Min EDC 11/15/2021 I Ob lo t X. ... . ECO,NOMIC OEVELOVMENT.C 9.:N;p - 200 South Main Street P 0,Box 826;:Cibolo;Texas 781118 Phone:(210).658-9900'Fax:(210)658-1687 WAY.0b.olokgov Special.Call Meeting' Ciuolo I conom.ic Developiiierit Coi•poi-,ation. CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING' 206.$1 MAIN . NOVEMBER 15,2021 6:00 P.M MMTES 1. Call to Order, .Meetui .was called to.order b. 'President 1VIi Thies at 6:01 g y p.m: 2 Roll:Call and Excused Absences'—Members:Present: IVIr:ThieslVls -QaiyyintMs. Walker;.Mr, Mattingly,and 1Vti Gardner Absent:Mr.Harinaniis 3. Public_Hear ina & Public hearing to obtain public,input related oto the Corporation's proposed undertaking of a project wrtli.HEB Gioceiy'Company "arid the expenditures:ana/oi econori� c incentives#o be. . used.t0 pro note or develop the iiew business enterprise("HEB.:Pro�ect"): . Mi Thies opened"the public hearhig at''0:02 p-n..Mr. Scott with HEB gave a_bt iefng on this item.MrThies closed tlie,o iblic hearing a(6:06 p.m. :4.. -Citizen§-to be Heai•d(limit:reinarks to 3 minutes) This rs tite only time during the Cibolo E_*►nb is Development Coi poratioit meeting that:a citizen carr address tlie,Board OfDirectors.It is the-.i ortun4y for:visitoes and-guests.to.address the Board of Directors on any issue to inchide agenda iteillsi All visitors wishing to speak mist fill otit,the Sign"In`Roster p ior'to the statlt of the meeting:The' of tomay.not:debate any non= agenda;issue,iior may nny action betaken of any non=agenda issue:nt this Buie, 6wevet the Board of Directors may.piesetit any factual response to iter is bcoi ght.up by eitizens. (Attorney Geh i'l Q,pntron a€"JC-11169).(Limit bf three ninutes each.)All'remarks shall be addressed to the Board of Ane_cto>s as a body;and not to airy individual irietnbei tlieteof Pi�blte:c tt>cism of the Board of iectois of any action;policy program or service provided by the Cityis not prohibited.However, any person making personal' impertinent; or slanderous remarks to uid vrdual.members-of.the Board of Directors while,addressingalie Board of Directors may be requested to,aeave the meeting. This4neetmg is livestreamedAf anyone would'likeao make comments on any matter regarduig.the. . City of Cibolo of on -an agenda item and have this- item read at this: meeting, please email pciinids@cibolotx go.v.or ieleplione 2'10=514-3495 before 5:00,pm the date-of the meeting. No citizens signed up to be heard: 5 Set a'Date acid-Time fot-nelt.Meetur —Tentatrvel November 18,202-1,at 6:30 0.ih: i i i 6. Adiourinnent Mr,-0ardner made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:07 p.m. Motion was seconded by Mr. Mattingly.For:All;Against:None.Motion carried 5 to 0 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17TH DAY OF MARCH 2022.- Robert 022:Robert Thies President Ciboio Economic Development Corporation