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Ord 1332 04/27/2021 Atch 4
11.2 Amateur radio antennas 11.2.1 Definition A tower with an antenna that transmits amateur radio, citizen band, or both spectrums or a tower that receives any.portion of a radio spectrum. 11.2.2 Additional Provisions In all districts where this: accessory use is permitted, a person may erect 'one amateur communication tower.that exceeds the maximum height specified in Article 14 subject the following provisions: A. The tower does not exceedix 60" feet in height; B. The tower is setback an additional,twelue 1.2" inches from the required front; side, and rear yards for each additional eighteen inches of height above-the maximum height . specified in Article 14; C: The tower has a maximum horizontal cross-sectional area of three-square feet; D. The tower has no more than two antennae above the maximum height specified in Article 14 with a maximum volume of 900 cubic feet for a single antennaand1;400.cubic feet for two.antennae. In this';provision, antenna volume is-;the space within an imaginary rectangular.prism which contains all extremities of the antenna; E. The tower does not encroach into the required front; side, or rear yard: A guy wire and anchor point-for a tower is prohibited in the required front yard and is also prohibited in the required side and rear yards unless the guy wire and anchor.point is`attached to the top of a structural support that is no.less than six ,6' feet in height: if a structural support for a guy wire and anchor point is used, the structural support may project into the required side and rear yards no more than two feet, measured from the setback line.A structural support for an anchor point is any pole, post, strut, or other fixture or-framework necessary to hold - and secure an anchor point or within three feet of the side or rear property line. If an alley abuts a rear property line, a guy wire and anchor point may extend to the rear property line; and F. The tower has a minimum space between antennae above the maximum height-specified in Article 14 of eight-W feet or more as measured vertically between the highest point of the lower antenna and the lowest point of the higher antenna. 11:2.3. Special Exception The Board of Adjustment can consider a Special Exception from any of the requirements described above with the exception that the tower cannot exceed ixt 6©' feet-in height, provided that Board . determines and:finds that the Special Exception would not adversely affect neighboring:property and would be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this section. If a Special.Exception is request, it must follow all of the procedural requirements described in this UDC for;the granting. of a Zoning Variance. 11.2.4 Receive Only or Amateur Radio Antenna A.- Height Restrictions (All Zoning Districts). 1. Freestanding receive only or amateur radio antennas or antenna structures including antenna may not be higher than emt r20' fee above the maximum structure height for the zoning district in which the antenna is located, and in no case shall such antenna and/or antenna structure exceedixt (�0')fee'in height. 2. Roof-mounted antennas may not extend more than twenty IM (20') ee above the highest point of the structure. 11.3. Satellite Dishes 11.3.1 Non-Residential Satellite Dishes A. Rooftop mounted antenna or a satellite dish may be located on any building serving a non- residential use, if the structure will not exceed the height limitation of the zoning district within which it is located; B. The antenna.and/or satellite dish will add no more than twenty ®.(20') M to the total height of the existing structure; C. The tower or antenna does not contain advertising,- D. dvertising;D. It complies with the lighting regulations for towers as specified in the UDC; E. Roof mounted satellite dishes shall per screened per the screening requirements of the UDC; and F. These requirements shall be applicable to the MF-1; MF-2, and all commercial and industrial zoning districts. 11.3.2 Single-Family, Duplex and MH Residential Satellite Dishes. Direct broadcast satellite reception, multi-channel multi-point distribution (as defined by the FCC), television reception antennas, and amateur radio antennas shall adhere to. the following requirements of this Article. A. Free-Standing Satellite Dishes The following conditions must be met for the placement of any satellite dish that has a diameter greater than two (2.0')M: 1. Number. Only two (2) antennas greater than two M (2') JM in diameter shall be allowed per dwelling unit and may be either ground-or roof-mounted. An antenna shall be considered ground-mounted whenever it is not entirely supported by the roof. 2. Location. Free standing satellite dishes and-antennas shall not be permitted nearer the front or yard of a lot tract than the plane formed by that portion of the structure most recessed or removed from the front yard. In the case of attached dwellings, the front of the unit that is most recessed or removed from the front yard shall form the . . limiting plane for all units or structures. Satellite dishes or antenna array may not extend into any'required front yard setback. 3. Appearance. Dishes shall, to;the greatest extent possible; be compatible in character,, color and appearance of the surrounding neighborhood. B. Roof-Mounted Satellite Dishes 1. Roof-mounted antennas shall not extend beyond the maximum height of structures permitted in the district in which they are located, except that when mounted to a' two story structure, no:portion of the dish or appurtenances shall:extend more than ten ee (10') ee beyond the.roof line. 2. Satellite"dishes andantennas shall, to the extent possible, be compatible in character, color and appearance with the surrounding neighborhood. 3. Dishes and antenna shall be accessory to the primary use of the lot ortract upon which it is located. 4. In any residential zoning.district, dishes b antennas concealed-behind, on, or within attics, eaves, gutters, or roofing shall be permitted and shall-not be subject to any rear or side yard setback requirements. 5. Dishes, dish support structures or,antennas legally installed before adoption of these regulations are not required to comply with this ordinance but must meet all applicable state and federal requirements, building codes,and safety standards. 11.4. Wind Energy Conversion (WEC) Systems 11.4.1 Definitions A. Wind Energy Conversion.System (WEC). A wind energy conversion system consisting of a wind turbine/rotor (blades),,a tower (freestanding, engineered, monopole structure only upon which the wind turbine/generator is mounte&no lattice-type or guyed tower structures allowed), and associated control or conversion electronics, that has a rated capacity of not more than 100kW output at any given time, and that .is intended for on-site production-of electricity in order to reduce consumption of commercial utility power. B.- Wind Energy Conversion System, Large(LWEC). A wind-energy conversion system that has a rated capacity:of more than 10kW, but not more than 100kW, output at any given time, and that is intended.for on-site production_ of electricity for a residence, agricultural structure or business. C. Wind Energy Conversion System,Small (SWEC). A wind energy.conversion system that has a rated capacity of not more than10kW output at any given time, and that is intended for on-site production of electricity for residence, agricultural structure, or small business. D: Wind Energy Tower Height. The height above grade of the fixed portion of the tower (i.e., to the center of the hub), excluding the wind turbine itself. E. Wind Energy Turbine/Generator. The blades and associated mechanical and electrical conversion components mounted on top of the tower. 11.4.2 Requirements Wind energy conversion systems shall be permitted in all districts subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Large wind energy systems shall be located on a lot having a minimum lot size of five 55 acres. All wind energy systems shall: be subject to the following additional requirements (unless one or more of the following requirements are specifically waived or modified in the CUP: A. An accurately drawn-to-scale survey/site plan is required with the CUP application and shall include the.following: 1. Property lines and physical dimensions of the property; 2. Location, dimensions, setbacks and types of existing major structures on the property; 3. Location of.the proposed wind:system tower, and setbacks/dimensions from all existing structures on-site, from all property lines, and from structures on adjacent properties; 4. .Locations and dimensions/setbacks from all public rights-of-way contiguous with the property; 5. Overhead utility lines, and approximate locations/canopy coverage of large existing trees on the property; - 6. _ Wind system specifications, including manufacturer and model, rotor diameter, tower height, tower type and rated kW output; 7. Tower foundation blueprints or.drawings; 8. Tower blueprint or drawing. And/or; 9. Elevation drawings showing the design and height of the proposed energy system, and any screening that will be provided to screen the system/tower from public view. B. Wind towers and generators proposed to be installed.within the 1007year floodplain shall also have approval of the City's Engineer and, where applicable, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Such tower sites shall take such measures, as required'by the City's-Engineer, to protect the sites from damage from potential flooding. The City's Engineer shall require a floodplain permit and a licensedengineer's certification that the tower/generator will not pose a threat or safety hazard due to flood conditions. C. No portion of the tower structure of a wind energy system shall be located within any required front, side or rear yard, and the tower and all of its appurtenances shall be located behind (i.e., hot in front of) the main building unless otherwise authorized by the CUP. No portion of a system may protrude over a property.line without acquisition of an easement for the encroachment from the adjacent property owner, or over an easement without proper written release from the utility provider or entity that owns or controls such easement. D: A wind energy system may exist only as an accessory use, and it may not be constructed or installed until a primary structure exists on the property.A wind energy system may only supply power to structures on the lot/parcel where the system is located (i.e., not to an off- site structure). E. For property sizes less than or equal to-five (J) acres in area, the tower height shall be a maximum of seventy-five (R) feet. For property sizes greater than five 0 acres in area,. the tower height shall not,exceed one hundred (M)feet unless otherwise approved in the CUP. Blade clearance shall be a minimum of twenty (a)feet above the ground F. Wind energy conversion systems must comply with applicable - Federal- Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations; including any necessary approvals for installations close to airports and.must comply with applicable ASHTO engineering standards. G. The tower for a wind energy system shall be set back a minimum distance of two (0)times the tower's height from all property lines, public rights-of-way and occupied buildings, and shall be set back a minimum distance of one and one-half (1.5) times the tower's height from the,applicant's own building(s)on the property unless constructing the WEC according to Subsection P below. H. The.tower for a wind energy system shall be set back a minimum distance of one and one- half(1:5)times the tower's height from any overhead utility lines, unless written permission is granted otherwise by the affected utility. No tower shall be erected closer than two hundred (M)feet or a distance of five(E)times the diameter of the larger rotor, whichever is the greater distance, to another wind energy tower. J. All wind energy systems shaWbe equipped with a redundant braking system.This includes both aerodynamic over speed controls (including variable pitch, tip and other similar systems)and mechanical brakes. Mechanical brakes shall be operated in a fail-safe mode. Stall regulation shall not .be considered a sufficient braking system for over speed. protection. K. Safety and Security Measures 1. A clearly visible warning sign that states "Caution, High Voltage" must be placed at the base of all pad-mounted transformers and substations. 2. All ground-mounted electrical and control equipment shall be labeled and secured to prevent unauthorized access. 3. The tower shall be designed and installed so as to not.provide stee bolts or.a ladder readily accessible to the public for a minimum height oft=welg�e%1011 feet from the ground. 4. All access doors to wind energy systems and their appurtenances (e.g., cabinets, junction boxes, etc.) shall be locked or fenced,.as appropriate, to prevent entry by non-authorized persons. L. All electrical wires associated with a wind energy system, other than wires necessary to . . connect the wind generator to the tower wiring, the tower wiring to the disconnect junction box, and the grounding wires shall be located underground. M. Wind energy systems shall be required to comply with the noise standards of this.UDC. N. Visual Appearance 1: A-wind tower and generator shall not be artificially lighted unless such lighting is required by the Federal Aviation Administration. 2. The wind tower and generator shall remain painted or finished in the neutral white, light grey or silver color to finish that was originally applied by the manufacturer. . 3. All.signs, other than the manufacturer's or installer's identification, appropriate warning signs, or owner identification on a wind generator, tower; building,or other structure associated with a wind energy system, shall be prohibited. Such signs as described above.shall be no larger than four (a) square feet in size and shall be located near the base of the tower. 4. No flags, pennants., banners or similar materials may be displayed on or attached. to any portion of a wind energy system, including its tower;:unless a proper permit is obtained from the City for a temporary sign/display, in accordance with the Cibolo Sign Ordinance. O: Nuisance Prevention 1. Wind energy systems shall be sited, to the greatest extent practical, to-minimize the impact of shadow flicker or blade glint upon any inhabited structures (except for the owner's),or public roadways. Systems found to be a nuisance, or a traffic hazard shall be shut down until the flicker or glint problem is remedied. 2. Wind energy systems shall comply with all applicable Federal Communications. Commission (FCC) rules and shall not cause static noise interference with other individuals' television reception or with private or public telecommunications (e.g., public safety communications, 911 dispatch,.etc.). P. No wind energy system shall be placed or constructed on the roof: of any existing structure unless such structure is/was designed and constructed to structurally - accommodate and support a roof-mounted wind energy system. Certification by a structural engineer shall be required for any roof-mounted system. No roof mounted WEC shall exceed a maximum height of sixty-five(M)feet, as measured from the lowest ground level elevation point of the structure to which it is mounted,to the top of the tower (i.e., at the center of the.hub). 11.4.2 Building Permit Required A. A building permit shall be required for the installation of a wind energy system: 1. The owner shall submit an application to the Building Official..The application shall be accompanied by standard drawings of the wind turbine structure, a line drawing of the electrical components, and two copies of the site plan for the wind energy system, and any fee the City requires for an accessory use or building. 2. No permit for a wind energy system shall be issued until evidence of written approval has been given to the City that the utility company has been informed of . the customer's intent to install an interconnected customer-owned generator, and the utility company.has expressed written approval for the system. Off grid systems shall be exempt from this requirement. 3. Building permit applications for wind energy systems shall be accompanied by standard drawings of the wind turbine structure, including the tower, base and footings. An engineering analysis of the tower showing compliance with-the City's Building Code, and certified by a licensed professional engineer, shall also be submitted. This analysis is frequently supplied by the manufacturer, 4. Building permit applications for wind energy systems shall be accompanied by a line drawing of the electrical components in sufficient detail to allow for a determination that the manner of installation conforms to the City's Electrical Code. This information is frequently supplied by the manufacturer. 5. A building permit issued for a wind energy system shall expire if the system is not installed, functioning and passed City inspection within six (6) months (i.e., 180 calendar days)following the date the permit is issued. 11.4.3 Abandonment A. A wind energy system that is out-of-service for a continuouswelve124 month period will be deemed to be abandoned. The Building Official may issue a Notice of Abandonment to the owner of a wind energy system that is deemed to have been abandoned. The owner shall have the right to respond to,the Notice of Abandonment within hire 30 calendar days from the date that.the Notice was mailed to the owner. The Building Official shall withdraw the Notice of Abandonment and notify the owner that the Notice has been withdrawn if the owner provides sufficient information that demonstrates the wind energy system has not been abandoned,and that it is in compliance and operational in accordance with the City's regulations for WECs. b. If the wind energy system is determined to be abandoned, the owner of the wind energy system shall remove the wind generator and tower structure (including all its appurtenances) from the property at the owner's sole expense within three (3) months after the Notice of Abandonment has been sent to the. owner. If the owner fails to completely remove the wind generator, tower and any associated appurtenances, the Building Official may pursue a legal action to have the wind generator and tower structure removed at the owner's expense. 11.4.4 Subdivision A. Future subdivision of any property upon which a wind energy system is located shall only be allowed if the WEC is a.legally conforming use/structure, and if all setback, height and other requirements for WECs remain in compliance. 11.5.0 Small=Wind Energy Systems and Windmills A. Purpose. These small wind energy_system regulations were adopted 'to accommodate small wind energy systems in appropriate locations, while protecting the public's health, safety and welfare. In addition, this ordinance provides a permitting process for small wind energy systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of the requirements and standards established herein. B. Definitions. 1. Meteorological Tower(Met Tower). Includes the tower, base plate, anchors, guy wires and hardware, anemometers (wind speed indicators), wind direction vanes, booms to hold equipment for anemometers and, vanes, data loggers, instrument wiring, and any telemetry devices that are used to monitor or transmit wind speed and wind flow . characteristics over a period of time for either.instantaneous wind.information or to characterize the wind resource at a given location. For the purpose of these regulations, the term Met Towers shall refer only to those whose purpose are to analyze the environmental factors needed. to assess the potential to install, construct or erect a small wind energy system. 2. Modification. Any change to the small wind energy system that materially alters the size;:type or location.of the small wind energy systema Like-kind replacements shall-not. be. construed to be a modification. 3. Net metering. Thedifference between the electricity supplied to a customer over the electric distribution system and. the electricity generated by the customer's small wind energy system-that is:fed back into the electric distribution system over a billing period. 4. Power grid. The transmission system created to balance the supply and demand of electricity for consumers in Texas. 5. Shadow flicker. The visible flicker effect when rotating blades of the wind generator cast shadows on the ground and nearby structures causing a repeating pattern of light and shadow. . . 6. Small wind energy system. A wind energy conversion system consisting of a wind generator, a tower, and associated control or conversion electronics, which has:a rated capacity,of 100, kilowatts or less-and will be used primarily for onsite consumption. 7. System height. The vertical distance from ground level to the tip of the wind generator. blade when it.is at its highest point. 8: Tower. L— The monopole, guyed monopole or lattice structure that supports a wind generator. . 9: Tower height. The height above grade of the fixed portion of the tower, excluding the wind generator. 10.: Vertical.Axis Helix Wind Turbine(VAWT's). . . . — VAWT's have a vertical.rotor drive shaft that does not need to:be pointed into the wind.to function for wind to take advantage.of wind that blows from multiple directions and is turbulent..VAV\[T's have generator and:gearbox located of the base of the system where they are more accessible for maintenance. The blades and associated mechanical andelectrical:conversion components mounted on top . of the tower whose purpose is to convert kinetic energy of the wind into rotational energy used to:generate electricity.VAWT's can be roof mounted or free-standing. a t. i 11. Wind generator. The blades and associated mechanical. and electrical conversion components mounted on top of the tower whose purpose is to convert kinetic energy of the wind into rotational energy used to generate electricity. C. Procedure for Review: 1. Building Permit: Small wind energy systems.and met towers are an accessory use permitted in all zoning districts where structures of any sort are allowed. No small wind energy system shall be erected, constructed, or installed without first . receiving s,building permit from the building inspector. A building permit shall be required for any physical modification to an existing small wind energy system. Met towers that receive a.building permit shall be.permitted on a temporary basis not to exceed years from the date the building permit was issued. 2. Application: Applications submitted to the City shall contain a site plan an the following information: a) Property lines and physical dimensions of the applicant's property; b) Location, dimensions, and types of existing major structures on the.property; c) Location.of the proposed small wind energy system, foundations, guy anchors and associated equipment; d) Tower foundation blueprints or drawings; e) .Tower blueprints or drawings; f) Setback requirements as outlined in this UDC; g) The right-of-way of any public road that is contiguous with the property; h) Any overhead utility lines; i) _Small wind energy system specifications,.including manufacturer, model, rotor diameter, tower height, tower type, nameplate generation capacity; j) . Small wind energy systems that will be connected to the power grid shall include a copy of the application for interconnection with their electric utility provider; k) Sound level analysis prepared by the wind generator manufacturer or qualified- engineer; 1) Electrical components in sufficient detail to allow for a determination that-the manner of installation conforms to the Cibolo Building Code, as amended; and m) Evidence of compliance or non-applicability with Federal Aviation Administration requirements. D. Standards 1. The City shall evaluate the:application for compliance with the following standards; a) Setbacks. The setback shall be calculated by niultiplying :the minimum setback requirement number by the system height and measured from the center of- the tower base to property line, public roads,or nearest point on the foundation of an occupied building. Minimum Setback Requirements Occupied Buildings on Occupied Buildings on Property Lines of Participating Landowner Abutting Property and Public Roads Property Abutting Property Utility Lines 01 1.5 1.1 1.5 1) Small wind energy systems must meet all setbacks for principal structures for the zoning district in which the system is located. 11) Guy wires used to support the tower are exempt from the small wind energy system setback requirements. b) Height. For lots in the SF-1, SF-2; SF-3, SF-4,,SF-5,M TF-1, MHA, MH-2; C-1, C- 2 and Old Town zoning districts, small scale wind generation systems shall be limited free-standing and/or roof mounted-vertical axis helix wind turbines with a height that shall not exceed thirtMfive(r35i) fee in.the event that structures or vegetation on an adjoining property.result in practical difficulties in deploying such a system, the Board of Adjustment can.consider a.variance to.allow additional height and consider the off-site impediment to wind flow as a valid hardship for.the granting of a variance to a height that will clear the wind generation system from the impediment. For lots in. the PF; MF-1, MF-2, C-3 districts, small scale wind generation systems shall be limited.free-standing and/or.roof mounted vertical axis helix wind turbines with a height that shall not exceed flift`{ (50) feefi. This.. . requirement shall also to schools; churches and government facilities, regardless of the zoning of the site. The height limitation can be increase by ten M(10.0').f�ee for the installation of these system's on light standards and like equipment. In the event that structures or vegetation on an adjoining property result in practical difficulties in deploying such a system, the Board of Adjustment can consider a variance to allow additional height and consider.the off-site impediment to.wind flow. as a valid hardship for the :granting of.a variance to a height that.will clear the wind generation system from the impediment. For lots in the AG district, small scale wind generation systems shall be limited free-standing and/or roof mounted vertical axis helix wind turbines with a height that shall not exceedevents`five (MMU feet. In the event that structures or vegetation on an adjoining property result in practical difficulties in deploying such a system, the Board of Adjustment can consider a variance to allow additional height.and consider the off-site impediment to wind flow as a valid hardship for the granting of a variance to a height that will clear the wind generation system from the impediment. c) Sound Level. The small wind energy system shall not exceed ixt 60 decibels using the A scale (dBA); as measured at the site property line, except during short-term events such as severe windstorms and utility outages. d) Shadow Flicker. Small wind energy systems shall be sited in a manner that does not result in . significant shadow flicker impacts. Significant shadow flicker is defined as more than hi 30 :hours per year-on abutting occupied buildings. The applicant has the burden of proving that the shadow flicker will not have significant adverse impact on neighboring or adjacent uses. Potential shadow flicker will be addressed either through siting or mitigation measures.- e) Signs. All signs including flags streamers and decorative items, both temporary and -permanent, are prohibited on the small wind energy system, except for manufacturer identification or appropriate warning signs. f) Code Compliance. Small wind energy systems shall comply with all applicable sections of the Cibolo Building-Code, as amended. g) Aviation. The small wind energy system shall be built to comply with all applicable Federal Aviation Administration regulations. h) Visual Impacts. It is inherent that small wind energy systems may pose some visual impacts due to the tower height needed to access wind resources. The purpose of this section is to:reduce the visual impacts, without restricting the owner's access to the optimal wind resources on the property. I. The applicant shall demonstrate through project site planning and proposed.mitigation that the small wind energy system's visual impacts will be minimized for surrounding neighbors and the community. This may - include, but not be limited to information regarding site selection, wind generator design or appearance, buffering, and screening of ground mounted electrical and.control equipment. All electrical conduits.shall be underground, except when the financial costs are prohibitive. II. The color of the small wind energy system shall either be the stock color from the-manufacturer or painted with anon-reflective, unobtrusive.color that blends in with the surrounding.environment. Approved colors include but are not limited to white, off-white or gray. 111. A small wind, energy system shall not be artificially lit unless such lighting is required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). If lighting is required, the applicant shall provide a_copy of-the FAA determination to establish the required markings and/or lights for.the small wind energy system. i) Approved Wind Generators. The manufacturer and model of the wind generator.to ,be used in the proposed small wind energy system must have been:approved:by the California Energy.Commission or the New York:State Energy Research and Development Authority, .or a similar list approved by the State of Texas. j) Utility Connection. If the proposed small wind energy system is to be connected to the power grid through.net metering, it shall adhere.to applicable Public Utility Commission of Texas standards and regulations. k) Access. The tower shall be designed and installed,so as not to provide,step bolts or a ladder readily accessible to the public for a minimum height of 8 feet above the ground. All ground-mounted electrical'and control equipment . shall-be labeled and secured to prevent unauthorized access. 1) -Clearing. - Clearing of natural vegetation shall be limited to that which is necessary for the construction, operation and maintenance of the small wind energy -system and as otherwise prescribed by applicable. laws, regulations, and ordinances. D. -Abandonment 1. At such time that a.small windenergy system is scheduled to be abandoned or - discontinued,.the applicant will.notify the City by certified U.S. mail of the proposed . . date of abandonment or discontinuation of operations.- 2. perations.2. Upon abandonment or discontinuation of use, the.owner shall physically remove- the small wind energy system within': inet 90 . days from the 'date of abandonment or discontinuation of use. This period may be extended at the request of the owner and at the discretion of thebuilding.inspector.. '.'Physically remove"shall.include, but not be limited to: a) Removal of the wind generator and tower and related above-grade structures; b) Restoration of the location of the small wind energy system to its natural condition, except that any landscaping, grading or below-grade foundation may remain in its same condition at initiation of abandonment. 3. In the event that an applicant fails to give such..notice, the- system :shall be considered:abandoned- or discontinued if the system is out-of-service for a continuous slue 12a month.period: After the,twelve 1months of inoperability, the building inspector may issue a Notice of Abandonment to the owner of the small wind energy system. The owner shall have the right to respond to the Notice of Abandonment within hire 30 days from Notice receipt date. After review of the information provided by the owner, the building inspector shall determine if the small wind energy system has been abandoned: If it is determined that the small wind energy system has not been abandoned,the building inspector shall withdraw the Notice of Abandonment and notify the owner of the withdrawal. 4. If an owner fails to respond to the Notice of Abandonment or if;after review by the City, it is determined that the small .wind energy system has been abandoned or discontinued, the owner of the small wind energy system shall remove the wind generator and tower at the owner's sole expense-within hree 3 months of receipt of the Notice of Abandonment. If the owner fails to physically remove the small wind energy system after the Notice of Abandonment procedure, the City may pursue legal action to have the small wind energy.system removed at the owner's expense . 11.5 Solar Energy Systems A. Purpose The purpose of these regulations is to encourage investment in Solar Energy Systems, while providing guidelines for the installation of those systems that are consistent with the character of the Town and are necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. B. . Definitions 1. Accessory Solar Energy System. A Solar Energy System that supplies electrical or thermal power primarily for on- site use. 2. Building-Integrated Solar Energy System. A Solar Energy System that is an integral part of a principal or accessory building replacing or substituting for an architectural or structural component of the'building. Building-Integrated Solar Energy Systems include but are not ,limited to Photovoltaic or hot water solar systems that are contained within roofing materials, .windows, or skylights. 3. Photovoltaic (PV). The technology that uses a semi-conductor material to convert light directly into electricity. 4. . Solar Collector-Panel. Any part.of a Solar Energy System thatabsorbs.solar energy for use in the system's energy transformation process. The Solar Collector Panel does not include frames. supports or mounting hardware. 5. Solar Energy System. A device or structural design feature, a substantial purpose of which is to provide for the collection, storage, and distribution of solar energy for space heating or cooling, electrical generation, or water heating. C. General Standards 1. Solar Energy System shall provide power for the principal use and/or accessory use of the property on which the Solar Energy System is located and shall not be used for the generation of power for the sale-of energy to other users, although this provision shall not prohibit the sale of excess power generated to the local utility company. 2: Whenever practical, all Accessory Solar Energy Systems shall be attached to a building. 3. A Solar Energy System shall not be used to display advertising; including signage, streamers, pennants, spinners, reflectors, ribbons,tinsel, balloons, flags, banners, or similar materials. 4. The manufacturer and equipment information, warning; or indication of ownership shall be allowed on any equipment of the Solar.Energy System. 5. The owner of.a Solar Energy System shall remove it if an inspection of the system reveals that it has become a public nuisance or hazard. 6. Solar Collector.Panels shall be placed and arranged such that reflected solar radiation or glare shall not be directed onto adjacent buildings, properties or roadways. 7. Roof-mounted Solar Energy Systems shall be-set back a minimum ofU ne 1' :foot from all roof edges (eaves, gutter-line, or ridge-line) of the roof surface. 8. Appurtenant electric, piping, wiring or equipment for Solar Energy Systems shall. be allowed to extend beyond the perimeter of the building on a side or rear yard exposure, but must be affixed to the building or structure in a neat and workman like manner with the intent of connection to the building system or,to run underground. 9. The horizontal area covered by the area of the Solar Collector Panels of a ground mounted system at optimum design tilt shall be calculated as part of the overall lot coverage. 1.0. All power transmission lines and/or piping from a ground-mounted Solar Energy System to any building or other structure shall be located underground unless otherwise required by the State Building Code.. 11. A ground-mounted Solar Energy System shall limit the impacts on the surrounding properties, maintain safe accessibility, and.limit storm water runoff. D. Design Standards in Residential Districts 1: Roof-mounted Solar Energy Systems. a) Roof-mounted Solar Energy Systems are permitted on principal and accessory structures. b) All roof-mounted Solar Collector Panels will be subject to the following height limitations: c) The top surface of any Solar Collector Panel mounted on a south-facing sloped roof shall not exceed elue 12" inches above the adjacent finish roof surface. d) The top surface of any Solar Collector Panel. mounted .on a north-, east, or west-facing-sloped roof shall not exceed twenty-four (r24y, inches above the adjacent finish roof surface. e) The topmost point of any Solar Collector Panel mounted on a flat roof(1/2 inch or less per foot slope) shall not exceed thirt 30" inches above the adjacent finish roof surface on flat roofs with or without parapets. 2. Ground-mounted.Solar Energy Systems. a) The minimum setback distance from the side and rear property lines to a ground.-mounted Solar Energy System,shall be five .' feet when oriented at minimum design tilt: A ground-mounted Solar Energy System shall not be located within.the front yard, defined as the area between the front fagade of the dwelling extended to the side property lines and extending to the street line (corner lots have two (2)front facades). b) A ground- or pole-mounted Solar Energy System shall not exceed feet in height to the tallest point of the Solar Collector Panels at 42.390. Greater height is permitted provided the Solar Energy System setback from each lot line exceeds otherwise applicable setback requirements by en 10' feet plus ii e(11' foot for each foot of excess height.-In,no case*shall the height exceed ten 10' feet. The Board of Adjustment may grant a special exception to exceed this height limitation subject to the provisions of Section 11.2.3. E, Design Standards in Non-Residential Districts 1. Building-mounted Solar Energy Systems are permitted in the following locations: a) On the roofs-of principal and accessory structures, and/or b). On side and rear building facades, or:on front or.corner building facades, so Tong as the Solar Energy System is a. Building-Integrated Solar Energy System.. c) All Solar Energy System appurtenancessuch as,but not limited to, plumbing, water tanks, mounting structures, and support equipment shall be screened to the maximum extent possible without compromisingthe effectiveness of the Solar Collector Panels. 2. Roof-mounted Solar Energy Systems are permitted in accordance with the following criteria:. . a) ..A roof-mounted Solar Energy System on a flat roof (1/2 inch or less per foot slope), whether mounted on the principal building or accessory building, shall be considered to be a mechanical device and shall be restricted consistent with other building-mounted mechanical systems. b) All roof-mounted Solar Collector Panels on a sloped roof will be subject to the -following height limitations: 3. The top surface of any Solar Collector Panel mounted on a south-facing sloped roof shall not exceedelve 12" inches above the adjacent finish roof surface. 4. The top surface of any Solar Collector Panel mounted on:a north -, east-, or west- facing sloped roof shall not exceed Itwen,Ni rZKOM inches above the adjacent finish roof surface. 5. Ground-mounted Solar Energy Systems are permitted 'in accordance with the following criteria: a) The minimum setback distance from the side and rear property lines to a ground mounted Solar Energy System shall be five feet when oriented at minimum design tilt. A ground-mounted. Solar Energy System shall not be . located within the front yard, defined as the area between the front fagade of the dwelling extended to the side property lines and extending to the street line (corner lots have two (2) front facades). b) A ground- or pole-mounted Solar -Energy System shall not exceed the maximum height of ten 10' feet. ARTICLE 12. SITE PLAN REVIEW Section 12.1 Purpose This Article establishes a review process for non-single-family residential development.or use and for any multi-family residential district or use. The purpose is to ensure that development project is in compliance with this UDC and any other,applicable City codes, ordinances and guidelines prior to commencement of construction. Section 12.2 Site Plan 12.2.1 Applicability Submission and approval.of-a Site Plan shall be required for development as follows: 1. For new development in any nonresidential district Mmulti-family residential district or use. 2. For any increase in an existing non-residential or multi-family structure that is greater than twenty (20) percent of an existing building square footage; or 3. For that portion of a single-family residential,development that contains a private amenity or facility-i.e. recreation center, park, horse stable, etc. 12.2.2. Criteria for Approval The Planning and Engineering:Director or designee, in review of site plans, shall adhere to the following criteria: 1. The Site Plan is consistent with the general purpose and intent of applicable zoning district regulations; 2. The Site Plan is compatible with adjacent developments and neighborhoods and includes improvements to mitigate development related adverse impacts;; 3. The Site Plan does not generate pedestrian or vehicular traffic which will be hazardous or conflict with the existing traffic patterns in the area; 4. The Site Plan incorporates features to minimize adverse effects on adjacent properties; 5. Adequate capacity of public and/or private facilities for water, sewer, electricity and transportation to and through the development is provided to the site; and 6. The proposed use and associated Site Plan promote the health, safety or general welfare.of the City and the safe, orderly, efficient and healthful development of the City. 1`2.2.3.Approval Procedures 1. The review process for a Site Plan shall only begin once the City has determined that all application completeness requirements, site plan content requirements and submission requirements stipulated in Section 12.2 and 12:3 of this UDC have been satisfied. 2. Upon finding that the Site glan is complete, the Nite flan shall be reviewed by the City Planner,. Building Official, Fire Marshal, Public Works Department, City Engineer and any other pertinent reviewing agency with jurisdiction, .in accordance with the criteria stated. above: Upon the completion of the initial review process, the. City will provide written comments citing any deficiencies with the Bite lmlan.The Bite Ilan may then be amended and resubmitted to correct any deficiencies. 3. If the lite Ilan is complete and satisfies all applicable requirements, the Site @Ian shall be administratively approved. - 4. - The-approval process for a Site Plan shall generally be reviewed by the City Planner and City Engineer. If the Site Plan; required for development within any nonresidential district or use and any multi-family residential district or use, is denied by the City, the City shall stipulate in writing the reason(s)for the denial of the Site elan. If the cause for denial is based on any of the criteria described in Section 12.2.1, the applicant can - appeal the decision of the City Planner to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a final determination. If a Site Ilan is denied based on the failure of the rite @Ian to comply with a specific development standard.of the UDC, the applicant may pursue variance relief through the Board of Adjustment.' 12.2.4 Application Completeness Applications for any required plan must include_all required information listed here and all such:required information must be submitted for a Site Plan application to be considered complete and to be accepted for official submission by the City:. 1. - An application for a Site Plan with notarized signatures of the owner or designated representative if the applicant is not the owner of the subject property; 2. Application.fee as established on the City schedule of fees; 3. Verification that all taxes and assessments-on the subject property have been paid; 4. - Copies of the plan(s),-elevations-, and pertinent studies (TIA, drainage, soils etc.) including all information specified by this ordinance on 24"x 36" sheet(s) drawn to:a known'engineering and/or architectural scale respectively, that is large enough .to be clearly legible and other required . information, the quantity of which shall be determined.by the city; 5. General layout for the required public improvements (water, wastewater, grading/storm-drainage, streets, water quality, fire lanes and hydrants, screeningand landscaping, etc.), the quantity of which shall,be determined by the City Planner or designee; 6. Reduced copies,(11"x 17") of the required plan(s) and a CD containing all plans and.elevations in AutoCAD and PDF file formats; 7. Landscaping and irrigation-plans, the quantity of which shall be determined by'the City'Planner, or designee;- 8. Any additional information/materials (such as plans, maps, exhibits, legal:description of property, information about proposed uses, etc.) as deemed necessary by the City Planner,,or designee, in order to ensure that the development request is understood; and 12.2.5 Supplemental_Requirements 1. The Mity may require other information and data-for specific conditional.use permit applications. This data may include but is not limited to. geologic information, water-yields, flood data and/or" hydrological studies, environmental information, traffic impact analysis, road capacities, economic. data for the proposed development, hours of operation,.and similar information. 2. Approval of a Site Ilan and architectural elevations as required by this ordinance may establish conditions for design and construction based upon such information. 12.2.6 Pre-Application Conference Prior to formal application for approval of a required Bite Ilan, the applicant(s) should consult with the City staff to become familiar with the City's development regulations and the development process. At the pre application conference, the developer may be represented by a land planner, engineer, surveyor, or any other qualified professional.. 12.2.7 Building Permit and Certificate of Occupancy No building permit shall be issued until a Site Plan and all other . required. architectural/engineering/construction plans are first approved.by the City. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued until. all construction and development conforms to the approved Site Plan and- architectural/engineering/construction plans, as approved by the City. When the overall development.project is.to be developed in phases, the area included within the Site Plan shall include only the portion of the overall property that.is to be developed or constructed. 12.2.8 Extent of Area that should be included in a Site Plan When the overall development project is to be developed in phases, the area included within the Site Plan.. shall include only the portion of the overall property that,is to be developed or constructed. Section 1.2.3 Application Requirements 12.3,1..Respo.nsible Official: The City Planner, or designee, shall be responsible for processing a Site glan application. 12.3.2 Contents: An application for approval of a Site gP'lan shall contain the following information and documents: A. All-requirements per Section 12.2.4; and B. General Site plan review and evaluation by the City Planner, or designee,.shall be performed with respect to the following: 1. The plan's compliance with,all provisions of the UDC and other ordinances of the City; 2.1 The impact of the:development,relating to.the preservation of existing:natural resources on the. site and the impact_on the surrounding properties and neighborhood; 3. The relationship of the development to adjacent uses in terms of harmonious.design, setbacks, building materials, property values, and any possible negative impacts; 4. The provision of a safe and.efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation system;; 5. The design and location of off-street parking and loading facilities to ensure that all such spaces. are usable and are safely and conveniently.arranged; 6. The sufficient width and suitable grade and-location of.streets designed.to accommodate prospective traffic.add to provide access for firefighting and emergency equipment; 7.=. The coordination of streets to arrange a convenient system consistent with the Thoroughfare . Plan of the City, as amended; 8. The use of landscaping and screening to provide adequate buffers to shield lights,-noise, movement, or activities from adjacent properties and to complement and integrate-the design and location of buildings into the overall site design; 9. Exterior lighting to ensure safe movement and for security purposes, which shall be arranged to minimize glare,and reflection upon adjacent properties;.. 10. The location, size, accessibility, and configuration of open space areas to ensure that such areas are suitable for intended recreation and conservation uses; 11. Protection and conservation of soils from erosion by wind or water or from excavation or grading; 12. Protection and conservation of watercourses and areas that are subject to flooding; 13. Provision of the adequate capacity of public or private facilities for water, sewer and paved access to and through the development, electricity, storm drainage, and adequate traffic management; 14. Consistency with the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, as amended; and 15. In approving a Site Plan, the City may impose any additional reasonable conditions necessary to protect the public interest and welfare of the community. When considering an application for site design and use, the City may include any or all of the following conditions necessary to meet the intent and purpose.of the standards of this UDC: a. Require a maximum increase of up;to twenty percent (20%) in the width or required plant materials for perimeter buffer-yards in order to ensure compatibility between different land uses. b. Require such-modifications in the landscaping plan to ensure proper screening and aesthetic appearance. C. Require plantings and ground cover to be predominant, not accessory, to other inorganic or dead organic ground cover. d. Require retention of significant physical features of a site. Said significant physical-- - features include but are not limited to: existing stands of trees, protected trees as specified by the City's tree preservation standards, bodies of water, watercourses,. floodplains and other flood hazard areas,and other natural features. e: Require the modification/revision of the placement, design or remodeling of structures, signs, accessory buildings; consistent with the standards of this UDC. f. Specify the type and placement or shielding of lights for outdoor circulation, parking, and security. g. Require new developments that produce more than one hundred (100) peak vehicle trips per hour to provide traffic mitigation by means of traffic signals, traffic controls, turning islands, landscaping or any other means necessary to Mnsure the viability, safety, and integrity of existing and proposed thoroughfares, based upon the results of a Traffic Impact Analysis. h. Require pedestrian access,.separate:pedestrian access ways, sidewalks and protection from rain for pedestrians in new developments. i. Require developments .to provide access to improved streets and, where possible, provide access to the lower order street rather than a major collector or arterial street as designated on the Thoroughfare Plan, as amended. -C. Submission Requirements for Site Plan Approval 1. A Site Plan shall be prepared by a qualified civil engineer, land planner, architect or surveyor, and it shall clearly show in detail how the site will be constructed (such as paving, buildings, landscaped areas, utilities, etc.).To ensure the submission of adequate information the following information and items shall be submitted with an application for Site Plan approval in addition to . any additional specific requirements for the review of Site Plan applications that may be devised and amended from time to time. It shall be the applicant's responsibilityto obtain and be familiar with the:requirements for Site Plan approval. a. A'title block within the:upper right-hand corner of the concept plan with the-proposed . name.ofthe project/subdivision; b. The name and address of the owner/developer and the land planner, engineer architect or surveyor responsible for the design or survey; C. The scale of the drawing (written and graphic scale) and north arrow; d. The date the drawing was prepared; e. Total site acreage and the location of the property according to:the abstract and survey, records of Guadalupe County, Texas; f. . A vicinity or location map that shows the location of the proposed development within the City (or ETJ) and in relationship to existing roadways; g. The.boundary survey limits of the tract and scale distances with north clearly indicated; h. The names of adjacent subdivisions (or the name of the owners of record and recording information for adjacent parcels of unplatted land), including parcels on the other sides of roads, creeks; etc.;. i. The existing uses of the subject property; j. The general arrangement of future land uses, including the approximate number of lots and any residential uses anticipated; k. A generalized-circulation plan for the subject property showing the proposed locations and patterns of motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Said circulation plan shall contain arrows indicating traffic flow; I. The existing zoning and existing/proposed uses on adjacent land; M. The location,width and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract; n. The location, type, size and recording information for any existing easements located on the subject property or within two hundred (200)feet of the subject property. In the event no existing easements have been dedicated, a note to that effect shall be provided; o. The location and building footprints of existing buildings located on the property. Existing buildings shall be noted as to those that are to remain and those that are to be removed; p. - Railroad-rights-of-way located within two hundred (200) feet of the subject property; q. -Topography, including contours at a minimum five-foot interval, with the location of the centerline of existing drainage channels or creeks; r. Any 100-year flood plain as designated.on the appropriate Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).located on or within two hundred (200) feet of the subject tract. If a 100-year floodplain-is not located on the subject tractor within two hundred(200)feet of the subject tract, a note to that effect must be provided with thereference to appropriate panel number; s. Any significant natural features such as rock outcroppings, caves, wildlife habitats, etc.; t. All substantial natural vegetation; U. Location of Gas/OilNVater wells or pipelines; V. Location,,type, size, and ownership of all existing water and wastewater lines, including all appurtenances -.i.e. valves, hydrants; as well as proposed FDC and other proposed fire prevention appurtenances; W. Location, type, and size of all drainage and underground structures; X. Proposed connection to water, wastewater, RM drainage systems; y. Adjacent political subdivisions; corporate limits, and school-district boundaries; z Proposed strategies for tree preservation in accordance with this UDC (showing individual trees or tree, masses that will be preserved, and the techniques that will be used to protect them during construction); aa: . The layout and,width (right-of-way lines) of existing and proposed thoroughfares, collector streets and/or intersections, and a general configuration of proposed streets, lots and blocks, including proposed median openings and left turn lanes on future divided roadways; bb. Existing and planned driveways located within two hundred(200)feet of the subject tract, including those located on the opposite side of divided roadways; cc. The arrangement of land uses and buildings, including but not limited to: .1. . Proposed nonresidential and residential densities; 2. .. Building footprints for each proposed structure; 3. Building heights; - 4. Buildingsquare footages for each proposed structure. For multi-tenant or multi-purpose buildings, show the square footage for each intended use; 5. Building massing and orientation;. 6. Location of loading/service areas; 7. Location of recycling containers, compactors, .dumpsters and their enclosures; '8. Sidewalks and pedestrian walkways; 9. Parking plan showing the proposed on-site parking stalls with dimensions. and driveway aisles with dimensions; 10. Retention/detention ponds with proposed aesthetic treatments; 1.1. Screening walls; 12. Fences; -13. Location, lighting and type of signs; and relation of signs to traffic control and adverse effect on adjacent properties. 14. Fire-lanes with dimensions for fire lane,aisles and turn-arounds and other related Fire Prevention items, such as fire hydrant,coverage areas; 15. Alighting plan for all external lighting demonstrating that the City's lighting standards have been met.Said lighting plan shall include the following: a. The location and type of all lighting fixtures including the height of, all pole_lights; b.. A photometric analysis showing the estimated illumination at the property line; C. The type of illumination.fixtures to.be utilized; d. The type and method.of shielding proposed; dd. Visibility easements; ee. A landscape plan meeting the landscape standards of this UDC; ff. An irrigation plan meeting the landscape standards of this UDC; gg. Building:fagade (elevation) plans showing the type and color of the exterior building- materials to be utilized for each building or structure and each screening wall.-Said building elevations shall be-drawn to:a scale of one (1") inch equals twenty. feet (1" _ 20') or any.such similar architectural scale; hh. All information and illustrations necessary to show the nature and effect of proposed variations to the.standards in the zoning district; ii. Dust Control Plan; if applicable; - jj. Information demonstrating compliance with the Environmental-Performance Standards of this UDC; and kk. Proposed outdoor storage areas,with a list of materials to be stored and the material of which the storage area will be constructed. D. Provision of the above items shall conform to the principles and standards of this UDC and the,Comprehensive Master Plan. To ensure the submission of adequate information, the City'-is hereby empowered to maintain and distribute- a separate list of specific requirements for site plan review applications as well-as other administrative rules and policies. Upon periodic review, the City Planner; or designee, shall have the authority to update such requirements pursuant to the Administrative Rules of this UDC. E. All Site glans shall include the following.General Notes; 1. Fire lanes shall be designed and provided per city standards. 2._ Handicapped parking areas shall-be designed and provided percity standards and shall comply with requirements of the current, adopted Cibolo Building Codes, as amended._ 3. Six-foot-wide sidewalks shall be provided.2.0 feet off the property line within the rights-of-way, unless a sidewalk easement is provided for a meandering sidewalk or an alternative design is approved by the city. .Barrier-free ramps, per city standards, shall be provided on sidewalks at all curb crossings. .4. Mechanical units, dumpsters, and trash compactors_shall be screened in .. - accordance with the UDC. 5.:. This site plan does not constitute approval of any signage. All signage is contingent upon approval by Building Inspection Department and the issue of a Sign Permit. 6. Approval of the site plan is not final until all engineering plans are-approved. 7. Open storage, where permitted, shall be screened in accordance with the UDC. . 8. Building facades'shall be compatible with surrounding development, as provided in the UDC. . 9. Outdoor lighting shall comply with illumination standards of the UDC. 10. Contact the Building Inspection Department to determine the type of construction and occupancy group: .: 11. All electrical transmission, distribution, and service lines must be underground where required. 12. Uses shall conform in operation, location; and construction to all environmental performance standards in specified in this.UDC, including, but not limited to noise, smoke and particulate matter, odorous matter, fire or explosive material, toxic and noxious matter, vibration, and/or other performance standards. F. On the initial submittal, submit five (5) full size plan sets plus a disk and PDF files of all submitted plans and reports. Once all site plan comments are addressed, submit three(3) sets of final re orts, three 3 final Ian sets at full size and one (1)11 x 177inch (half-size copies. t the conclusion of a ro"ects Pre-Construction meetin , Staff will stain one 1 full size plan set as."approved" and return it to 1 hKe WOR"o a andill forward one 1 full set to the Building Official to be included in the building permit plan set when the building permit is requested. The final submittal must also include a CD or DVD that contains all final plans and reports in PDF format,with all plans in a format that can be incorporated into the City GIS network. Plans may be submitted in AutoCAD, ArcView or any other approved format compatible with the City GIS platform. Acceptable graphical data must be formatted with: DWG (AutoCAD) or a Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefile submitted with the XY coordinates projected to the following coordinate system: NAD 1983 State Plane Texas Central FIPS 4204 Feet. ARTICLE 13. USE TABLES Section 13.1 Residential Uses All uses not expressly permitted by the UDC shall be prohibited: P=Permitted use C=Conditional use S=Subject to supplemental use regulations of UDC Article 6. Accessory living juarters. P r P C C C C C C P An accessory building used solely as the temporary. dwelling of guests of the occupants of the premises; such -dwellings having no kitchen facilities and not rented or otherwise used as a separate dwelling unit. - - Accessory Residential PP P P C C C C P Units, Residential District. The residential occupancy of a portion of the principal use, not exceeding 33%of the gross floor area, and is owner-occupied. Commonly referred to as "mother-in-law: flat", it may include : full -kitchen and/or restroom accommodations. This space must. comply with all building and fire codes and have one (1) additional off-street parking space. Apartment;ljesidential. P P The use of a site for three (3) or more dwelling units, within one(1) or more buildings. Community Boarding louse. I J P P A dwelling containing a single dwelling unit and not more than 10 (ten) guest rooms or suites . of rooms, where lodging: is. provided with or without meals, for compensation for more.than one (1) week. Bathroom facilities. consisting of a tub and/or shower and one (I)- toilet,. and one (1) lavatory shall be provided for each ten 10 residents housed. Community Residential Facili . P-S P-S Any , dwelling licensed, certified or authorized _ by state, federal or local authorities as a residence for children or adults with physical, developmental or mental disabilities, dependent children or elderly individuals in. need of supervision, support and/or independent living training. May include specialized group .home for the developmentally disabled, group care for children or a boarding home. Condominium Residential. C C P P A single-dwelling unit in a multi-unit dwelling or structure that is separately owned and may be combined with an undivided interest in the common areas and facilities of the property. -Duplex Residential. P P P The use of a site for two (2) dwelling units within a single building. Greenhouse, P 'P P-S P'S P-S P=S P-S P-S P-S P=`S P-S P Refer to - the Greenhouse -requirements in Section 6.3. Group Residential, G C C P P The residential occupancy of living accommodations by groups of more than five (5) persons (not, defined .as a family)_on a weekly or longer basis. Typical uses include occupancy of fraternity . or sorority houses, dormitories or residence halls. Home Occupation. P-S P-S P-S P-S P-S P-S P-S P-S P-S P-S P-S F P-S Ho ,Occupation is I'a ccessory use of a awellmg Atia �hallconstitute all°`o`r som 0inu of 'the I�uelihootl', of eon or,persons 41ivin in tN wellin The Horne Occupatio hallabe clearly incidental es dental use of, home;an° annot hange the, resitlen`tia hracter of the> home o dae`�r`selycttsffethe surro`untlin eighborhoodnducte n .accordance with th equirernents of Article 6 of thI Kennel/Breeder C C P The domicile of a person or persons who own or breed five (5) or more dogs and/or cats but less-than eleven(11)dogs and/or cats over six (6) months of'age, primarily . for . - personal recreational use or sale. Uses include but are not limited to: participation in recognized conformation shows, field or obedience' trials, racing, scenting, puling, specialized hunting or working trials; and water trials, search and rescue, tracking and for the purpose of improving - the physical soundness, temperament, 'and conformation of a given breed to a standard. Manufactured Home P P Residential. Dc ] uc-i The residential occupancy,. of manufactured homes built after July 15, : 1976, on small lots owned by residents and are typically meant for 1 more permanent habitation than the below mobile home use. Manufactured Modular P P P P PP P P P Housing. Structures that are constructed in one (1) or more modules or - modular components built at a location other than the permanent site, are transported to the permanent site, and are erected or installed on- a permanent foundation system. Mobile tome Residential., ' P The residential occupancy of mobile homes.built after July 15, 1976, by families on a weekly or longer, basis. Typical uses include: mobile home parks or mobile home subdivisions. Multiple-family Residential. P The use of a site for two (2) or more dwelling units, each in::a separate building. Patio om;e. C, C, ; �S �P. . A detached, single-family unit typically situated on.a reduced= sized lot that orients outdoor activity within the rear or. side patio areas for better use of the site for outdoor living-space. RV'Park P . An area where facilities are provided for recreational or camping vehicles or travel trailers, tents'::or other portable habitation, utilized by the public as- a place for. . camping,. vacationing, or temporary,usage, which are in place for not more than 30(thirty)days. single-fatinily Residential.` P P , P P P P P P . P The use of a site for only one(1) dwelling unit. T.ownhouse.`ResidentialI? P, . The use of a site for two(2)or more townhouse dwelling units, constructed'with common or adjacent walls and each.located. or a separate ground parcel within the total development site, together.with or without common area serving all dwelling units. 7 Section 13.2-Commercial Uses All uses not expressly permitted by the UDC shall be prohibited. P=Permitted use C=Conditional use - S=Subiect to su glemeintal use re ulations of UDC Article 6 C2 C3 C-2 940 Administrative-and Business Offices. P P P P P Offices or private firms or organizations which are primarily used for.the provision of.executive, management or administrative services. Typical uses include :administrative offices, and services including real estate, insurance, property management, investment, personnel, travel, secretarial services, telephone answering; photocopy and reproduction, and business offices or public utilities, organizations and associations, or other use classifications when the service rendered is that customarily associated with administrative office services. Agricultural,Sales and Bervices. P P P Establishments or places of business engaged in sale (from the premises) of feed,. grain, fertilizers, pesticides and similar goods or in the provision of agricultural.related services with.incidental storage on lots other than where the service is rendered: Typical uses include nurseries', hay, feed and grain stores and tree service firms. Amusement genterl C ;P P An establishment offering 5 (five) or more amusement devices,' including, but not limited to, coin-operated electronic games, shooting galleries, table games and similar recreational diversions within an enclosed building. Artisan Bales P P P P The manufacture and ,retail sale of hand-crafted wares such.as pottery, jewelry, art,and.similar products of craftsmanship. Artisan/Culinary Classes(Specialty Classes)[ P P P P An establishment used in the teaching of specialty classes in the arts of crafting, sculpture, artwork, food and the like. Such classes will be conducted by a trained instructor on an occasional basis. Automobile Dealership p Includes new and used car,.pick-up truck and motorcycle sales/display and associated maintenance facilities. Automotive:Mentals. . C P P' Rental of automobiles, noncommercial trucks, trailers and recreational vehicles,including incidental parking and servicing of vehicles available for rent or lease. Typical uses include auto rental agencies, trailer rental agencies and taxicab parking and dispatching. Use C1 C2 C3 C4 11 12 Automotive; Minor Repairs7Service ' " ' P P P P An establishment primarily engaged in the repair, maintenance or washing of automobiles and pick-up trucks and similar mechanical equipment; including brake, muffler, upholstery work,tire repair and change, lubrication, tune ups, -washing and transmission work, which is conducted within a completely enclosed building. Automotive; Major Repairs/ServiceP P P Indoor and outdoor, repair and service of automobiles, noncommercial trucks, motorcycles, motor homes, recreational vehicles or boats, including, the sale, installation and servicing of equipment and parts. Typical uses include:muffler shops, auto repair garages, body and fender shops, painting and major repairs and service activities, but excluding dismantling or salvage. Automotive Sales. p P Sale or lease of automobiles, noncommercial trucks; motorcycles, motor homes, recreational vehicles or. boats,' including incidental .storage, maintenance and servicing. Typical uses include new and used car dealerships, motorcycle dealerships and boat, trailer and recreational vehicle dealerships. P- P_ Automotive Service Stationl C-S C-S S S That portion of property, where flammable or combustible liquids or gases used as fuel are stored and dispensed from-fixed equipment into.the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. Accessory activities shall be permitted to include an automatic car wash and convenience.food and beverage sales. Refer to Article 6 of this UDC for additional requirements. Automotive Washing. p P p Refers to establishments-where the primary use is the washing, cleaning and detailing of automobiles and- related _light equipment. Typical uses include auto laundries or car washes. Use C11 C2 C3 C4 11 12 pn _ Bar/Micro brewery ' P F? uF P �C2R and A use engaged in the •roducfiion preparation and retail sales of alcohol beverages for consumption on the premises, including taverns, bars; rohibitedR in cocktail lounges and similar uses. Big`Box"Store. p'-5 �p A building in'a Mixed Use or Commercial zoning district characterized by a footprint equal to or greater than one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet, or by a continuous building frontage equal to or greater than four hundred (400) linear feet. -Building Nffaintenance gervices P, P P- �, . Establishments primarily engaged in the provision.of maintenance and custodial services to firms rather than individuals. Typical uses include janitorial, landscape maintenance or window cleaning services. Business �• C. P Services P P® An.establishment intended for the conduct or service or administration by a commercial enterprise, or offices for the conduct of professional or business service.. Business' upport ervi11 ces.' P C P I? Establishments or places of business primarily engaged in the sale, rental or repair of equipment and.supplies used by office, professional and service establishments to the firms themselves rather than to individuals, excluding automotive, construction and farm equipment. Typical uses include office equipment and supply firms, small business machine repair shops or hotel equipment and supply firms. ,Business or ade achooL, C- 1C° �P A use providing.education or training in business, commerce, language, or other similar activity or.occupational.pursuit, and not otherwise defined as a home occupation, college or university or public or private educational facility. Commercial Off-street` arking.• C` .EC P P P Parking of motor vehicles on a temporary basis within a privately owned off- street parking facility, other than accessory to a principal use.Typical uses include commercial parking lots or parking garages. ,Comm unicationsServices:. P P P Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of broadcasting and other information relay services accomplished using electronic and telephonic mechanisms but excludes those classified as major utility facilities. Typical uses include television studios or telecommunication service centers. Use C1 C2 C3 C4 11 12 949 OR Concrete Asphalt Batching Plant(Permanent) C C A permanent manufacturing facility for the production of concrete or asphalt. Construction Sales and Services. P P P Establishments or places of business primarily engaged in construction activities and incidental storage on lots other than construction sites as well as the retail or:wholesale sale, from the premises, of materials used inthe construction of buildings to other structures other than retail sale of paint, fixtures and hardware excluding those classified as one of the automotive and equipment services use types. Typical uses included building,materials stores, tool and equipment rental or sales or building: contractors. Consumer Repair Services. P P P P Establishments primarily engaged in the provision or repair services to individuals and households rather than firms but excluding automotive and equipment use types. Typical uses included appliance repair shops, watch or jewelry repair or musical instrument repair firms. All incidental storage shall be enclosed. Dry Cleaning Plan p P A large scale establishment primarily engaged in the'large scale industrial scale cleaning of textiles and garments in large revolving.washers_where they are washed with the cleansing fluid.and special soaps, rinsed with pure cleansing fluid, and then spun to remove most of the fluid. They are then dried-with warm air in a tumbler.whe're cleansing fluids are reclaimed and used again. Equipment oepair Services. - P P P Repair of trucks; tractors, construction equipment, agriculturalimplements and similar heavy equipment. Typical uses include truck repair garages, tractor and farm implement repairservices and machine shops, but exclude dismantling or salvage. Farmers Market!, C P C Places of business primarily engaged in the retail sale of farm grown food. Use is allowed.on a day to Jay or part time basis with the permission,ofthe property owner on whose property the sales will be conducted. Financial Services. F P P P Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of financial and banking services.Typical uses include banks, savings and loan institutions, loan and. lending activities and similar services. Use C1 C2 C3 C4 11 12 Fitness Studio/Health Spa C_ P P° P. A public or private facility operated to promote physical health and fitness. Activities may include exercise, physical therapy, yoga, health spas and martial arts studios. Flea Market; Outdoor,Open-Air-.Sales; C Buildings or open areas in which sales areas or stalls are set aside or rented and which are intended for use by two or more individuals or by educational, religious' or charitable organizations to- sell articles that 'are. either, homemade, homegrown., handcrafted, or antique. °Food sales;@rocery �, e _ PP P P Establishments or places of business primarily engaged in the retail sale of food or household products for home consumption. Typical uses include groceries, delicatessens, meat markets; retail bakeries and candy shops. Food Truck,-Ancillaryr p p� P I good trucks parked and operating on a single lot home to a permanent business or building. Food Truck, Parks C C C e good trucks parked and operating on a'single lot and: serving as the primary business on-site. s Funeral Services. = a P P Establishments engaged in undertaking services such as preparing the human dead for burial and arranging and managing funerals. ,General 1etail Sales,,%eighborhood Scale ' P<< •; P .P P. _ _. . Sales or rental of commonly used goods and merchandise for personal or household uses for surrounding neighborhoods. General" etall Sales - giona( P-S P . Sales or rental of commonly used goods and merchandise for personal or household use. Typical uses include. department stores, apparel stores, furniture stores, mail order stores or similar establishments. Refer to Article 6-of this UDC for additional requirements. _ Health Gare Offices. P P :P A. use providing consultation, diagnosis, therapeutic, preventative or- ' corrective personal treatment services by physicians, dentists, medical and dental laboratories and similar health practitioners. Use C11 C2 C3 C4 11 12 Hotel= ote1,. C ;P P Lodging services involving'the provision of room and/or board. Typical uses include hotels, motels, bed and breakfast or transient boarding houses. Ice.Dispehtging;'Portatile Building/Steucture P.S P S -Refers to.an automatic self-contained portable ice dispensing structure that produces and dispenses ice for retail sale as a primary or secondary. use of site..This does not include typical ice machines that sell,packages bags of ice. Indoor ntertainment. , C P P Predominantly spectator uses conducted within an enclosed :kiuilding. Typical uses include motion_picture theaters, meeting halls and dance.halls. Indoor Gun:Ranges Permitted subject to building-being soundproofed and a building design that Will prevent ammunition from leaving the building, as per the Cibolo building codes. . Indoor Sports and ffecreation. P P Uses conductedC. R.- within an enclosed building. Typical.uses include bowling_ alleys, billiard parlors, ice- and roller-skating rinks, Gymnasium,.Cross-Fit: Studios and arcades. Kennels. P Boarding and care services for dogs,cats and similar small animals.Typical uses include boarding kennels, pet motels, or dog training centers:' Laund D P ° ryServices: ry_Cleanin9 P, P P Establishments primarily engaged in, the provision of laundering, dry cleaning or,dyeing services as personal:services. Laundry ervices, Laundry Math. P A facility-where patrons wash, dry or dry-clean personal clothing or other fabrics in machines operated by the patron. Lyquor Store �: , P Establishments engaged in the.sale of alcoholic beverages for the purpose of off-premise consumption. Prohibited in CM_ and C-3 Local Nonvenience Store Without Fuel Sales A commercial activity engaged in,the sale of commonly used goods an . merchandise for personalor household use in a structure five thousand (5,000).square feet or less in size. Use C4 11 12 L-ocal Lonvenience Store (With Fuel Sales) C�, C P' P A commercial activity engaged in the sale of commonly used goods and merchandise, including petroleum products, for personal or household use in a structure five thousand Wd on (5,001) square feet or more in size. Refer to Article 6 of this UDC for additional requirements for fuel sales. Outdoor Sports and_ecreation (Liglt) P P P Uses conducted in open or partially enclosed or screened facilities-Typical uses include driving ranges, miniature golf courses, golf courses, swimming pools, tennis courts, racquetball courts, skate parks, small scale entertainment venues and marinas. Outdoor Sports and recreation (lnteh sl p, p Intensive recreation uses that are conducted in the outdoors that generate considerable noise, vibration, heat, odor and other environmental impacts. Typical uses include racetracks, speedways, drag strips, gun firing ranges, concert venues and the like.. Paint Shop(Non-Retail P P P Establishments primarily engaged in the painting of cars, motorcycles, RV's and other materials. ,Pawn Shops ;. C C An establishment where money is loaned on the security of personal property pledged in the keeping of the owners' goods. Personal Services. . P P P P Establishments -PbUgiii6— primarily engaged in the provision of frequently or recurrently needed services of a personal nature. Typical uses include:beauty and barber shops, seamstress, tailor, _n' shoe re air shops -v iwA PetServices PP Retail sales, Vet services and grooming of domestic dogs, cats, birds, fish, and similar small animals customarily used as household pets. Typical uses include pet stores, dog bathing and clipping salons or pet grooming shops.-. Portable Building Sales a Pfit Ps tea..:;_ ale grid/or display of asef-contained, transportabl tructure-that does not.re3quire attacliriment to a foundation or to realt i rtler tobe':functional_ ex tool or story a shed Professionaloffice. P'°° P' R P P A use providing professional or consulting services in the fields of law, architecture, design, engineering, accounting and similar professions. Restaurant, Convenience. P P P P A use engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and beverages (excluding alcoholic beverages), for on premise consumption only. Typical uses include soda fountains, ice cream parlors, sandwich shops and coffee shops. Restaurant,Fast Food! C I C-1. P P A use engaged in the retail sale of pre:prepared or rapidly prepared food and beverages directly to customers (excluding alcoholic beverages),'for on-and off-premise consumption, commonly referred to as having"take-out" service. Typical uses have;drive-thru window service and have extended hours of operation.. Restaurant,Neighborhood. P P P P A use engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and beverages, including the sale of alcoholic beverages when conducted as an accessory or secondary feature producing less than thirty (30) percent of the gross income. For a neighborhood restaurant including outdoor entertainment, see Article 6 of this UDC for,additional requirements. Service Station. P- C-S P-S S An establishment where the sale of petroleum products is the principal use but may: also offer incidental indoor automobile service and repair: All services provided and all storage supplies, parts, equipment shall be kept indoors. Sexually Oriented Businesses. C C C Refers to those acts, uses and services described more particularly'in City Ordinance Number 744: Tire Dealeu(No Open Storage)l P P Tire Dealerwith Open Storage! C Trailer/Mobile Home Display, Sales or Stora e. P P Truck/Trailer Rental and/or Oeasin l`' P P Truck/Bus'Repain - C Truck Sales; Hea Trucks and RV Salesj C P Veterinary ervices. C P P P P P Veterinary service for all animals. Typical uses include animal clinics and hospitals.Veterinary services shall not include the boarding of large or small animals. . Winery/Production Brewery! C C P P An establishment that produces wine and/or beer on site. Such.businesses hold proper_permitting and are regulated by the Texas Alcoholic_Beverage Commission. This use may be permitted in Agricultural AG zoning.-.. Wrecker Business Yssociated with ruto Impounding and gtoragel C C C A yard or building where automobiles are stored or offered for sale as whole units or salvaged part& :Section 13.3 Industrial Uses All uses not expressly permitted by the UDC shall be prohibited. P=Permitted use C=Conditional use S=Subject to supplemental use re ulations of UDC:Article 6. :. Use C1 C2 C3 C4 11 12 "Basic nditstry: - P A use engaged in-the-basic processing and manufacturing of materials.or products predominately from extracted or raw materials-or a use;utilizing flammable explosive or commonly recognized offensive conditions or materials. Custom Light Manufacturing. P P A Establishments primarily engaged in the on-site;:indoor production and storage ofgoodsby;hand manufacturing which involves.only the use of hand tools or mechanical equipmentnot exceeding two (2) horsepower ora single kiln not exceeding_.eight (8) kilowatts. The direct sale to consumers of those goods produced on-site is prohibited. "General'Contractor Se, ices` P-S P-;S.e R-S General contractor services are permitted, subject_to compliance with all environmental performance standards of this UDC. Li ht anufacturin 9 J.. ,.y... n p P. A use engaged in the manufacture, predominantly from previously prepared: materials', or finished products or parts, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, and packaging:of such products; and storage,- sales and distribution of such products, but excluding basic industrial processing. Sand;Gravel,Stone or,Petroleum Extraction, Oii,and n Gas Wells' C_ C Warehousing and distribution. Establishments or places of business primarily engaged in wholesaling, storage, distribution and handling of materials and equipment other than -live animals and plants. The following are wholesaling, storage and use types: A. Convenience Porage. Storage services primarily for. personal -effects and household goods within enclosed storage areas having individual access, but excluding use as workshops, hobby C-S P-S P-S P-S shops, manufacturing, or commercial activity. Typical uses include mini warehousing. Refer to Article 6 Section 6.3 for additional requirements regulating this use. B. .General&rehousingand Mistribution.. . Open-air storage, distribution and handling of materials C P P and equipment. Typical uses include monument or stone yards, or open storage yards. C. Limited Marehousing and Nistribution. Wholesaling, storage and warehousing services within p p P enclosed structures. Typical moving and storage firms and retail mail order distribution centers. Research and Development Services$ C C P P- . P Establishments primarily engaged in research of an industrial or scientific nature but excludes.product testing. Typical uses include electronics research laboratories, research and development firms; or pharmaceutical research labs. Scrap arid: galvage gervices and 11Wi racking gervices. ;` - C Places of business primarily engaged in the storage, sale, dismantling or other processing of used or waste materials which are.not intended for reuse in their original forms. Typical uses include-automotive wrecking yards, junk yards or paper salvage yards. Vehicle Storage. C P P Long term storage of operating or non-o erating vehicles. Typical uses include.1B.oat and RSV Storage. storage of private parking tow-away or impound yards but exclude dismantling or salvage. Section:13.4 Civic and Other Uses All uses not expressly permitted by the UDC shall be prohibited. P=Permitted use C=Conditional use S=Subject to supplemental use regulations of UDC Article 6. Administrative services. C P R P P P Offices, administrative, clerical or public contact services that deal directly with the citizens, together with incidental storage and maintenance of necessary vehicles. Typical uses. include federal, state, county, and city offices. Adult/Community6 C- C- P Group Home, S S A dwelling unit for sixteen (16) or fewer people in which.food, shelter, and. minor medical treatment under the direction and supervision of a physician, or: services which meet some need beyond, boarding,: or lodging are provided to residents of that dwelling unit,:.but not including care provided to any family member residing With.family in a one-family dwelling. Residents of an Adult Group .Home depend on staffto provide various -degrees of assistance in everyday living, but are .not considered dangerous to themselves or others and require only occasional or temporary services by :professional medical or nursing personnel which are provided through individual - arrangement with each resident, per UDC Article 6. Assembly�q P P P P, P P P !P P P P P P P P Religious, cultural or fraternal activity that is conducted ' primarily within ..an enclosed facili Aviation acilities. C C Landing fields, aircraft parking service facilities, and related facilities .for operation, service, fueling, repair, storage, charter, sales, and. rental of aircraft, and including activities directly associated with- the operation - and maintenance of airport facilities and the provision of safety and security. Subject to site plan review. Campground. I - C , - C f Campground facilities providing camping or parking areas and incidental services:for travelers in recreational vehicles or tents. Typical - uses_.include recreational vehicle parks. Subject to site plan review. Cemetery. P I Land used or intended to be used for the burial of the dead . and dedicated for cemetery purposes, including columbarium, crematoriums, mausoleums and mortuaries when operated in conjunction with and : within the boundary- of such cemetery. Clinic! P P P P An establishment or offices in which a group' of physicians, dentists, or other practitioners of the healing arts, and allied professional assistants are associated for . the purpose of diagnosing and treatment of ill or injured persons on an outpatient basis only.A clinic may include a medical or dental laboratory but may not include facilities for providing room . or board for patients, nor may a clinic include offices or facilities for veterinarians. Club or Hodge. P P -P P P A use -providing meeting, recreational, or social facilities"for a private or non-profit association, primarily for .use by members and guests. Typical - uses include private social clubs and. fraternal organizations. P College and C C C P P university facilities: - An.academic institution of higher learning, accredited or recognized-by the state and offering a program or series of programs of academic study. Community P P Recreation. P P P PP P P P P _T P A non-profit -recreational facility for use by residents and" guests of a residential development or limited .residential neighborhood, including both indoor and"outdoor facilities. Community ` C-S C C'- �C- P= ' P-S P- { Mreatment.Flacility S S S S S Any dwelling or place licensed, certified or authorized by state, federal or local authorities as a residence and treatment facility for children or adults with mental disabilities, alcoholism - or drug abuse problems needing, a supervised living arrangement.and rehabilitation services on a short-term or long- term basis. Does not include : detoxification centers. :May include alcohol and/or . drug abuse treatment facilities. and ' adult treatment .. facilities. Refer to the. Transitional Homes, Rehabilitation and Halfway House requirements of Article 6 of this UDC for additional requirements. Convalescent C C P P -Services. - A :use providing bed care and in-patient services for persons requiring regular medical attention, but excluding a facility providing surgical or emergency medical services,and excluding a facility providing care for alcoholism, drug addition, mental disease, or communicable disease. 'Concrete/Asphalt`` Batching Plant C C C C C C C C C C C C C C` C C C C Implies a temporary, I short term use, until a construction project or projects are completed. City Council may stipulate a condition of time to. allow this temporary use and may. . decide to renew the CUP for a specific term. Cultural_ervices. P P IP PI IP A library, museum, art gallery,.or similar non- profit use affording display, :.preservation and exhibition of objects of permanent interest An one (1) or more of the arts and sciences. Day dare Jervices C- C- C- C- C- C- ' C- C--_ C- C_ (Fa S S S S S S S C-S S S S facility, or use of wilding or portio Hereof; for daytim are of no more 'tha our(4) children undo 14 years of age xcluding, childre elated to the caretaker nd provides care afte chool hours for no ore than six (6 'dditional elementa choolchildren ncludiho those relate . o the caretaker, steal of exceed twelve (12 t any given time:Refe o Article 6'of this UD or additions e uirements Day Gare services C- C- C- C- C- C- C- C- C- Grou S S S S S S S C-S S S P P Group Day Care homes provide regular care for between.five (5) and twelve (12) adults or - children for less than 24 hours a day. This shall include nurseries, preschools and adult care facilities. Refer to Article 6 of this UDC for additional requirements, Day Caregervices C C- C- '.C- C- C- C- C- C (General. S S S S S S S C-S S S P P P. Commercial A facility or use of a dwelling unit or portion thereof for da time care of nlimited number o dults or children fo ess than 24 hours a. . This term includes nursery school, pre-schools, day care centers for children or adults and similar uses. Refer to Article 6 of this UDC for additional requirements. rDefent�on facilities. °' n` e A publicly operated use providing housing and care for individuals confined by law. j- GrouP,Care Facility], C S ` C-; G Group Care Facilities are required to be licensed by the state and are limited supeniision, treatment and/or rehabilitation to the aged; disabled, those convicted of crimes, orthose suffering the effects of drugs or alcohol. This category does not include day care centers,family day care homes,' foster homes, schools, hospitals,jails or.prisons. . . -- --n c- c-� c=� c- c- �aP-� P— � P PT Life areervices�. ' S5 S PS � S. S 5S S Retirement housing for the elderly providing residential housing and. care for retired, elderly, and/or disabled-people including -congregate housing with common meals. and/or community facilities for social events, community recreation, convalescent services, guidance services, personal services and personal improvement services,; : or self. contained dwelling units specifically designated for the needs .of the elderly,. either rented-or owner- occupied. To:qualify as life care housing or facilities; a minimum of 80% of the total units shall have a household head 55 years of-age or greater- and no long term or- _ permanent skilled nursing care or related services are provided. Refer to Article 6'of this UDC for additional requirements.: Hospital O_eryices. C P``'; P P P A facility providing medical, psychiatric or similar service for sick or injured persons primarily on an inpatient basis including ancillary facilities for outpatient and emergency treatment,:diagnostic services, training, research, administration and cervices to patients, employees or visitors. LocalAitiiity, ervices.: P I P I P ;:P' -.P P P P ' P P P. P" � 'P P'° Services which are necessary to support principal. development and involve only minor structures such as :lines and poles. which are necessary to support principal development. Maintenan`ce and eili , P P p I' ervice aties. jll A facility supporting maintenance, repair, vehicular or equipment servicing, materials storage and similar.,activities,. including corporation yards,, equipment service centers and similar uses having characteristics of commercial services or contracting or industrial activities: [MajorWfility-, acilities. " "P P }. Generating plants, electrical switching facilities and primary substations, refuse collection or disposable facilities, water and wastewater treatment plants and similar facilities of public agencies or public utility firms having potentially significant impact upon surrounding - uses. (Subject to site plan review). NurserySchool C- C- C- C- C- C- C-S S S S S S S C-S S C C A private agency, school, or 'institution engaged in educational work with. preschool children and in which no child is enrolled on a regular basis for 4 : . . (four)or more hours per day. Enrollment for 4 (four)or more hours per day shall classify the facility as a "Day Care Facility" or "Kindergarten." Refer to Article 6 of this UDC- for... additional requirements. Park and gecreation ,Services. P P` � , P P P ;P P P P P P C P Publicly owned. and operated parks, playgrounds,recreation facilities, amphitheater and open spaces: Postal facilities. P P P P P P Postal services, including post offices, bulk mail processing or sorting centers, operated,by the United States Postal Service- or private enterprise. Primary!ducational Facilities. P P` P P P P P P P = P P C C P A.. public; private or parochialschool offering. instruction, at - .. the elementary school level in the branches of learning and study required to be taught in ' the public schools of the State of Texas. P Railroad fiacilities 5 :¢ 3>P p Railroad yards; equipment:- servicing facilities, and terminal facilities(Subject to site plan review). so Safety Services: 4P P` P P P P P P �P P P P P P P" P P P P Facilities for conduct of public safety and emergency services, including policeand fire protection services and emergency medical and ambulance. services. __ .. .... .. _ . .... .. "Seconday -ducational P P P '~'P P P, P P P P C C P acillties. A public, private or parochial school offering.: instruction at the junior and senior high school levels,in the branches of..learning and study required to be taught in a public school of the State of Texas: `Transitional'Hpmes, Rehabilitation C C :Centers and° _ S CS Halfway Houses A. facility in: which -_ persons:live for'a short period of time while receiving physical, social, or psychological therapy. and counseling, as is more particularly defined and regulated in Article 6 of this-UDC. Transportation erminal. ' . C. �C �P P �'.a�P P A facility for loading, unloading, and/or interchange of passengers, baggage and.. incidental freight or package express. between, modes .of transportation, including bus terminals, railroad stations,, airport terminals and public transit facilities. Article`14.1 I;o(Design Standar'd`s°(Residential) SETBACKS, --� Maximum' Zoning District Maximum., Minimum LotgdiMaximum' District Code (for setbacks in.Overlay.Districts Develop. Area fr? / Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum. Lot/Impervious P ( ) Height On M reference UDC`Article 4) Density *Maxiinum Lot Lot Width Front BSL Rear BSL Side BSL feet)if Coverage(%) (units/ac) Area(ac) 44- RESID ' _ ENTIAL AG. Aoiei ltural-Homestead 35'$ 35 0 None None, None, 35 10. 10 t�,11c`1 M Estate Residential: 1.00 43560 100 40 25' 25. 35 35 2 to r:711z�. .... 3+F,r2 13 Low,Density Residential 2.00 21000, 85 ` 35 ` 25 '15735 3 .2 S+F.-1731`3 Lo-4i%-Medium.Density.Resideutial 3.00 ' 12000. 80 . 25 25- 10. ' 35 40'. SFb,4 la,' Medium Density Residential; 4:00 9,200 7.0 25 l0 9 lOr ' 35, 50 S+F,P " Medium-High Density Residential 5:00 . . . 7,200. 9 0, 65 ;- 25 l0 17 35. 55- Z INS-13620MHigh Density Residential., 5:50 6;600 .''60, 2P 10.v 10.' 35 60 TF-1' Two-Family Residential 12.00 9;000 75 25 10 10 35 60 MFl iMulti Family Residential` .18.00 *20. 10.0 25 4 . 1.0 1101, 45 7:5 MF{21' Multi-Family Residential' 24:00 *30 100; 25 4 10 10 45 80 Z MH1 Manufactured Home 5.50 6;600 75 25 20 10 35 40 MH2 jMqpufactured Housing Park ff..00 43;560 .55 25'4 10 5 35 50 v Notes: (n 1 Lots:for w}nch an on-site selvage facility is proposed are;subjectto Title 30,Texas Adinirustrative Code;Chapter:285 The application of Chapter.285.may,.require larger minimum lot.sizes than,the City-of Cibolo UDC.Insuch cases;the more.restrictive shall-apply. 2. Maximum lot coverage is-3.5%;;not to exceed 15,0.00 square feet. 3 Minimum 18'front yard setback for bgatage;if riot sefved from rear.alley.(Pertains to vested SF=3 lots priorto Feb.26,20:13) 4 May be reduced to 15';if parking provided at side or;rear of building_ 5 The maximum-Iot coverage for thi's district-shall not restrict the placement of one.(1)accessory structure of less than 100 square feet,-provided such structure is placed on skids,and complies with the requirements of.Article,15,and'does not interfere:with the use of any easement present 6 Minimum 1-5 feet between homes;,but not less-than 5 feet on either'side of the:common side lot line for lots vested piior:to,Feb.26,2013. 7 Comer lots::Any garage or carport facing the side street must beset back not less than•20`feet. 8. The mazi.mum height pertains'only,to.ttie height ofa home.=The heightof accessory agriculturalativctures;such as trams;windmills:and silos;is not restricted. 9 A side yard setback of 5.0`.feet shall be permitted for any SF-2 and SF-3.lot vested prior to Feb.26;2013. 10: Requires two(2)side yards to have'a combined total.of 15 feet,with a 5'minimum,on one side and a 10'minimum on the others de. 11 Reference Appendix B for.Height:Exhibit 12 Reference Section 143 for suplemeirtal standards im Diving modified setbacks adjacent to zoning If he propertyline abut,a nc�n bui]dable lat X900 or open space)equal to or graater than re uired setback,building setback may be reduced to 5 feet