Min CC 09/04/2007 - Public Hearing CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S.MAIN September 4,2007 7:00 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hartman at 7:03 p.m. 2. Roll Call Mayor Hartman Councilman Royal Councilman Krasnai Councilman Owens Councilman Winn Councilwoman Davis Councilman Hicks Councilman Hetzel 3. Invocation—Invocation was given by Councilman Owens 4. Pledge of Allegiance—Councilman Winn led the Pledge of Allegiance 5. Citizens to be Heard This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not debate any non-agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time however City Council may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion— JC- 0169)(Limit of three minutes each). No citizens signed up to be heard. 6. Public Hearing A. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the local option to exempt goods in transit as specified by H.B. 621. Mayor Hartman opened the Public Hearing at 7:04 p.m. No citizens spoke and the Public Hearing was closed at 7:05 p.m. B. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the FY 2007/2008 Budget. Mayor Hartman opened the Public Hearing at 7:05 p.m. Mayor read into the record a fax received by Franklin Elliott a Cibolo citizen on his opposition to the Budget. Public Hearing was closed at 7:06 p.m. C. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the proposed tax rate for FY 2008. Mayor Hartman opened the Public Hearing at 7:06 p.m. No one spoke and the Public Hearing was closed at 7:06 p.m. 7. Adjournment Councilman Winn moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Krasnai. For: Council Members: Royal, Krasnai, Owens, Winn, Davis, Hicks and Hetzel; Against: None. Motion carried 7 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 11TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2007. Jennifer Hartman Mayor ATTEST: Peggy Cimics City Secretary 09/04/2007 17:00 2105667355 THE FRANKLIN FLOCK PAGE 01/01 A facsimile from Elliott L. Franklin To: Todd Parton&Members of Cibolo 253 Weeping Willow City Council Cibolo, TX 78108 Fax number:210.658.1687 210.884.7945 elliotL@elliottfranklin.com Date: 9/4/2007 Regarding: Proposed 2008 Tax Rate and Budget Please submit these comments into the official record of the 03-04-2007 Budget Hearing. I am opposed to the tax rate remaining the same while the valuations on our homes continue to skyrocket. Based on the proposed budget figures presented on the City of Cibolo website there are commercial vehicles and equipment, such,as multiple dumptracks,departmental vehicles,and an excessive number oflaptop/tablets verses developing a check-out program,that are not necessary for a city of our size. Instead,we should focus on sharing these resources among departments if need for ownership is fmnly established. While I realize that many of these expenses can be attributed to the explosion of growth in population,we must truly ask if they contribute to the health,safety and welfare of all citizens. Toward this end,the purchase of additional police car vehicles seems unnecessary when currently there can be found 4 or more cars going unused at any one time. Additionally,our city continues to grow without proper planning for an additional Fire Station or increase in fire staff. While there are numerous other issues including infrastructure that must be addressed,we need to address each department as if the money were our own. Thank you for our service. Elliott L. Franklin