109 S.MAIN
April 27,2004
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order -Mayor Ruppert called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
2. Roll Call-All members of council were present.
3. Invocation-Councilman O'Brien gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Allegiance-Mayor Ruppert led the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may
not discuss any non agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non agenda issue at this time. (Attorney General Opinion—
JC-0169) (Limit of three minutes each)
Derick Lynn-Spoke concerning the sign at the school and thanked the council for their work.
Debra Hollins(check spelling) -Thanked the council for their work with the sign at Weiderstein.
6. Consent Agenda-Consent Items
(All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one
motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member so requests,in which case the item
will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered as part of the order of business.)
A. Approval of April 13,2004,City Council Public Hearings Minutes.
B. Approval of April 13,2004,Regular City Council Minutes.
C. Re-advertise for bids for the 5-acre municipality-owned tract on Green Valley Road.
D. Approval of employment of Dennis Keen as Police Patrolman.
E. Approval of acceptance of a$400.00 donation to the Police Department.
Councilman Sutton made the motion to approve the consent agenda items A,B,D and E. Seconded by Councilman Williams. For
All,Against:None. Councilman Sutton asked if item C was looking for the same type of article. Chuck Balcar stated that there
were no bids on the first advertisement. Councilman Sutton made the motion to approve consent agenda item C. Seconded by
Councilman O'Brien. For:All,Against:None.
7.Consent Agenda—Development Items.
A. Approval/Disapproval for Final Plat for Falcon Ridge Subdivision,Unit 7.
B. Approval/Disapproval for Preliminary Plat for Falcon Ridge Subdivision,Unit 8.
C. Approval/Disapproval for Preliminary Plat for Saddle Creek Ranch Subdivision,Unit 1.
D. Approval/Disapproval of Final Plat for Cibolo Mini Storage.
E. Approval/Disapproval for Final Plat for Gatewood Subdivision,Unit 1.'�
F. Approval/Disapproval for Preliminary for Town Creek Village,Unit 1.
(Planning and Zoning recommended approval on all consent agenda—development items.)
Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve the consent agenda items. Seconded by Councilman Sutton.For:All
with Councilwoman Gray abstaining.
A.Presentation of an aerial map of the City of Cibolo from Norman Duggas,representing Armadillo
Councilman OBrien made the motion to table item till Mr.Norman Duggas showed up. Seconded by Councilman
Campbell. For:All,Against:None. Mr.Norman Duggas stated that this area was mapped aerial for their need and
thought that it would be beneficially for the city for a planning resource. Council thanked Norman Duggas for the map.
B.Presentation of a check from Buffalo Valley Lions Club for City of Cibolo Park improvements.
Councilman Williams made a presentation to the council and city of Cibolo with a check for$500 to help with the parks
development,from Lions Club.
9. Resolution
A.Approval/Disapproval of a resolution opposing any school finance or tax system reform that would negatively
affect city revenues and economic development efforts.
Councilman Sutton made the motion to approve the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Williams.For:All,Against:
B.Approval/Disapproval of a resolution calling for a public hearing to hear a rezoning request from Mr.Brian
Weatherly for a 31.540 acre tract of land out of the Geronimo Leal Survey No. 85,and also being out of a tract
called 25 acres as described in Volume 386,Pages 397-398 of the Deed Records, and out of a tract called 23.644
acres,said 23.664 acre tract being out of a 77.995 acre tract described in Volume 393,Pages 550 and also out of a
tract called 15.884 acres as described in Volume 437,Pages 231 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County,
Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For:All,Against:
C. Approval/Disapproval of a resolution urging the Guadalupe County Commissioners' court to file a petition in
Federal Court challenging the Environmental Protection Agency's non-attainment designation of air quality in
Guadalupe County.
There was discussion concerning the clean air act. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve the resolution.
Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For:All,Against:None.
10. Discussion/Action
A. Approval/Disapproval of Dietz Road acquisition and finalization of road transfer from Guadalupe County.
Mayor Ruppert gave the update of the sidewalk project. Stated that the county has completed its portion of the sidewalk.
Councilman Sutton gave the council and update on what his findings were and recommended that the Mayor table item 10
A-C,till further information can be obtained. Councilman O'Brien stated that he had heard rumors that Schertz was not
going to do anything.
Councilman O'Brien made the motion to postpone item 10 A-C indefinitely. Seconded by Councilman Williams. For:
B. Approval/Disapproval of removal of stop signs on Dietz at entrance to Dove Meadows.
C. Approval/Disapproval of getting cooperation from Schertz on Dietz Sidewalk project and possible remedy if there
is not any cooperation.
D. Approval/Disapproval of a budget amendment or at a minimum a decision to have the City engineer give a cost
estimate on replacing forced sewer main on FM 78 with a gravity line.
Councilman O'Brien gave briefed council on what he would like to see on FM 78 to help with the development along this
road. Chuck Balcar stated that impact fees could be collected for this if it was place in the capital improvement study.
Brian Cope,engineer,stated that a study would have to be completed to see if this could even be done. Councilman
Sutton stated that he would like to have more time to review before committing any money to this. Councilman O'Brien
made the motion to table until next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For:All,Against:None.
E. Approval/Disapproval of beginning the process of identifying people that could serve on a Business Development
Councilman O'Brien stated that he has been talking to neighboring city's that have different types of Business
Development Committee ad how they handle this growth. There was discussion among council members concerning this.
Councilman Sutton stated that the first step of this plan should be developing a plan and then identifying the members. It
was recommended that a rough draft be drafted. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to table to the next meeting by
which he will have a rough draft prepared. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For:All,Against:None.
F. Approval/Disapproval of an amendment to the city master plan for the FM 1103 corridor.
Gary Kelly,Planning and Zoning briefed council on a plan for the corridor of FM 1103. Presented a map that showed
what should be commercial and recommended size of property. A public hearing would have to been done in order to
complete an amendment to the city master plan. The council could decide to wait till the development of the new
masterplan,which would take several months to complete or could propose an amendment. Councilman Sutton made the
motion to table item till next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Williams. For:All,Against:None.
G. Approval/Disapproval to pursue and adopt design standards for commercial/retail buildings in the city.
Planning and Zoning recommended adopting a design standard for commercial/retail building in the city. Mayor Ruppert
read what the P&Z recommended. There was discussion among council concerning this concept. Councilman Campbell
made the motion to approve the design concept for commercial/retail building in the city. Seconded by Councilman
William. For:All with Councilman Sutton abstaining.
H. Approval/Disapproval of a set of strategic goals and objectives for the city.
Councilman Sutton made the motion to move this item to 12 C. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien.For:All,Against:
Councilman O'Brien stated he thought that these were more of objectives than goals. Recommended doing a workshop to
come up with goals. Council discussed the list of goals that Planning and Zoning came up with.Councilman Willams
made the motion to adopt of objectives and goals that Planning and Zoning recommended. Seconded by Councilwoman
Gray. For:All with the exception of Councilman Sutton abstaining from the vote.
11. Ordinance
A. Approval/Disapproval of a revision to the sign ordinance.(Tabled school sign variance from 4-13-04 council
Ed Beasley spoke to council concerning the changes in the sign ordinances. Stated that the off premise signs has been
change to 60 feet instead of the 40 feet due to other signs located in the city. Chuck Balcar stated that he though the
distance could cause some future problems. There was some discussion concerning the ordinance. The council
recommended changes of taken out the phrase that stated,"on the same street the school is on" . Councilman Campbell
made the motion to approve the revisions to the sign ordinance with recommended changes. Seconded by Councilman
Williams. For:All,Against:None.
B. Approval/Disapproval of the tree and landscape ordinance.
Councilman O'Brien stated that he and Councilman Campbell got with Norman Duggas and help to finalize this ordinance.
Council went over the ordinance. Norman Duggas stated that the ordinance is workable. There was discussion about
deleting the section that talks about the right-of-way,this is identified on the plats. Norman Duggas spoke concerning the
different types of trees and landscape. Councilman Williams made the motion to approve the tree and landscape ordinance
with the recommended changes. Seconded by Councilman Campbell. For:All,Against:None.
12. Discussion/Action Building/Development)
A. Approval/Disapproval of a variance request for a carport from Edward Smith, 117 Apache Circle. (Planning and
Zoning recommended disapproval)
Ray Thomas briefed the council on the variance request. Councilman O'Brien asked if a temporary awning would be
acceptable. Councilman Sutton made the motion to approve Planning and Zoning recommendation disapproving this
variance request. Seconded by Councilman Williams. For:All,Against:None.
B. Approval/Disapproval to allow planting of trees along the outer edge of the Cibolo Valley Drive right of way by
Springtree L.P.(Planning and Zoning recommended approval)
Norman Duggas presented to council the landscape plans for this section of Cibolo Valley Drive. This would follow the
plan that Lantana has stated. Councilman O'Brien made the motion to approve the planting of trees along the outer edge of
the Cibolo Valley Drive. Seconded by Councilman Campbell.For:All,Against:None.
Council went back to item l OH.
A. City Staff
Ed Beasley gave an update on the new house construction.
B. City Council
Councilwoman Gray asked about the water tower status. Brian Cope stated that the tie in to the new tower should be next
week,and should be complete within the next couple of weeks if testing goes all right.
Councilman Williams made comments about the action and tasks of the council.
Councilman Sutton stated that just because he doesn't approve something,he stills appreciate the work put into it. Asked
Brian Cope concerning the Dietz Road,due to the rain. Also asked that Ed Beasley look into a amendment for a shorter
the setback lines for some sections of the city. Thanked the permit department for their work. Made a comment about the
statement that the City Administrator read at a previous meeting and would like an update on that. Would like to see the
Parks,P&Z and Council to discuss the renaming of Deer Creek Park.
Councilman Campbell stated that early voting begins tomorrow.
Councilman O'Brien made a comment about outside contracts other than Bexar Waste.
C. Mayor-None.
14. Adjournment
Councilman Campbell made the motion to adjourn at 9:21P.M. Seconded by Councilman OBrien. For:All,Against:None.
Charles Ruppert
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