Res 1609 11/15/2021 Guad. BOA OFFICIAL BALLOT TO ELECT BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE GUADALUPE APPRAISAL DISTRICT.. FOR 2022-2023 Issued to: CITY OF CIBOLO - Directions: Please enter the number of votes cast on the blank space opposite the name of the candidate. You may cast all of your votes for one candidate, or divide those votes among any number of the candidates. You have 207 total available votes. CAN DI DATES (listed alphabetically) 1. Mr. Ben Amador 2. Mr.. Darren Dunn 3. Mr. Daryl John d 4. Mr. Jim Lievens 5. Ms. Letticia Sever PS'7 This official ballot issued under my hand this 18th dav of O •-ber 0 t r Sn don, FIA& C.C.A. ief Appraiser Guadalupe Appraisal District --------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION OF VOTES CAST TO _ CT Dlfi CTORS FOR THE GUADALUPE APPRAISAL. DISTRICT FOR THE 2022-2023 TER WHEREAS, Section 6.03 )A01 th ex Tax Code, as amended by HB2043, requires that each taxing unit entitled to vo cast .thea a by Resolution and submit results of that vote to the Chief Appraiser of the&Gu •alupe raisal District before December 15, 2021. THEREFORE, T C�� submits the above . Official Ballot S . d b e Chief Appraiser, stating the vote for candidates for the election of the Board o ec •r for the Guadalupe Appraisal District for 2022-2023. ACTIO A this /Sday of ������� , 2021, in �jo � Session of t go . inbady.of the above mentioned taxing unit; as authorized under Section 6.03(k) of the exas de, and amp HB2043, for the purpose of casting votes to elect the B and of Di tors o the Guadal �Appral strict. FV °,�° e ° 6. Sig re of Presiding-Officer ATTEST: •o ° 0 Title _ y