ORD 1274 06/25/2019l Om roan C/ C c;3dr = o IIIIIIIOIdd 7' e x P, "City of Choice" ORDINANCE / a 7/4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO MASTER PLAN; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION; PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE IS CUMULATIVE OF ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING SAVINGS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, §213 of the Texas Local Government Code empowers the City of Cibolo to adopt or amend a master plan for the long-range development of the municipality; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, passed and approved Ordinance No. 1187 on November 15, 2016, and thereby adopted an update to the 2005 Master Plan; and WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas has determined that an update of the adopted Master Plan is in the best interest of ensuring efficient delivery of public services, coordinating public and private investment, minimizing conflict between land uses, managing growth in an orderly manner, increasing the cost-effectiveness of public investments, providing a rational and reasonable basis for malting decisions about the community; and WHEREAS, two public hearings were held to discuss the update to the Master Plan with the first public hearing being conducted by the Planning & Zoning Commission on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; and, the second public hearing being conducted by City Council on Tuesday June 25, 2019 at 630 p.m. in the Cibolo City Hall; each being conducted for the propose of providing all interested persons the opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed update to the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission, on June 12, 2019, recommended approval of the proposed amendments to Chapter 8 of the 2016 Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the proposed amendments to Chapter 8 of the 2016 Cibolo Master Plan was thoroughly reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission and accurately reflects the objectives and policies of the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION I. INCORPORATION THAT the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made part hereof for all purposes. SECTION H. ADOPTION THAT the amendments to Chapter 8 of the 2016 Master Plan, as incorporated in Section 3 herein is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas. SECTION IH. AMENDMENTS THAT the Master Plan is hereby amended to reflect the 2019 updates as created by this Ordinance, being more specifically defined in Exhibit "A". SECTION IV. CUMULATIVE CLAUSE THAT this ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of the City of Cibolo, Texas, except where the provisions of this Ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such Ordinances, in which event the more restrictive provision shall apply. SECTION V. SEVERABILITY THAT it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council of the City of Cibolo that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance should be declared unconstitutional by the validjudgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION VI. SAVINGS THAT all rights and privileges of the City of Cibolo are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of any Ordinances affecting land use or development, which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this Ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such Ordinances, same shall not be affected by this Ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION VII. EFFECTIVE DATE THAT this Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon the passage and approval of the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas. 0 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS .Z- DAY OF e 2019. ATTEST: e - Peggy Cimics City Secretary, City of Cibolo EXHIBIT A: SS sh� Mayor, City of Cibolo 2019 Update to Chapter 8 of the CIBOLO COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN CIBOLO COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN — IMPLEMENTATION FIGURE 8. 1, IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN (CONT. ON FOLLOWING PAGES) Rank Action Years Involved Action Type Ac vA1 1 B POLICY ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS Utilize the Thoroughfare Plan and community feedback to reevaluate the proposed transportation projects identified on Policy/ Financial 1 T-2.4 the current Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). ■ City Investment Utilize the Future Land Use Plan in conjunction 2 LUC-2.3 with improved zoning regulations to protect critical Floodplain ■ City Policy / Regulation areas. Utilize the extension of FM 1103 to improve access to the 3 ED -7.2 City'scommercial areas. ■ CEDC / City Policy Consider pursuing a Texas Main Street Program designation Policy / Operational 4 LUC-3.5 for downtown Cibolo. ■ CEDC / City Change Proactively participate in state and regional transportation City/ Area Policy / Operational 5 T-1.3 planning activities affecting Cibolo. ■ Partners Change Utilize the Future Land Use Plan to identify appropriate areas 6 HN -2.5 for and development of transitional residential. ■ City Policy / Regulation Continue to coordinate with the City of San Antonio regarding Cit / Area 7 LUC-1.1 the potential transfer of ETJ to Cibolo. ■ Partners Policy 8 T-1.1 Adopt a Complete Streets Policy. ■ City Policy Coordinate with TX DOT to determine long-term plans for the 9 T-3.4 improvement of FM 78 and its key intersections. ■ City / TX DOT Policy Manage the City's annexation policy concurrent with the 10 LUC-1.2 provision of adequate public infrastructure and services. ■ City Policy Utilize the Future Land Use Plan to improve compatibility 11 LUC-2.2 between differing types, intensities, or character of land uses. ■ City Policy / Regulation 12 HN -4.2 Ensure there is adequate supply and. type of workforce ■ City /CEDC Policy housing. Pass a Fair Housing Resolution stating the City's policy of support for fair housing and fostering compliance with the 13 HN -4.1 nondiscrimination provisions. of the Fair Housing Act. ■ City Policy Encourage low -impact design of drainage system City / 14 CFPS-4.4 development in order to maintain water quality of creeks and ■ Development Policy / Regulation waterways. Community Consider the use of incentives to direct development projects 15 ED -8.1 toward infill options. ■ CEDC / City Policy Identify and pursue funds available from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development and Rural 16 HN -4.4 Texas CDBG Program to help finance affordable housing ■ CEDC Policy efforts. Implement strategies that enable the City's workforce 17 HN -4.5 population to live within two miles of work; yet avoid ■ City/ CEDC Policy concentrating workforce housing. Establish creative partnerships to increase workforce housing and associated services in Cibolo and accomplish the goals 18 HN -4.7 and actions of this Plan. ■ CEDC /City Policy Page 1 Updated 6/7/2019 Page 2 Updated 6/7/2019 Identify appropriate areas for and attract higher- end housing 19 HN -2.3 for affluent residents. M CEDC / City Policy / Regulation Evaluate opportunities to preserve and capitalize on the City's Policy / Operational 20 LUC-4.7 cultural and historic resources. M City Change Utilize the Off -Street Trails and Side paths Plan and the On - 21 T-4.5 Street Bike Lanes Plan to identify projects for inclusion in the City Policy / Financial 2018-2022 CIP. Investment Create unique parks that will attract residents from the Policy / Financial 22 P-1.4 surrounding area. City Investment 23 Develop a toolbox of diverse strategies, policies and planning HN -4.6 tools to broaden housing options for the community's City Policy / Regulation workforce population. 24 Consider additional multifamily housing developments to ED -6.1 serve the needs of a growing workforce. CEDC / City Policy 25 Utilize the Thoroughfare Plan and community feedback to T-2.5 reevaluate the proposed transportation projects identified as City Policy /Financial part of the Impact Fee Study. Investment 26 Monitor code enforcement violations in older, existing HN -3.12 neighborhoods to determine need for potential reinvestment City Policy /Operational actions. Change 27 Consider the addition of a junior college or a college annex in CEDC /City Policy /Study ED -3.6 Cibolo. - 28 HN -4.3 Ensure quality of workforce housing maintains high quality - City /CEDC Policy /Regulation standards comparable to other developments. 29 Partner with private developers to offer build -to- suit options. CEDC / ED -5.4 Development Policy Community 30 Incentivize a bike shop to locate in Downtown City / CEDC / Policy ED -10.2 Cibolo. Private Partner 31 Consider the use of variances in limited situations to support ED -8.2 infill development. - CEDC /City Policy 32 Utilize the Off -Street Trails and Side paths Plan and the On - T -4.4 Street Bike Lanes Plan as part of the review and City Policy / Regulation consideration of development approvals. 33 Consider coordinating with the City's active bicycle and pedestrian user groups to build support for additional City / Area T-4.7 sidewalk, trail, or on -street bike lane facilities. Partners Policy 34 Proactively pursue mutually beneficial partnerships with local T-1.4 partners to improve Cibolo's city -to -city connectivity. City /Area Policy /Operational Partners Change 35 ED -3.5 Support the construction of the new high school. CEDC / City Policy 36 Pursue establishing improved signalization and quiet zones City / UPRR / TX Policy / Study/ Financial T-3.6 for all at -grade intersections along the UPRR. DOT Investment 37 Continue to allow ride -sharing opportunities providing a non - City Policy /Regulation T -4.11 vehicular mode of transportation within Cibolo. 38 Evaluate opportunities to establish a commuter park & ride in City / Area Policy / Financial T-4.12 Cibolo. Partners Investment 39 Consider longer-term opportunities for additional residential LUC-3.9 home conversions throughout the downtown area. City Policy / Regulation Page 2 Updated 6/7/2019 CIBOLO COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN —IMPLEMENTATION Action Years Involved Rank Projects & Actions •aEntitiesal 1 REGULATION ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS Review and amend the subdivision regulations as necessary 1 HN -3.5 to improve traffic conditions in neighborhoods. W City Regulation Evaluate zoning., subdivision, and development regulations to 2 P-3.1 ensure maximum protection and use of the City's remaining r City Regulation natural resources. 3 T-2.2 Adopt standardized urban and rural street cross- sections in conformance with the recommendations identified 0 City Regulation in this Comprehensive Master Plan. 4 T-3.3 Periodically reevaluate the Design Construction Manual (DCM) to ensure development outcomes are ■ City Regulation achieving intended results. Preserve traffic capacity by implementing access 5 T-3.5 management and other Transportation Systems Management N City / TX DOT / Regulation / Study (TSM) provisions within Cibolo. County Review and amend the zoning and subdivision regulations as necessary to improve access between neighborhoods and City Regulation 6 HN -3.7 neighborhood- serving commercial areas. Review and amend the subdivision regulations as necessary 7 HN -3.4 to improve connectivity in and through new subdivisions. GI City Regulation 8 T-3.8 Evaluate the need for establishing specific truck routes / ■ City Regulation weight limits for roads within the City. Review and amendthe subdivision regulations to require 9 HN -3.9 mandatory property owner associations for new developments 0 City Regulation that have common areas. Review and amend the subdivision regulations to 10 HN -3.8 encourage the development of environmentally- friendly E City Regulation neighborhoods. Page 3 Updated 6/7/2019 CIBOLO COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN — IMPLEMENTATION Action Years Rank NumberInvolved Action Type Entities 1 + STUDY ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 1 CFPS-5.5 Develop a continuity of operations plan to effectively respond City / Area Stud to catastrophic incidents. Partners y Coordinate with TX DOT to determine long-term plans for the 2 T-3.4 improvement of FM 78 and its key intersections. ■ City / TX DOT Policy 3 Prepare a Parks, Recreation, and Open Space ■ City Study P-1.1 Master Plan (PROSMP). Develop a Trails Plan to ensure effective implementation of a 4 T-4.2 Citywide off-street trail and side path network. ■ City Study Develop an Active Transportation Plan to ensure effective 5 T-4.3 implementation of a Citywide on -street bike lane network. E City Study Study /Financial. 6 T-1.2 Develop a Transportation Master Plan. ■ City Investment Consider need for regional storm water management plan. City / Area Study / Financial 7 CFPS-4.3 0 Partners Investment Evaluate options to physically and financially expand the City Study / Financial 8 CFPS-1.2 Municipal Building. city Investment 9 P-2.11 Consider a revitalization plan and funding for the _ City Study redevelopment of Niemietz Park. 10 HN -1.1 Conduct a housing study to determine all housing needs in Cibolo. ■ City / CEDC Study 11 CFPS4.2 Conduct a comprehensive drainage master plan. P`t city Study Update and complete hydrological and hydraulic engineering studies with Future Land Use Plan City Study 12 CFPS-4.1 for all natural creeks, tributaries, and branches in Cibolo. 13 ED -5.2 Designate the park as a Foreign Trade Zone and endow it with Freeport Exemptions. El CEDC Study 14 CFPS-7.1 Evaluate cost -benefit of administering a Green ' City Study /Policy Waste Program in Cibolo. 15 Evaluate the feasibility of establishing a limited bike -sharing Study / Financial T-4.10 program within Downtown Cibolo. 1 CEDC / City Investment/ Operational Change Page 4 Updated 6/7/2019 CIBOLO COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN — IMPLEMENTATION ActionYears • '• 1-2 3- 1 • •- Entities Number Rank Potential •- . 1 FINANCIAL INVESTMENT ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS Link the infrastructure of on -street bike lanes and pedestrianFinancial Investment/ 1 ED -10.1 trails and side paths throughout the City. ■ City / CEDC Operational Change 2 CFPS-6.1 Expand the Animal Service facility to accommodate■ Financial growth in staff and programs. city ity Investment Consider public streetscape investments as a catalyst project Financial Investment/ 3 LUC-3.3 in downtown. ■ CEDC / City Study 4 LUC-4.4 Consider enhanced streetscape medians in key areas within Financial the City. ■ CEDC / City Investment Consider replacing and enhancing street signage throughout Financial Investment / 5 LUC-4.2 Ciboloto improve community identification. ■ City Operational Change Expand the Cibolo Police Station to accommodate necessary 6 CFPS-5.2 staffing increases and address the need for Emergency ■ City Financial Investment Operations Center. 7 P-1.2 Develop new parks in existing areas of need. Financial ■ City Investment Create screening between residential areas and parks to 8 P-2.5 produce a visual barrier and reduce noise disturbances ■ City Financial between different land uses. Investment Evaluate opportunities to implement the segments of the 9 T-2.3 Thoroughfare Plan as part of catalyst projects. ■ City / CEDC Financial Investment 10 ED -9.1 Extend utility infrastructure to areas intended for development.■ Financial CEDC /City Investment 11 CFPS-2.5 Consider support for improving access and options for■ City / Area Financial community connections to the Internet. Partners Investment 12 P-1.3 Develop new parks in future areas of need concurrent with Financial new development. ■ city Investment Provide opportunities for indoor recreation within the City of Financial Investment / 13 P-1.6 Cibolo. ■ City Operational Change 14 Identify opportunities to implement the public sector LUC-3.8 improvements identified in the Cibolo Downtown Revitalization EI CEDC / City Financial Plan. Investment 15 Consider coordinating with TX DOT and others to create LUC-4.6 signature entrances along key bridges and interchanges in City /CEDC / TX Financial Cibolo. DOT Investment 16 P-2.3 Add more shade opportunities within existing and future Financial parks. City Investment 17 ED -5.6 Offer fagade and signage improvement grants to businesses Financial in the business parks. CEDC Investment 18 Consider adding park and recreation amenities Financial P-2.9 as part of overall community building efforts (e.g., developing I City a dog park). Investment 19 Consider the installation of landscaped roundabouts in key City ! LUC-4.5 areas of Cibolo. F1 Development Financial Investment Community Page 5 Updated 6/7/2019 CIBOLO COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN - IMPLEMENTATION Page 6 Updated 6/7/2019 1 OPERATION CHANGE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 1 ED -2.1 Expand the CEDC's toolbox of overall marketing outreach Operational strategies. u CEDC / City Change 2 ED -2.3 Better leverage assets as promotional and recruitment Operational partners. ■ CEDC / City Change 3 P-2.13 Maximize the use of partnerships to increase parks and■ City / Area Operational recreation services within Cibolo. Partners Change 4 CFPS-5.6 Reevaluate joint agreement for combined dispatch operations■ Operational with the City of Schertz. City / Schertz Change 5 Evaluate the potential of establishing a joint Emergency Operational CFPS-5.7 Management coordinator with the City of Schertz. ■ City Change 6 Consider dedicated funding for maintaining the sidewalk, trail, T-4.6 and on -street bike lane system within Cibolo. ■ City Operational Change / Financial Investment 7 Identify programs to better connect potential first- time home Operational ED -6.2 buyers to assistance and counseling sources. ■ CEDC /City Change 8 Create a partnership with neighborhood and other volunteer City / Area Operational Change / P-2.7 groups to improve the maintenance of the existing trails and ■ Partners Policy parks. 9 CFPS-6.3 Evaluate and expand Animal Service Programs. ■ City Operational Change 10 ED -6.3 Consider programs to assist senior citizens looking to Operational relocate. ■ CEDC / City Change 11 CFPS-8.1 Evaluate opportunities to expand the library system as the Operational City grows to the east and south. ■ City / Schertz Change Increase the police department to ensure appropriate levels to Operational Change / 12 CFPS-5.1 handle existing and projected emergency and non -emergency ■ City Financial Investment services. 13 ED -3,2 Use state and federal programs aimed at developing local Operational skills. ■ CEDC Change 14 ED -12.1 Develop a "buy local" campaign. ■ CEDC / City Operational Change 15 CFPS-5.8 Support the establishment of an all hazards team.■ City / Area Operational Partners Change 16 ED -3.4 Support and market STEP and CTE programs. ■ CEDC Operational Change 17 Operational Change / HN -3.2 Establish a rental registration program. ❑ City Policy 18 Work with Bexar Waste to establish a plastic bag collection CFPS-7.2 program that would be available to its. residents and retailers. LJ City Operational Change 19 ED -10.5 Create and own a sports -related event. City Operational Change 20 Establish a traffic calming program to maintain appropriate Change / HN -3.3 traffic conditions on residential streets to ensure safety. F-9 CityOperational Policy 21 P-2.8 Create minimum design standards for existing and/ Operational or new parks. L1 city Change 22 Increase staffing of Animal Services and hire dedicated Operational Change / CFPS-6.2 division management. DI City Financial Investment 23 ED -3.1 Ilmplement and market veteran retraining programs. ® CEDC Operational Change Page 6 Updated 6/7/2019 24 ED -10.8 Create an annual quality of place review event. CEDC / City Operational Change 25 ED -12.2 Consider diversifying funding sources through private CEDC Operational memberships or a foundation. - CEDC Change 26 ED -10.7 Hire or contract for additional City staff. CEDC Operational Change / Financial Investment 27 Look at the existing staffing levels in the Parks and P-2.2 Recreation Division and make sure that the staffing needs are City Operational adequate. Change Page 7 Updated 6/7/2019