Min CC 08/27/2019 - Budget WorkshopOF c'9 4} O O rezns '040cho¢e CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP Cibolo Municipal Building 200 S. Main, Cibolo, TX 78108 August 27, 2019 5:30 - 6:30 P.M. Minutes 1. Call to Order — Meeting was called to order by Mayor Boyle at 5:31 p.m 2. Roll Call — Members Present: Mayor Boyle, Council Members Schultes, Garrett, Gibbs, Allen, Woliver and Hicks; Members Absent: Councilman Byrd. Councilman Hicks made the motion to excuse the absence of Councilman Byrd. Motion was seconded by Councilman Woliver. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. Staff Present: City Manager Mr. Herrera, City Secretary Ms. Cimics, Finance Director Ms, Miranda, IT Director Mr. McDaniel, EDC Director Mt•. Luft, Police Chief Hugghins, Planning & Engineering Director Mr. Klein and Public Works Director Mr. Fousse. Discussion A. Discussion and direction to staff regarding the FY 2019-2020 Budget to include city services, priorities and capital improvements. This meeting covered the tax rate impact related to the 2019 Bond issuances. Finance Director Ms. Miranda gave a presentation of the property tax increase on the proposed tax rate and the changes in exemptions from prior years. Mr, Herrera spoke on a budget proposal to purchase three acres from Warbler Woods for a cost of approximately $105,000. Impact fees from Parks and Drainage would cover this cost. Council also received a briefing on a budget proposal from the Cibolo Enrichment Foundation AARP Senior Program. 4. Adjournment Councilman Garrett made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 10" DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2019. Slesh-13eple• �.�¢ ,�i1o45 ATTEST % Peggy Cimics, TRMC City Secretary