Res 1612 01/11/2022 Guad Parking Lot or C/&
"City of Choice
A Resolution by the City Council of the City of Cibolo,Texas approval
Of Guadalupe Appraisal District Facility Parking Lot Expansion Resolution.
WHEREAS, Guadalupe Appraisal District(G.A.D.) has demonstrated a need for additional parking
Space to meet the growing demand'for appraisal services; and
WHEREAS,the Board of Directors of the G.A.D. proposed,and authorized expansion of the facility
Parking lot; and
WHEREAS,Texas Tax Code §6.051 requires acquisition or expansion of real property by the
Appraisal district to be approved by the governing bodies of three-fourths of the taxing units
Entitled to vote on the appointment of board members; and
WHEREAS, sufficient funds exist in the dedicated and budgeted reserves of the expand
The facility parking lot;and the District will not request from the taxing units any additional funds for
this facility parking lot expansion;and
WHEREAS; any funds left from the expansion of the facility parking lot be allocated to the District's
dedicated reserve funds for future payments towards the master plan for future expansion; and
WHEREAS, the expansion offers the most effective solution to provide the G.A.D. with the additional
parking needed to service the taxing entities and the taxpayers of Guadalupe County.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Cibolo approves the G.A.D. facility parking lot
expansion located at 3000 N.Austin St.,Seguin,TX 78155 in the amount of$91,451.
Passed and approved by the City of Cibolo on the 11th day of January,2022.
Stosh B e
Peggy Cimics,TRMS
City Secretary
On a motion.byiWAel twaman laviin seconded by u:,a:�,rQ,, �i45 the above and
foregoing instrument was passed and approved.