Min CC 02/10/2004 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 109 S.MAIN February 10,2004 7:00 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order-Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. 2. Roll Call -All members of council were present. 3. Invocation-Councilman O'Brien gave the invocation. 4. Pledge of Allegiance -Mayor Ruppert led the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Citizens to be Heard This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue,nor may any action be taken on any issue at this time. (Attorney General Opinion—JC-0169) (Limit of three minutes each) Wayne Craine-Asked to see if anything had been done on the drainage problem on Green Valley Road. Thanked everyone for their help with getting the developer to set up a meeting with him concerning this project. 6. Consent Agenda-Consent Items (All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered as part of the order of business.) A. Approval of January 27,2004, City Council Public Hearing Minutes. B. Approval of January 27,2004,Regular City Council Minutes. C. Approval of the check register for January 2004. D. Approval of appointing Diane Davis to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Councilman Campbell made the motion to approve the consent agenda items. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien. For:All,Against:None. 7.Discussion/Action(Administrative) A. Approval/Disapproval of the purchase of the INCODE comprehensive computer software,not to exceed$100,000,to include Finance,Utilities,Municipal Court,Code Compliance and Building Inspections.Authorizing a budget adjustment to reflect the expenditure. City Staff went over the software with the council. The budget adjustment would be$25,000. Councilman Williams made the motion to approve the purchase of INCODE software not to exceed$100,000. Seconded by Councilwoman Gray. For:All,Against:None. 8. Presentation A.Presentation by City Administrator, Charles Balcar,on the review of plans for proposed planned subdivisions along FM 1103 and FM 78,with Map presentation. Chuck Balcar gave a presentation of the plans for proposed-planed subdivisions along FM 1103 and FM 78,with Map presentation. David Beales gave information of future growth. 9. Election Approval/Disapproval for the Calling of the May 15,2004 Election. _Councilman Sutton made the motion to approve the Calling for the May 15,2003 Election. Seconded by "Councilman Campbell. For:All,Against:None. e 10. Discussion/Action(Builder/Development) A. Council discussion/action on development of the City's vision of future residential and commercial growth and zoning. Discussion to introduce the concept of constructing a comprehensive land plan and the concept of special overlay districts. Discussion on the development and appointing a Masterplan Committee. Councilwoman Gray stated that there needs to be movement on this issue, either forming a committee or the hiring of a city planner. Chuck Balcar stated that the last time he was here he hired an intern to help with the planning. There was also discussion concerning the development of a new masterplan and what it is used for. There was also discussion concerning the development of an overlay district. Bede Ramcharan,P&Z Chairman, stated that the Planning and Zoning has discussed the need for a new and updated Masterplan. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to direct Chuck Balcar to look into Granting agencies for a new masterplan and allow Councilmembers O'Brien and Gray and Gary Kelly on a Overlay district committee. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For:All with the exception of Councilman Sutton. B.Approval/Disapproval on the proposed rezoning(C-1,Commercial)of Ms.Eva Hecox said piece of property being.69 acres of land in Guadalupe County,Texas, out of the A.S.Lewis Survey 78,Abstract 216,being comprised of a portion of a 1 acre tract described in conveyance from Henry Remmler and wife,Katie Remmler to Alvin Remmler of record in Volume 235,Page 620-621,Deed Records of Guadalupe County,Texas and a portion of a 0.685 acre tract described in conveyance from Henry Remmler to Alvin Remmler of record in Volume 369,Page 541,Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. Said 1 acre tract and 0:685 acre tract both being a portion of a 31.6 acre tract of record in Volume 718,Page 180-183,Deed Records of Guadalupe County,Texas. Planning and Zoning recommended disapproval. Councilman Williams stated that he feels that property owners should be able to do what they want with it as long as it doesn't effect the safety of someone. But also fees that the citizens on that street should be taken into consideration. There was discussion concerning the zoning of PB,Professional Business,Councilman O'Brien read the list to the public what business would include. Councilwoman made the motion to disapprove the rezoning(C-1,Commercial)of Ms.Eva Hecox said piece of property being.69 acres of land. Seconded by Councilman Williams. For: All,Against:None. C. Discussion/Action on Recommendation of Approval/Disapproval of Masterplan for Swanson 90, located on FM 1103. There was discussion concerning the exit of this plan,also concerning the new school site. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve the Masterplan for Swanson 90, located on FM 1103. Seconded by Councilman Sutton. For: O'Brien, Sutton Campbell,Williams,Against: Councilwoman Gray. 11. Resolutions A. Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution to set the date time and place for a public hearing to hear a proposed annexation and R-2 zoning request by Mr.Perry Blanton,being 1.470 acres(54,035 sq.ft.)of land out of a 7.22 tract s recorded in Volume 621,Page 364, of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas and situated in the Trinidad Garcia Survey,Abstract Number 137. (February 24,2004 at 6:45 P.M. and March 9,2004 at 6:30 P.M.) Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For: All,Against: None. B. Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution to set the date time and place for a public hearing to hear a proposed annexation and R-2B zoning by Mr.Perry Blanton,being 3.298 acres of land out of the Mathias Lindenburg Survey,Abstract No.215,Guadalupe County,Texas,and being all of a designated 3.263 acre tract as described in a Warranty Deed from Lewis C.Borgfeld,a single man,to Mack Kardys and wife • , Juanita Kardys,dated September 26, 1974 and recorded in Volume 491,Pages 477-478 of the Deed s Records of Guadalupe County,Texas. (February 24,2004 at 6:45 P.M.and March 9,2004 at 6:30 P.M.) Councilman Sutton made the motion to approve the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For: All,Against: None. C. Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution to set the date time and place for a public hearing to hear a proposed annexation and R-2 zoning by Mr.Perry Blanton,being 4.00 acres of land situated in the M. Linderburg Survey Abstract No.215, Guadalupe County,Texas,and being out of an 18.15 acre tract recorded in Volume 599,Page 753 of the Deed Records of said county. (February 24,2004 at 6:45 P.M. and March 9,2004 at 6:30 P.M.) Councilman Campbell made the motion to approve the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Sutton. For:All,Against: None. D. Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution to set the date time and place for a public hearing to hear a proposed annexation and R-2 zoning by Mr.Perry Blanton,being 4.027 acres of land located in the City of Cibolo,Guadalupe County,Texas,and being out of the Mathias Lindenburg Survey,Abstract No.215, Guadalupe County,Texas,and also being out of a 18.15 acre tract as recorded in Volume 599,Pages 753- 756 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County,Texas. (February 24;2004 at 6:45 P.M. and March 9,2004 at 6:30 P.M.) Councilman Campbell made the motion to approve the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Sutton. For: All,Against: None. E. Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution to set the date time and place for a public hearing to hear a proposed annexation and R-2 zoning by Mr.Perry Blanton,being 5.750 acres(250,470 sq.ft.) of land out of a 7.22 acre tract as recorded in Volume 621,Page 364, of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas and situated in the Trinidad Garcia Survey Abstract Number 137. (February 24,2004 at 6:45 P.M. and March 9,2004 at 6:30 P.M.) Councilwoman Gray made the motion to approve the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Williams. For: All,Against: None. F. Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution to set the date time and place for a public hearing to hear a proposed annexation and R-3 zoning by Mr. James Hardy,Jr.,being 48.835 Acres of Land more or less, situated in the SEXTO Dominguez Survey No. 152,Abstract No. 110,Guadalupe County,Texas,being the same tract called 48.85 acres of land recorded in Volume 1774,Page 652, Official Public Records, Guadalupe County,Texas. (February 24,2004 at 6:45 P.M. and March 9,2004 at 6:30 P.M.) Councilman Williams made the motion to approve the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For:All,Against: None. 12. Discussion/Action(General) A. Nomination of citizens to a City Charter Committee and determination of a calendar for such meetings and establishment of meeting times for charter workshops. (Charter must be completed prior to March 12,2004,in order to appear on the May 15,2004,ballot). There was discussion whether the committee should be established now or later. Chuck Balcar stated that the committee had to have 15 members and could have one more for each 3000 residents. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to compile the two list and table the establishment of the committee. Seconded by Councilman Williams. For:All,Against:None. B.Recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Commission to name the 44-acre park to be constructed in Buffalo Crossing.The proposed name is the"Ernst H.and Elaine Schlather Municipal Park".(The Parks &Recreation Commission has adopted guidelines for making recommendations to the City Council for the naming of park facilities). There was discussion concerning the policy that the parks commission is using,but an official policy by 1 council has not been approved. Councilman Sutton made the motion to table this item. Seconded by " Councilwoman Gray. For:All with the exception of Councilman O'Brien abstaining. C. Approval/Disapproval of revising the Fence Ordinance. (Changes to ordinances must be made by the adoption of an ordinance) Councilman Campbell made the motion to direct staff to revise the fence ordinance. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien. For:All,Against: None. 13.Discussion Review of proposed development agreement for city owned land at Green Valley Road and Cibolo Valley Drive. Chuck Balcar stated that he has been working with Larry Aiken on this agreement. Susan Rocha,City Attorney stated that the cities could not swap land. Showed an example of an ad that the City of Schertz is placing in the paper and stated that the City of Cibolo would do the same. 14. Comments A. City Staff Ed Beasley stated that they have collected over$9,000 in re-inspections fees and over$700 for starting permits early. Chuck Balcar stated that public works did a great job tearing down the building. The contractor will begin work on Monday. Stated that Councilmembers Sutton and Gray gave excellent speeches at City of Schertz. B. City Council Councilman O'Brien stated that the city either purchase land or get donated land to help green space in the city. Maybe something in the Flood Plaines. Councilman Sutton stated that he went to the Schertz workshop and at the beginning of the workshop felt resistance but by the time the meeting closed felt that they were more for it. No action was taken at the time but should be on next agenda for action. Made comment concerning about focusing on the agenda item. Councilman Williams made a comment about the professionalism C. Mayor-None. 15. Adjournment Councilman Campbell made the motion to adjourn at 9:15 P.M. Seconded by Councilman Sutton.For:All, Against:None. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 24TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2004. WA04 Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: ne Griffm A4P_� on ity Secretary