Min CC 01/17/2020 - Workshop -1 0 Cie �r o Tex►5 'City of Choice CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP GVEC Facility 927 N. Highway 46 Seguin,Texas 78155 January 17,2020 9:00 a.m. Minutes 1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order at 9:00am 2. Roll Call and Excused Absences—All members of council were present.Mayor Boyle arrived at 9:18am. 3. Opening Comments — City Manager thanked everyone for being present and welcomed the citizens that were present. 4. Discuss and review status of proposed public improvements to Bolton Road and Santa Clara Road in conjunction with Guadalupe County in furtherance of AW Texas, an economic development project within the City of Cibolo. Mr. Klein gave a brief history of this area to include drainage issues. Once this area is improved the city could see economic development boom in this area. CenterPoint Energy is providing gas to the area and water will be available making it a desirable area for developing. 5. Review Pavement Maintenance and Management Study performed by LAN Engineers. Mr. Fousse and Mr. Murray went over the Pavement Maintenance Management Plan to include the following items — Pavement failure (distress modes), General pavement construction, Repair & maintenance techniques, Prioritization, Capital Projects funded through other sources, Capital Projects funded through Street Maintenance Tax. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions and Mr. Murray was able to give a more detail explanation of some of the street failures and what can be done. 6. Discuss developing a position on addressing a future Cibolo senior citizen program. The YMCA had a couple representatives attend this workshop. They were able to give an ideal on how the Senior Center in Schertz is run and programs that are offered. The Y did inform the council that the Cibolo YMCA does offer exercise classes to seniors and they have had several Cibolo residents attend these classes. The council did discuss what is needed in Cibolo and when and how to fund such a program. The Parks and Recreation Commission has been task by the council to look at this issue and bring some ideals back to the council in June time frame. This will be a topic that will be discussed further when they receive feedback from the Parks Commission and possible during the budget. 7. Receive briefing from staff concerning a proposal from Netra Capital, LLC for future development within the City of Cibolo,Texas. Netra Capital,LLC is a group out of the Houston area. They are looking at two areas of the city for propose new development. FM 78 and South Main Street called Cibolo Commons would require 3.32 acres of public land. This area would consist of retail, office space extended stay hotel and restaurants The second area near FM 1103 and North Main Street called Cibolo City Square would require another 4.75 acres of public land and consist of retail, office space, restaurants, bank, independent living facility hotel, hike and bike trails. An extensive feasibility study is ongoing. City Staff is vetting Netra Capital and reviewing an economic impact analysis provided by their team. 8. Receive report on Fire Station No.3 located along Weidner Road. (Chief Troncoso/Mr.Fousse) a. Station layout b. Personnel assessment c. Anticipated cost to build Chief Troncoso briefed the plans for Fire Station #3. He gave a brief overview of the history of the Cibolo Fire Department. Chief Troncoso went over the current staffmg of shift personnel and the Fire Department Personnel needed for station 3. Requiring an additional (4) fire fighters in 2020/2021 budget will bring the department up only to minimum staffmg levels. The council also looked at recommended future staffmg level for 3 Fire Stations being phased in over fiscal years 2022-2024. The ultimate goal is 12 fire personnel per station or 4 per shift. Council also looked at a design for the new station. 9. Discuss and consider requesting a future Charter Review Committee to consider making a recommendation to City Council concerning the make-up of City Council district and single member districts. Mayor Boyle stated that the city needs to look at a future Charter Review Committee to consider City Council districts. A couple of the district have almost twice the number of citizens as others. Mayor Boyle also mention maybe it is time for the citizens to even decide if they want districts or maybe 4 districts and 3 at large or some different formula than we presently have. This was just a discussion item and no direction was given at this time. 10. Discuss and consider updating City Council policies and procedures which are currently in place or have been previously discussed. This item was brought up by Councilman Hicks. He stated that council does not follow many of their policies. It might be a good time to look them over and see if anything needs to be changed/updated. City Secretary will send a copy of the Council Policies to all councilmembers. 11. Adjournment.—Councilman Hicks made the motion to adjourn at 3:31pm. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gibbs. For:All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2020. txi Boyayor ATTEST Peggy Cimics, TRMC City Secretary 2