Min CC 03/13/2007 RZl7ULAR nTT7V ��7rL'4'C -- .,��� :..,�1:�...MEETING CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S.MAIN March 13,2007 7:00 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Mayor Sutton at 7:01 P.M. 2. Roll Call Mayor Sutton Councilman Royal arrived at 7:03 P.M. Councilman Krasnai Councilman Ramcharan Councilman Winn Councilwoman Davis Staff. Todd Parton-City Manager Peggy Cimics—City Secretary Charles Zech—City Attorney Mark Riffe—Police Chief Nancy McBeth—Community Development Lara Feagins—Finance Director Bud Dailey—Building Inspections 3. Invocation—Invocation was given by Councilwoman Davis 4. Pledge of Allegiance—Councilman Krasnai led the Pledge of Allegiance 5. Citizens to be Heard T his is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. (Aty Council may not debate any non-agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time however City Council may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion—JC- 0169)(Limit of three minutes each). We had three citizens signed up to be heard: David Jordan spoke on the Fireworks Ordinance and the right-of- way for the women's soccer association. Wayne Wildman also spoke on the Fireworks Ordinance and the impact this ordinance will have on his business. Harvey Hild spoke to council on impact fees. 6. Consent Agonda—Consei t Items(General Items) (All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a councilmember so requests,in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered as part of the order of business.) A. Approval of the minutes of'Che RegulaY Cuuncli ivieeiing held on February 27,2007. B. Approval of the minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on March 1,2007. C. Acceptance of the Revenue&Expense Report for the Month of January 2007 pending final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the 2007 Fiscal Year. D. Acceptance of the December 2006 Check Register pending final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the 2007 Fiscal Year. E. Acceptance of the January 2007 Check Register pending final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the 2007 Fiscal Year Councilman Ramcharan moved to approve the consent agenda. Motion was seconded by Councilman Winn. For: Council Members:Royal,Krasnai,Ramcharan,Winn and Davis;Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. 7. Presentation A. Presentation to City Council from Terry Hinze from the Schertz, Cibolo,Universal City School District, Intergovernmental Committee on school growth and construction projects. Terry Hinze gave a presentation on the new schools and school growth. B. Presentation from Michele Sutton on the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. Michele Sutton explained to council and all those present the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. This year the event will be in Cibolo at the Bryon Steele High School on Friday, April 27, 2007 starting at 7:00 P.M. and ending on Saturday, April 28, 2007 at 7:00 A.M. She encourages the city and staff to enter a team and encourage people to get involved by volunteering or by purchasing a luminary. 8. Discussion/Action A. Discussion/Action on appointments and re-appointments to 5-Year CIP Sub-Committees and all other Cibolo Commissions and Committees with a current vacancy. Mr. Michael Lindell submitted his application to be part of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Mr. Lindell addressed council about his desire to serve the city and Councilman Ramcharan moved to approve the appointment of Mr. Michael Lindell to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Motion was seconded by Councilman Krasnai. For: Council Member: Royal, Krasnai, Ramcharan, Winn & Davis; Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. Mr.Randall Mattzele also address council on his application to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Councilman Ramcharan moved to approve the appointment of Mr. Randall Mattzela to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Motion was seconded by Councilman Winn. For: Council Members: Royal,Krasnai,Ramcharan,Winn and Davis;Against: None Motion carried 5 to 0. B. Discussion/Action on appointment of Council Liaison to Cibolo Youth Council,Cibolo Parks Commission and the Regional Water Alliance. Councilman Ramcharan volunteered to serve as the liaison to the Cibolo Youth Council, Councilman Royal volunteered to serve as Parks and Recreation liaison and Mayor Sutton volunteered to be the representative to the Regional Water Alliance. Councilman Ramcharan moved to accept the appointments of liaisons and representative as stated. Motion was seconded by Councilman Krasnai. For: Council Member: Royal, Krasnai,Ramcharan,Winn and Davis;Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. C. Discussion/Action on the appointment to the CRWA Board of Trustees for a two year term and an appointment to the Board of Managers for a one year term. Councilman Winn moved to appoint City Manager Todd Parton to the CRWA Board of Managers and to reappoint Ron Pedde to a two year term as CRWA Board of Trustees. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ramcharan. For: Council Members: Royal, Krasnai, Ramcharan, Winn and Davis; Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. D. Discussion/Action on the acceptance of the Quarterly Investment Report for period ending December 31, 2006 pending the final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the 2007 Fiscal Year. Councilman Winn moved to approve the Quarterly Investment Report for the period ending December 31, 2006 pending the final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the 2007 Fiscal Year.Motion was seconded by Councilman Ramcharan. For: Council Members: Royal, Krasnai, Ramcharan, Winn and Davis; Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. E. Discussion/Action for direction to staff regarding the mid year budget adjustments to be presented to council at the regular scheduled meeting of March 27,2007. Councilman Winn moved to direct staff to prepare an ordinance to reflect the budget adjustments that were presented and to bring back the ordinance at the regular scheduled meeting of March 27, 2007. Motion was seconded by Councilman Krasnai. For: Council Members: Royal, Krasnai, Ramcharan, Winn and Davis; Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. F. Discussion/Action on a Letter Agreement between the City of Cibolo and the Schertz,Cibolo, Universal City Independent School District(SCUCISD)on the purchase of 1.5 acres of land located at FM 1103 and Weidner Road to build a new water tower. Councilman Winn moved to approve a Letter Agreement between the City of Cibolo SCUCISD for the purchase of 1.5 acres of land located at FM 1103 and Weidner Road to build a new water tower. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ramcharan. For: Council Members: Royal, Krasnai,Ramcharan, Winn and Davis; Against:None. Motion carried 5 to 0. G. Discussion/Action on the Articles of Incorporation establishing the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation. Councilman Royal and seconded by Councilwoman Davis pulled this item from the agenda and direct staff to bring it back at the regular scheduled meeting on March 27, 2007. For: Council Members: Royal, Krasnai, Ramcharan,Winn and Davis;Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. H. Discussion/Action for direction to staff regarding establishing a citizen's drop box for comments on the next fiscal year budget. Councilman Ramcharan moved to direct staff to establish a citizen's drop box in various locations for citizens to comment on the next fiscal year budget. Motion was seconded by Councilman Royal. For: Council Members:Royal,Krasnai,Ramcharan,Winn and Davis;Against:None. Motion carried 5 to 0. I. Discussion/Action on a request from Harry Hausman to release his property from the City of Cibolo's ETJ so he can be annexed by the City of Schertz. Councilman Winn moved to deny the request from Harry Hausman to have his property release from the City of Cibolo's ETJ. Motion was seconded by Councilman Krasnai. For Denial: Council Member: Royal, Krasnai,Ramcharan,Winn and Davis;Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. J. Discussion/Action on a policy for employees to pool their vacation/sick leave. Councilman Ramcharan moved to direct staff to write up a policy that would address the pooling of leave and to bring it back to council at a later date. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis. For: Council Member: Royal,Krasnai,Ramcharan,Winn and Davis;Against:None. Motion carried 5 to 0. K. Consider a recommendation from the Parks Commission on revisions to the plans for the park on Cibolo Valley Drive. Councilman Winn moved to approve the recommendation of the Parks Commission on the revisions to the plans for the park on Cibolo Valley Drive. Motion was seconded by Councilman Krasnai. For: Council Members: Royal,Krasnai,Ramcharan,Winn and Davis;Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. L. Discussion on the development infrastructure conditions in the City of Cibolo. Councilman Royal had some questions on the infrastructure and the City's procedure on inspections. City, Manager Todd Parton went over the procedures with council. M. Discussion/Action on whether to initiate annexation of property located on the north side of Borgfeld Road and located at 285 W.Borgfeld Road(Kardy's RV,Boat&Camper Storage). Councilman Winn moved to proceed with the annexation process of the property located on the north side of Borgfeld Road and located at 285 W.Borgfeld Road. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ramcharan. For: Council Members:Krasnai,R arncharan,Winn and Dais;Against: Councilman Royal.Motion carried 4 to 1. N. Discussion/Action on naming the pedestrian bridge on Borgfeld Road in memory of Robert Arenas. This item was tabled until the City Manager and the representative from the Parks Commission could talk with the Arenas Family. O. Receive a report from Cibolo's Police Chief Mark Riffe on Racial Profiling. Detective Curd from the Cibolo Police Department handed out a Racial Profiling Report to all council members. No questions and Councilman Winn moved to accept the report as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis. For: Council Members: Royal, Krasnai, Ramcharan, Winn and Davis; Against:None. Motion carried 5 to 0. P. Discussion/Action on the review and confirmation of all upcoming special meetings and workshops and scheduling the time,date and place of additional special meetings or workshops. Council went over the calendar on all upcoming meetings and workshops. 9. Ordinances A. Approval/Disapproval of an Ordinance updating the Fire Works Ordinance dated April 16, 1969 prohibiting fireworks in the Cibolo city limits Councilman Winn moved to approve the Fire Works Ordinance as written. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis. For: Council Members: Royal,Krasnai,Ramcharan,Winn and Davis;Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. 10. Executive Session Pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code Sec. 551.071 Attorney Client Consultation the City Council will meet in Executive Session to discuss the following: A. Legal issues involving previous accessed Impact Fees. Council convened into executive session at 9:19 F.M. 11. Open Session The City Council will reconvene in Regular Session to take action or give staff direction,if necessary on the items discussed in Executive Session. Council reconvened into open session at 10:08 P.M. 12. Staff Updates A. Capital Projects B. Overview of City Projects C. Town Center Plan D. Rich Park Vandalism City Manager Todd Parton gave council an update on all the above items. 13. City Council request(s)regarding specific items or staff reports to be scheduled for future agendas. Council requested that a report/discussion by the City Manager on Impact Fees be placed on the agenda for March 27,2007. 14 . Adjournment Councilman Ramcharan moved to adjourn, the meeting at 10:19 P.M. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis. For: Council Members: Royal,Krasnai,Ramcharan, Winn and Davis;Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27TH DAY OF MARCH 2007. y Sutton Mayor ATTEST: V-C 9"761 Peggy Cimics City Secretary