Res 1613 01/25/2022 Surplus Prop Marion OF Co . r, o � 1 -X,01.5 - "City of Choice" RESOLUTION N-O. 1��3 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL AF THE.CITY OF,CIBOLO, TEXAS AWARDING. THE TRANSFER OF SURPLUS PROPERTY TO THE CITY OFMARION°TO ACCOMPLISH A PUBLIC PURSPOSE; AND; SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, upon finding a public purpose and benefit to the citizens of Cibolo and its surrounding communities, may authorize the.transfer of certain City owned surplus,property at-below market value;and --- WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo owns certain surplus-property-, specifically two police vehicles that the City declares.as surplus property that it wishes to transfer at below market value_ to the City of Marion; and WHEREAS„the City Council finds that the law enforcement,services provided by City of- Marion (herein called "Transferee"),-a unit of local government of the :State ofTexas,Texas, are significant benefit to the citizens of the City of Cibolo and its surrounding communities; and. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo finds that the transfer of:the surplus property indicated_and listed in Exhibit A hereto to Transferee-at below market value serves a public purpose-and provides a benefit to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Cibolo and its surrounding.communities; NOW.THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO THAT: SECTION1. The City Council for the City of. Cibolo does hereby transfer :the surplus property indicated and listed on Exhibit A hereto to.the City of Marion:for Four.Thousand Five” Hundred Dollars ($4;500). Said Exhibit A is incorporated- n this Resolution as if fully set forth :herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. - SECTION 2. This Resolution shall become_effecting:upon its.passage. PASSED AND APPROVED AND.ADOPTED THIS 25 DAY-OF JANUARY 2022'. APPROVED: ATTEST: Stosh Boyle,M or , Peggy Cimics, City Secretary EXHIBIT:A Surplus Property Being Transferred Model VIN No. 14=05 2014 Ford Explorer 1FM5K8AT5EGC26147 606 2013 Chevy Tahoe 1 GNLC2EOODR271643