Min EDC 03/17/2022 `ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT C OR,o " 200 South Main Street,P.O.Box 826,Cibolo,Texas 78108 Phone:(210)658-9900 Fax:(210)658=1687 www.cibolotcgov Regular Call Meeting Cibolo Economic Development'Corporation CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S. MAIN MARCH 17, 2022 6:30 P.M. Minutes 1.. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by the President Mr. Thies at 6:32pm.. 2. Roll Call and Excused-Absences.—Members Present: Mr. Thies, Ms.-Qaiyyim, Ms. Walker, Mr. Mattingly,Mr:Triesch, and Mr. Fournier. 3. Invocation—Moment of Silence—Mr.Thies ask for a Moment of Silence. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Oath of Office for Newly&pointed Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Board,Members Mr.Fournier was given the Oath of Office by the City Secretary Ms. Cimics. 6. Citizens to be Heard(limit remarks to 3 minutes) This is the only time during the.Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Meeting that a citizen can address the Board of Directors.It is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Board of.Directors;on any issue to include agenda,items. All.visitors wishing to speak must fill out the. Sign-In Roster prior to the start of the meeting. The Board of Directors may not debate any hon- agenda issue,nor may any action betaken on any non-agenda issue at this time;however,the Board of Directorsl may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion-JC=0169) (Limit of three minutes each.)All remarks shall be addressed to the Board of Directors as' a body. Remarks may also be addressed to any individual member of the Board so long as the remarks are (i) about matters of local public concern,and (ii) not disruptive-to the meeting or threatening to the member or any attendee. Any person violating this policy may be requested to leave the meeting; but no person may be requested to leave or.forced to leave'the meeting because of the viewpoint expressed.This meeting is livestreamed.If anyone would like to make comments on any matter regarding the City of Cibolo or on an agenda item and.have this item read at this meeting, please email pcimics@cibolotx.gov or.telephone 210-566-6.111 before 5:00 pm the;date of the meeting. The following individuals signed up to speak: Ms.Matco-Morrison and Ms.Davis who introduced themselves as members of the Chamber Leadership Corp. Ms. Titterington from Chamber spoke on the new business directory and how amazing the Cibolo portion looked and the cover that had all three Mayors. Jamie Mathis sent an email which was read by the City Secretary.He would like the Old Town Business Alliance be added to the next agenda to present ideas and vision for Old Town. 7. Consent Agenda—Consent Items(General Items) (All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the Board of Directors and will be approved by one motion. There.will be no separate discussion of these.items unless-a ' Board Member so requests, in.which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered individually.) A. Discussion and approval of Minutes for the November 15,2021, Special Call Meeting. B. Discussion and approval of Minutes for the November 1.8, 2021,Regular Call Meeting. . C: Discussion and approval of Minutes for the December 27,2021, Special Call Meeting. D. Discussion and approval of Minutes for the February 17,2022, Workshop. . E. Presentation, discussion, and acceptance of Financial and Sales Tax Reports for October 2021 —December 2021. F. Presentation, discussion, and approval of Reimbursement to the City of Cibolo General Fund for staff time working on Cibolo Economic Development,Corporation projects for November 2021 —February 2022. Item 7E was removed and will be addressed separately. Mr. Mattingly made the motion to approve theconsent items A,B, C,D,and F. Motion was seconded by Ms.Walker. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. Item E.was explained by Mr.Morris and Ms.Walker made.the motion to approve item E with the explanation given by Mr. Morris. Motion was seconded by Ms. Qaiyyim. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 6:to 0. 8. Agenda Items for Individual Consideration A. Election.of officers.for the Board of Directors as required in the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation's Bylaws described in Section Five(5)subsection 5.01 and 5.02 (page 6): a. Nomination and Election of the President,Board of Directors. Mr. Thies ask the Board Members if there was any nominations for President: Mr. Mattingly made the motion to nominate Mr.Thies as President. Motion was seconded by Mr. Triesch. Mr. Thies ask if there were any other nominations. Being no other nominations.Mr. Thies ask for a vote. All in favor.of Mr. Thies as President: All; Against:None. Mr. Thies.is voted as President for 2022. b. Nomination and Election of the-Vice President,Board of Directors. Mr. Thies ask for nominations for Vice President. Ms. Walker made the motion to nominate Mr.Mattingly as,the Vice President. Motion was seconded by Ms.Qaiyyim. Mr. Thies ask if there were any other nominations. Being no other nominations Mr. Thies ask for a vote. All in,Favor of Mr. Mattingly as Vice President: All; Against: None. Mr.Mattingly voted as Vice President for-2022. c. Nomination and Election of the Secretary,Board of Directors. Mr.Thies ask for nominations for Secretary. Mr.Mattingly nominated Ms.Walker as Secretary. Motion was seconded by Mr. Triesch. Ms. Walker did ask what the duties entailed and duties were explained. Mr.Thies ask if there were any other nominations. Being no other nominations Mr. Thies ask for a vote. For: All; Against: None. Ms. . Walker nominated for Secretary for 2022. d. Nomination and Election of.the Treasurer,Board of Directors. Mr. Thies ask for nominations for Treasurer: Ms.Walker nominated Ms. Qaiyyim for the position of Treasurer. Motion was seconded by Mr. Mattingly. Mr. Thies ask if there were any other nominations.. Being no other nominations Mr. Thies ask for a vote. For:All;Against:None. Ms. Qaiyyim was nominated as Treasurer for 2022. B. Presentation,discussion;direction and/or possible action involving the Cibolo EDC 590 W FM 78 project; property, buildings, equipment, facilities,. infrastructure, improvements, plans, development, expenditures;and all requirements to undertake the project. This item was tabled'. Mr. Thies stated that Westwood be at:the next meeting with a presentation. C. Presentation, discussion,direction and/or possible action regarding the agreement between the Cibolo EDC and the Greater San Marcos Partnership. Mr.Sherman brief the EDC Board on the following items:Who is GSMP,Brief GSMP Update, Partnership with Cibolo EDC, and Marketing Opportunities. Mr. Sherman went over marketing and communication with enhanced presence on GSMP website and marketing materials. Also briefed participation in digital and virtual marketing admissions and participation in strategy implementation work group. Cibolo will have an invitation to participate in outbound marketing trips and admittance to monthly Economic Development Committee Meetings. Cibolo EDC will have a subscription to E- Newsletter and research support and access to internal research:capabilities. D. Discussion,direction,and/or possible action for the Board-appointed member participating on the Master Planning Committee. Mr.Mattingly stated that he has been appointed as the EDC representative to the Master Plan. If any board members has anything they would like for him to bring up once the meetings start just to let him know. He will brief the board on what the Master Plan is doing at each EDC Meeting in the future. E. Discussion on changes made by the Cibolo City Council regarding the Corporation's bylaws. Mr. Morris stated that the City Council had approved the Corporations' bylaws with a minor change on the term of office to match the council policies. Mr. Barrera and Mr. Garza made the minor changes and Bylaws and been signed. F. Presentation, discussion, direction, and/or possible action regarding a presentation from the City's Director of Finance on the.CEDC's FY2022 budget and a proposed budget amendment. -After a briefing from-the City of Cibolo:'s Finance Director Mr. Mattingly made the-motion to approve increasing.the legal services to $50,000. Motion was seconded by Ms. Walker. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. 9. Executive Session The EDC Board of Directors will meet in Executive Session as authorized- by the Texas Government.Code Section 551.087 regarding economic development matters to discuss: A: New and ongoing Economic Development projects within the City of Cibolo. EDC Board went into Executive Session at 7:29pm. 10. Open Session Reconvene into Regular Session and take/or give direction or action, if necessary, on items discussed in Executive Session. The EDC Board returned into open session at 8:09pm. No action taken. 11. Items for Future Agendas—Downtown Business Alliance, Westwood,and a refresh on grants. 12. Set a Date and Time for next Meeting April 21, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. 13. Adjournment Mr.Mattingly made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:16pm. Motion was seconded by Ms. Walker. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 6,to 0. PVThies APPROVED TIUS.2IST DAY OF APRIL 2022. R President Cibolo EDC