Min CC 02/10/2003 - Joint Public Hearing JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING
109 S. MAIN
February 10, 2003
6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order-Mayor Pro Tem O'Brien called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
2. Roll Call-All members of council were present with the exception of Mayor Ruppert. All members of
Planning and Zoning were present. Mayor Ruppert showed up at 6:35 P.M.
3. Citizens to be Heard(limit of three minutes each)
Linda Johnson-Lives on Rhea Street has for several years, is concerned about changing the quiet street with
quiet with the commercial.
Cindy Lettbetter- Stated that she is concerned about a car wash being located on this street and is concerned due
to the safety.
Jane Reed- Stated that she also does not want a car wash on this tract of land or any commercial. Would like to
see it left residential.
Phelps- Stated that she concurs with everything that was stated and also made comments about loud music.
Eva Hecox-Stated that there has been a change of plans on this property and it would become a retail center
instead of a car wash. Also stated that the property around hers is already commercial.
Doug Lettbetter-Stated that this property is across the street from them.
Linda Presitage- Stated that she grew up in this community and is the prospect buying for this property. Stated
that she would like to open a small a business in this town like her parents and grandparents did.
Chuck Balcar stated that there is different zonings that may work better for this rather than C-1 Commercial,
maybe something more low impact.
4. Public Hearing
A. Discussion on the proposed rezoning of Ms.Eva Hecox said piece of property being.69 acres of
land in Guadalupe County,Texas, out of the A.S.Lewis Survey 78,Abstract 216,being comprised
of a portion of a 1 acre tract described in conveyance from Henry Remmler and wife,Katie
Remmler to Alvin Remmler of record in Volume 235,Page 620-621,Deed Records of Guadalupe
County,Texas,and a portion of 0.685 acre tract described in conveyance from Henry Remmler to
Alvin Remmler of record in Volume 369,Page 541,Deed Records of Guadalupe County,Texas.
Said 1 acre tract and 0.685 acre tract both being a portion of a 31.6 acre tract of record in Volume
718,Page 180-183,Deed Records of Guadalupe County,Texas. (2nd public hearing)
Councilman Sutton stated that there were strong feelings on both side of this issue. Stated that it
would be beneficially for the citizens and Ms.Hecox to get together to work with this issue.
B. Discussion on a revised Land use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan and Changes in
Impact Fees.
5. Adjournment
wr Councilman Campbell,made the motion to adjourn at 6:42 P.M. Seconded by Councilwoman Gray. For:All,
t Against:None.
Charles Ruppert
L' u
ne Griffin