Ord 1368 06/28/2022 Wastewater pf C C�r�` r-z 0 - T£ XP5 "City of Choice" ... . ... ORDINANCE NO.1368 . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING .THE CODE OF:ORDINANCES OF. THE :.-- CITY OF.CIBOLO, .TEXAS, APPENDIX A - UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, ARTICLE 19 AND 20 TO ADOPT SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS RELATING TO MINIMUM LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARDS FOR WASTEWATER SYSTEMS; DECLARING A =PUBLIC PURPOSE; _ . INCORPORATING RECITALS; -PROVIDING A: REPEALER AND SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that setting minimum standards for adequate level of service for public facilities: NOW, THEREFORE, the Cibolo City Council has considered the effect of these amendments and has determined them to be appropriate, necessary and in the public interest; NOW, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION 1. AMENDING SECTION 19.1 GENERAL: TO UDC - From and after the effective date, Section 19.1 GENERAL; Subsection (F.) Adequate Service for Areas Proposed for Development, of the City's Unified Development Code, shall be amended to add the following subsections, and shall hereinafter read as follows: ,,Section 19.1 General F. Adequate Service for Areas Proposed for Development Land proposed for development in the City and in the City's ETJ must be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, 'limited to water facilities, wastewater facilities, transportation facilities, and drainage facilities, as set forth in this UDC. Land shall not be approved for platting or development unless and until adequate public facilities,necessary to serve:the development exist or. provision has been made for the ,facilities, whether the facilities are to be located within the property being developed or offsite. The rules provided in this section shall be considered,cumulative of and in addition to any other applicable requirements established by an other ther provision of the UDC or other law. A subdivision plat shall not be filed or recorded until it has been approved by the City Council and all public improvements have been.inspected and preliminarily approved by the City Council or, otherwise provided for by a development agreement,:and any such actual recording shall be void unless such approval shall be endorsed on the face of the plat as hereinafter provided. 1. Minimum Level of Service:Standards`for Wastewater. a. Restrictions;.purpose.. No development application or project shall be approved if the Utility Provider has exceeded or is projected to exceed 95 percent of its wastewater treatment capacity; based upon its then-available treatment capacity as reported to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ") and any additional treatment capacity Programmed:for Commencement of Construction within the then current or . the next fiscal year of the providers capital improvement program, with the remaining five percent of wastewater treatment capacity being reserved for future economic . development, institutional or.civic uses. The purpose of this criterion is to-provide safeguards to ensure adequate public infrastructure to serve the demands created by new development without degrading or diminishing service ' levels to existing . development. b.: Application. For residential projects, applicable to . applications for master plan amendments, zoning amendments, development plans and record plats; with capacity :2 AMENDING THE UDC TO ADOPT WASTEWATER L.O.S. 7362/8 DM#285265.3 being reserved at record plat approval. For nonresidential projects applicable to applications for master plan amendments,:zoning amendments, development plans ' record plats and site plans, with capacity being reserved:at site plan approval. This section does not apply to_.a wastewater system that qualifies as an on-site sewer systern as defined by the TCEQ.("OS SF"), grease traps,or,portable toilets. c. Definitions: L "Utility Provider" means an entity, other than the City, who is regulated by the TCEQ 'and "is the provider of th&:utilfty through a CCN, service area, or other legal means. ii.. "Programmed for Commencement of Construction" means that capital infrastructure capacity improvements programmed for commencement of construction within the then current or the next fiscal year of:the City's or Utility Provider's adopted Five-Year Capital Improvement Program, or part. of any executed interlocal agreement to which the ... City or Utility Provider is a party and-.intends to enjoy the benefits of increased capacity within the then current or the next fiscal year. iii. "Programmed capacity improvements"— capital infrastructure capacity improvements on the City's or Utility Provider's currently adopted Capital Improvements Program; or part of any executed interlocal . _. . agreement to which the City or Utility. Provider is a party.and intends to enjoy the benefits of increased capacity. d. Methodology. Total available treatment capacity for the wastewater treatment plant shall be the sum of the TCEQ permitted discharge flow (in MGD) from the treatment: plant; to which the project or development'will .be physically connected at final platting and any treatment capacity projected to be available from programmed capacity .improvements. Net available treatment capacity shall be equal to total available treatment capacity less 5.0% to be reserved for economic development, . institutional, emergency or civic uses. Total projected demand for areas served by the wastewater treatment plant shall be the sum of projected wastewater flows for all existing lots, and approved but not constructed development, plus the projected . wastewater flows for the proposed development. For proposed development to be . approved, total projected demand must not exceed net available treatment capacity. In order to reduce negative effects of land, permit or construction delays_capacity may only be considered for treatment plants) permanently connected by physical, non- interrupted, facilities from generation source to treatment facility at or prior to final platting. e. INFORMATION NEEDED FOR ANALYSIS: The information needed to:perform the analysis necessary to determine compliance with this section is shown on the following Table 1 along with who is responsible.for providing the information, the 3 ' AMENDING THE UDC TO ADOPT WASTEWATER L.O.S. 7362/8:DM#285265.3 r source of that information -and when the information is to be provided during the application process. For non-residential developments, demand may_not be known until same: is'reserved by Utility Provider based on ultimate developed.use and - therefore,reasonable assumptions and estimations maybe used.due to size, zoning and developer representations. f. : _Development Aphcation Requirements. In .addition to the items required"by any development application and checklist of Section 20.3.4, the following must be reviewed and approved prior to the submittal of the Engineer/Construction Plan application and submitted with the application in order for. it to be, accepted as complete,unless the City.Engineer or Director of Planning determines that one of the items is either not needed or may be reviewed concurrently to process the Engineer/Construction Plan Application: L Wastewater capacity analysis; and ii. Executed standard or non-standard service agreement with -d wastewater Utility Provider" including a statement representing capacity to serve at the minimum standards herein required. Table 1 Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Who Provides How is Information" When is Information Needed Information Information Obtained Needed CAPACITY — Existing wastewater treatment Utility Provider Wastewater Master Plan Initial Submittal plant capacity — : Programmed Capacity' Utility Provider CIP,Interlocal Agreement Initial Submittal DEMAND — Existing flows Utility Provider Wastewater Treatment. Initial Submittal Plant Records — Projected flows by lot inventory Utility Provider Wastewater Master Plan. Initial Submittal (updated periodically based on actual flows) Projected.flows for proposed Utility Provider Wastewater Master Plan' - Initial Submittal new residential development (flows per.Tot—updated periodically)- 4. AMENDING THE UDC TO ADOPT WASTEWATER L.O.S. 7362/8:DM#285265.3 Location,number of lots, and Applicant Applicant Initial Submittal acreage of proposed new residential development Location,size and projected Applicant Historical Data or Type of Initial Submittal flows for proposed new non- Use based on zoning. residential'development ... Reasonableestimate if ultimate use not known. SECTION 2. AMENDMENTS.TO UDC ARTICLE 20. From and after the effective date, Subsection 20.1.3(b); Article 20 — Subdivision.Regulations, of the City's Unified Development :Code, shall hereinafter read as follows with the deletion of the struck-through text and the addition of the underlined text: Section 20.1.3 Authority of the City; Extension to Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ); Purpose.. . B. Purpose. In order io aebie Y e orderly, ems` "+ ""a o t+. ly sotmd developmemeehd.nismsr,4 of!and, th6 City must be provided with Oprepri4te guidelines and development manage.ment . . adopted by the City, provides those guidelines -And ffleeh.64 zsms. The provisions of.this Article, in 'conjunction with other applicable provisions of the UDC, constitute rules governing plats and subdivisions of land.within the City and its ETJ which have been adopted to promote the health, safety, morals, or general welfare of the:City and/or the safe, orderly, and healthful development of the City, as authorized by Section 212.002 of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 3..AMENDMENTS TO UDC ARTICLE 20. From and after the.effective date, Subsection 20.3.3 Preliminary Plat, Subsection D, of the City's Unified Development Code, shall hereinafter read as follows to include the additionof the underlined number 6. in the list: 20:3.3 Preliminary Plat D. With the Preliminary Plat Submittal additional. reports, data and information, shall be submitted under separate cover identified as an Engineering Report and will include the following: 6. Developer must also provide the Standard or Non-Standard-Service Agreement Letters and Wastewater Capacity Analysis required in Section 19.1.F.l.f of this UDC.:- NOTE: All remaining sections of the UDC shall remain unchanged. 5 AMENDING THE UDC TO ADOPT WASTEWATER L.O.S. 7362/8 DM#285265.3 SECTION 4. PUBLIC PURPOSE. .The City Council.finds that:the amendments to the UDC are in the public interest and are necessary to promote the. health, safety and welfare of the - public: SECTION 5. INCORPORATING RECITALS. The City Council approves the recitals hereto and incorporates them herein as findings of fact. SECTION 6. REPEALING ORDINANCES- IN CONFLICT AND SAVINGS :CLAUSE- All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict Herewith are.hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict with all remaining portions not conflicting being saved from repeal herein., SECTION 7._SEVERABILITY..If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is.for any reason held to be unconstitutional or illegal, such decision:shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this .ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause, or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections; subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared:-void. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. The Ordinance. shall be effective.immediately following publication as required by law. :ORDERED'thisa. day of 2022. . By: STOSH B LE Mayor ATTEST: PEGGY CIMICS City Secretary. APPROVED AS TO FORM: FRANK GARZA, City Attorney 1 6 AMENDING THE UDC TO ADOPT WASTEWATER L.O.S. 7362/8 DM#285265.3