Ord 1366 06/14/2022 3rd Budget Amendment OF Q C Ce r!. Q rex �s ORDINANCE NO. f � AN .ORDINANCE BY.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF-CIBOLO, . GUADALUPE COUNTY; TEXAS, -PROVIDING FOR THE THIRD AMENDMENT OF.THE_BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 202172022; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE IS CUMULATIVE OF ALL OTHER ORDINANCES ADOPTING AND AMENDING THE BUDGET-OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING SAVINGS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.. WHEREAS, the City :of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas, passed and approved Ordinance Number 1349 on September 20,:2021, and thereby adopted the Fiscal:Year 2021-2022.Annual Budget; and WHEREAS, the City :Council of the municipality of Cibolo; Guadalupe County, Texas, per Section 7.08 'of the City Charter may amend the.budget-from-time to time by.Ordinance;and WHEREAS, it is necessary, at this time; to make the.third amendment to the Fiscal Year 2021- 2022 Annual Budget.to increase revenues and expenditures under conditions which arose and which: were not reasonably foreseen at,the time of budget development; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY-THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .... ... ...: CIBOLO,TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION That.the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made part her for all purposes. :. SECTION 2. ADOPTION That the approved and adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022,is hereby amended by ordinance as specified in Exhibit A and shall become an attachment to the original budget. SECTION 3. CUMULATIVE CLAUSE That this ordinance_shall be cumulative of all provisions of the City of,Cibolo,Texas,except where the provisions of this Ordinance are in direct conflict.with the provisions of such Ordinances, in which event the more restrictive provision shall apply. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY :That it is:hereby declared to be the intention of.the City Council of.the City;of Cibolo that-the phrases; clauses, sentences; paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or...section .of this- :Ordinance should. be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment:or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such. ' unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences,paragraphs or sections of this.Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by:the City Council without incorporation in this Ordinance.of any such unconstitutional phrase,-clause, sentence, paragraph . . . or section. - SECTION 5. SAVINGS That:all rights acidprivileges of the City of:Cibolo areexpresslysaved asao any and all violations of the provisions of any Ordinances affecting the annual budget for Fiscal Year:-2021-2022,which have accrued at the.time of the effective date of this Ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending:litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under.such Ordinances; same shall not be:affected by this Ordinance but may. be prosecuted until final disposition:by the courts. - - SECTION.6. EFFECTIVE DATE That:this Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon the,passage and approval of the.City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED by-a vote of 7 for to against'this 14th day of June, 2022. APPROVED: Stosh Boy ay-or ATTEST: Peggy Cimics, TRMC, City:Secretary- Exhibit A:FY22 Mid-Year Budget Amendment,General Fund June 14,2022' FY22 - - FY22 --- - CURRENT BUDGET BUDGETAFTER .. BUDGET AMENDMENT#3 AMENDMENT ` GENERALFUND ' ORIGINAL ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND..BALANCE "' 6,206,658 .. ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE(UNAUDITED) 8,506,580 _ 8,506,580 - REVENUES: _ GENERAL TAXES AND FRANCHISE FEES 12,459,770 645,000 (A): 13,104,770 PERMITS AND FEES _ 2,766,573 323,000 (8) 3,089,573 . ANIMALCONTROL - 20,302 - 20,302 - COURTANDALARMFEES 156,521 45,000 (C) 201,521 - INTERESTAND MISCELLANEOUS 231,194 - - ::231,194 PARKS AND GRANTS - 51,389 2,086 (H) 53,475 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL AND TRANSFERS 1,227,731 150,000 /DJ(E) 1,377,731 - _ - OTHER REVENUE 1,500: 111,000. (F) 112,500 -- - SUBTOTAL REVENUES 16,914,980 1,276,086 - 18,191,066 _ EXPENDITURES: - CITYMANAGER 487,479 29,650 #16#23 517,129 PUBLIC RELATIONS 122,608 3,000 #7 125,608 - CITY COUNCIL 77,290 8,400 #3#8#27 .85,690 CITY SECRETARY 753,282 13,400 #4#7 _766,682 POLICE DEPARTMENT - :4,488,065 85,150 #7#12 4,573,215 MUNICIPAL COURT 184,128 3,400 #7; 187,528 PLANNING&ENGINEERING SERVICES 1,283,832- 240,400 #7#10#12#26 ; 1,524,232 - PUBLIC WORKS--STREETS 1,267,351 33,900 #7#12#18 1,301,251 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION - 353,346 8,000 #14 :361,346 .. " ANIMALSERVICES 322,763 8,200 #7 330,963 . PUBLIC WORKS-PARKS 1,161,485 71,886 #7#18(H) 1,233,371 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 257,534 8,000 #7 265,534 FINANCE 451,492 6,300 #7 - 457,792 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY .. 1,212,477 28,940 #6#7 - _ -1,241,417 HUMAN RESOURCES _ 355,784 22,500 #7#24 378,284 FIRE DEPARTMENT 4,004,544 7,300 #7#12 4,011,844.: . NON-DEPARTMENTAL- 347,447 _ 2,829,800 #15#19#22 3,177,247 SUBTOTAL EXPENDITURES 17,130,907 3,408,226 20,539,133 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE' - :8,290,653 6,158,513 (A)Adjust for inrease in sales tax revenues,mixed beverage tax and electricfranchise (B)Adjust for increas in building permits,reinspection fees,plan checks and chipper service (C)Adjust for Increased collection of fines (D)Adjust for reduction in insurance claims (E).Transferfrom PFC _ (F)Adjustforonticipatedsolesofassets' - (H)Donation revenue from Gillman Subaru to plant trees - (#3)Account for city council compensation (#4)Increased costs of Municode - '(#6)increase costs for cybersecurity awareness training,Office 365,Adobe and MS Project Licensing (417)increase transfers for IT replacement - - (#8)Increase for Council meeting expense - (#10)Increase inspection services contractual services - (#11)Increase for PD Overtime and Fuel throughout '(#14)Fleet Telematics. (#15)City HallAnnex: 016)Increase for professional services for legal and employee engagement (#18)Increase.in vehicle repairs in Streets and Parks and building maintenance in Parks (#19)Transfer of fund bolonce for CVD project . (#20)Increase far capital equipment purchased - (#22)facilitative leader training (#23)CMD meetings expense (#24)HR professional services .. (#26)Increase to cover for.PSA for study of residential building moratoruim-CC 6/14 for approval$63K (#2 7)Strategic partnership grants Exhibit A: FY22 Mid-Year Budget Amendment, Utility Fund June 14, 2022 FY 22 FY22 CURRENT BUDGET BU.DGETAFTER BUDGET AMENDMENT#3 AMENDMENT UTILITY FUND ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE: 4,393,823 4393,823 REVENUES: UTILITY SERVICES 13,875,215 - 13,875,215 METER CONNECTIONS 104,700 104,700 CREDIT CARD FEES 90,000 _ 90,000 I.NTEREST,TRANSFERS.AND MISC.. _- 25,100 - _ 25,100: SUBTOTAL REVENUES. 14095,015 -- - 14,095,015 w . EXPENDITURES: UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION a 4;304,572 1;700 #7 4,306,272 UTILITY OPERATIONS-GENERAL 1;513,536 10;100 #7 1,523,636 UTILITY OPERATIONS-WASTEWATER, 3,072,500 - .3,072,500 UTILITY OPERATIONS'-WATER. 4,172,930 4,172,930 UTILITIES-DEBT%NON-DEPARTMENTAL. 1,015,271 -. 1,016,271 SUBTOTAL EXPENDITURES p 14,079,809 11,800 14,091,609 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE 4,409,029 4,397,229 (#7)increase transfers for 1T replacement (#112)Increase for Fuel throughout sw Page 1 of 1- i Exhibit A: FY22 Mid-Year Budget Amendment,Drainage Utility Fund June 14,2022 FY 22 FY22 CURRENT BUDGET BUDGETAFTER BUDGET AMENDMENT#3 AMENDMENT DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 625,418 625,418 - REVENUES: UTILITYSERVICES 771,900 - 771,900 INTEREST,TRANSFERS AND.MISC 1,000 - 1,000 SUBTOTAL REVENUES 772,900 772,900 EXPENDITURES:. DRAINAGE UTILITY DISTRICT 790,457 13,700 #7#12 804,157 SUBTOTAL EXPENDITURES 790,457 13,700 804,157 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE 607,861 594,161 (#7)increase transfers for1T replacement (#12)Increase for Fuel throughout Page 1 of 1 Exhibit A: FY22 Mid-Year-Budget Amendment,Public Facility Corporation Fund June 14,2022: FY 22 FY22 CURRENT BUDGET BUDGETAFTER BUDGET AMENDMENT#3 AMENDMENT PUBLIC FACILITY CORPORATION ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 16,228 . . 16,228. REVENUES: AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT FEES 250,000 12,000 (G): 262,000 INTEREST 25 - 25 SUBTOTAL REVENUES 250,025 12,000 262,025 EXPENDITURES: TRANSFERS - 250,000 (E) 250,000 SUBTOTAL EXPENDITURES 250,000 250,000 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE 266,253 28,253 (E)Transfer from PFC (G)Monthly administrative payment from NRP Page 1 of 1; Exhibit A: FY22 Mid-Year Budget Amendment,Special Events Fund June 14, 2022 FY 22 FY22 CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET AFTER BUDGET AMENDMENT#3 -AMENDMENT SPECIAL EVENTS-CIBOLOFEST ESTIMATED BEGINNING-FUND BALANCE 32,000 32,000: . REVENUES: . CREDIT.CARD FEES 150 - #9 150 INTEREST INCOME 50 .50 DONATIONS/SPONSORSHIPS 40,000 (10,000.00) #9 30,000 CIBOLOFEST 15,000 (15,000.00) #9. - BOOTH RENTALS 2,500 4,500.00 .#9 7,000 MERCHANDISE 5,000 (1,865.00) #9 3,135 TICKETING 175,000: (170,000.00) #9: - 5,000 PARKING 10,000 (10,000.00)' #9 - SUBTOTAL REVENUES 247,700 (202,365) 45,335 EXPENDITURES: CONTRACT ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSE 40,000 ... (5,000.00) #9 .. 35,000 ADVERTISING, MARKETING & PROMO 15,000 . (13,500.00) #9 1,500 EVENT ADMINISTRATION 35;000 :(35,000.00). #9 - GUEST SERVICES 5,000 (5,000.00) #9 - . PRODUCTION 40,000 (32,000.00) #9 8,000 SAFETY AND SECURITY 15;000 (13,000.00)' #9 2,000 TALENT 40,000 (34,000.00) #9 6,000 VIP 25,000, (25,000.00) #9. - EVENT:INSURANCE 12;000 (12,000.00): #9 - CLOTHING AND.UNIFORM. : 2,500 2,750.00: #9 5,250 POSTAGE. 100 (100.00) #9 - OPERATING SUPPLIES 5,000 (5,600.00).49 - EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6,000 3,650.00 #9 9,650 ARTIST RELATIONS 2,500 (2,500.00) #9 CREATIVE ASSETS 15,000 (15,000.00) #9. FUEL. 3,000 (1,000.00) #9 2,000 CREDIT CARD MACHINE FEES 200 - #9- 200 SUBTOTAL EXPENDITURES. 261,300 (191,700) 69,600 ESTIMATED ENDING,FUND BALANCE : 18,400 7,735 (#9)reduction in revenue and.expense for Cibolofest which did not occur in FY22 -Page 1 of 1 Exhibit_ A: FY22 Mid-Year Budget Amendment;Street Maintenance Fund June 14, 2022 FY 22 FY22 CURRENT BUDGET BUDGETAFTER BUDGET AMENDMENT#3 AMENDMENT STREET MAINTENANCE FUND ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,573,154 . 1,573;154 REVENUES: GENERAL TAXES AND.FRANCHISE FEES 782,288 147,962A 930,250 O INTEREST AND MISCELLANEOUS. 800 - 800 TRANSFERS SUBTOTAL REVENUES 783,088 147,962 .._ : 931,050 EXPENDITURES: STREET MAINTENANCE CONTRACT-TRANSFER 275,000 - 275,000 ENGINEERING SERVICES 40,000 1,003;763 ##19 1,043,763 TRANSFER TO GENERAL - - - TRANSFER TO.DEBT SERVICE 457,750 . 457,750 SUBTOTAL EXPENDITURES 772,750 1,003,7631 1,776,513 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,583,492 727,691 (A) Adjust for inrease in sales tax revenues, mixed beverage tax and electric franchise (##19)Transfer of fund balance for CVD project - Page 1 of 1 Exhibit A:FY22 Mid-Year Budget Amendment, Economic Development Corporation,Fund June 14, 2022 FY 22 FY22 CURRENT BUDGET BUDGETAFTER BUDGET AMENDMENT#3 AMENDMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 777,676 . '802,727: . -REVENUES: GENERAL-TAXES AND-FRANCHISE.FEES 782,288 147,962 -(A) 930,250 INTEREST AND MISCELLANEOUS- 1,000 - 1,000 TRANSFERS SUBTOTAL REVENUES 783,288 147,962 931,250: EXPENDITURES: SALARIES AND;BENEFITS,; -- - - SERVICES, UTILITIES&TRAINING 101,410 50j000: ,#1 151,410 _.. GENERAL SUPPLIES&REPAIRS' 6,260 6,260 CAPITAL, NON-CAPITAL, LAND .:. 321,414.: - ..:321,414 OTHER EXPENSES 252,786 252,786 TRANSFERS _ 40-000 ..40,000 SUBTOTAL EXPENDITURES 721,870 50,000 .771,870 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE 839,094 962,107 (A) Adjust for inrease in sales tax revenues,mixed beverage tax and electric franchise. (#1)Increase Legal Services$50,000 Page 1 of 1