Min CC 03/24/2020 „nn1de
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"City of Choice”
200 S. Main
March 24,2020
6:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Mayor Boyle at 6:30 pm.
2. Roll Call and Excused Absences — Council Present: Mayor Boyle, Councilwoman Schultes, Councilman Quinn,
Councilman Bone, Councilman Gibbs, Councilman Allen, Councilman Woliver and Councilman Hicks; Staff
Present: City Manager Mr.Herrera,City Attorney Mr.Garza(by phone)and City Secretary Ms. Cimics.
3. Invocation—Invocation was given by Councilman Hicks.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Public Hearing
A. The City of Cibolo will hold a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding the rezoning of 2.036 acres
located at 444 Country Lane from the current zoning of High Density Residential (SF-6) to Community
Public Hearing was open at 6:38 pm by Mayor Boyle. No citizen spoke and the hearing was closed at 3:38 pm.
Council agreed to hold another Public Hearing on this item at the next meeting to given citizens the opportunity
to be heard on this item.
6. Citizens to be Heard
This is the only time during the Council Meeting that a citizen can address the City Council. It is the opportunity for
visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue to include agenda items. All visitors wishing to speak
must fill out the Sign-In Roster prior to the start of the meeting. City Council may not debate any non-agenda issue,
nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time; however, City Council may present any factual
response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion—JC-0169) (Limit of three minutes each.) All
remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body, and not to any individual member thereof. Public criticism of
the City Council or any action, policy program or service provided by the City is not prohibited. However, any
person making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks to individual members of the Council while addressing
the Council may be requested to leave the meeting. DUE TO THE GOVERNORS DELARATION WE
This meeting is livestreamed. If anyone would like to make comments on any matter regarding the City of
Cibolo or on an agenda item and have this item read at this meeting please emailycimicsna cibolota.gov or text
210-514-3495 before 6:30pm the date of the meeting.
The City Secretary read an email from Lisa Jackson urging Mayor Boyle to adopt the same declaration that the City
of San Antonio implemented on March 23,2020. She stated that citizens continue to make decisions about being out
in public that affects the health of our community. Cindy Spencer also sent an email in to be read at the meeting.
Ms. Spencer requested that the Mayor and Council be proactive and follow what San Antonio has done to flatten the
curve. She stated that she listened to the Guadalupe county decision today and did not feel they made the right
decision regarding Cibolo and the judge did say that Mayors have the ability to make their own decisions. Ms.
Spencer also said people were still meeting in groups larger than 10 people. Councilman Allen read an email sent
from Donnovan Jackson. Mr. Jackson what to provide the following statement pertaining to the use of face masks.
The use of face masks will greatly reduce community transmission. When properly used, face masks are effective at
capturing COVID-19 droplets. COVID-19 is transmitted by patients symptomatic and asymptomatic. This
transmission occurs before and during symptom onset.
7. Discussion/Action
A. Discussion/Action on the Mayoral Declaration of Local State of Disaster due to Public Health Emergency.
Councilman Gibbs made the motion to ratified the Mayoral Declaration of Local State of Disaster due to Public
Health Emergency and to add no gatherings with the exception of family units getting together. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Woliver. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
B. Discussion/Action on canceling non-essential meetings and live streaming City Council Meetings.
Councilman Hicks made the motion to cancel all meetings of the Committees, Commissions, Boards and
Corporations with the exception of Council Meetings and Planning&Zoning Meetings until April 151. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Gibbs. For:All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
C. Discussion and receive a report from staff concerning what efforts the City as an Organization has implemented
in response to the Coronavirus(COVIS-19).
Mr. Herrera and Ms. Pollok gave a power point presentation on what accommodations the City of Cibolo is
making in response to the COVID-19 situation while ensuring services are still provided to our residents.
8. Consent Agenda—Consent Items(General Items
(All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one
motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member so requests, in which case the
item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered as part of the order of business.)
A. Approval of the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on March 10,2020.
B. Approval of the January 2020 Check Register pending final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the
2019/2020 fiscal year.
C. Approval of the January 31, 2020 Revenue and Expense Report pending final acceptance of the City's Financial
audit for the 2019/2020 Fiscal Year.
Councilman Woliver made the motion to approve the consent agenda. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Quinn. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
9. Staff Updates/Discussion
A. Police Department-Report Call Summary for February 2020
B. Fire Department—Incident Summary for February 2020
C. IT Department—March 2020 Monthly Update Report
No changes to the reports in Council Packet.
10. Discussion/Action
A. Discussion and approving an amended Economic Development Grant Agreement between the City of Cibolo and
the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation.
This item was briefed by the President of the Economic Development Corporation Mr. Thies. Mr. Thies
explained the Agreement and answered questions by the Council. Councilman Hicks made the motion that we
approve the Agreement but that during the budget workshop we further define what we are paying city staff.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Quinn. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
B. Discussion/Action on authorizing the City Manager to execute Task Order 20-06 with Lockwood, Andrews &
Newnam, Inc. (LAN) to provide Professional Engineering and Surveying Services through Schematic Design
Phase(30%)for the Tolle Road Reconstruction& Shoulder Widening Project.
Councilman Hicks made the motion to authorizing the City Manager to execute Task Order 20-06 with
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) to provide Professional Engineering and Surveying Services
through Schematic Design Phase (30%) for the Tolle Road Reconstruction & Shoulder Widening Project.
Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schultes. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
C. Discussion and approval of a temporary change to Ordinance 916 to authorize the removal of the three percent
(3%)fee for utility on-line payments until April 15,2020.
Councilman Gibbs made the motion to approve a temporary change to Ordinance 916 to authorize the removal of
the three percent (3%) fee for utility on-line payments until April 15, 2020. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Quinn. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
D. Discussion and approval of the legal opinion on the complaint filed against Councilman Quinn.
This item was moved to after item 11. Council went into Executive Session on this item at 8:40 pm. Council
convened into regular session at 9:00 pm. Councilman Allen made the motion that council agreed with the legal
opinion of the City Attorney that there was no violation on the complaints filed against Councilman Quinn.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: Council Members: Schultes,Bone, Gibbs,Allen, Woliver and
Hicks;Against:None; Abstain: Councilman Quinn.
E. Discussion on items council would like to see on future agendas.
Councilwoman Schultes would like an update on Cibolo Valley Drive and the Splash Pad that was to be built at
the YMCA.
F. Discussion/Action on the review and confirmation of all upcoming special meetings and workshops and
scheduling the time,date and place of additional special meetings or workshops.
No changes to the calendars as presented in council packets.
11. Ordinance
A. Discussion/Action on the second amendment of the budget for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020.
Councilman Hicks made the motion to approve the second amendment of the budget for the Fiscal Year 2019-
2020 by funding the $45,000 needed for special audit service by leasing the bucket truck that is currently in the
budget instead of a purchase. This should give enough saving to cover the needed funds. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Allen. For:All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
12. Adjournment
Councilwoman Schultes made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 am. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Allen. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
os Boyl
Peggy Cimics, TRMC
City Secretary