ORD 1276 08/13/2019 OF C/e o ''OM,MwYYlM4i ,"` T£ XP5 "City of Choice ORDINANCE NO. 76 PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF UPDATED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS AND REPEAL; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Cibolo,Texas(the"City Council")has previously passed Ordinance No. 1025 adopting a Capital Improvements Plan("CIP"); and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Cibolo,Texas(the"City Council")has previously passed Ordinance No. 1067 adopting an update to impact fees for Water,Wastewater,Drainage and Transportation("Impact Fees"); and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Cibolo,Texas(the"City Council")has previously passed Ordinance No. 1187 adopting a Comprehensive Master Plan and Land Use Assumptions ("LUA"); and WHEREAS, The City of Cibolo ("City") has fully complied with Chapter 395, Texas Local Government Code,with regards to notice,adoption,promulgation and methodology as required for creation and adoption of the updated and amended CIP; and WHEREAS,the City Council appointed a Capital Improvements Plan Advisory Committee to advise the City Council concerning the need for adoption of updated and amended CIP; and WHEREAS,the City has retained qualified professionals to prepare updated and amended CIP, as required by Chapter 395, Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 395.056, Texas Local Government Code, the CIP Advisory Committee has filed written comments on the proposed amendments to the CIP before the 5ffi day before the date of the public hearing on the amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the updated and amended CIP and held public hearings to receive public input on the proposed updates and amendments to the CIP; and WHEREAS, the proposed updates and amendments to the CIP were made available to the public; and Page 1 WHEREAS,the City Council hereby finds and determines that it is in the best interests of the health and welfare of the citizens of Cibolo to approve the updated CIP. NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The findings set forth above are hereby incorporated into this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The City Council hereby adopts and approves the updated Capital Improvements Plan attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 4. The City Council hereby affirms the currently existing impact fees. SECTION 5. All provisions of any ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed and any remaining portions of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. If any section,subsection,sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason,held to be unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction,such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 7. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED this,the day of 2019. ST SH BO MAYOR �( OF C/ ATTEST: :C,��• ••eo< PEGGY CIMICS, TRMC CITY SECRETARY AE•C Q a 1• Page 2 EXHIBIT A AMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (Attached) Page 3 CITY OF :• • 2019-2024 LIST OF PROJECTS Public facilities,Public Safety,quality of Llfe Water,Wastewater Stormwater PROJFCTNAME EFDAGr10101A! Transportation PRIrucmr PROJfC7NAMf EfIM1f0 G8llC( CosrOf(/APRO/FC7NAMf [f111147lO(o(Al PROIlcTCOf( PRO/EC7NAA(E arm G(EO rOrA( /AO/EC(COfr iePF0o1 puhllc Works Fadllty ppanflan S 099,000 iBWA007 s IOn Water Una-11—karvllle Rd-FM 76 to Schaefo Rd S 780,000 18SWOOI Loop 530•DnmegUmprovemenu $ 7,500,000 ISTRO01 Traffic Signals-FM78@ Malnnreet and FM 70@ Haeckervllle Read $ 675,000 Old rySc ao Haway New CllyAnnex $ 1800,000 18WA002 Dahl.Ooulavard Wat.r Llne improvements $ 608,727 185W002 Reuhe DednOan Pond OuHlows COyWlde $ 600,000 78TRD02 Green VAllaynatd•FM 1105 to Norlax Drive•IAddod Lon as) 18PF003 CI Wide Communlollons(fladio) S 490,000 18WA003 12"Water Main•Buffalo Trail-Main Sle too Tollenaad S 1,500,000 18SWO04 .Town Croak flood Mitigation S 5,680,000 18PF004 City Wide CommDNcallonilOark Flherl S 300,000 1BWA004 16"Waterline•Tinning Stone toTawn Cnek Road 0 3 10,000,000 18TR003 WlednerAwdlmpravemenU.FM 1103 to Hing Falls $ 975,000 S 800,000 185WOOs Old Town Drainage Improvements $ 3,600,000 ISTRO04 Wildersteln Raad widenin 18PF005 Uniform Platform City software $ 350,000 1BWA005 12n Wate,U..Clbolo Valley Drive lHl Lane)to Town Cnek Tolle Raad Drain Improvements(Culvert Crossln g $ 4,075,000 Road S 400,000 i8SW006 Count Lane.) gon $ 460,000 10TR005 Schnelderindualrld Pork$lraot Rtconslrucllan $ 3,000,1)00 18P5001 Pullle5afely Feclllllm•Fire Houft Na,3 $ 4,000,000 18Wp006 76"Water Llne-Nnlghts Crotsing South-iM 1107n Buffalo Troll $ 000,000 ISSWO07 T.wnCrlekl.stOnlnlmprvmntFPh2-CVAIo Gatewood $ 8,000,000 18TRBOfi ■ Pavement Management Prognm Ph.11 S 500,000 18PS002 CrlUcal Street LlghIIng $ 500,000 18WA007 12•Wateillne FM11o3ta O<er Creek Dlvd. S 350,000 18SWC08 Town Onek Flood MlllgaAlan Phau2 $ 15,000,000 187R007 Hae[Nervllle Road Widening Town Creek to lower Seguin Road $ 17,571576 ISPS003 public Safety Fadiium-IH-10 $ 10,00D.000 ISWA008 Automated Metering Infrmtrudure-Water Meters $ 4501000 18m11 Toile Rd Dnlnogatmpravem.his S 6,000,000 18TRCOB•Ouffala Tra11-Town Creek to Tall*Road 18P5004 Animal Control Fadlty Eapanl.n $ 980,000 1SWA009 12"Water Hne Along FM 70-Buffalo PI.to DIM Creek $ 2,600,000 S 27s,01)0 7BSW010 TaU.nd Regional Ddennon $ 3,600,000 IBTRO09 Donnaod-Green valley ndto Old Wladersteln Ila. 18PS005 Deer Creek Low Water Crostln Gales Road rune-Knlghlt Uostln North-FM 1103 to Weldnef Town Creek and Santa Cl.ra Creek Re 51 d 6Flood 1 I S 2,900,000 9 $ 250,000 lOWA070 Road � $ 1,250,000 105W011 a Y Pan IBQL001 Schlalher Park Ex anslon Me In S SOOp00 18TRo10 Knights[rouing-Wledner to FM 1103 S 6,900,000 P $ 4.0,0011 18WA011 WehrCCN Acqulslllane $ 2,500,000 1BTR017 Main Street Widening(FM 7e to Sshaetter Road) $ 3,87O,fi00 IOQL002 Mirada league Field $ 1,130,900!',1BWWO01 Sewer CCN Acqulsnlon S 2,850,000 1BTR011 Buffalo Trail Mein Street totoKnights Cracsln IEQL003 Tulle P.,k Ph.1 9 349,900,IBWWO02 vyWTmnkLim nsm CCMATCLIftSnllanlo FM1103c9 S L6o0,000 Gatewood $ 77,680,056 18TRO14 M.In Street Widening-FM1103to FM70 $ 3,500,000 18QL004 W>hlerWaads P-o—thm $ 3,750,000 7B1VW003 Sanitarylewer-Uhato Sarvlca Atta-Low....guln Rd to Bolton Rd $ 10,000,000 ISTRO15 as Rlpps-I(reutler Road $ 9,036,000 IBQL005 s Downtown Parking $ 430,000 IBWWO04 9enitary5ewv•[Wale S'""'Ana-Oalta"Rd. $ 4.300,000 78TRo16 Green Valley Road lmpravemenls-Turnln Stone to Sento a 18QL006 Cihola Sports Complex•Pha:e 11 Add111one10a11 Fields $ 4,500,000 104VW005 IS"WW Outfall•Town Creek Entt Fork-Gatawoodp FM 710310 U g $ 2,000,001) GVR $ 1,900,000 18TRO17 Toll.Road Remnsuudlon end Drolnaga Improvements $ 5,670,000 70QLOm Town Cnek Tntl system-Clry Hailto S<hlather Park-Phue11 $ 3,475,924 1BWWO06 21n Wutewater Gravity main from Scheoffal n to Lowarscquln Rd S 4,Ra 18TROIS GumValley nood•ghola Volley Orto Ocon Ad•IM1dded Lanml $ 3.000,000 78QLOOB TOB.PlaWFIZl(Eco Conlin) $i 8,843,000 1BWWOOB 13`Wutswaterllnefmm UPRRto WdIOd LS. $ 7, 10TR019 s M.In51ree1dFM11031ntarchon o 9 E 1,71)0,000 tOQL009 awn Croak Tnll System-Sports Complex to Clry Hall•Pheul $ 1,550,000 18WW009 ■Aeglanal Wastewnier System-Haeckervllle R to Van ado $ taiR0z0 FM 1103 Reconslrudlan-M.In Street to Rodeo Way $ 14,001),00D 18TR021 ■50•Pvmt Management Pro gram(Phue l Analysts Only) S 725,000 7STED22 FM 1103 Extension-grit.Road to FM 78 5 3.,;.D,GUD FUNDINGVENUE/.C. ICTRO23 Green Valley Road East or FM 1103 LandmaN(Oak to Nonex Drive $ 3,000,000 AUTHORIZEDREVENUE/G.O.BONGS 18TH024 Old T.-Stusalmprovemenls $ 6,500,000 MULTIPLE SOURCES IMPACT FEE —- 1STRO25 FM 1303•Brite Rd to FM 76 Phase 2(Added Lanes) S 20,000,000 _.-. 18TH026• "'Isms C(otling-FM 1103 to euffaio Tratl $ 315OD,OOD FUTURE BOND(REVENUE/G.O.1 18TR027 Main Street Extension from Schee(.,Road to Hackervllle/LSR $ 1S,SQD,000 �COSTSHARE ISTR02B Dolle noulevardIteconslrudlon $ 1,500,000 OPERATIONAL iBiR029 Country[lul Or.-Green Valley Rd to 5cherlx City Llmllls S 17,01)0,000 18TR030 Reverse Frontage Ca Hello Ph ase l-FM 70 to FM 1103 Eate nstan S 4,So0,Do0 a IN DESIGN OR UNDER CONSTRUCTION 18TH031 Reverse RantageLOlit dor Pha se 2-5,Mein St to FM 1103 ExlemlIn $ 3,750,000 10-12 Bolton Rd[in provemtnll-Its eckervllle to Santa Clan $ 12,500,000 REV:JUNE 2019 i BTRD33 Haeckervllle Road•Town Creek to Lower Seguin Road 5 2,500,000 IBTRO34 Santa Clara 41,1404e Balton Rd. 5 2,650.000 IRTRO35 PfonNllal Rd.-IH-1 a to Bolton lid. $ 3,500,000 CITY OF CIBOLO 2019-2024 FISCAL YEAR 2019 FISCAL YEAR 2020m FISCAL YEAR 2021 FISCAL YEAR 2022 FISCAL YEAR 2023 BULLPEN PRO/fCTNAAIE ffnAlA![D rOT42 (T/M'AT(OTOTAL PRO/(C7'NAAIf QWRN77a mFAl PRO/[CT(OfJ Prt0/(CICa(7 �rIN[CTNAAff IROI(RCOfT PRO/ECTNAME u/.INC(TIOfTI PRNECTNAAIf up1wicOmdl PRNfCTN4Mf [R7AU/fa TOTA[ 1BPF001 pu41141V.1k.F.rlllly 6.000].0 S HSS,000 1605005 01.1 Cr..kl.w Wel.r Cl...lnq Gale. $ ]50,000 laswoul PAO/([TrofT PRO/(ClCOTT g719.Onlnep.Impolw4.Y j 7,100,000 180LO01 saluh.r Puk EN.h. n f 480,000 18QL006 Cibea pMe amp u• ue1 $ 4,500,000 18PSD03 41tIUI5v.uUh 0109 $ 500,000 1801001 Old Schaal IN—lN.W[Rytlnne. $ 1,600,000 18QL002 MlnNedgWFhld 1 1,730,000 IRSW009 Addaend Dell1,14r fiM Ad Onlml.Impr.v4m.Me $ 4,420,040 IBQL004 Wublu We.,1 Prurn It.. $ 3,250,000 IBTRO02 Gre hVMI4Y0.ed•£1,111.11. S 5,600,400 ie5W00] T°wn 6aYful Dr.ln lmprvmnu 000,000 H.ne[O.Ir.-IAdleddne0 Phll-ant.13,1. °d $ D, 1801003 [Ily WM4 Commun1u11.mlMdlol $ 450,000 18QL003 Told PUYPM1.I $ 309,000 1e5W010 Tdb Ad n.plrmlDu.nu.n $ 3,60D,000 185W0o5 0141 nOnlmp t,hpr4v4meIll, F 1,600,000 ieTRO1B re^.ry.e' . •.Y r $ 7,000,000 iB5W00B awn r eedM pu en Publle Safety lllu•fU.our Town Cr..Y.nd Sem.Cue C,..k Or nr hl nduWePel I to Dun •A a Le ] Phue7„ S 15,000,000 1805001 ° $ 4,000,000 185W011 $ 50o,0Do ISPSO33 S 10,000,000 18TRO05 1e•) j 7,000,000 iBTR032 f 110) unrl.n-Ills e)Is $ ]o,DDD,DD4 iBTR013 Oul el.nl•4100 Ne.l l.11n 01,1. N..3 51ud DFI..d hl • In YOMMfuY le4ill11.e•INd6 FM FO $ 1,000,OOo 18Q-00S . 3.wnl.wnpukinq $ 430,000 iBSW002 n.vl..0.l.ntl.n Pend OUR.w.CITY' $ 600,000 18TR003 WI.nrr R..d lmpru.m.^I...m ed u..e�n 0 I C.I Wld° 1101 r.Nln u, $ 975,000 1BTRo19 °p • f 3,500,000 1=028 DebH I.YI4re16R49en11n41Ien S 1,S00,000 1BTRD25 f IIOI.6NU Ad 1. 76 Ph,,. $ 20,000,000 IOSWO04 • Tewn 4.dRll4.dMIIIp.Uen• $ 10,000,000 105W006 T.II.R..d On nlmpru.m.nu(<ulr.rl f 460,000 18TR013 Gu.n V.11.vn•.df°.1.I T. llp) 1103 4r.nrlm .n-Men Add.dl.n. ..1 Cn,.ln.n C.unl len.. l.ndm.0 Det 1.N.n..O,lr. S 3,000,000 18TR020 11 S 14,000,000 18Tfl029 .unlry u r.•nen..Y n.uu.irenug.C.lurl.r Pnu. - Su.ut.Reduw• 1.1 Mm[I mll(e S 17,600,000 18TR030 FMT6..M11D][ar,nn.^ t $ 4,500,000 1BTR004 WNdmH.ln need Wld.nlnq $ 4,625,000 18TR006 a Pu.mur Mrn.p.m.nl prspr.m Ph.11 S SaIi'm IRWA004 14'Wuulln.-Turnlnq u.n.1. g 600,000 1814029 OIdi4Wnllrullmplevem.nu 3 6,500,000 18WA003 il•W.I.rAl.11 Salt.].Tnll- R.nur tron...C.II.n.rFh.,.]- T.wnCr..4A.4d $ 1,500,000 18TR031 19TR011 M.in SHe4tWnenin9IFM 101. Il'Weler llne Clbol.V.Il.y Orlr. fMinurt.l l.Telle R..d S.M.In Stlo FM i 1031.0..0 S 3,750,0001 Srhull.r0uu S 3,610,600 18Tfl0oA • OUNets Tnll-Tewn 4e.Y 1.T.04 Reetl $ 7,600,000 18WA005 S 400,000 iBTRO27 Meln lnu[41.42.n I.m j 1!,500,000 18WA009 1]'Wu.rlln.Al.npFM]6- Nen n.I.T­1[rukn..n rhe d 4 R $ 175,000 18QLO08 Tdh,F.IkFMIjEA.h.tl,I S BOB6,095, O.ble IWIN 'W.I.r One luflels 01.001.04..4 IBTR015 • NPPr-Rr.u.l.r A.,d $ 4,036,000 ieW0.002 S 500,727 18WAOGE 1.•Wuulln.-Anllhu C0uln0 12'W'W Oull411•T.wn4..You Impru.m.nu S.v1h-FM 11P11.Oullel.Tr.11 S 000,000 18WW005 Ferk-Gu.w..d•FM1103dGVn S 1,900,000 18WW003 lenldryl.w.r-O6el.Sr.114 5 10,000,000 ISTRO3$ Phnnrli4l M.•IN•104041bn Ad. $ 3,500,000 dn.•lau S4puln Ad Is Oalu.Rtl RnIgM,G.uIn OIIgl1. Il' uu11n.IM 1191uuur 4r.k Clry Wld.[4mmunlu 4n.10.rh 18TROZ6 OUINI.T011 S 1,500,000 TBWA007 j 150,000 i6WA010 I4' .r.r ^•-Rnlp Iird. N.rlh-iMt OI I.W.Idn.r.ed $ 1,750,000 18WW004 en dry eW4r• e tOWW009 Re91.n.l1111. rSd.l.m- Au.m4letlMuulnp ln(n.lnuu.. AI 4•elan Ad. a 4ry re S 4,700,000 1001009 $ 300,000 C1,11, W Ou fblhl.4d 0V.n.d. 3,500,000 18WAo08 S 420,000 ieWW002 SVWTrvnYUn.Nam[CMATC UII S 4,716,004 ISPF00S UMferm ftlhrm city 5.Ilw.r. S 350,000 W.nr M,1.n fIe11.n1.1M 11P)64.I.W.Od S I1,610,Of6 IBWWDOfi 11•W.Mwele16nv11YM.InN.m i8TR009 IOr.d•M YMlpMead 12•Wvi%W d.0.m UMVt"WW Hee.k.rvlil.A.rd-Tewn 0..k1. SrhuldlMl.lewer141u1.14 104].]0 Rd. j 7,]0600 18WW008 7 ),106,000 1oTR033 l.w.,].lain A.ed S 2,500,000 10TRO07 Ne..Nrrvlllr A4ed Witlrnln0 sewn 18TR016 lndn 1 r'rplva..W 1 7.00 010 iBTR010 RnllhO Gu.lnp-Wl.dn.r 1.FM 1101 $ 6,900,000 180.007 hTmdd A. (4dn•aq d Creekn"Wirs!puln Reed S 11,571,576 ieWA011 Wum CCN Aqubhl.v $ 2,500,000 A W11411PRINIMIll-AMR 7,471.014 i8WW001 SewmCCNArquhlN.n $ 2,G50,ODO' 1BTR032 Oa11.n Rd lmpr.vemenu• TIMAc Sipnelr-/M 761 M.Inrlr.el°°d $ 671,000 H.rrkerv111e t.S.nl.Clu, S 17,500,000 10ifl001 FM11 Hrerk.rvlll.Rud 1BTRO34 3.1.Clu.•a•10It.O.U.MI. 3 7.6»A60 I8TRO17 MpM4.ww4Mn4p a 11.0 !,410.000 18PS004 A.W.1 C.n1u1 F,My E.,.W $ 0 00 180.009 Tewn[n.YTull Synun•p.lu CamI),II-Phu.] $ lr7l0,000 OMP 0 FSIIPMsOh•-T.WYrI..1m1l lAMn..I p1,.0m,1 n)Pr.0mR O C$$I iBTRMe1R061.,Wdphup. 1 18WA01 Rr711100,,00010 18TR021 n125,0000 i $ 61,841,600 $ 25,596,727 $ 47,870,980 $ 51,730,000 $ 100,426,576 $69,495,000 FIWOWG CATEGORIES 1AUTHORIZED REVENUE/G.O.BONDS MULTIPLESOURCES -I IMPACTFEE FUTURE BOND(REVENUF/G.O.) ICOSTSHARE 'OPERATIONAL IN DESIGN OR e UNDER CONSTRUCTION Q T X P S "City of Choice" 5-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT 2019 - 2024 June 25, 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................ 3 Organization ............................................................................................... 3 Process ...................................................................................................... 3 Findings ..................................................................................................... 4 Recommendation ......................................................................................... 5 Conclusion ................................................................................................. 5 Appendix .................................................................................................... 6 - Capital Improvements Program Detail Report 2 Introduction This document is the final report from the Citizens Advisory Committee to the City Council on the 5-year 2019-2024 Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The report contains the Committee's recommendations on priority and phasing of existing capital improvement projects, as well as the addition of new ones. It is important to note that this report is a living document. Staff and the Committee has made their best efforts in providing current information on each project, as of the date of this report. However, as more information becomes available and events continue to transpire, project information, timing, and priorities will require updating. As development continues at an accelerated pace, the need to address several issues increases drastically from rapid growth sooner than originally anticipated. This primary reason is why following the adoption of the 5-year report, semi-annual CIP reviews will be conducted as stipulated and required by Texas Local Government Code (TLGC). Organization The 2019 Citizens Advisory Committee includes citizens of the City of Cibolo who represent various Council Districts/ETJ and members of standing Boards and Commissions as follows: • Dick Hetzel, Chair(District 6)—resigned due to City Council candidate for election • Karen Hale, Chair(Planning &Zoning Commission Representative) • Ashley Zimmermann, Vice Chair(District 7) • Robert Thies (Economic Development Corporation Representative) • Terence Benson (District 1), Mitzi Delgado (District 6), Daniel Kearns (District 2), Garry Montegue (District 7), Troy Ragland (District 7), Robert Roberson (ETJ), Randy Roberts (District 2), Ryan Tackett(District 2) and Mike Vlk (District 2) Process This Committee began with the previous 5-year CIP Plan (2012-2017) as a baseline. The Committee then reviewed the progress of each listed project within the current 5-year CIP plan and provided a weighted ranking of each project and then placed them within the fiscal year of the project's completion. Project rankings were based on existing on-going projects, funding mechanisms/total cost and current pressing challenges within the City. The CIP Committee held nine meetings beginning on April 4, 2018. Since then, all listed projects within the CIP where reviewed in depth to create a matrix to supply an overall understanding of where each project stands today. This included suggestions of new projects (Bullpen) and the ranking of projects against multiple categories. Our consultant, Halff& Associates, assisted the Committee in generating the Program that the City will utilize as the procedural template for preparing CIP updates in subsequent years. This comprised the list of Projects, Project forms, the ranking criteria/matrices and final Project list. The project ranking process that the Committee and Staff assisted in was based on community benefit criteria and operational criteria. Community benefit criteria are largely qualitative in nature and are designed to reflect community values that were identified throughout 3 the 2016 Comprehensive/Master Pian process. Categories involved: public health and safety, economic development, land development and growth, community reinvestment, and quality of life. Operational criteria is directly tied to the administrative realities of budgets, project leveraging and regulatory mandates.These categories entail: impact of operational budget, cost sharing with other government and private entities, regulatory compliance, leveraging and public interest. Following the CIP Committee and Staff ranking of projects with Halff&Associates, our second consultant Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. (LAN) provided their opinion of probable construction costs (OPCC) and GIS mapping of the top 15 selected projects. OPCC of this detail was to prepare for the update to the Impact Fee Ordinance. Not all projects received this level of detail in OPCC due to funding and time restraints. The projects that were selected for were based on ranking, funding status and lack of prior estimates. All remaining projects will receive in detail estimates during the Impact Fee Ordinance update. The Committee reviewed the submitted projects and discussed rankings using all available information. The discussions were open and constructive, and the members considered a wide variety of city needs in determining our recommended priorities in the attached Project List. The approved, recommended Project List is based on the members' assessment of need without consideration of cost, although the members understand that funding will affect how the city implements the list. Findings The Committee found tremendous progress has been achieved since the 2012 CIP was adopted. Council, staff and citizens faced up to daunting needs in public safety and health, conducted the necessary research, built an actionable plan, and committed the resources through a variety of funding methods. This included public infrastructure in water and sanitary sewer, thoroughfare connections, public facilities, drainage improvements, public safety and quality of life projects. As a result, the expansion of infrastructure has allowed commercial and industrial opportunities for the City along IH-10, IH-35, FM 78 and FM 1103. The City has or is currently underway improving mobility along Green Valley Road, Borgfeld Road, Haeckerville Road, Cibolo Valley Drive (Wiederstein Road) and FM 1103. Expansion of governmental and emergency facilities have been addressed with the renovation of the Old School House for a City Hall Annex and the recently approved funding for Fire Station #3. The completion of the City's Community Center with YMCA and the Sports Complex has also proven the City's continued support for the citizen's needs of recreation and quality of life. New water and sewer projects are also underway to provide services to areas south of FM 78 within the City's utility service areas. This year's report focuses on the preparation for the 2019-2024 CIP. This entails major changes to the overall list including the addition of new projects, project phasing and cost estimates. Newly incorporated projects were pulled from the bull pen of the prior CIP list as discussed and suggested in joint workshops, the 2016 Master Plan and recent developments. Specific projects include the Ripps-Kreusler extension, reverse frontage thoroughfare parallel to FM 78 and the introduction of public facilities along IH--10. 4 Additional attention was provided in review of the proposed projects that would enhance and further support existing CIP projects and growth south of FM 78. This includes the extension of water lines to Lower Seguin Road and flood control improvements on Town Creek watershed. As the City continues to grow and expand north of FM 78, a critical need to bridge the gaps in infrastructure has become apparent. This focus includes neglected areas that may have posed challenges to developers or have remained with the original owners that are uninterested in developing their land. Projects prompted (or reactive) by this growth consists of segments found along Green Valley Road that are now in need of widening for better east/west accessibility. From this, the City has proactively included projects such as assisting with the Knight's Crossing arterial, which would provide essential north/south access prior to the inundation of development. Recommendation With a formal vote on June 25, 2019, the Citizens Advisory Committee, by consensus recommends the City Council approve the attached 5-year 2019-2024 Capital Improvements Program Update and Report. This update continues to support the completion of major thoroughfares, utility extensions and drainage improvements that the voters approved in the 2008- 2018 bond elections, recommendations of the 2016 Comprehensive/Master Plan and the other high priority projects designed to facilitate and fuel the economic growth and development of Cibolo. The Committee concurs with the philosophy, sequencing and timing of the Summary Overview, the addition of new projects and removal of completed. Conclusion In conclusion, the Committee acknowledges that Cibolo still has numerous critical projects necessary to address infrastructure, public safety and quality of life issues facing the city in order to achieve levels of service typically found in top-grade communities of this size. However, the task can be achieved over time with creativity, persistence, and the long-term dedication of the citizens and their government. The Committee's recommendation of the attached 5-year updated CIP coincides with the much anticipated update to the City's Impact Fee Ordinance. The adoption of the 2019-2024 CIP is the catalyst to update of these impact fees by allowing the City to engage our consulting engineers in assisting the reevaluation of fees assessed to all new development within the City. The Committee thanks the many members of City Council, Staff, our consultants Halff & Associates, Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc., and the community who contributed their own expertise and resources to build this plan. Without all this dedication and perseverance, we could not have produced such a comprehensive CIP. Karen Hale, CIP Committee Chair 5 APPENDIX 5-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM DETAIL REPORT 6 CITY OF CIBOLO 2019-2024 LIST OF PROJECTS Public Facilities,Public Safety,Quality of Life Water,Wastewater Stormwater Transportation Erflmrm..L PROJECTNAME [STlAIA7f0lOTAl PROIFLTNAME PRLVECrCOR ESTIAMTEO rarr[PRo/fCf PRO7ECENAME frr/Af—Torn( COST PRO7fCrfatr PRO/ECTNAMf PRo/fCTCO3T BPF001 Publle Warks Fetillly Expansion $ 053,000 78WAOO1 •14"Water Lina-Haeckervllle Rd-FM 78 to Schaefer Rd $ 780,000 18SWOOl Oop 379•Dnlnege Improvements $ 2,500,000 1STROM Traffic Signals-FM 78 9 Malnoreet and FM 78@ Haeckervllle Road $ 675,000 BPFOo2 Old Schaal House/New CIlyAnnex S 1,800,000 teWAoOz pobla Boulevard Water Llnalmprovemenls $ 608,727 185WO02 Revinpeterallon Pond Oumows City-Wide $ 600,000 1STRO02 Green Valley Road.FM 1103 to Nortex Drive.(Added Lanes) ; 51600,000 OPF003 City Wide Communications(Radio) $ 430,000 ISWA003 IT'Water main-Buffalo Tran-Main Street to Tolle Road $ 11500,000 18SWO04■Town Creek flood Mitigation.Phosat $ 10,000,000 1RTRO03 Wledner RoadlmprovemenB-FM 1103 to Hing Falls 5 975,000 BPf004 Clly Wlde Communtallons(Dark Fiber) S 300,000 IBWA004 16"Water Lina-Turning Stone to Town Creek Road S 800,000 185W005 0 Town Drainagelm is—ural, $ 3,600,000 1eTR004 Wledersteln naad Widening $ 4,825,000 BPF005 Uniform Platform City Software $ 350,000 ISWA005 12'Water LineClbalo Valley Orive(Rove lane(to Town Crack $ 400,000 IBSWO06 Tolle Ra ad Draln lmpravemenis(Culvert crossing an Road Cunt lane.) $ 460,000 19TROOS Schneider lndustilai PmkSlroet Reconstruction $ 3,000,000 OP5001 Public Safety FA0lltle]-Fife House No.3 $ 4,000,000 ISWA006 16'Water Line-KnlgIII s Crossing South-FM 1103 to Buffalo Trail S 800,000 185WOD7 Town Creek East Drain lmprvmnls Ph 2-CVR to Galewoad $ 8.000,000 18TRO06•Pavement Management Program Ph.11 S 500,000 SPSOD2 Critical Site eI LIghling $ 500,000 IBWA007 12'Waterllna FM 1103 to Deer creek Blvd. $ 350,000 18SWO013 Town Creek Flood Mitigation Ph...2 $ 15,000,000 18TROD7 Haeckervllle Road Widening Town Creek to lower Seguin Road $ 17,571,576 BPSOD3 Public Safely Facilities-IH-10 5 10,000,000 18WA008 Automated Metering Infrastructure-Water Meters 5 450,000 185W009 Tall.Rd Drainage improvements 5 6,890,000 ISTRO08 ■Buffalo Trail-Town creek ro Tolle Road $ 2,600,000 8P5004 pnbnal Control Facility Expansion 5 900,000 18WA009 12"Water Line Along FM 7B-Buffalo Pi.to Dietz Creek $ 275,000 iB5W070 Toile Ad Aeglanal Detention $ 3,600,000 18TR009 DaenRaad-Glean Valley Rdlo0ld Wled...teln Rd, $ 2,900,000 SPSODS Deer Creek Law Water Crossing Gates $ 250,000 ISWA010 16'Water Line-Knights Crossing Norl -FM 1103 to Weidner S 1,250,000 185W011 Town backend Santa Chra Creek fle-Srudyd Floodpl4ln Road Ma In $ 500,000 18TR010 Knlghts Crossing-Wledner to FM 1103 $ 6,900,000 BQL001 Schlalhe,Park Exp...ton S 460,000 18WA011 Water CCN Acquisitions $ 2,500,000 18TRO11 Ma In 5lreet Widen In g(FM 78 to Sch aeffe r Ro ad) $ 3,810,600 IQL002 Miracle league Field $ 1,7.101000 "WWO01 Sewer CCN Acquilskm $ 2,650,000 1878012 OuffalaTrail-Main Street to Knights Crossing $ 1,600,000 BQL003 Tolle Pa,k Ph.i ; 345,000 1BWWO02 WW Trunk Lina from CCMA TC Lift Stalls n to FM 1103@ 0 $ 77,680,56 Gatewood 7BTRO14 Main Street Widening-FM 1103 to FM 78 $ 3,500,000 BQL004 Warbler Woods Peerorvallcm S 3,250,000 18WWO03 34nuiry Sauter•Clbalo 5ervlte Are a-Lawer Seguin Rd to Beton $ 10,000,000 Rd 18TR015 ■ Rlpps-Kreusler Road $ 4,036,000 BQL005•Downtown Parking $ 430,000 1BWWO04 31mllory Sewer•Cibale Service Area-Dolton Rd. $ 4,300,000 16TRO16 Green Valley Road Improvements-Turning Stone to Saratoga 5 2,000,000 BQL006 Clbalo Sports Complex-Phase 11 Additional Ball Fields $ 4,300,000 18=005 15"WWOulfall-Town Creek EW Fork-Gatewood®FM 110310 GW1 $ 1,900,000 ISTRO17 Tolle naad Reconstruction and Drainage Improvements $ 5,670,000 8QL0D7 Town Creek Trail System-City Hall to Schlather Park-Phase 11 $ 3,475,924 IBWW006 21"Waslewalararavity Main from Schaeffer Ad to LowerSeguln Rd $ 4,300,600 1BT1111 Green V4H.y Road-Clbalo Valley Drto Dean Rd-(Added Lanes) $ 3,000,000 111.008 Tolle Park Ph,ll(Eco Cental S 6,843,000 III WOae 15"Wastewater Una from UPRR to Well Rd Le S, S 2,900,000 1STRO19 ■Met.Street A,FM 1103 Interchange $ 2,700,000 811.009 Town Creek Troll System-Sports Complex to City Hal I-Phase( $ 1,550,000 iBWWO09 •neglanal Wastewater SVrt--Haeckervllle Rd to Ve nada S 3,500,000 ISTR02D FM 1103 Reconst rust tan-Main S(reet to Rod ea Way S 14,000,000 19TROZI as 50-Pmt Management Prog ram(Phase 7 Analysis Only) $ 125,000 ISTRO22 FM 1103 Extension-Belle Road to FM 70 $ 30,000,000 FUNDING CATEGORIES IBTRO23 Green Valley Road East o1 FM 1103 Landmark Oak to Nortex Drive S 31000,000 (AUTHORIZED REVENUE/G.O.BONDS ISTRO24 Old Town Street improvements $ 61500,000 MULTIPLE SOURCES 78TRO25 FM 1103-Bill Rd to FM 78 phase 2(Added Lanes) S 20,000,000 IMPACT FEE 18TR026 or Knlghis CraIII ng-FM 1103 to Buffaia Trail $ 3,500,000 FUTURE BOND(REVENUE/G.O.) ISTRO27 Main Street Extension from Scheeler Road to Hackorvllle/LSR $ 15,500,OOo :COSTSHARE ISTRO28 Doble Boulevard Reconstruction $ 1,500,000 OPERATIONAL IBTRO29 Country Club❑1.-Green Valley Rd to 5cheIts City Llmllls $ 17,000,000 18TRO30 Reve rse Fronta ge Collector P has.I-FM 79 to FM 110311—mlan $ 4,500,000 Is IN DESIGN OR UNDER CONSTRUCTION ISTRO31 Reverse F—t.geCollectos Phase 2-S.Ma in St to FM 1103 Extension S 3,750,000 18TR032 Balton Rd lmplove mart,-Haeckervllle to San.Clara S 121500,000 18TR033 H aecke rvilie R o a d-Tnw n free k to Lower 5 e quill Road $ 2,500,000 11 EV:3 U n C 2019 1BTR034 Santa Clara-IH-10 to Bol ton Rd. $ 2,650,000 ie1RO35 Iso nn 111.1 Rd.-IH-10 to Bolton Rd. $ 3,500,000 CITY OF CIROLO 2019-2024 FISCAL YEAR 2019nmm��Ap FISCAL YEAR 2020�^AJfa DTAt FISCAL YEAR 2021 Cf/7AMICD7DTAt FISCAL YEAR 2022 FISCAL YEAR 2023 BULLPEN PROJECTNAAfF PROJECTNAMf PRO/EC7NAAFE EtnMARD IOTAI PROX[7CDf7 v40/fCTCOST PRO/ECENAMf fSTJMARO TOTAL /RO/E[TCOfI PAO/[CTCOST PRO/ECENAAIF IAN![TCOIT PRciJ[CTNAME ESTIAMT[OTO/AL v1.laCOJT 1BPF001 PuhllcWerY.f.cllllyup.nllen $ 055,000 18PS005 O.er[r..YL.w W.1<r[ro„In9 G.la. S 350,000 185W001 loop 139•pnln.$.ImP1.Y.m1nU $ 7,700,000 18mool 5[hluhar P.rh F.p•ml.n $ 460,000 18OL006 C .p5P..amp u•Phu.1 S +,500,000 18P5003 Gluullluatu AdaW-0.u21dr ]hOnp f 500,000 1BPF002 OId S[heelHmu(N•w[Iry Annu $ 7,000,000 18OL002 Mlnd.u.g.01.1d S 11730,000 1BSW009 T.II.940n1n.0.Wprewm•nu $ 6,890,000 18=04 Wub6r W.4 PnnrvMl.n S 3,250,00D 18TRO026"nV.IUY R..d-FM 11031. Town4uA bn DI.l.lm 5 8,000,000 N. prin-IAdd.d U-1S 5,680,000 1BSWC07 Phl•CVn to G.uw,,d yrvmnu 1BPF003 City Wld.C4mmunlnN.n.IR.dlo) $ 450,000 1BQL003 T.H.Pult Ph.l $ 3+!,000 ISSWO10 Tolland Ragl...IDuenNon $ 3,600,ODO 185WOo5 Old Town Dnln.,.lmpf-m.n1. S 3,600,000 1870.018 Gr"nV.I.y R..tl-(Ibolo Town,• .. p.l.n 1.Dunnd I.dun. S 3,000,000 IBSW000 ° S 15,000,000 18P5001 Pu IIt Sf etY..r Iglu•In pun own o..Y.nd Lnut.0 tnaN na- Phu•3 S +,000,000 185W011 $ 700,000 18PS003 polill.1A.1 P6,11111..•IH•10 St n.Irn Ylu. a u.•1 S 3,000,000 1870.022 FM 1103 uun.l.n-Orn.Aa.a 1. uhu Tnl•M.n$N.M 1.n hl. .a MO..w.d I•m M. m Y S 70,000,000 18ifl00s FM 7f S 30.000,000 1870.013 p S 1,600,poo 1BQL005 • Downtown P.,AM $ 430,000 18SWO03 Rrvbe D.-11.n PendOWRaw.COP .nor.. mPnumam.-fM Cnuln p Wld. $ (00,000 1870.003 f 9]5,000 1PTR014 .In rut '^np- I. fM Il0l.e,he ndm.M]O Phu•l 11011.NIn 5 3,500,000 1870.038 p•bu 0.uhrudR.nnMrvtll.n S 1,500,000 1870.035 f 70,000,000 1 BSW000 • T°wn Du.toed MU gM1o0• calla na.d Or.ln lmPr.v.m•nl.ICuivarl Gum V.IUYAo.d real. Ito! Add•dunar $ 10,000,000 18SW006 [rouln on Coon! l.n.. f 160,000 1870.033 undmu60.11e Nown Drlu S 1,000,000 IBTRO20 FM 11 R.n W- .n- .In $ 14,000,000 18TR029 .unlry Club Or.•Gum.II.Y nd Rauu•funupa twllen.r lhu. - 11ea11.Red.• Ip1[h.rv[11 Um11N $ 17,000,000 18TR030 FMJI1a FM 1101 Lrrn,i.n I $ 4.500,0011 18TRO04 WW-Win R..d Wld•nh,q f 4,175,000 IBTRO06 P hv.mem M,n......I P,apum Ph.11 $ 500,000 ISWA004 1.•Wu.r Uv-Turnlnq A.n.I. S 800,000 1970.024 Old T.wn 1Nu11mP1•nm.nu S 6,500,000 1BWA003 13'W.1er M.In-8„11.1.Tnll- OamnRenla C I Town 4a.YRua $ 1,500,000 1870.031 q•.3flhau2- M.InSNeuWldnlnf1iM78u 11'W...,un.Clbala V.II.Orlu MMn 51 r..1 to Tolle Po.d Sh1.ln S...F111101 EA1en,lon S 3,750,000 18Tfl017 Sth.ellerRe.d1 $ 7,010,600 1870.008 • fuw•uTn9-T•wn WYI.TeY.n..d S 3,600,000 18WA005 IRu.un.uT•wne,a.Yga.d $ 100,000 1870.03] ^Nut m $ IS,500,000 18WA009 ill•W.1•rII..AI.nOFM7f- [b•J 1.m u1°0 8u11.1.FL 10 Oh¢G..M S 375,000 I8QL008 T.II.I.M1 Ph.I11Su 6Mul $ 6,015,000 D.bu'1:1 ,d Wu.clln. l.•W.Mr Una-RnlphuiS'lVWOvlhll-Tawnfn.h4r. S.nluryS.w•r•Obel.S.rvlu 18TRO15 w Alpp•-NnuUn Aud $ +,076,000 IBWA002 Im reummu S (08,]37 18WAOOfi f 000,000 18fVW005 fort-Gn.wulf+IM 11011•GM S 10,000,000 1870.035 Phrmnl•10d.-IN•10 t.0ell.n Rd. $ 3,500,000 P S.u11-FM11011.Bulu1.Tr.11 S 1,900,000 18VyW003 An.•lewv S•pulnlld 1pOMl.n Bd dnl9hl.Cn,rinp iM 11011. Il'WM.HIn.IM(1011.0••1 C,a• 1.•W.I.,.a-AnIphU C.... p $ I,150,Opp .n ury aw.r-CII.I.Senn CI 1870.036 $ 7,500,000 18WA007 f 350,000 i0WA010 S 4,300,000 i8PF004 w full.l•Tnll W. Ne11h-FM 11011.Wa Id...11- WW 04 Arm•Dalton Rd, ryWl•[.mmunluNanr!Dark f 300,000 R'"n"W.Maw.l.r SYn•m- Aulamalad MMarinp ln(nnnalur•- WWTrvnI Urw hem COMA TC UI1 flb•rl BWW009 $ 1,500,000 10WA008 $ 150,000 i0WW003 f 11,680,056 31'Wu1.w.l.rGnv11 M.In h.m $ +,300,000 18PF005 Unlleem plallo,m Clry Jollw.ra S 350,000 R N.uurvllu:Rd 1.Vm.d. Wu.r Malarr 31.II.n1.IM 1191 wG.nwoad i8WW006 S[h..11.r 811e lew.r S.puln Rd O..n n..d-pnmY.II•ynA 1s01d 11'W.Uw.NJ Un•Ir.m 0fM a W.11 Hurb.rvllla It--Town Cr.aY 1• NaatYarvlila 0...d Wltl.nlnq lawn 1870.009 f 7,900,000 10WW000 $ 7,100,000 l.TR033 WuduH•In Ad, MU. lower S.puln R..d S 7,500,000 1870.007 S 17,571,576 18WA011 Wa1ar CCN A[gvulll•nr 5 3,500,000 Crean V•I ay Raad Impneamanu C".1e Icwar Se001n no.d 1870.016 Tumin Sl.n.n S.u1.. $ 1,000,000 1BTP010 'Rnlehu<,a.dnp-Wlednar,.fM 11oJ $ 6,900,000 1BpL007 wn Cr•. M YH.m•(Ily Ills In $ 7,+77,9N 0.11•n Ad lm r.vemmu- R.m[SIpn.N-iM)Ip M.InN,a•ta d IBWW001 Sower CCN Aryuhlllon $ 2,650,000 18Tfl032 Hu[kanlllave SmuCl.,. f 12,500,000 187'001 FM]I•M.erYarvlll.R..d n S 6]5,000 IBTRO34 Ln1•(ur.•IH-101e Oolunnd. $ 2,690,000 18TRO17 .II•fl••d.ia,uNnll.n.ntl�In.a.SS 1,.70,000 18P5004 W-1Cent"Ifu111ry EPPud.n $ 900,000 1BQL009 TewnGnYnnnsyn.m-Sp.ru $ 1,550,000 Cem In 1. H•II-/M1anl COMPLETED PO IRTR019 • Mdn51JuIh FM710Jlnunhmg. S 7,700,000 16'W1er Llna-NaaaYarvlDa Rd• 10WA001 f 780,000 w iM)f 1e SrM1.elar Rd 1 BTfl031 SO-Pvm1 M.n.p.mm[Pregnm S 135,000 w IPh•..1 An.l rl.Onl I 61,841,600 $ 25,596,727 $ 47 870,980 $ 51,730,000 1 $ 100 426,576 $69,495,000 fUNOING CATEGORIES AUTHOnIZED REV ENUEJG.o.PONDS MULTIPLESOURCES IMPACTFEE FUTURE BOND(REVENUE/G.O.) COST SHARE OPERATIONAL IN DESIGN OR w UNDER CONSTRUCTION Fit" Jig rg A Soo imo 2000 F-t it 'W vmlr • g Root Ufa OR17fil"-rwf + t F � �r'r ,i9/�' q{, �i� �al` !i � nr 'Y 'r'�.°1iF1',,�iic H�Fif�1���, ^,'x1i l �� ��f•1 A;j•1� k ,,,L+'C, ''i�� � `i`I ;x " r� f i_ `r •, :;M. =P. '+ i=rv_C'.rl .6" L3� Y .�' -.n: rd' a aH" fA FT 01TAMM FAG-0 Vol law `5 J, -N'Ll L 51F,7- �=7. IGemexLM t.r rt "o m."IPA m e rw N m W a l "on im 4!t. ryry crry RTF–RF)�C Bu;uku� —M SKSUM k1k CITY OF PROJECTS CIBOLO CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS ' 200 IN STREET SYO CISOLO,TX 78108 S�W6 JOB NO.120-12082-011 DATE:03/0712019 KEY MAP TIMI—.— A011 - j e,� t, ,��_I ,_ C 'I'. +'�' ! p .��~ �i >•1 StS ;'• f 5�`•�,. �� �� I� N „'�t•411 i 1 . � 1 !t-'� � r�``'c't r I�c� fl � �o•lo •,�.cx+o J aS r - r� .,x - � . .� r.. �. 1 � ! r "._ 1 5 .L �4u7. �'. I j._:�G1 taA�• � J.1t.� (�} T" ! P M'� 1 r ., .:,:` �z` a.. / .�b r'7 �1. f• t_, _ r�,.r �r'f��{i' �i� YI .�� ... Ij���'}?..:c�, ' W J. `T7 AS �. � '. , r j"1 � , .,, '� 'i.•I W ri� IfLI,:�i 7r.,1'�`�� _ t _.._ 1•f `,I rP 4 ¢ ns 7 I - - �[ r � I�u - �^S'3a�"�• � �� �_C�r �1�:'.�,"��`*� 1� 51 a 4r�•1.{• I -s 0 . �" ,� �p`�I;'st�l�l�[�I,I�-1 �^ `, + �5i�t' � P}'"� ? � _..�YJ:^ 11�'� •a,., l �e,�z: `� A�Er�p�.._,_ .r. .R � I t .ti r�� r �'`--' -- �(i!n f. 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CIBOLO,T%78108 Sw•s JOB NO.120.12082-011 vMaR 110` iaia'iu i-71 i 1.w�i'is.em DATE:0310712019 ,u� �•� .. ..... --...�•--r .'..J�Y.T�-rte, ..,._, - ��j A. �1[,��.!�(�' ,� � �,D �o1.o� ooo Pi 1 �r C, H �.�7' . �I n�S+�x ''"'"'"`��" - � a rr r�. +L •t 11s..•; �'ro�,_,�... ..+�•liil: I � r-- " r �..r •7 � 1" �+ F- � $�li; _ a �•y� �` s�Y-t v j is - fer;K, `t ll �eyr,' , '. _ �' X :j �-^� I' �I•:� Rah '/fyy t� � �j� /Y ^ Y 1a.�. ' �� { • ..._.sr __ y i•i3!•� �. .....P yY, Y-f 'ti 7. � A.�L7f � (�P�'bal_ EO • k a 62 y`. „ 7 jC� � ..��> J— —.,'I y _ f•�f���R+Me Y r,+.qq•'�r�...�Q0.,i . � l '. y��: � I I• i. .-_. Pmt_—._ f. y•� ..L -_ lf :w._._... v R -71 ON t� .w r e� jL.,� V, �i�J�hr��.T4 r � r 1�►Y.r i r » �— lk �..'�,rY I }• I 119 ... r +.• , cITy •"�"`.."..w....... fT + t Ii It'd .J �•L'cfxD �' y •i. r..-.a � _ ... .. '_�L1{ FAC0.RIC2 PHOlfCis -ti- -- ��, -� ... �� r � I �h�_ i. •yl{•4 �y�•+,,L�"s9 reoLD 6{1Fe� fiT-RFILC-414 u AF rN Fl.M P0.PEHM:NN:RS TIES f0 A todLwooa ArAro . FACILITIES A� ' PROJECTS r CITY OF CN SIRE `� ZO.D. wn,lno. a CIBOLO CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS 20050UTHMAINSTREET N.sHOPEONEBLVD.• i Oo CIBOLO•TX 78108 swos°e JOB NO.120.12082.011 s K P C0 PUSOHRISfLT%— reoeree:::v....r .� DATE:03/07/2019 AO l.,�(". _ �r +"y I.�,t�r'` c1 I k �� '"'� �.,! � C� .$• -";�� :,t;�+�j ='�' `. 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' 7''� •:101 c ke`pr r"JI` ��pp33Y r4,` �� �'. • 1"a° -�.�.tt� `3 I - t ,�- .rtlmrb'FnIF'°mlfR?I CW.7A'✓ 9J C•,.�rn I '^ I r Sk' °F I�`� ✓ �4' kr !�s +�#Fsg HTIm�fl I X Ti twane r N r7• =��. {3st�"r+R+rnri I: .t��' ,Js �'n ��i-�mn� �"���` .-,x�rx•E� ! rll � . ��1��� ������ 4 �' p ��y��'� E�d(`�`�P.:Jbr f I ;,4,� PI{ °�. • p^rl� n i1� ��iQr JrL,M7�Y,��!At P r s t cT 911i ��/'3'fi.^.ISI..nr_.�J�� I� '.,.fir�, �.L.G�L l•. I� � I_]'':. •!N {W�� r ,p. ,(�"����i�n,�•'° � ��r' t 1 ,�" tr} y+q ;z � C r 1�'PI 1' P� j� Q�'2 r �M _ i yIf I It'.sR. �.y �st� I yFew �.t}f'tr'PR'�ir'ltl�I' jw ` it 4";7�. I ,� ��fiY.ttl�''� ri �• '� ,� 1. \tfHA4�1 �, r F F `�l �f •� Ii. 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'�y' �l� It tU :tCG �'• '"A exr 1: t.t. y' '.. ..C�� {1pf'm fm�{.;811 KI 'i h �y I �.:'.-,•I tceo nritr�ty'Pr�� y E)- +mow,waTex PHmens ! C' i �I y y'21 •'�NI �.! �� 1_.- -y- CITY..-y 4�♦{., {C Y- 1'1t1�'.'. tq'*14 ::9cma � 1�•.. � C rSur _t .., 1 r • � I"� I v � � a I 7� v - f'-,..�,.. o • T } �'� Ir 7 v4 .•-=,y..�fls' lel [}1� T� 1 3' ,� 1 [ 1 L. RTE_PRF)�_C �f (rIL' y. °�• �/ � �> /rJ d:1 ,Ya� s i fi�r lam. ...�a�+ ..�•r ` hw�!Vl�• �i—&9 6H 1159 �' R{” r�C •a w t �r�F. ri4 r• 1� _ �.: 1.,. �fC fAl r9.P.+.PR ItE T,f:HR:RS titiY or c CITY OF CISOLO b tu° ' STORM WATER PROJECTS CIBOLO CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS L Ln <a�r•° 200 SOUTH MAIN STREET sao x.sHoxxEtlxexw. d CIBOLO,TX 78108 S- JOB NO.120.12082.11 rc6i 2--nn w­..0ol DATE:0310712019 AG'. - 5-co l,cDc 2,cco 7r- 10 "I;p 0 F-t 7 W, r rp Law- 0"v ft- Y, I-A 71 iS L2.C, w r z k14 4 ............ vj Ir I c 1.R 9 y 1V RTE-PRFY-C aF;FM:F5:P.1:PP,MMM;RkRS Lod&c—wod,Andrmwms CITY OF CIBOLO &N�,I— STORM WATER PROJECTS CIBOLO CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS 200 SOUTH MAI STREET Lan CIBOLO,TX 78108 B NO.120-12082-011 XYMAP co—Rlsn,Wwl ATE:0310712019 AC C p ii3 � t��fi��'M �T�g�I��{ s��. ic�: �� �. •}xhy� 1k�,�� �t� �, l �s] �{t �•.� ,'� �'���. �v���".-. tom". it r: -_ `+r. l�'^+'-.T_�+l t �1`y ��' �� �1 7f,'+n�. taFR 4. ..-r., _ .I y :�Nn � ;� - I� 'F Via,...,-,��--- _.. � •- � „'" r� " �. r- 1 �, ./ 77,'�'= _-'_ _ . 'y tt, i�.• r .t '�=,� _ 'w.c..xu," .. i., Yy. Y}'s��-�'vily" .6.��'�-sCi4 � - 4 a.1',(t rtt+ 7 C r . ?f -rir'.wa.�.�- _"_`,�•i; V� � • �: r . -,`TMS P°"�'� ,.�.. � - _. r/I� (° �,',a I�._..., lata F371��' �.•" Yr )L �" +!� .irk CITY OM,n'AtFFVPaECis o RTE_PPF%C • I ••: . —e9 61E 74 S9 •-" ... •, .• r •P;• R :, r - - C� - OC.F FI PA.PR HE PN:FRRS A:..0 . or CFpe CITY of CIBOLO brL°`k"°°d;I STORM WATER PROJECTS 3 CIBOLO CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS 200 SOUTH MAIN STREET ®: Ln °°• ° 7 L 6.N--NE - CIBOLO,TX 78108 JOB NO.120-12082-011 ' F�YM AP Tdi6,mxsn....Tim:a.o,., DATE:0 310 712 01 9 ' L K �� r �i°`�I��t'I�Inr�rj,�_l 'I •I i_, � t P�(Qf�. r � r�. '�' _ a W-rt.J,1a F *. '1�^" Ft �h � .,M•.- k Af.Jtwr I i J J '•�'. ' m ('RM' Y.• 0 :cc 1.000 2.000 LC _ ' Wl- _ ��a4�Yn;y.ems A f.. / ; lMFrr*en7'9 r! ' 'Ffr�1i{A1 !j TmNA � P i��� � I ��r�[A ��h,•�'t' �{r{Wrfl A��„ �"�'I ^ `l'9C #'�fjS � �-M1�'v �'N 73 �il�. �IJ F gyp. 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I!_� [�1A�i1 �• �1�,����.. , .'�l Vii !:L' _ i M1h. r cr7a. � .T nL�y�- ioz i��:aao7 I ��� ii j� •� . r m. naii�� _r •.� -'T rm�K7p I•.s- � ��r = .�. �r - j�• � ��:�� �; .�, � tI A`i,t :�. .b �n.r�� .. ,, ..�` i �,"a��g'l'r�. �gIX•FF[1P'�7� .Pi" � `_; ,r,,.- ii �,t.:. r rt?�t. e _ }?r �: ,� JAY �; •_'+;r� ,, rD41e � ' "._ �� tom;--,---�I ;N''�,kf � I' _ r,l� -i Ci d � ! a� ��="�-rt'r3 � f{1�t✓XrL'�"�f{{?� � ii4F6�fWlf� EF�` br u � `� �� 1 , t��� '�- �`t3`e�r.l�>""r I—Ic ;�-c� � J�-� :,f�� � � v .✓:�,c'��; �E�[f �'�FhR�i�l+1 r1_f t7� t � _ t� d._ '�hi�3'ef)FGa11 '�� >.f¢'I�i,`i' �,r`ts�4;• �u�" fFRF�hR '�'_ �_ �'tE�•� ��P�""�M-0 e'`° ,gt �{,,' 'Ir ,,�t N� ...�'l�� �i '�!•�` '°E�t� ' ,` � � }Nfitt'la�li.��.,��- r� i t' ;i� '��. t.Si r' ��� cgaYmrE !�, ^ —� � ���` �TRANSPditATON PPphCTS - '.•�� a - f n � .. �....__— ... i`il t Ltaw.'] � h� _ gcmora Liz C UE PRF)LC 9 \�` r ! ^• • :r .M_, lY J ��r (L J �.r wy.. 1 rlT.t. —W;L) rte, '•!• it r kM o TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS • CIBOLO.TX 78108 o CITY OF CIBOLO Lan . ;I CIBOLO CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS 200 SOUTH MAIN STREET 600N 8HOP IME BLVp—' p yAOsaiaos JOB NO.120-12082-011 -- -. K ipiieraexu�siTw,-A� � DATE:0310712019 A01 I�;j Gt .t t ....\ � tyr �'7�{�t r r''%�!`' �jr'�. 1 p,, R I 0"''. :ary ._il�! '^w•. 'N r' _�.i.k. Ij � � ?\ '3�! I � �. r• �.� `{ r�'�, 1 �k.1....:r.�*at'�� - t I� � r+ '�'1 r^ m � �� /��. �• •:i„ t^ �a`F� •sufl j «! tr_7 � � �'�� �� �k� Fttff•;f=•r •�� .:1, �' ..`, I 'd. � � ,; r y+<< ,. r yY•1 � .:�r1��"e-.:c kyr; ''�' t� �' ,;. .'S'3ra ___ 14 kP 4•.' '$'. C. � 1 1'f'a d 1M 9A {I [[��♦♦ � o saa t aoo z.aoo 'E?�: j� ;va' i�•:� �� )'. �_y FT's ~ 1 1 Y1 '7��j, "x' T rl � 'I- ~ lila �l�l'•1 iM1i�l - �. �` f aE Er._� .z—,, -1 e � s et1 Feel r,f�..✓� '1�� 95,�� * � ,.I a � ""i`lt I�,,• i a � ;Is _ . �•1'�• L 4 i r4� .. � �3 "�, ,✓����'+•� �1 I!xl, 11 r-� �I I � d..� 1 r 1� 1 f1 +tiI -i'l - I a r ��`G°` �•� s + {' a^•;I �" '� -� � 3`Y&u$s, 1 i r,-��. `*, 1 A ,e1, }„� �',.4 I 1°Sd fi� � s :'��. I ,� EDW' fL•f I r I Q!I �-� ��If � : II, � A, r � s � 3?�� '•' r ' Ill `l ~�I�.�T �� . 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"+ o CITY OF CIBOLO " aWw 200 SOUTH MAIN STREInc* TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS CIBOLO CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS ®: Lan • I• ••ar ET sm M.sNoa¢tNF.e:w. 1, CIBOLO,7%78108JOB NO.120-120 82-011 DA TE:0 310 712 01 9 AO � -o sao�aoo zaoo I 1 ', '!' "'1_� .��? 'z s.�'yw 'to'�.;:,A"•{ 1 + •r r •:1®r I q '� +� a� - �r!;b i.���.. � a: �4£—"�_� � •rr..... -.,r r r i,rt �r�; � �'�r.� � �Y-. �j+y. . � n' � 1, .�` ,�, �rtlk:�i• a i�,. �$�.;� t+. � `��:: 7 .r�n�C, � �,r.; � II �'•i t-.:.. r 7.. �'a �Vr �. - =r_`.E7�...-� I �r� n _.��.� �" y J�'fi ��'. !pZ �a.Fi. f �^,j I r r��ytT'.F 1•-� "-n �� '"`� "��' ��� -�`r� ••J{ :�,41 •� � ♦ �� I � n Iti _{• tsr„ " "r1"wr:-•�K '_..:.. ._ �+ � r '�6 nJ7J °f��� ,•ti° ••+i �. y /�` _8.• Tom. *�*) .n•.: _ ___ .. '�.t�,� •�Yd 1 t a .a - _i..; ." I''� r��^t �';`' �... � .. _ �yl y , .:� I+ I �L�, �,��.,x• zera; I.�� .� 3. _. A- t •� i.�f�s 'f _ � r` „�' S J„• d°, tr �c,�� � HT1, t `f �'r '°y1 ��,�wl '�� I,e .� { + ,rid- ry---4 `'i—•eray - -�.*Si.-F*. t `�..-. ♦ _ ,F� ` -r F ews'. , ..�. K 1�.'[`t1• 'i!'`-IO le"• 'A n'i Y� Y - �\e ail..'�" . .- � .__ 4e .•. r- �y LL CE.�i. �' —an°x RR°rEcrs l , cfiY r RT' D.._IIs `�, '= R n. -.:..w�+ '� ♦. r [y �• • tM:IM•Ia,Ma RR,RE;Ml.RRRS .0 i hM CITY OF CIBOLO `. k Armil� TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS . w-1 CIBOLO CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS ° ...°. ,Iln..... 200 SOUTH MAIN STREET am x.sxoRrvxexw. LJ CIBOLO,TX 78108 s�.0 sos JOB NO.120-12082-011 KEY- i .s.eexns�i»...ra m,,, DATE:0310712019 AO tr vt 1ttM1, r+qe /� — J• 1({�err i t ^/ q N y I g Sao T 000 "i000 f- j }I, `�� �� y�?r1,•C • r ' �ti 10 — :��' ®F.el(r--1 LA ji 4 r y n 7 _ = f a . I yy� Z R1ELPNFX-C 9 ' K A i li E�1 s / •M � s t% 1 � •�:l"j •�' — :SM:sl,59 )'°�•' x''k'�!�.y5�.,�. �'. t 1�r .. a�' _ er:EU Es vA na,nenn¢An;PS AM An*— WATER PROJECTS CITY OF CIBOLO Lan a wwnrn e.Y �� CIBOLO CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTSroo 200C OUTH BOLOMTAIN X 7810gEET es� JOB NO.120.12092-011 KEY AP TY]fi1dfil.T]51«.. �., DATE:0310712019 t - t,' I ' '• `^,I - - ---- .J'%... _ ._500,.000._._20 -4, e �, x`• - �... j - - _. .. '®Feel I � 4v ✓ 11 ill ..�.. �A S r - I+A, rl qL fit .� }b. - C►...r.._ ���' =fir L - . �y ` fII I I —__......,.- ._...._.�. A I:I JJ'' hP....w--+..�.rr� F �+•..r.......-. � ..h�ii f UTILrrY r [�„ .Q}i' ATFJi PROhCi9 - _..--.•�.w �' �yJ �• ^� _....._a ..-.wr.•-+^-� �_ •.` _ _ ❑MLw SImOe Tan.. .. S � `. .•+J IJ^� N �. r-'� �.«:i�a_tlt�-i'T.a�.....�•_.umiJ �J7 t.� �^ "�at�ua. p\ 11Y OF LNOLO CITY ' � r��' ` ••� 1 • �� fry Y. •II � ; � N•� � .,f RiE_PRF)LC 9�' {{ —699x;3159 + + �• L-, �. !.p 1 T 1 7ks�lc, 9F,FII.F9;PA PP;PE:Pn1;Pk R9 •t ra I `TI i $ •v l^hl, ,�•I o IM.'.t. I 1 Fo o ca• 1 � LaLkr ood'I-. . WATER PROJECTS CIBOLO CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS ° ( ° CITY OF CIBOLO ` LNewtrm... ,e 200 SOUTH MAIN STREET sm n. CHRI xe9- i CIBOLO,TX 78108 sWmms JOB NO.120-12092-011 P nLi J6Y6lW]9 �P0'aK.�n DATE:0310712019 '0. V ..1 p,1 t �.. , �.•.�... LM.�r '' l ; 1' L `•+�f-.+..•+a� %'" -+Ge., t �..:.'r .t,":•. .d...-.2.��.icsr...me:.�. v ` .i.� •.'� f 0 6001000 -2000 -' F(' •1'l oil y� ^4iii/R9i1>R'�i lli r{il.i. �-.. �y.' ., My ` � ®pFw I , } ~ W :y._ L IPA At - _ !- A'�r� �.._ 'h�,,. 1 x• 'g:e 1.4 t ,rFr fes,.• .t .�2�;__ �_ .`�KXf �• ..7. ..i D-I( �� r; r ` III �¢� _ c -��'' ' Ark w." ''� yr-f7T•. � - a., it ^� �� - 4 a\ J 1• � I LELENO t' � ~� n+n, yy � •.,y��• Y � -r , IVAiIIt PROJECTS ! ... CAv: r { R1`S M1• �� f1F' � /T.• 1 ❑NSw SI�+Oe LWa j . ..-.....�� •� i.e. R•, �m _, � 7 1 � � ! ^�fw. iY LE L��LLL I RTF,IHF1LC or- S CITY OF CIBOLO '"na wwr ;lnoa WATER PROJECTS CIBOLO CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS ': 200 SOUTH MAINSTREET "' �w•• °^-' 4 'OoSue.Sa JOB NO. i CIBOLO,TX 78108 120.12082-011 N Au i��idfti�aexxm�..T �., DATE:0 10712019 AO