ORD 1269 06/11/2019O F c / i4 C)IN _ r i104��J %' £ X � S "City of Choice" ORDINANCE NO. PROVIDING FOR THE VOLUNTARY EXTENSION OF THE CIBOLO, TEXAS CITY LIMITS BY THE ANNEXATION OF A TRACT OF LAND THAT CONTAINS AN AREA OF 159.534 ACRES, LOCATED AT 3453 SOUTH SANTA CLARA ROAD; IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS; APPROVING A SERVICE PLAN FOR SUCH AREA TO BE ANNEXED; AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL CITY LIMITS/ETJ MAP OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO TO REFLECT THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTIES DESCRIBED HEREIN. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Section 43.021 authorizes the City of Cibolo, as a home -rule municipality, to extend its City limit boundaries through the annexation of area adjacent to those boundaries; and WHEREAS, Section 1.03 of the City Charter of the City of Cibolo provides that the City Council has authority by ordinance to fix the City limit boundaries, provide for the alteration and extension of said boundaries, and annex additional territory lying adjacent to said boundaries in any manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code provides that a municipality may annex an area if each owner of land in the area requests the annexation; and WHEREAS, the owner of the said properties, of their own free will and accord, did voluntarily request that the City of Cibolo incorporate the 159.534 acres described herein into the municipal boundaries of the City of Cibolo; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission held one (1) public hearing and the City Council held two (2) public hearings on the proposed annexation of approximately 159.534 acres, situated outside of, but immediately adjacent to the current corporate limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas and such public hearings gave all interested persons the right to appear and be heard on the proposed annexation of such land; and WHEREAS, notice of the above referenced public hearings was published in The Seguin Gazette, a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Cibolo, Texas and within the territory to be annexed, in accordance with law; and 1 7362/1#260621 WHEREAS, the proposed service plan was made available for public inspection and explained to the inhabitants of the area at the public hearings held; and WHEREAS, the population of the City of Cibolo, Texas is in excess of approximately 30,000 inhabitants, and the area to be annexed lies within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and lies adjacent to and adjoins the City of Cibolo, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The landowner of the land more particularly described herein, voluntary petitioned for annexation as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. The land and territory lying outside of, but adjacent to and adjoining the City of Cibolo, Texas, more particularly described in Exhibits "B" and "C", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby added and annexed to the City of Cibolo, Texas, and said territory, as described., shall hereafter be included within the boundary limits of said City, and the present boundary limits of said City, at the various points contiguous to the area described in Exhibits "B" and "C", are altered and amended so as to include said areas within the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas. SECTION 2. The land and territory comprising 159.534 acres; more -particularly described as the annexation area on Exhibits "B" and "C", are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, shall be part of the City of Cibolo, Texas and inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges as citizens and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the City of Cibolo, Texas. SECTION 3. A service plan outlining the provisions of necessary municipal service to the properties described in Exhibit 'D' is hereby approved and the implementation of said plan is hereby authorized. Such plan is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 'D'. SECTION 4. The official City Limits/ETJ Map of the City of Cibolo shall be amended, as depicted in Exhibit 'E', as attached hereto, to reflect the annexation of the subject properties. Such map is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 'E'. SECTION 5. This Ordinance is not severable. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be effective immediately from and after passage. 2 7362/1#260621 PASSED AND APPROVED this, the �'f day of ATTEST: Peggy Cimics, TRMC City Secretary, City of Cibolo 3 7362/1#260621 ,-' t-' 2019. tosh Boyle, Mayor, City of Cibolo EXHIBIT "A" VOLUNTARY PETITION FOR ANNEXATION ,d,°,rrlNNaiy t L' ' O Cibol ever � � 6 �� 6 f� �: � 6 �_:� (�_ !l } ............................................................................................................................. •' Universal Development Application It --X P, (Please use separate application for each submittal) Annexation Petition ❑ Land Study ❑ Replat ❑ Disannexation Petition ❑ final Plat ❑ Amending Plat ❑ Land Use Amendment ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Minor Plat ❑ Thoroughfare Amendment ❑ Specific Use Permit ❑ Vacating Plat Zoning Change (chooserone) ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Site Plan/Mixed Use Plan ❑ Straight Zoning ❑ Variance ❑ Sign Program ❑ FUD (Planned Unit Development) ❑ Appeal of Administrative Assignment of Permanent Zoning Decision Project Name: Cibolo 1-10 Industrial Park Total Acres: 159.534 Survey Name: See bottom of page Abstract No.: See bottom of paaE Project Location (address): 3453 South Santa Clara Rd. Marion TX Lona: -98.144234 Lat: 29.522023 Current Zoning: _. 1 J Current Use: AG # of Lois/Unils: 1 For Commercial/industrial: Proposed Zoning: 1-1 Proposed Use: Industrial/ lease Circlo One: Total Proposed Sq. Ft. Manufacturing SF MF COMM IND OTHER 1.000,000 Applicant Information: Guadalupe Valley Development Corp. Property Owner Name: _— Address: P.O. Box 1546 Gonzales St/Zip. TX 78629 Phone: (830) 857-1207 Fax: E -Mail: glawing@gvec.org Applicant (irdifretonr IfuinOy.nin) : Address:,---.---------- -._ _ .-- _ ..- City: -. ------- --- ------ . _-.___-_---_-----___-. Phone: Fax: E -Mail: Renresentative: Gerri Lawing St/Lip: P.O. Box 1546 Gonzales TX 78629 Address: ----- ---- -- -------- -- -- ------------ ---- Phone: -- - _....City S t/Zip Phone: (830) 857-1207 Fax:E-Mail: glawing@)gvec.org 14, Authorization: By signin his plication, you hereby grant Staff access to your property to- perfafm w relate ,>✓ ur application. Also, you waive the statutory time limits in ibccor-C cine ith Sect, r-✓ , , 212 and 245 of the Texas Local Government Code. City of Cibolo Use Only n or Rr:prP.sP.ntotivc:'s Sipnoturc Total Fees Typod/Printud� State of ' �� Payment Method County of ��' before me.'!- itil`JE� n this day personally appeared Name of NoUtryPublic Submittal Date T�Arre_T) ���J� U- , to be the person(s) is/are subs .d to the foregoing Mame ofsioner(s) ���� ,% instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they fhaSs erjor the Accepted by .•d1ARVA i purposes and consideration therein expressed. GiveIZ-un er r?N h d T(Sof office this . } day of � � ~ ¢� Cf- Nofo+yPubIIc' Signolurc � ab`, `�c``''`` t� Effective November 25, 2013 Survey Name: 1 11 it I I I I It` 1.) Francisco Garcia Survey No. 231 Abstract No. 141 12.) Jose Flores Survey No. 63 Abstract No. 134 EXHIBIT "B" ANNEXATION AREA METES & BOUNDS (DESCRIPTION) AS -SURVEYED DESCRIPTION�� BEING A 159.5 -ACRE (6,948,568 SQUARE FEET) TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE FRANCISCO GARCIA SURVEY NO 231, AKSTRACT NO, 141 AND THE JOSE FLARES SURVEY NO, 63, ABSTRACT NO, 134, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID 159.5 -ACRE TRACT BEING THAT CALLED 159.534 -ACRE TRACT CONVEYED FROM BERNICE S. FRIESENHAHN, TRUS TEE FOR THE SCHEEL FAMILY, NO. 2 TO GUADALUPE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BY SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 4101, PAGE 146, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID 1.159.5 -ACRE TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, WITH ALL BEARINGS BEING HEII-F-RENCLU 10 NUR IH AMERICAN UAIUhl 01� 1983. 1EXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, SOUTH CENTRAL ZONE: BEGINNING AT A FOUND IRON ROD WITH DAMAGED BLUE CAP ON THE NORTHWEST RIGHT-OF-WAY (R.O.W.) LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 10 (VARIABLE -WIDTH R.O.W., VOLUME 137, PAGE 179, DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS AND VOLUME 137, PAGE 182, DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS), SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF A CALLED 73.84 -ACRE TRACT, SAVE AND EXCEPT 10.842 ACRES CONVEYED TO DIANE EVELYN TYO, KAREN SUE WEINSTEIN, AND LYNN HENRY MEYER RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NO. 2016013721, DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID CALLED 1,59.534 -ACRE TRACT, FOR THE MOST SO'lliTHERLY CORNER OF TME HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, THENCE N31`3S52W. DEPARTING SAID R -0 -OL, ALONG THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF SAID CALLED 159.534 -ACRE 'TRACT AND THE NORTHEAST LINE OF SAID CALLED 13.84-ACKE TRACT, SAVE AND EXCEPT 10.842 -ACRES, A DISTANCE 2,128.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEAST R.0_W_ LINE OF BOLTON ROAD, CR -308, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID CALLED 73.84 -ACRE TRACT, SAVE AND EXCEPT 10.1342 ACRES AND THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID CALLED 159.534 -ACRE TRACT, FOR THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, FROM WHICH A FOUND 112" IRON ROD BEARS S34038'11 "E, 2.17 FEET; THENCE N58*504TE, ALONG SAID SOUTHEAST R.O.W. LINE OF BOLTON ROAD, CR -308 AND NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID CALLED 159.534 -ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 3,215,18 FEIE7 TO A FOUND IRON ROD WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "KFW SURVEYING" AT THE SOUTHWEST R.O.W. INTERSECTION OF SAID BOLTON ROAD, CR -308 AND S. SANTA CLARA ROAD, CR -315, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID CALLED 159.534 -ACRE TRACT, FOR THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, THENCE S31"07'50"E, ALONG THE NORTHEAST UNE OF SAID 1159,534 -ACRE TRACT AND THE SOUTHWEST R.O.W. LINE OF SAID S. SANTA CLARA ROAD, CR -315, A DISTANCE OF 1,703.04 FEET TO A FOUND Y.-' IRON ROD AT THE R,O.W. INTERSECTION OF SAID S, SANTA CLARA ROAD, CR -315 AND INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 10 (VARIABLE -WIDTH R.O.W., VOLUME 324, PAGE 53, DEED RECORDS AND VOLUME 321, PAGE 468, DEED RECORDS), AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID CALLED 159.534 -ACRE TRACT, FOR THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 159.534 -ACRE TRACT AND SAID INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 10 R.O.W., THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) CALLS: S24 10'40V A DIS lANCE OF 374.66 FEET TMJ A FOUND TYPE I R.O.W, MONUMENT, FOR A CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, AND S09"05'38"E, A DISTANCE OF 298.92 FEET TO A FOUND TYPE I R.O.W, MONUMENT AT THE NORTH CORNER OF A CALLED 2.071 -ACRE TRACT CONVEYED TO 2015 PP PETERSON PROPERTIES. LLC . RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NO. 2016025806, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS, AT AN EAST CORNER OF SAID CALLED 159.534 -ACRE TRACT, FOR AN EAST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; 1 -HENCE S59"2428"W. ALONG THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID CALLED 159.634 -ACRE TRACT AND THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID CALLED 2.471 -ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 338-92 FEET TO A FOUND 3/4' IRON ROD AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID CALLED 2.071 -.ACRE TRACT, SAME POINT ALSO BEING THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF A CALLED 0.480 -ACRE TRACT CONVEYED TO RALPH REININGER, RECORDED IN VOLUME 3079, PAGE 763, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS, AT A CORNER OF SAID CALLED 159.534 -ACRE TRACT, FOR A CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE S60r'26"57W, CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHEAST LINE OF CALLED 159,534 -ACRE TRACT AND THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID CALLED 0.480 -ACRE TRACT, AT A DISTAiNCE OF APPROXIMATELY 85.00 FEET PASSING THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID CALLED 0.480-AGRE TRACT AND THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF A CALLED 0.502 -ACRE TRACT CONVEYED TO EDGAR AND VALERIA SANCHF-4 RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NO. 2015-023215. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS, CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID CALLED 0.502 -ACRE TRACT, FOR A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 185.60 FEET TO A FOUND IRON ROE) WITH YELLOW CAP STAMPED "RPLS 20247 AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID CALLED 0.502 -ACRE TRACT, SAME POINT ALSO BEING THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF A CALLED 3.000 -ACRE TRACT CONVEYED TO JOHN R. MONTAGUE, RECORDED IN VOLUME 2126, PAGE 808, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS, AT A CORNER OF SAID CALLED 159.534 -ACRE TRACT, FOR A CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE S60"132M CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHEAST LINE OF CALLED 159,534 -ACRE TRACT AND THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID CALLED 3 -000 -ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 652.66 FEET TO A FOUND IRON ROD WITH DRANGE CAP STAMPED "TRI -COUNTY' AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID 3,000 -ACRE TRACT, SAME POIN-r ALSO BEING AN INTERIOR CORNER OF SAID CALLED 159,534 -ACRE TRACT, FOR AN INTERIOR CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE S30"33'08'E, ALONG THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF CALLED 3,000 -ACRE TRACT AND CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID CALLED 159.534 -ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 165.71 FEET TO A FOUND l' IRON PIPE ON SAID NORTHWEST R.O.W. LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 10, SAME POINT ALSO BEING A THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID 3.000 -ACRE TRACT. AT A CORNER OF SAID CALLED 159.634 -ACRE TRACT. FOR A CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT: THENCE S66f'12'08*W, CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHEAST LINE OF CALLED 1 A 59.534 -ACRE TRACT AND SAID NORTHWEST R.O.W. LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 10, A DISTANCE OF 1,613.46 FEET, RETURNING TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 159.5 ACRES (6,948,568 SQUARE FEET) OF LAND. EXHIBIT "C" ANNEXATION AREA METES & BOUNDS (MAPPED) w m D CL Q° F rn W c ¢�o Sg O w m D CL Q° F rn cn �s u PolW d F -K0 E0L' L 3.0510. L£S Gi Z ci.ra $� i >- >Lu ' > w 6� G � 9 P cj� t ui tl o— jf S2lb o � •6S+ w rn� a ca n N � Q a � f f NN R a R us 2.;o� oto e WW U Q J W N � 0 W � C LL � oV S ri 0 o � < N o- � Z lt b A �_ :tin G cn > � :id U Z < L- cnH W W > cn 0 cr i+;. ¢Vr) Q rn cn �s Gi Z i >- >Lu ' > w 6� G � 9 P C= tl o— jf S2lb w cx a � f f 0 LL R us WW U Q LL � f( 3 r� r A �fQ 3 d 0 a �~ f W �$g� o nn ioo 00 o.fi �$ oz --------------------------------- -- ----- --- _. -- — Rm ` r. k -.a I 0Z'9ZCZ N%2G.E£eL£N IGZ6?t'l M-hiss-tch) � o e j q a� � Z p u z EXHIBIT 441)" 2019 ANNEXATION PROGRAM CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS Upon annexation of the area identified above the City of Cibolo will provide City services utilizing methods by which it extends services to any other equivalent area of the City. SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF ANNEXATION 1. Police Protection The City of Cibolo, Texas and its Police Department will provide police protection to newly annexed areas at the same or similar level of service now being provided to other areas of the City with like topography, land use and population density as those found within the newly annexed areas. The Police Department will have the responsibility to respond to all dispatched calls for service or assistance within the newly annexed areas. 2. Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services The City of Cibolo, Texas and its Fire Department, and the Cibolo Volunteer Fire Department, will provide fire protection to newly annexed areas at the same or similar level of service now being provided to other areas of the City, with like topography, land use and population density as those found within the newly annexed areas. The City of Cibolo, Texas contracts with the City of Schertz for EMS services and will provide EMS services through that contract to newly annexed areas at the same or similar level of service now being provided to other areas of the City, with like topography, land use and population density as those found within the newly annexed areas. 3. Maintenance of Water and Wastewater Facilities All of the newly annexed property is within the water and wastewater service areas of Green Valley SUD. The City of Cibolo does not own or maintain water or wastewater facilities in the annexation area at the time of the proposed annexation. The Green Valley SUD does not own or maintain wastewater facilities in the annexation area at the time of the proposed annexation. Any existing GVSUD facilities that may happen to be present in the annexation area shall continue to be maintained by GVSUD. Any water or wastewater facilities that may be dedicated to, or acquired by, the City of Cibolo, subsequent to the proposed annexation, shall be maintained by the City of Cibolo at such time as said utilities are accepted by the City of Cibolo. Existing water and wastewater facilities owned by the City of Cibolo outside of the annexation area shall be available for the point of use extension based upon the City of Cibolo standard extension policies in the Cibolo UDC, as may be amended, and action by the City Council. 4. Solid Waste Collection The City of Cibolo, Texas contracts for the collection of solid waste and refuse within the corporate limits of the City with Republic Services. Solid waste collection will be provided to citizens in the newly annexed areas at the same or similar level of service now being provided to other areas of the City with like topography, land use and density as those found within the newly annexed areas. The City may negotiate with annexed areas to allow continued services with an existing solid waste management provider. After the second anniversary of the annexation date, the City will impose fees and provide the service. If areas with private roads and/or gates are arranged so that garbage may be collected without creating a safety hazard, the City, at its discretion, may collect the garbage provided proper indemnification is received from the community association or individual property owners. The City will then impose fees and provide the service. Garbage collection locations shall be subject to the approval of the Sanitation Manager. In the event the City does not collect garbage within the areas with private roads and/or gates, residents of these areas will not be billed for service after the two-year date. 5. Maintenance of Roads and Streets Any and all public roads, streets or alleyways shall be maintained to the same degree and extent that other public roads, streets, and alleyways are maintained in areas of the City with like topography, land use and density as those found within the newly annexed areas. Private roads will remain under the ownership of the homeowners association and as such maintained by the association. 6. Maintenance of Parks, Playgrounds, and SwimminI4 Pools The City of Cibolo, Texas is not aware of the existence of any publicly owned parks, playgrounds or swimming pools now located in the proposed areas of annexation. In the event any such parks, playgrounds, or swimming pools do exist and are public facilities, the City will maintain such areas and facilities to the extent and degree and to the same or similar level of service now being provided to other such areas and facilities within the corporate limits of the City with like topography, land use and density as those found within the newly annexed areas. Private facilities will remain under the ownership of the homeowners association and as such maintained by the association. 7. Maintenance of any Publicly Owned Facility, Building or Municipal Service The City of Cibolo, Texas is not aware of the existence of any publicly owned facility, building, or other municipal service now located in the proposed areas of annexation. In the event any publicly owned facility, building, or other municipal service does exist and are public facilities, the City will maintain such areas and facilities to the extent and degree and to the same or similar level of service now being provided to other such areas and facilities within the corporate limits of the City with like topography, land use and density as those found within the newly annexed areas. 8. Other Services The City of Cibolo, Texas finds and determines that such services as planning, code enforcement, animal control, library, parks and recreation, court and general administration will be made available after the effective date of annexation at the same or similar level of service now being provided to other areas of the City with similar topography, land use and density as those found within the newly annexed areas. CONSTRUCTION OF ANY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE COMPLETED WITHIN 21/2 YEARS 1. Police and Fire Protection and Solid Waste Collection The City of Cibolo, Texas, finds and determines that it is not necessary to acquire or construct any capital improvements within two and one half (2 V2) years of the effective date of the annexation of the particular annexed areas for the purpose of providing police protection, fire protection, emergency medical services or solid waste collection. The City finds and determines that it has at the present time adequate facilities and other resources to provide the same type, kind and level of service and protection which is presently being administered to other areas already incorporated in the City of Cibolo, Texas with like topography, land use and population density as those found within the newly annexed areas. 2. Water/Wastewater Facilities The City of Cibolo, Texas, finds and determines that it is not necessary to acquire or construct capital improvements within two and one half (2 1/2) years of the effective date of the annexation of the particular annexed areas being annexed. 3. Roads and Streets The City of Cibolo, Texas, finds and determines that it is necessary to acquire and construct capital improvements within two and one half (2 V2) years of the effective date of the annexation of the particular annexed areas. 4. Maintenance of Parks, Playgrounds, and Swimming Pools and Any Other Publicly Owned Fa Building, or Service The City of Cibolo, Texas, finds and determines it is not necessary to acquire or construct any capital improvements within two and one half (2 V2) years of the effective date of the annexation of the particular annexed areas for the purpose of parks maintenance, playgrounds, swimming pools and other publicly owned facility, building or service. SPECIFIC FINDINGS The City of Cibolo, Texas, finds and determines that this proposed service plan will not provide any fewer services and will not provide a lower level of service in the areas being considered for annexation that were in existence in the proposed areas at the time immediately preceding the annexation process. Given the proposed annexation areas' topography, land utilization and population density, the service levels to be provided in the newly annexed areas will be equivalent to those provided to other areas of the City with similar characteristics. TERMS This plan shall be valid for a term of ten (10) years. Renewal of the Service Plan is at the discretion of the City of Cibolo. LEVEL OF SERVICE Nothing in this plan shall require the City to provide a uniform level of full municipal services to each area of the City, including the annexed areas, if different characteristics of topography, land use, and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing different levels of service. AMENDMENTS The plan shall not be amended unless public hearings are held in accordance with Chapter 43 of the Texas Local Government Code. - ,Q � lam/ LL ' ..,_._..CLn.WIEDEwrEllrao��.� �— — \ �t � O ,I „r � i ■ 1 W Y ! w � -� r-- Symbology County Boundaries o r ff _j Parcel Boundaries \ � � COY-LN_,_.-.' '•, /' _ Cibolo City Limits U_ 1 I I 1........... wEIL RD Non-Annexation Agreements Cibolo ETJ I , i SHORT-WEYEL-RD�- ! 1 2019 Annexation Map Amendments o Ordinance# (06-11-19) • \-'• j j z `Yo-GSFORD-RD ' 1. COUNTRY•L, ! ( 1 `''111 COUNTTiY•LN G 1 �.! W_SCHdEF Ef?.RD-�•E-SGHAEfER•RD �, _..� i YDUNGSFO RDitD �? ^ SCHAEFER•RD 1 � -ARIZPE•RD t 4 FM 78 >.*, - r ■ !OWER."ECUIN ! --- --------------- X L m I m 1 U ti. _r_.-._. r_,_.-•-•- , t.-,_....� �rr3CHMOEKEL^RD r.,.�_F 1 �f �'. ; 1 1 1 H . 9Q• L._ N, _�„� Irvrv�80 L-TON1R D-,�•a�•T�"'"` I �� _ • - 1 , I 1 t,1 _ 1 i ----------------------------- Q � J V y r 1 N This is to certify that this is the Official City Urnits/En Map of the G of Cibolo as adopted by w• CITY F I BO L Ordinance Number on by he City Council of the o o 'F OVERALL ANNEXATION MAP GtyofGbolo,Texas. r +. #` 1:24,000 June 11,2019 SIGNED y y IL )JI Stosh Boyle,Mayor (City Seal Goes Here) 7* X 0 o.s 1 2 ATTEST MilesPeggy Gmics,City Secretary .'U0 D."U..r.TAs prodtel 5 In mIomnoony pwpo'atl may rot tune t sn pcwo-Wr,a oe sutohit tar Iegtu.arnTrner✓j or yay..rymg purposes Nmougu we give to pro�ba�a Dlst auto we tan.we zome0mn tae aetn aaae4Y.a ty snrois xevae■r+rJry TRerefcva,me cry o!Ctrl owrn acreN nrry msporarDiry for qty erors.orraivac er po;'.mol acoanry,ab 7xrofae Ihera nra ro w:zrnn6os rr.■ctt n:.nnplrry I7■s praLrS Uses of Cc vduroa.n stwrld rwnnv w mjn Ito prrnory dots owl U1,-Im so-uc5s to esnvtoar Ito Usmki.1 of(IM vlomo!wn