Ord 1346 08/24/2021 CUP CVD OF C/ • `�1 111111111111.......... . O :< a. Tex AS ORDINANCE NO: / 3 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) TO ALLOW A PRIMARY/SECONDARY EDUCATION FACILITY USE LOCATED AT 3200 CIBOLO VALLEY DRIVE, CIBOLO, .TEXAS; DECLARING COMPLIANCE WITH MUNICIPAL ZONING REGULATIONS, STATE LAW, -PUBLIC NOTICE AND HEARING REQUIREMENTS, INCORPORATING RECITALS; REPEALING ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,Texas Local Government Code Section 211.004 provides that zoning regulations and district boundaries must be adopted in accordance with a duly adopted Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS,Texas Local Government Code Section 211.002 authorizes the City of Cibolo,as a home-rule municipality to adopt, repeal or amend zoning district boundaries in order to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the City;and WHEREAS, Section 9.02 of the City Charter of the City of Cibolo also provides that the City.:Council with the authority to fix City zoning district boundaries by ordinance,and provide for the alteration of said boundaries in any manner provided by law;and WHEREAS,the City of Cibolo received an application from Kenneth E&Eugenia Ratcliff Living Trust, to allow a Primary/Secondary Education Facility Use, located at 3200 Cibolo Valley Drive,Cibolo,Texas; and WHEREAS,the property and proposed use is located within the.Neighborhood Commercial(C-1.)zoning district, which expressly allows the proposed use only upon the issuance of a Conditional i .se Permit ("CUP"); and WHEREAS,the Cibolo Unified Development Code(UDC) stipulates that CUP's may be granted subject to all procedural requirements of the zoning map amendment process, as stipulated in Texas Local Government Code Section 211.006, and the CUP criteria stipulated in UDC Section 4.3.2; and WHEREAS,after conducting.a public hearing on July 14, 2021,the Planning&Zoning Commission has submitted a final report on this matter to City Council; and - WHEREAS,City Council conducted a public hearing on this matter on July 27,2021 and August 10,2021; each being conducted for the purpose of providing all interested persons the opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed Primary/Secondary Education Facility Use, as described herein and depicted in Exhibit"A";and WHEREAS, legal notice notifying the public of both public hearings on the property proposed to be rezoned,,.was published in the Seguin Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Cibolo, on Sunday, June 27,2021, with said publication provided more than fifteen (15)days prior to the public hearing before the City Council; and WHEREAS',written notice of the above public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council were sent to each owner of real property, as indicated on the approved tax roll of the City of Cibolo,.within 200 feet of the property requesting issuance of a CUP,with said notice providedmore than- ten(10)days prior to.the initial public hearing of the City Council as cited above; and . -- 1 WHEREAS,the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council duly considered,and made favorable findings of fact, on each of the considerations listed under both lists (A.)through(F.) urider UDC Section 4.3.2; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended and the City Council, therefore determined. that granting a CUP at certain real property located at 3200 Cibolo Valley Drive, Cibolo, Texas, as reflected in the attached Exhibit "A" would be in the best interest of the City. NOW,THEREFORE:BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION 1.AMENDMENT. A. Property located at 3200 Cibolo Valley Drive, Cibolo, Texas, being depicted in EXHIBIT "A" (the"Property"), and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby granted a Conditional Use Permit within the Neighborhood. Commercial (C-1) zoning district for the following use "Primary/Secondary Education Facility Use." B. The zoning map of the City of Cibolo is hereby amended to reflect the CUP as created by this Ordinance, being more specifically defined on EXHIBIT`B". SECTION 2..DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE. The City Council finds that all required public notices for the Conditional Use Permit on the Property described in EXHIBIT "A" have been published and the public hearings as required by Municipal Code of Ordinances and state law have been held to consider the application to amend the zoning district boundary. SECTION 3.INCORPORATION OF RECITALS. The City Council finds the recitals in the preamble of this Ordinance are true.and correct and incorporates them as findings of fact. . SECTION 4. REPEALED. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, or resolutions in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or illegal, such decision shall not affect the validity of the J remaining sections of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause, or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared void; and that in lieu of each clause or provision of this Ordinance that is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable there be added by the Mayor as necessary with the approval of the City Attorney as to form, and as a part of the Ordinance a clause or provision as similar in terms to such invalid,illegal or unenforceable clause or provision as'may be possible, legal,valid and enforceable. SECTION 6.EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance shall become effective upon the adoption of this ordinance. PASSED,APPROVED,AND ADOPTED THIS o2L/ DAY OFv�USZ� ,2021. Stosh Boyle Mayor, City of.Cibolo ATTEST:. Peggy Cimics City Secretary, City of Cibolo 2 .EXHIBIT A: REZONING EXHIBIT (Description) l C ill''1'll)N,1 .- .■ IW- _ W 114a;07x1Cttl 1'IfOR tim.EYING t11?.07,Scre_tr3ct,ofEat!cl situsteil in the 1 rinidatl GarL7 5uncy_Nti-+ly,tlhstract E37;:irc the city irl'Cihalo, .. . StsiJalupe 4uunt} 9}ras,at!d l,cltiy a 1Hittitin c+i the rrmalndar`af that e;llad YS SSU au ttarj+�l lancl:as cnnvy�edto;licnncthEndCetsenial1uv31;t'LsnnpTrust tUdrorviYlodtivogsCS 199IIatYa3utitc_t3Gt;.plNe 44i.fn Tho tic:,l E'utalid ftecoids pf'Guad�Iupe Count},1� ;ti"CC1 .R,J;saltt 12:07 ac!e tiacYbeing iiietee }iaiticula iy deser':hctl tsy inctcs mid.fiatiriil<;as felfobbsc. BEGINNING at n-3'z',tr+�n rod a4tEl i itF starrpcd I:F41c SURVE17 ft;[}lel+:ifter tKCi irid to as S67'ECF41�.saEin tILL'nordttr7y Elli6 nfsai'd I6 Ob aerrt trot tglto mast ri4i tfieily.cotcrel a9 llic.e terly right of VW o;Citiold Val[cy Drlve[f18 vtide 8ti)�A'di�llcwts�J itt Wulama 1'Ja1'G,.Yage Jy1;0 P.til and In thc'snttlh�,kri(r hqe•of, Ctrmmun Are's u�°hasrn�n ptutefClsrrlesturrFark�Siihdivision_[Iriit l a4 fetus dad leiVulLLlne C,'Yal4 lsli7� fi41E3iithe,PlatRacordsitFGuaddlupeConirij[PR.),fs�rtlicnorlh.?tastarip coniarofdictructdeciililler6it:: - THENCE.,A150'55'14'E;along olid w[tlt.tE7o iiortliviesfeitg lir r'itJ_s iiE G.40.:acce tract aiiil the saiitliedstitrl}i. lleic.u4s lid Cvritinnn hrc,p3.�singata r]lstaure otg11102 Tecta tf,"been aucl llylihri farkhcaiost'saattlieriy caziier of 1110011;.01111'enntinuiriY the%RM6,,courso Slang af1d%W� L flee suyd+e isterly Linc of said 81ocP.`i for;:i torJl dlstnnca af334 5i IceC fn 51`74tt14 far;liv nortFmerstcyl} cdriier bf that e'Il d a SS:arra tFast'of land as eocd to'1Cernrttl{riteger�y+d t}Efe Cvclyn rincagerat d recorded Janua!y?B;lyBt pn Vnhifia"C�g$;'t?agC 140, la,thc Goad Record,df.GuaJ luye:County II:R} tn�l;alsa flit ifie northr+,aste"rlf curlier i tlLtz o iVigres7/Mass cored pnkillL utl[Ity easeitit�ttC n it3u d Kove Y.nnr and.as descrt6eii in Volo l'se 5 9;p,i e.74411h•4he !ndfuFthanoitticaSter cornerutsafd1690pc ptrictandthatinctitescrl>~a If S. In E:fGEYS 3i°1f2 Z9"E alnng•rciid 4dt[i thf southsre im-ly line til s;f,i;S1-tiactawih!+"ooitl>eascerly H116-d salil Id-51i.aere erect y ill tance.os.1202:76 fcii to a>� Eruti tl HEtli�:p stainJseci 3n03 foiled En.6e north$"esbei7y11neafElackl,ThP.tEdrnt4cerCraaCsllnit:Nt%2 nplatufricicdinWilutrrG I'agrs42n-42 6n elle P R Seed;fear the sduilnti r terly cnrrsrofsaJd 5 Sl arra tract da'e stitithea:&currior or,. 1G 90 acre tractetid._the tracfd4hi*d lcereia:, 7IIT3N.t 1::5 S9"D4'•4S".VI',,a7ora l:amd-ViFth de ttontltweiWi,ly link orsald Bloch 1 and die southeasterly Rife jir ti l'l:f,40arrC tract;passing afi a dtstance;of24193 feel:, lmn ivd tvith:cap stn aped 3 t(13 fpiiud fnrtla i!iosc eas[ctlp'rurner of Kia rotriain+Eer of dxtt called 100 acre irnct iil.lapcJ as=rlcsrribc+t 6n Vglume 731,]'aga 1Iti39.in the o:P.7L,lhenrr rontirildn;the sane tbame-a[oRg 5:td wlih[:+e nonitu•asterly line of Eat SOfl acre. h 3CC for a[6[s1 dE l ince pf G2,t13 Teck bo a%s'bran is d€otitiil,for the must ctircrly crruer nfthaC cal]e_ acre Tract oflatid as tvi,4t fled to The 6thntoil'Famrl3.13tnlGQd ilasctJtted fie [;� Nrttetsh,ii;4srdredf ded,Febnar.20 d3a Volpnio #0Z mmiSt 'akcttrGngacre Ahe tiasG �. 771FN Z. _-N 31'_5,."1V,along and with the nurthe%'A rl ,Help of said 5.756 acre tract and da•soulnvresterly Ettre+if :lid:'l(r 9fF Sere tact;a distairce of 513;51't'eetto'a 5GT][ .V'in tlie'cister'ly right-ot xvay.uFCJhq��Valley filEt"ve,• THENCE:tilting acid toldt the e:!siecjy right•cf!tfayof Cib6l�Valley.DrJve;fife ftsllu�,Yirty CWc+()fiatttscs; 1. N 31°04'30`W,a distance of 224.07 feettn a SET IMV for the heglbu[ug of a cejyz; 2. 1llotig ntid Rtth tkc irr of-,11d'slus e ro tie righthayifig a radius uf422.(0 feet;thYdu.t h"gconteal arigte oF33907'2G;and vrhich cLoitl Ere tr."N 31°30'55'.W;is clifird dlstaacetif2411.5$tett,d:t ail di3tiicr n f 2 b3,g7 fcGk kb a tnliulaced point;, 7'HENI ;ii�co©rd actpgs fi3icl:tC�9tl.;t;ti tract the fol?bev[itgtine[5y LiStir:ik*L 1, N8M6'Sk:t,'ridisin!teedl'30itigrciilua'catculatetipolnc; _ •2. 5 i6i°',f�'gt F,ai9tsaancof:17b,1Gfeetmdcalcu9aS�llrnint; .1 N 59`03.17 G a d�tanea pf 347 93 feet ht, [sulated`paint 4, N 3Y°U?24 1ti`;a clistAnce.af'93:05 feet to a eat+ul tli.ij Ixrint for the�cginiihig of a Sipe tae tit 5;.'APpttgil"tritlitltearciiFs�idnim-fangentcurveEo.i7+e rlgilt.Eia`viti?a.,tadiusof433.atlrce[ ttiriiugh . e acittra!an�[a of:i G°di 37",3n1 ti f2urli mora bears S 915'37 lL' 1V,3,eltnr�t l3isttince aF340•Sti feet, an lit°il I4ttrn i.6e350.3 GTcctto araiculatu polititt els cas a ly,i tf iii ar vraygtfCitrol+�ValNcy pave,, acrd for the hegiti!r lig eft n1)rt•S�ni,cnt air.c, TiIERCE;Alangarrd with the easn7'�y aiyttK,r vra�ofGt6ol*MICyllriyc a,!d the arc ofz:tid non tangent curve taa.thd loft havint;a r�tHEus`of 5Uf3,Otl'feet tlu+nut,h 1: cntnC g'lebf •F•I�05'39' and 14hich 4I1si1 i heats TO•t°35`ifi t,`a'chotddistanceofStIAic4,all trdis&-tnce6r,50.20fcet6th;ePOINT;OVBEGINMNGand iiAainlitg I2-A7 lltcseFland niore.orless,[!iLEtyulCEE>i)1a Gu rlalupcCuhiibf;3eras,sntll,e,ii descri6ecl. tnaeculda+lcg'ta[ths5vii•ri Oecparcij;by*KF'NSun,� nj J.est,tra psehascdrra�plfhDB$TcaasS E>z]']aree5outh Cdntral2oue 4 ,� �(E • •(,C7 4�• .''� 6487 �-J"'� ' i`rec�rn•J fif; I Pt1 su.Rrytr2'" �,���"°e o tom-':�pQ•, n'+to Jen m 2+Y2'1 File; 53nrAw2a2{>�dA0ZS1aCct?YSii�ry�t7015t2]•IIS(.r2D7�Q70NItaG0ESC7CrQS2321dnc 3 EXHIBIT A: REZONING EXHIBIT (Mapped) .r3TKA5Yo �aL1 rr i� 9 ° xa n N +t Y i+r r�O� 2 �! L oy 6/23/2021 Scale:1 inch=161 feet . File: Trod 1:12.0494 0.vc:,Cccrra st5.5aJ?a 0.91 R.(I1d575d1},PerEmekrGC35 b. O1 n59.55160 316.51 tO n31.0223.v 3?3A5 0201424a 1202C6 11 Rl,r�133M.Cclta=C4G;137,aro�YJ.y"a,diad•9i0 3A2?+r 360.88 03 SWV49m 612,F3 12Ll,r•SCO.00,de1a-005.3944,orc 50.20,rdra•6zrO4.111F,50,10 04 n31.0539+r 513.51 so 0501,0130n220.07 OS R4 r-477„p�,dEto�Rz3-972i,acc 261,97,�Aarc-n141,o,Cv�2.WSS 07n9T2d53a 16372 03 830,59430170,10 4. EXHIBIT B: UPDATED OFFICIAL ZONING MAP - CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS o a o no.n V.- C" - _ r� ! L q rvs,1 amq 6*d r Rr to J t ¢ 201 m 1 M %YnetW,v.b �f! \ �F nreb tae t➢r1E fo2af�x@fl . '�' h��' .. � P'3�-�` ➢.dm,Me• 9 fntElORfm-0Y1@Il . - ➢reme�wel to t➢n1E f➢]�+20211 ji�9 ur ➢Mb,na•f331 WD19G08�1@f1 3e t a-'� .. F n.ab...e• euoroanua@n - , s li -.e rJn •• �I<. �- '+�E�"—},+ .:... „if�v.$ � � es�k.�.�t 3'°><3°-- � � �' " r 1 1 � y a A C 0ptlated z9fdnp illff[11ls asipa OlUYlanc➢91J33;aAa0letl AP➢124,2019' • - i ��'� � " .VaIWZUOOPQOrdlfl M9974. '9/C,ted ZOIIMO Pef Ofdlna-9l➢i➢ - - - y or `,s OFFICIAL_ ZONING MAP � C n• d�`'➢n�rasd.>nn°m ., arN.arm.�d ° w i City of Cibo�- E� s Augu4,24.2021 e<w.,wwr1 ) - 0 0.5 ;1 2 wavramccars.e.iw . 1.:24,000 Mues 5