cunningham, Bone; and Hetzel; Against: Councilmembers`. Benson, Osorio, Allen, and Hicks. Motion failed 3 to 4.: Councilwoman Cunningham made the motion to approve change order.#.10 in the amount of$14,406.00. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hetzel. For: Councilmembers Benson, Osorio, Bone, Cunningham, Hetzel, and Hicks. Against: Councilman Allen. Motion carried 6 to 1.. 3 _ . . Councilwoman Cunningham made the motion to approve change order#11 in-the'amount of$14;928.00. . Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: All;.Against: None.. Motion carried 7 to 0. Councilwoman Cunningham made the motion to-approve change order#12 in the amount of$20,997.00. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: Councilmembers Benson;Osorio,Bone,Cunningham, . Hetzel, and Hicks; Against: Councilman:Allen. Motion carried 6 to L. Councilwoman Cunningham: made: the motion: to approve the change,order #t3 in the amount of $1,789.00.. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: Councilmembers Benson, Osorio,.Bone, Cunningham, Hetzel; and Hicks; Against: Councilman Allen. Motion:carried 6 to 1. Councilwoman .Cunningham made:,the motion, to approve the change;order #1.4in the .amount of _ $7,860.00. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: Councilmembers Benson, Osorio;.Bone,. Cunningham; Hetzel' and Hicks; Against::Councilman Allen. Motion carried 6:to 1. .Councilwoman Cunningham modified the motion for change order#9 by adding blocking for a latter but_ not the latter for a price to be determined at a later date. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 7 to 0. E. Discussion/Action on the approval of a Purchase Order in the total amount.of$73,000.00 for 3ra Party Building Inspections services rendered February May 2022. Councilman Hicks made the motion to approve a Purchase Order in the total amount of$73,000.00 for: 3 Parry Building Inspections services rendered February --May 2022. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Cunningham. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to.0.. F. Discussion/Action authorizing City Manager to.negotiate and execute a contract.for professional engineering services for the City Hall HVAC renovation with Cleary Zimmermann Engineers, with the cost not to exceed eighty.thousand.dollars and zero cents ($80;000.00): Councilman Hicks made the motion to authorize the City Manager to:negotiate:and execute.a contract for professional engineering services for the City Hall HVAC renovation with Cleary Zimmermann Engineers, with the cost not to exceed eighty thousand dollars and zero cents ($80,000:00). Motion was seconded by Councilman.Bone. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried-6 to 0. Councilman Allen had stepped out during this item. G:: Discussion/Action to approve a Professional Consulting and Technical Services Contract for-Building and Fire/Life Safety Plan Review and Inspection Services between BB Inspections and City of Cibolo. Councilman Allen made the motion to approve a Professional Consulting:and Technical Services Contract for Building and Fire/Life Safety Plan Review and.Inspection Services between BB Inspections and City of Cibolo.Motion was seconded by CouncilmanHicks. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 7 to 0. H. Presentation.to.City Council on.an overview of the Public Works Department. Mr. Fousse went over his Mission Statement and Goal of the Public Works:Department. He went over- the 6 separate divisions and explained to council what each department did and the number of individuals assigned to each. Healso showed many of his employees working in varies parts of the city. 4 I. Discussion/Action on a possible Strategy Partnership Grant for the Miss Cibolo Pageant and Randolph Metrocom Rotary Club. Ms. Roberts representing the Randolph Metrocom Chapter of the Rotary.Club ask for funds to help the community in an event to honor and recognize frontline workers. Councilman Hicksmade the motion to approve$500.00 sponsorship to the Rotary Club. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bone. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. Mayor Boyle also brought-up the Miss Cibolo Scholarship Pageant. Members are trying to bring this back and would like the city support. This pageant was sponsored by the Cibolo EDC at one time. Council would like the EDC to look at this item again. J. Discussion from Councilmembers that have attended seminars;events,or meetings for the City of Cibolo. Councilman Hicks stated that he did attend a couple AAMPO meetings and Guadalupe County Commissioners meeting.. Councilman Allen attended statedhe attended_the TxD.OT Meeting on FM 1103 and the Joint CVLGC meeting.in Schertz. K. Discussion'on items Council would like to see on future agendas. Councilman Allen would like information presented on the chipper fee. Councilwoman Cunningham. would like a briefing;by TxDOT on FM 1103. CouncilmanBenson would like inforniation on franchise. agreements. L: Discussion/Action on the review and:confirmation of all upcoming:special meetings and workshops and . scheduling the time, date and place of additional special meetings or:workshops. Ms. Cimics reminded the council that.there was a scheduled Budget Workshop tomorrow starting at 6pm. 11. Ordinances A. Discussion/Action and Approval of an ordinance.amending Chapter 46, Article IV of the City's Code of Ordinances,and repealing Ordinance number 1104 of the City of Cibolo. Councilman Hicks made the motion to approve an ordinance amending Chapter 46, Article IV of the City's Code of Ordinances, and repealing Ordinance number 1104 of the City of Cibolo. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allen. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. B. Discussion/Action and Approval to Amend the Unified Development Code-to expand the requirements to provide Adequate Public Facilities—Wastewater.. Councilman Hicks made the motion to approve an ordinance amending the-Unified Development Code to expand the requirements to provide Adequate Public Facilities—Wastewater. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Cunningham. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 12. Executive Session The City Council will meet in Executive Session as authorized by the Texas Gov't Code Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney and Section 551.087 Economic Development to discuss: A. Discussion on Economic Development projected projects. B. Discussion/Update on Cibolo Turnpike LP v. City of Cibolo Cause No. 20-0062-CV-A: . 5 C. Discussion regarding potential legal issues related to Grace Valley Subdivision. Council convened into executive session at 9::26 p.m. 13. Open Session . Reconvene into Regular Session and take/or give direction.or action,' if necessary, on items discussed in Executive Session. Council reconvened into regular session at 10:25 p.m. No action taken. 14. Adjournment Councilman Hicks made-the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:26 p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Benson. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried.7 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12TH DAY OF JULY 2022. �S�tosh Mayor ATTEST Peggy Cimics, TRMC City.Secretary - .6