Min CC 06/14/2022 Of C/O_ O N - V O "City of Choice" CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S. Main Cibolo, Texas.78108 June 14,2022 6:30 p.m.-to 10:30 p:m. MINUTES 1. Call to Order-Meeting.was called.to order.by Mayor Boyle at 6:35 pm. 2. Roll Call and Excused Absences — Members Present: Mayor Boyle; Councilman Benson, Councilman. Osorio,. Councilman Bone, Councilwoman Cunningham, Councilman Allen, Councilman Hetzel,:and Councilman Hicks. 3. Invocation=Invocation was given by Councilman:Allen. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Recognitions A. Roadrunner Towing Roadrunner Towing did not have a representative available,.so Mayor Boyle asked this:item to be pushed to the next meeting's agenda. B. Project Graduation Mayor Boyle presented Project Graduation organization members with a.service award plaque. C. Barbecue Cookoff Mayor Boyle presented Cibolo Barbecue Cookoff Committee members with,a service award plaque. 6. Citizens to be Heard This is the only time during:the Council Meeting that a citizen :can address the City Council. It is the. .opportunity for visitors and:guests to address the City. Council on any issue to include agenda items. All visitors wishing to speak must fill out the Sign-In Roster priorto the start of the meeting. City Council may not-debate any non-agenda issue, nor,may any action betaken on any non-agenda issue at this time; however, City Council may.present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion—JC-0169) (Limit of three minutes each.) All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body. Remarks may also be addressed.to any individual member of the Council so long as the remarks are (i)- about matters of local public concern and (ii) not disruptive to the meeting or threatening to the member or any attendee. Any person violating this policy may be requested to leave the meeting, but no person may be requested to leave or, forced to leave the meeting.be cause of the viewpoint .expressed. This meeting is . livestreamed. If anyone would like to make comments on any matter regarding the City of.Cibolo or: on an agenda item and have this item read at this meeting, please email vchapman(_Dcibolotx.gov or telephone 210-619-0012 before 5:00 pm the:date of the meeting. Ms. Chapman read an email sent in by Lis Mathis regarding the Noise Ordinance and her wishes, to table the matter for a.minimum.of 6 months to find a possible solution that involves all of Cibolo: Maggie Titterington spoke on current events for the Chamber. Ms. Chapman read an email sent in by Jayme Mathis regarding the Noise Ordinance and his opinion on.'the root of the problem being bass, not decibels, and recommendation of tabling this item until a later date. Patricia May spoke about the effects of fireworks on veterans and her-desire for:the City to do something about the fireworks in Landmark Point. Ms. Chapman read an email sent in.by Adam Savoie regarding :the Noise Ordinance'and,his proposal for amending the current ordinance. Justin Triesch spoke against the requiring of masonry walls for the downtown businesses. Cassandra Kearns spoke on her appreciation of Cibolo Summer Nights:and her opposition.to changing the Noise Ordinance and requirement of masonry walls. 7. Public Hearing A. The City of Cibolo City Council:will conduct a public hearing to hear:public testimony regarding.the Rezoning of approximately 3.4 (Lot 2 & Lot 3)acres located northwest and northeast of the intersection of W Borgfeld Road arid-Somerset Ave currently zoned Multi= Council moved,this item to Executive Session. After Executive,Session, Councilwoman Cunningham made a motion to approve the Final Plat for Buffalo Crossing II Unit 5 with the condition that City Manager work with the developer to address the drainage issues onto private.property. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allen. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 9. , Staff Update A. Administration a. Student Internships-Mr. Reed stated that two interns have started with the City, one with Animal Services, one with City Manager's.Office. b. Recruitment for HR Director, Planning Director, Finance Director,and ED Director-Ismael Segovia will begin on June 271h as the new Planning Director. Employee Panel Interviews will begin on Monday, June.20 with the candidate with the Finance Director, followed by a meeting with.Mr. Reed: Everything continues to move forward with the ED.Director. B. Police Department—May Report C._ Fite Department-May Report 10. Discussion/Action A...Discussion/Action. on the .removal, appointments, and re-appointments. to Planning and .Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustments, Capital Improvement.Program (CIP) Committee, Charter Review Committee, Master Plan Committee, Youth Council, Cibolo, Economic Development Corporation Board,Animal Advisory Board, and all other Committees, Commissions and Boards. (City Council) No new appointments at this time: Council would like the current list on UDC Committee so that they can.begin recruitment for this committee. B. Discussion/Action on approving anOrdinance for a FY22 Mid-Year Budget Amendment. (Mr..Reed) Councilwoman Cunningham made a motion to approve an Ordinance.for a FY22 Mid-Year Budget - Amendment. Motion was seconded by Councilman Osorio. For: All; Against; None. Motion carried 7 too. C. Discussion/Action on awarding a contract to D&D Contractors for Cibolo Valley Drive. -(1VIr. Klein and Mr. Natalino) Councilwoman made a motion to award a contract to D&D Contractors for Cibolo Valley Drive. Motion was seconded by Councilman Benson.Mayor requested a Roll Call Vote. Votes called.as follows: Councilman Benson: Aye; Councilman Osorio: Aye; Councilman Bone: Aye; Councilwoman Cunningham: Aye; Councilman Allen: Aye; Councilman Hetzel: Aye; Councilman Hicks: Aye. Motion carried 7 to 0. D. Discussion/Action on. Change Orders #4 and #5 from D&D Contractors for the Bolton Road Construction Project. (Mr. Klein) Councilman Benson made a motion to approve Change Order#4 with the condition that a discussion-is had about taking action with.GVSUD.for recuperation of funds paid to D&D Contractors due to GVSUD.'s contractor's mistakes and breaking down Change Order #5 to vote on each item 3 individually. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For:_All; Against: None.Motion.carried Tto 0. Change order#5 was voted on line-by line as follows: 1. Asphalt Paving Price Increase-Due to oil increase Councilman Benson 'made a motion to disapprove this item. Motion was seconded by Councilman _ Allen.. -For: . Councilman Benson, Councilman Osorio, Councilman: Bone, Councilman Allen, Councilman Hetzel, and.Councilman Hicks; Against: Councilwoman Cunningham. Motion carried 6`to 1 . . 2. Metal Guard Rail -Materials increase Councilman Benson made a motion to disapprove this item. Motion was seconded,by Councilman Allen. For: Councilman Benson, Councilman Osorio, Councilman Bone, Councilman Allen, Councilman Hetzel, and Councilman-Hicks; Against:-Councilwoman Cunningham. Motion carried 6 to 1 - 3. Added Driveway On Bolton Road Councilman Allen made a motion to approve $50,000'out of the $96,705.50 requested for this item. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Cunningham. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 4. Traffic Control (Signs.&Barricades) -Additional 12 months. Councilman Allen made a motion to disapprove this item. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 5. Sanitary Facilities -Additional 16 months Councilman Benson made a.motion to disapprove this item. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allen. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 6. Striping and Signage-Materials increase Councilman Benson made a motion to disapprove this item. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allen.. For: Councilman. Benson, Councilman Osorio, Councilman Bone, .Councilman Allen, Councilman Hetzel, and.Councilman Hicks; Against: Councilwoman Cunningham. Motion carried 6 to 1. . 7. 10%increase Councilman Benson made a motion to disapprove this item. Motion was seconded by-Councilman Allen. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 8. Bond Premium 2% Councilman Benson made a motion to disapprove this item. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allen. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. E. Discussion and Direction to Staff on Niemietz Park/EDC Property Land Swap. (Mr. Morris and Mr.. Thies). Council gave direction:to Staff and EDC to move forward with working.with Westwood Engineering on plans but to keep comparable.space and amenities in the new plans to the current amenities at Niemietz Park. F. Discussion/Action and.approval of an Ordinance of the City.of Cibolo for Adequate Public Facilities/Wastewater Treatment. (Mr. Klein). 4 This item was pulled due to the P&Z Commission meeting being cancelled due to no quorum and will be put on the:agenda for the second meeting in June after a Special P&Z meeting on June 27. G. Discussion/Action on a Professional Services Agreement with Halff&Associates for consulting services on Residential Building Moratorium. (Ms. Solis and Mr. Klein) Councilman Hicks,made a motion to approve a Professional Services Agreement with Halff&. Associates for consulting services on Residential Building Moratorium. Motion was seconded by . Councilman Hetzel. Mayor requested a Roil Call Vote. Votes called as follows: Councilman Benson: Nay; Councilman-Osorio: Aye; Councilman Bone: Nay; Councilwoman Cunningham: Aye; Councilman Allen: Aye; Councilman Hetzel: Aye; Councilman Hicks: Aye. Motion carried 5-to 2. H.. Presentation on the FY23 Budget. (Mr. Reed) Mr. Reed and Dustin Morris gave.a briefing to Council on the timeline of the FY23 Budget. I. Presentation on the-results of the Employee Engagement Survey. (Mr. Knott) Mr..Knott gave a briefing to Council on the Employee Engagement Survey that was completed this . year. J. Presentation/Discussion on preparedness in Cibolo Schools. (Chief Hugghins) This item will be pushed to a meeting.at a later date. K. Update and Discussion on the Noise Ordinance and the Downtown Area. (Chief Hugghins) City Council gave direction to Staff to bring two options for an.ordinance to amend the UDC back to Council at the July meeting. L.: Discussion from. Councilmembers that have attended. seminars„ events, or meetings for the City of Cibolo. (Council) No items were discussed. M. Discussion on items Council would like to see on future agendas. (Council) Mayor asked for a discussion item on the Miss Cibolo Pageant and executive session on the toll road be.placed on the next agenda for June 28, 2022. Council would like an updated list of the UDC. N.' Discussion/Action on the review, and confirmation of all upcoming special meetings and workshops and,scheduling the time, date and place of additional special meetings or workshops. (Ms..Chapman) No discussion or action was made. 11. Executive Session The City Council will meet in Executive Session as authorized by the Texas Gov't Code Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney'to discuss: A. Discussion regarding potential legal issues of public safety response in the ETJ. 5 B. Discussion on negotiations with SSLGC related with projects underway and CVLGC project development and water:lease with CCSUD. 12. Open Session Reconvene into Regular Session and take/or give direction or action, if necessary,.ori items discussed in Executive Session. Reconvened at 11:18.No action taken. 13. Adjournment Councilwoman Cunningham made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:19p:m. Motion was seconded by.Councilman Hicks'. For: All; Against:.None. Motion carried 7 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 28TH DAY OF JUNE 2022. Stosh B e Mayor ATTEST: Peggy Cimics,TRMC City Secretary, City.of Cibolo. 6