Ord 1367 06/28/2022 Fireworks I O . - J ,I,IVnuu,llm;wqr, - - �`� =� fi r - _ "14, lJfrf/_IIIIIIIIIII' . T� xA.S "City of;Choice" 'ORDINANCE NO: _ . AN `ORDINANCE AMENDING .CHAPTER 46 ARTICLE IV .OF THE. CITY'S CODE OF ORDINANCES;'-AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 110.4 OF THE''CITY OF"CIBOLO, TO DECLARE THAT THE . . POSSESSION; USE,..MANUFACTURE SALE, ,OFFER FOR SALE AND DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS IN THE CITY OF .CIBOLO..TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE; PROHIBITING THE POSSESSION, USE; MANUFACTURE, SALE, OFFER FOR SALE AND DISCHARGE. OF FIREWORKS:WITHIN THE.:CORPOR-ATE LIMITS .OF THE CITY OF GIBOLO, PROVIDING :.A. PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE,.AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: WHEREAS the City Council-finds that the possession, use; manufacture, sale, offer for sale,.and disc.arge.of(reworks wilTresult in.hio.dily irij:ury, deafli,;and propeifiy damage; and WHEREAS'the.City Council finds that the.indiscriminate use of fireworks constitutes a menace tolife, limb, and health to the;users and their,associates.increases the hazard and loss by 'fires. and constitutes:;a common public nuisance, which should'.be preveinted and.abated by law; Arid WHEREAS the.City Council finds-that the noise generated by the:use:or combustion of fireworks and explosives constitutes:a public nuisance;'and WHEREAS'pursuant.to Texas Local Government Code Section 51 the City Council has the express authority to. adopt and publish Ari ordinance or police regulation that is:for the good goyernmerit, peace or order of the municipality and is necessary or proper for.the carrying-out a power granted by law to,the municipality; and WHEREAS; pursuant to: Texas Occupations .Code, Section 2154:004•(b), the .City is authorized to prohibit or regulate fireworks within the city limits;and WHEREAS ;pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 'Section ;17 the City Council has the express authorityy to prevent andabate any nuisance within the limits.o f the municipality and to have.aiiy nuisance removed at the expense of the owner of.the nuisance or the person who' owns the property on which the nuisance exists;and, Page 1 of 9 . WHEREAS;pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Chapter 54 the City Council has the express authority to enforce local ordinances=and to prescribe.;penaltres for the violation of those ordinances in accordance with the guidelines of that section. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE:CITY COUNCIL.OF THE CITY THEREFORE, 1 1 i • OF CIBOLO,TEXAS.: I. Code Amended Chapter.46,Ayticle IV ofthe City of Cibolo's Code of Ordinances.is'heieby.amended to read as follows: Section 46=85.Definitions: The following words;terms,:and phrases, when used in this-article,,shall_have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: "Fireworks" as.used in this; ordinance shall mean and include :any firecradkers,- cannon crackers, skyrockets, torpedoes, -Roman candles, sparklers, -squills, fire balloons; sky lantern,sky.candle;star.shells., ge•bs, and/or any composition or device designed to produce a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion; deflagration; detonation, spark, flare/flame, flame effect,-,and any other substance ini whatever :combination by any designated name intended for use in 'obtaining visible or audible pyrotechnic display and shall hiclude all articles or substances within the:commonly accepted.meaning of fireworks whether herein specially designated and defined or not.. "Fire Prevention Officer" means the city fire marshal, fire chief,. any other local enforcement officer primarily responsible for fire prevention, or. a local certified fire inspector. Dis Multi le la _ p p y" shall mean:firing a renes of:devices with,:a pause;of more than fifteen (15)minutes between firingjgniting,_or setting in motion: "Person" shall mean.: and include any, person, association of .persons, partnerships, corporations, agent(s), . or off cer(s) .of corporation(s), and shall also include all warehousemen, common, and private carriers,_ bailees, trustees, receivers, :executors; ,and. adniiistrators. "Single Display"_shall mean firing a series of devices without pausing-more than fifteen (15)minutes'between firing, 'igniting,or setting in motion. Page 2.0 9. i Section 46-86. Fireworks declared a public nuisance and prohibited. A. The presence"Of any fireworks within the city limits of-the City of Cibolo in violation of this;ordinance' s.hereby declared to be a public nuisance, except where exempt;by State Law.. The manufacture,-sale, offer for sale, or give.away of any:fireworks.within city limits -of the City. of Cibolo in violation of this ordinance. is. Hereby declared to be a public nuisance;except where exempt by:State.Law. The Fire.Marshal.and/or any Police Officer of the City - of.Cibolo is authorized and directed,to seize any fireworks found within.the.jurisdiction in violation of this ordinance and the Fire.Marshal and/or Police Officer of the City of Cibolo`or any member.of the-Fire Prevention Division of the.Fire Department of the .City of :Cibolo .or, any other duly constituted peace officer is empowered.to stop the use of and detain--any fireworks found and/or stored illegally the fireworks. shall be seized and turned over to the Police:Department:in order that the said fireworks may be kept in evidence. B. Seizure of illegal fireworks. (1) The State Fire -Marshal, Fire Chief,' Fire Marshal, their deputies, or Police .Officer-- may seize.illegal.fireworks. Fireworks seized in the'enforcerrrent of this Ordinance shall be kept in the-custody of the seizing:agency inwhich the fireworks were seized. (2) The owner of the.seized fireworks may file an- action contesting:-the seizure in .a court in the-city in which the,fireworks were seized. (3) Not later than the 30th1:day after the hearing on the seizure, the court may authorize .the -return of part or all of the confiscated fireworks.. The court shall order 'any fireworks not returned to be destroyed: If an action contesting.the.seizure is not filed by the 301" day after the seizure,the seizing agency or the Fire Marshal shall destroy the fireworks. C. Notwithstanding any penal provision of this Ordinance, the City Attorney is authorized to file.suit on behalf of the City of Cibolo or the Fire Marshal or both for injunctive relief as may be necessary to prevent unlawful storage,.transportation; keeping, selling.or use . .0 f fireworks within' the jurisdiction of the. City,-and. to aid the _Fire Marshal in .the discharge of his or her duties and to particularly prevent any person from interfering with the seizure and destruction of such fireworks but it shall not be necessary to obtain'any such injunctive relief as"a prerequisite to such seizure:and destruction. i i D. The Fire Marshal or any Police Officer of the City of Cibolo or. any other duly constituted peace officer or any member;of the.Fire Prevention Division of the City of Cibolo is hereby authorized to enter any building where the unlawful presence of 'fireworks is suspected in order to inspect the same for'the presence of such fireworks. E. It shall be.unlawful. for any 'person to manufacture, sell, use, discharge, cause to be -discharged, ignite, detonate, fire, or otherwise set in action any fireworks of -any description unless exempted under Section 46-87 of this article.. It shall be unlawful for any ;person° .to possess, store, and/ortransport fireworks that have been opened, unwrapped,' unpackaged, ;and/or no =longer in' the manufacturesiretailers original f packaging, sealed wrappings,:and/or sealed bundle(s). I I Page 3 of.9 i Section 46 W. Exceptions: This article shall not apply to the following: - A: Signal flares `Fusee;:and toipedoes of the type and kind commonly used by any railroad. and which signal,flares and,torpedoes are received:by and stored or transported by any such railroad of emergency service worker for.iise in emergency operations, B. :A marine signal flare or rocket of the type and kind commonly'carried by a vessel at sea .. for its own use and which ignal flare rockets rockets are transported or rece. d.or stored for use only as ship's stores or for.emergency use; C ,Signal flares,rockets;or any pyrotechnic device used by military or police organizations D. Party'poppers, toy pistols; toy canes, toy guns, or other devices_that use paper or plastic caps; , E. 1VIode1_ rockets. and modelrocket motors, designed,-sold; and used for the purpose o f propelling recoverable area,models; F. A mixture of sulfiu; charcoal, and potassium nitrate used as a propelling or expelling charge;black powder;smokeless powders,and/or similar-:powders; . G: The .sale, and use:in emergency situations, of pyrotechrue:signaling devices or distress . _. . . Signals for marine, aviation, or"highway use; - H. The sale of use of blank cartridges.for use in radio, television,-film;theater productions; for signal, ceremonial purposes; in athletic events,.con"stiuction fasterin d0viacs. or:for similar•purposes; I. Public and/or.private displays in accordance with section 46-8&,`of:thus article and as permitted through the city. Fireworks,pyroteclinres, and/or flame effects and/or.drsplays _before audiences outdoor, indoor, of stage use where .allowed sd and all be regulate permitted at the discretion of the Fire Marshal or fire prevention officer; . J. The permitted use for.agricultural;industrial, or wildlife eontrol`purposes;or, K. Those items:otherwise exempted under TexasOccupations Code, Section .2154.002 entitled"Exemptions"-as air ended. Section _46-88, Exemptions and regulations governing: certain .private and public .displays; Public and;private displays;arid displays before an audience Shall be regulated arid shall - include but not be limited to;:.outdoor ground and/or aerial.fireworks.and/or flame. effects; indoor fireworks.'and/or flame effects as provided for in this section only.. Such displaymay be_permitted'upon compliance with the provisions;;of city's adopted,fire prevention-code:arid of this section. follows:.. Page 4 of 9 { 1 } A, Any adult person or any firm,co-partnership, corporation or association plaruring to make a public or private display of any nature shall first make written application for a permit to the Fire Marshal's Office of least 15.days in advance of the, date of the proposed display.. B. For each public or.private display of fireworks and/or flame.effects under this section;the Fire Chief, or Fire Marshal at the direction of the :Fine Chief;'may require fire crews of l the Cibolo Fire`Department be' in attendance during the.display(s)-.. The expense of such fre.crews and/or apparatus at the display(s) shall be'borrie by the applicant.for the:permit as.reduiredby this atticle and shall be paid in advance.at the time of the application for the permit. C. It shall be.the duty of the Fire Marshal or fire prevention officer to make an investigation as to.whether the display as proposed by the applicant for a permit.under this ordinance shall be of such a character that it may not:be hazardous to property or dangerous to any person; and he or she shall,.in the exercise :of reasonable discretion, grant or deny the application, :subject to.the projected weather conditions; conditions at the proposed site, , and conditions prescribed in this article. If the application is approved, a.permit.shall be issued for the public or private display by the Fire Marshal or fire prevention officer. Such permit shall be for a period of time designated on the permit, buts hall not exceed 3.0 days.from issue, and the,permit shall not be transferable: If the application is denied by the Fire Marshal or fire`prevention officer; he or,she 'shall notify the applicant of the denial in writing,telephone; or fax and with the original written denial to be mailed: D. The applicant .for a display permit. under this article shall, at the time. of making application,furnish proof of insurance as prescribed by:the laws of the state; and shall file with the.City Fire Marshal's.Office a certificate of insurance evidencing the carrying of general liability insurance man amount not less than five.hundred thousand...($500,000) dollars `for — public display and not less than one million ($1,000,000) dollars for; a display of pyrotechnics and/or flame effects,issued by Aft insurance carrier authorized to transact business in:the state:arid countersigned by an insurance agent licensed in this state. The policy shall be conditioned to pay the amount of money the insured becomes obligated to pay as damages because of bodily injury and property damage caused by an occurrence involving the.insured or the nsured's servant, off cer, agent, or employee in i he conduct of a public fireworks display or a display;of,pyrotechnics and flame'effects: The. State Fire Marshal's Office and the. City of Cibolo _shall be listed as the certificate holders . The-nae:mon the policy shall be the same as on the application: An insurer shall not cancel a ceftif cate of insurance issued under this chapter.unless the insurer gives.the.... Fire Marshal of the authority having jurisdiction and.the State Fire' Marshal notice of intent to cancel. E. The persons handling the display of fireworks arid/or effects under this article-shall be competent; adult:persons and experienced .pyrotechnic:operators approved by the Fire Marshal or Fire Chief. No person not.approved by the Fire Marshal.or Fire Chief shall handle fireworks and/or effects at the,,public or, private display. The names :of the experienced pyrotechnic operators shall be-designated.on the permit issued. a Page 5.of 9 ' i i j F. The material to be used for a public or private display authorized by this article'shall not be stored within the city,limits, but shall be brought in on the day'of the public or private display and then shall.be taken immediately to the place of display for.'further:handling andstorage in a magazine, day box; or container approved for the storage:of the contents - as required by.federal, state and local laws and ordinances. Where overnight storage is needed special' cases may be reviewed by the Fire Marshal or Fire Chief subject to conditions-protection;and/or security:. G. Ari additional;public.or private display permit shall,be required:for each site separated from the permitted site. A site is determined to be separate where the center of the area of launch, ignition; detonation, arid/or firing is two hundred f fty (250) feet or more, measured Horizontally (by radius) to another area of launch, ignition, detonation, and/or firing. H. All issued permits can be revoked at any :up to the start of and during the display if any hazardous conditions, or issues become ;evident, weather conditions change, and/or State or County Disaster Declarations or State or County Burn Bans become imposed. I. All displays/shows shall.follow'the applicable provisions of 1VFPA .160 Standdi'il for the Use of Flame Effects Before an Audience, NFPA 610 Emergency and Safety operations at Motorsports Venues, NEPA 1;123 Code for Fireworks -Display, and NFPA 1126 i stana �a for the Use of Pyrotechnics Before a Proxir late Audience, 1r7terndtional Fire Code,and Texas .Occupations Code Chapter 2154 except where restricted by this or other codes.and with.special:provisions and/or restrictions.issued through the City of Cibolo's Fire Marshal's Office.NFPA Editioris.of codes shall be the edition on file in the Fire Marshal's.Office. This subsection shall include but not be limited to: (1) No one under 21 years of age in the blasting/firing zone. Except where specifically ;prohibited by code or law; a .18 18 or older with written documentation howirig experience and lsrrowledge maybe allowed in-the blasting/frring.zone at the discretion of the Fire Marshal or Fire Chief. (2) No synthetic apparel; cotton or other approved flame resistant material only is to be worn by personnel in the blasting/firingzone. (3) Fire extinguishers shall be present at all times, and fire crews and apparatus on standby(as required). J: A Permit from the State Fire Marshal's Office when required by the State Fire Marshal's Office shall be applied for as part of the submittal at:the time of application for a city display. K. Provide.all additional documents and information as applicable from the application for fireworks.display. L. It shall be. the.responsibility of the pyrotechriic' operatoi(s) to ensure that all shells; rounds, arid/or devices are accounted for and that all fired/launched shells,rounds, and/or- Page 6 of.9 devices that partially or in,whole misfired- failed to detonate/explode, acid/or burn . completely are accounted for. 1V1: .It shall be the responsibility of the permit holder listed on the applicationand/or property owner listed on the application'for fireworks display to ensure that all trash and debris from the devices and /or packaging be cleaned upftemoved from the :premises and dispose of properly including any and all trash and 'debrisfiom the:devices and /or packaging that has left :the :premises, landed, fell upon, or been blown onto.another property. Prior permission should be obtained from neighboring property owners. N. No public or private. display.of.fireworks shall be of such a character and so located, discharged, or fired :as to be hazardous or dangerous to persons or property, and this determination shall be within the discretion of the Fire Marshal or fire prevention officer. O. No peiinits shall.be issued during times, of State or County Disaster Declarations or during times of State or County Burn Bans. P. Prohibited use of fireworks and illegal fireworks by a person and/or pyrotechnic operator(s) (1) A person and/or licensed pyrotechnic operator shall not: A, Detohate,-explode or ignite fireworkswithin.six.hundred (600) feet of any church, a hospital, a veterinary hospital, an asylum, a licensed child care center, or a public or private primacy or secondary school or institution of higher education unless the person receives authorization:in writing from that organization;. b. Detonate, explode, or ignite fireworks within one hundred (100) feet of a place where flammable/combustible liquids or.. flammable/combustible compressed gasses are stored and/or dispensed; c.' Detonate a lode or riite fireworks ivithiri.one hundred 100 feet of, or xP g throw or launch ignited fireworks ata place where firewoiks':are stored or sold; . a. Detonate; ignite,.or discharge fireworks in orfrom a motor.vehicle; Q. Place ignited fireworks tri,or throw ignited.fireworks at, a motor vehicle f. Conduct a public or private fireworks display that includes.Fireworks 1.3 G unless the person is a licensed'pyrotechnic operator in the:State of Texas;or :g: Conduct a proximate display of fireworks that includes Fireworks 1.3G or. Fireworks IAG as defined in. NFPA 1126 Standards for the Use .of Pyrotechnics.Before a Proximate Audience unless the person is a licensed pyrotechnic special effects operator and has.the approval of the _local Fire I Marshal or fire prevention officer. (2) A person may,:not manufacture, distribute; sell, give away, or use fireworks in,a public or private fireworks display or for agricultural, industrial, or wildlife control purposes without ari--appropriate license-or permit. Fireworks manufactured, distributed;.sold, or used Without an appropriate'license or permit are illegal fireworks. Page 7 of 9. f j Q,. The range/height of:the aerial displays) shall be such:that no projectile, device; part; . and/or.°debris shall return to ground elevation still, burning, sparking, glowing, or otherwise capable of providing a source of ignition. R: Permitting fees forpublic and private displays. Multiply fee for each separate display, inspection,fire prevention°officer; apparatus, and/or fire crew(s). All fees shall be paid-at the Cibolo.Police Department. Except for overpayments resulting fiom mistakes, all fees are nonrefundable and non-transferable. Fees shall be paid by cash, money .order, or check. Money-orders and'checks shall be made payable to the City of Cibolo and shall follow the following fee.schedule: Single'display $ .75.00 Multiple displays $200.00 Fire Prevention. Inspection $ 55.00 Standby Fire Prevention Officer $ 40:00 per Hour or fraction thereof Standby Fire crews) and Apparatus $431.00 per Hour or:fiaction thereof Agricultural, Industrial, or Wildlife Control Purposes $ 50.00annual S. Copies of Fireworks Incident Report Forms shall be on site and readily available for use. Copies of the incident reports submitted to the. State Fire Marshal's Office, shall be submitted to the CityFire Marshal's Office. T. Notice is to be posted at 'the site where visible and accessible to those iii attendance providing contact information and telephone numbers for the State.FireMarshal's Office and City Fire Marshal's Office for complaint and safety violation reporting. Section 46-89; Penalties. Any:person;.firm, association of:persons,,partnerships, coiporations, agents, and/or officers of . coiporations who shall manufacture, :assemble; store, transport, receive; keep, sell, offer for sale, offer to give; have in his or her possession.any fireworks and/or who shall use, discharge, cause to be"discharged, ignite,detonate,fire or otherwise set in action any fireworks,in violation of any of.the provisions of this .Ordinance, except where exempt by State Law shall upon � conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to the. .penalties provided in. } section'46-2.of article I of Chapter 46 of this code..The commission or:omission of`any ;act prohibited by this article shall be LA.separate offense as to each individual and each such opened separately wrapped or separately packaged fireworks. j Ile Cumulative Clause .This article shall be cumulative .of.all provisions of the City of Cibolo's Code of Ordinances Texas except where the provisions of the article are in direct conflict with.-the provisions of such ordinances or.sections of the City's.code, in which event the more restrictive provisions) shall apply: Page 8 of 9 i i 'III: Severability Clause : . It.is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the.phrases, clauses,sentences,:! paragraphs; chapter, and sections..of this article are severable, and if ariy.ph•ase, clause.sentence, paragraph, chapter,:or. section of this :article shall bedeclared. unconstitutional by the valid i judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction such:unconstitutionality ,shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences;paragraphs,.chapters; and sections of this article, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this article of f any such unconstitutional-phrase,clause,sentence,paragraph, chapter, or section. IV. Effective Date This Ordinance shall become adopted and effective after publication twice in the City of Cibolo's newspaper of record per.City'Chai-ter. PASSED AND.APPROVED THIS '9- T DAY OF 2022 STOSH BO ,Mayor City of Cibolo,Texas 17 j :PEGGY CIMICS, City Secretary ' City of Cibolo,Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM.. City Attorney i I Page 9 of 9. i