Min CC 06/05/2019 - Townhall at Santikoso F C,
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"City of Choice"
Council/Staff Town Hall Meeting
Santikos Entertainment Cibolo
18124 IH -35
Cibolo, Texas 78108
June 5, 2019
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
1. Council/Staff Town Hall Meeting Called to Order. — Meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m.
2. Roll Call — Council Present: Mayor Boyle, Councilwoman Schultes, Councilman Byrd, Councilman Gibbs,
Councilman Allen, Councilman Woliver, and Councilman Hicks; Council Absent: Councilman Garrett; Staff
Present: City Manager Mr. Herrera, City Secretary Cimics, Finance Director Ms. Miranda, Fire Chief Niemietz,
Police Chief Hugghins, IT Director McDaniel, Planning & Engineering Director Mr. Klein, Public Works Director
Mr. Fousse, and EDC Director Mr. Luft.
3. Welcome and Opening comments from Mayor Boyle and City Manager Herrera.
Both the Mayor and City Manager thanked everyone for attending. Updates on a few projects in the city were
briefly discussed along with activities in the city. The ground breaking of the Cibolo Family YMCA was mention
along with some of the amenities that will be offered at the facility. FM 1103, Cibolo Valley Drive, and Main St.
Reconstruction timeline was briefed. Improving the downtown accessibility was briefly discussed to include 90 new
parking spaces, 880 feet of new sidewalks and $122k business improvement grants awarded to downtown Cibolo
businesses. The status of Haeckerville Road was briefed by Mr. Herrera.
will be available on the City of Cibolo's website on June 7.
4. Presentation on Committees, Commissions, Boards and Corporations their purpose and qualifications in citizen
participation in an advisory capacity governing the affairs of the City.
Karen Hale representing the Planning & Zoning Commission, Dave Petersen from the Economic Development
Corporation, Sammy Villela from the Historical Committee and Randall Hawkins representing the Parks and
Recreation Committee briefed those in the audience on the purpose of the committee, commission, board or
corporation they represented. The audience was informed that the City of Cibolo is always looking to fill vacancy
on these committees and application can be found on the website, by contacting their councilmember or from the City
Secretary. Mr. Herrera also informed the audience that the city had several other committees that citizens could
volunteer to serve on (UDC, CIP, Master Plan, Charter Review and Board of Adjustments) just to name a few.
5. Discussion/Presentation on City of Cibolo watersheds and drainage as reviewed by the City Engineer.
Justin Murray, P.E. discussed the City of Cibolo's Stormwater Hydraulics & Hydrology. He explained that hydrology
was the study of rainfall generating runoff. Mr. Murray also stated the land -use dependent and increasing slope and
impervious cover generally results in increase runoff. Hydraulics was the study of fluid moving through a conduit.
Mr. Murray stated that generally, water depth increase in open channel flow with increasing flow and roughness.
Detention ponds were briefly discussed as they provide storage for volume of water generated by impervious cover.
Mr. Murray did state the detention pond outlets are sized to discharge at a controlled rate. Mr. Murray did go over
what Cibolo has done to help with drainage issues, recommendation and implementation. He talked about adopting
updates to the UDC and DCM and also updating city-wide drainage masterplan and identifying and adjust CIP and
drainage fees.
6. Citizen Comments: This is the opportunity for City Council and Staff to hear citizen issues and provide general
policy and factual information on issues brought up by citizens. No action will be taken. Items may be placed on a
future agenda if appropriate.
Several citizens had questions and they were answered by either the City Manager or staff member.
7. Adjournment — Meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
Peggy Cimics,TRMC
City Secretary