Min EDC 12/16/2021 i o - tx eco ionic oeve�o' 200 80ANIald Street,P.O.Box 826,Qbolo;Texas 78108 Phone:(210)'656-9900 Fax:(210)658-1687 waclbololx;gov Special Call Meeting CiboWo Economic Development Cdt*ootion. CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200.S.-MAIN.MAIN DECEMBER 16,2021 i 6:30 P.M:: MINUTES 1;: Call to Order- MR'.Thies called.the meeting to order at G31,p;m. 2.,. Rdi.[Call..aild Excused Absences—Members.Present:Nh--Thies;Mi'.Matti iigly,Mr.Hamann,IVIS. - Qalyyrm;M� Gardner;:and 1VIr Tnesch M ember Absent;lVls Walkel:, :Mi Mattniglyniade the motion to excuse the absence of Ms.Walker. Motion was secony yy Qai iided b 1VIs n I or: All; . Against:None. 1Vlotion.carried 6.to 0. 3. Citizens to be Heaid:(liinit reina•ks:to-3 minutest This is the only time during the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation meeting that a citizon raft address the Boar d of Dir ectoi s,It.is the oppoi tunity for visitors and.guests:to address ilie Board of.Directois o» any issue to:iticlude agenda items.:Ali visitors wislurigao speak innst fill out the SigaJh:Roster-.prior to the:siart of the nieeting:The:Board.of Directoi*s.may not debate any non- agenda issue,nor may any action be.taken on any noir-agenda issu@ at thrs'time,llowevei;,.the Board of Directors iiia . resenf an factual°res once to items biou ht`u b citizens. Attorne General Yh Y p. g P y . ( Y Opmioii a0"JC-01691-(Linit;of three minutes each.)All remarks shall be addressed to the Board of Directors as-:a body,and riot to,any'individual ineinber.tl eieo£.Publ c:oiiticism of the Board of Directors or any:actiol;,policy program or service provided l y the City is riot prohibited However, any person making personal, : f i B. Presentation, discussion, direction, and/or possible action on a .Chapter 380 Economic Development Agreement between the City of Cibolo and HEB Grocery Company. C. This itein'was briefed to the EDC Board by City Maiiager .Mr. Reed. Mr. Hamann made the motion to approve a Chapter 380 Economic Development Agreement between the City,of Cibolo and HEB Grocery Company with a few minor changes. Changes were agreed:to by EDC Attorney,HEB and Mt.Reed. Motion was seconded by Ms.Qaiyyim.' For:All;Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. -5. Seta Date and-Time for next Meeting —January 20,2022,at 6:30 p.m. 6.. Adjournment—Mr. Hamann made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Motion was - seconded by Mr,Mattingly.=For:All;Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. PA ED AND APPROVED THIS 17TH DAY OF MARCH 2022. Robert Thies President Economic Development Corporation i i