Min EDC 02/17/2022 �. tx : ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT r,O'A;P 200 South Main gtreel R0.Bow826,;gibolo Texas 7,8108 Phone.(2.10).658-.9900 Fax:(210)658-1687 . . M-AuiboloN.gov Crliolo)Ccorioinrc Development Corlroratiou Worlisliop ' CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200.5. MAIN FEBRUARY'17,2022 6:'30 P.M. Minutes 1. Call.to Order-.Meeting was-called16 order by Chairrnan'Nh Thies at 6 31 pm, 2 Roll Call and Ekcused Absences Members Frese►it: Mi Tlues,IVIs,Walker,Mr. Mattin gly;Ms:- Qaiyyiin,Mr;Hamanii;Mr,:Gardner,and W.Triescli. . 3. Introdtictory:Comnients from Board EDC Piesideiit Mr Thres.gave a short comriient. He thanked all ilia irieritber for being Here'as this is a very, special time for the EDC'Mt Thies. thanked and welcomed Westwood for coming out.thisevening to:give this,piesef1tatt6n.to the-EDC. members. d'. Tresentation/Discussion ffom Westwood EngineeriM Mr.lVhller;Mt;Coppel,aiid Mr..Darnlifirik fiibm westwood'pmwd'out to;all the nembers-dia rains of the r o, ei that-the EDC liad- urchased g. . p .P. tY , P off ofF.M 78 iiext.to N emietz Park.Tlie diag`ran sahowed.5 Holes, 1 riule,flnd.a ]0-m.mute walk from the site location:EDCMeinbe s were also even.three differen:coi cepts.of the site.-and what it;could.look like. Members 114d the opportunity to ask urestions on each option. After:much .. discussion.the nienib`eis.decide"to have akwood bring Bore details option B:&C. EDC would: like the Hotel to:.be 3-to 4 acmes,entertainment awayfrorn Red River residential area;and placeiriegt of the park in the center of the tract.' 5 Adioru°riment.—M Hainani ihade ilia riiotion to ad�ouiir the ineetmg at 8 0,0 p:m. Motion was seconded b Ms.Walker For;All;Against:None: Motion cafkied 7 to 0. Y g. PASSED ANDAPPRO:VED THIS.17T"DAY OF MARCH 20.22. . . : Robert'-iies,Cliairinan Ci bolo EDC I