Min CC 02/25/2020 Al 0 V r=`O 7' "City of Choice" CITY COUNCIL MEETING CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S. Main February 25,2020 6:30 p.m. Minutes 1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Mayor Boyle at 6:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Excused Absences — Council Present: Mayor Boyle, Councilwoman Schultes, Councilman Quinn, Councilman Bone, Councilman Gibbs, Councilman Allen, Councilman Woliver and Councilman Hicks; Staff Present: City Manager Mr. Herrera, City Attorney Mr. Lindner & Mr. Garza, City Secretary Ms. Cimics, Finance Director Ms. Miranda, IT Director Mr. McDaniel, Police Chief Hugghins, Fire Chief Troncoso, ED Director Mr. Luft,Planning&Engineering Director Mr. Klein and Public Works Director Mr.Fousse. 3. Invocation—Councilman Hicks gave the Invocation. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Presentation A. Proclamation for Career and Technical Education Month. Councilman Quinn read and presented the Proclamation for Career and Technical Education Month. B. Proclamation/Action on declaring the City of Cibolo as a Purple Heart City. Mayor Boyle read the Proclamation declaring the City of Cibolo as a Purple Heart City. Proclamation was presented to the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Mayor Boyle ask all those in the audience that were Purple Heart recipient to come forward and he presented each one with a copy of the proclamation. 6. Public Hearing A. The Cibolo City Council will hold a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding an update to the Future Land Use Map of 16 acres located approximately at the southwest corner of FM 1103 and Old Wiederstein Road from the current Commercial designation to Transitional Residential. (PULLED BY APPLICANT) B. The Cibolo City Council will hold a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding a rezoning of 16 acres located approximately at the southwest corner of FM 1103 and Old Wiederstein Road from the current zoning of Retail/Office(0)to Multi-Family(MF-1). (PULLED BY APPLICANT) Mayor Boyle read the two items and informed the public that the applicant had pulled both items from the agenda. The City of Cibolo was required to have it on the agenda as it was advertised that the city would have a Public Hearing. Mayor open the hearing at 6:44pm and Ms. Gonzalez from the Planning Department gave a brief overview. No one spoke and the Mayor Closed the hearing at 6:46pm. 7. Citizens to be Heard This is the only time during the Council Meeting that a citizen can address the City Council. It is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue to include agenda items. All visitors wishing to speak must fill out the Sign-In Roster prior to the start of the meeting. City Council may not debate any non-agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time; however, City Council may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion—JC-0169) (Limit of three minutes each.) All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body, and not to any individual member thereof. Public criticism of the City Council or any action, policy program or service provided by the City is not prohibited. However, any person making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks to individual members of the Council while addressing the Council may be requested to leave the meeting. The following individuals signed up to speak- Monica De la Cruz stated that she was running for office. She gave a little history of her background and ask for support at the voting polls. Linda Tudyle a retired senior spoke on the senior programs that council was looking at for Cibolo. She stated that seniors should be part of the solution for different programs that Cibolo could offer. Cindy Spencer stated that she also would like to help with senior programs. Ms. Spencer offered a few suggestions to include 1) A Citizens Ethics Advisory Board 2) A split screen so people watching the meetings could see both the person at the dais and person speaking 3)New app to Report a Concern one click you don't have to hunt for the item 4) Get information from senior on programs that will benefit that age group. Ms. Spencer also gave kudos to the EDC for the letter they wrote responding to a councilmembers email. Jayme Mathis gave kudos on the City becoming a Purple Heart City. He also stated Old Town Business Alliance has been working with District 2 and District 7 councilmembers. He did state that decisions are being made for the Old Town without informing the businesses or including them in on any decisions for Old Town. Lisa Jackson stated that she has been in Seguin a lot lately and the have a Historical District and maybe Cibolo should look into this for Old Town. Ms. Jackson also stated that she had filed a complaint that a councilmember violated the City Charter Section 8.01 and 3.07. 8. Consent Agenda—Consent Items(General Items) (All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered as part of the order of business.) A. Approval of the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on February 25, 2020 B. Approval of the December 2019 Check Register pending final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the 2019/2020 fiscal year. C. Approval of the December 31,2019 Revenue and Expense Report pending final acceptance of the City's Financial audit for the 2019/2020 Fiscal Year. Councilman Allen made the motion to approve the consent agenda with a correct to the minutes to read February 11,2020. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gibbs. For:All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 9. Staff Updates/Discussion A. Administration — Chief Hugghins gave a report on the numerous crashes and incidents in Cibolo in the last couple weeks. 10. Discussion/Action A. Presentation/Discussion from the Alamo Area Council of Governments on programs they offer to senior citizens and grant programs offered by AACOG. Claudia Mora and Trina Cortez spoke to council and the citizens of Cibolo on programs offered by the Alamo Area Council of Governments. They briefed on Informational and Referral, Benefits Counseling, Care Coordination & Caregiver Support, Nutrition and Evidence based Intervention Program. Ms. Mora also went over AACOG assisting in: Economic development initiatives, Economic forecasting, applications for state/federal grants,regional leadership and training and services related to planning and development. 2 B. Presentation/Discussion on the proposed Street/Maintenance 5-Year Project List. Councilman Allen had request this item and staff went through the presentation of the projects for the next five years. Council approved the projects listed for the first two years and requested that after two years to bring back to council for review and possible changes. C. Discussion/Action regarding the Preliminary Acceptance of Public Infrastructure for Unit 8 within the Saratoga Subdivision. Councilman Allen made the motion to approve the Preliminary Acceptance of Public Infrastructure for Unit 8 within the Saratoga Subdivision. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. D. Discussion/Action regarding the Final Acceptance of Public Infrastructure for Unit 5 within the Heights of Cibolo Subdivision Unit 5. Councilman Gibbs made the motion to approve the Final Acceptance of Public Infrastructure for Unit 5 within the Heights of Cibolo Subdivision Unit 5 with the following public improvements — Sanitary Sewer: 4,097 Lineal Feet with a valuation of$126,985.40; Drainage: Valuation of$38,505.00; Public Streets: 2,064 Linear Feet with a valuation of $249,455.89; Water: 1,211 Lineal Feet with a valuation of $123,647.00 (GVSUD). Total valuation of accepted Public Improvement dedicated to the City of Cibolo: $414,946.29; total valuation of Public Improvement for GVSUD (Water): $538,593.29. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: Councilmembers: Schultes, Quinn, Bone, Gibbs, Woliver and Hicks; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. Councilman Allen had stepped out of the room during this item. E. Discussion/Action on awarding a contract for Construction Manager at Risk(CHAR)to renovate the Old School House/New Cibolo City Hall Annex and authorize the City Manager to negotiate with and execute a construction services contract with Complex Contracting,Inc. dba JC Stoddard Construction. Motion was made by Councilman Woliver to approve awarding a contract for Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) to renovate the Old School House/New Cibolo City Hall Annex and authorize the City Manager to negotiate with and execute a construction services contract with Complex Contracting, Inc. dba JC Stoddard Construction and to regularly bring updates back to council on this item. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. F. Discussion/Action on approving a modification to the existing Axon Contract to include 8 new fleet systems to go along with the 8 new patrol cars the City will receive this year. Councilman Gibbs made the motion to approve a modification to the existing Axon Contract to include 8 new fleet systems to go along with the 8 new patrol cars the City will receive this year but to also look for grants that may cover some of the cost. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schultes. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 7 to 0. G. Receive a briefing from city staff responding to a verbal and written report dated January 14,2019 as prepared by Councilman Quinn concerning the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation. Council received a briefing from the City Manager and the Finance Director on the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation. Council had a few questions and staff responded to those questions. Council did not request any other follow up on this item. H. Discussion from Councilmembers that have attended seminars or meetings for the City of Cibolo. Council had no discussion on this item. I. Discussion on items council would like to see on future agendas. No request at this time. J. Discussion/Action on the review and confirmation of all upcoming special meetings and workshops and scheduling the time,date and place of additional special meetings or workshops. Council went over the calendar for March and April 2020. 3 11. Executive Session The City Council will meet in Executive Session as authorized by the Texas Gov't Code Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney and Section 551.087 Regarding Economic Development to Discuss: A. Legal guidance on legal parameters of EDC and City Council oversight of EDC. 12. Open Session Reconvene into Regular Session and take/or give direction or action, if necessary, on items discussed in Executive Session. Council did not go into executive session on this item. 13. Adjournment Councilman Gibbs made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schultes.For:All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 25TH DAY OF MARCH 2020. tosh B e Mayor ATT/EST Peggy Cimics,TRMC City Secretary 4