ORD 1268 06/11/2019"City of Choice"
WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo (the "City") has established by ordinances and resolutions
fees for licenses, permits, and services provided by the City; and
WHEREAS, due to the need for periodic modification of said fees and for the purposes of
efficiency, the City Council desires to future fee changes by ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Schedule of Fees attached as Exhibit A reflects revisions to certain fees, a
restatement of certain fees not revised, and a consolidation of all such fees; and
WHEREAS, due to House Bill 852 signed by the Governor of the State of Texas on May 21,
2019 an update to the fee schedule was required; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City
to update the fee schedule.
WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the merits of this Ordinance and has determined
that this Ordinance is necessary to protect the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the
SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Portions of Exhibit "A-2" of Ordinance 1232 are hereby
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Residential Building Permit Fee
$50.00 for issuing the permit plus:
Minimum Permit Fee $50.00
New Single Family Residential (one & two family dwellings) per square foot $0.65
New Accessory Structures per square foot $0.65
Remodels /Additions per square foot $0.65
Residential Plan Review Fee
50% of Building Permit Fee
Commercial Building Permit Fee
Commercial Building valuation shall be based on the greater amount of either
contract value or $100.00 per square foot.
Alterations /Tenant Finish Out permit valuation = contract value
Commercial Plan Review Fee
$50.00 for issuing the permit plus:
Permit Fee Schedule
50% of Building Permit Fee
$1 to $500 $25
$501 to $2,000 $25 for the first $500, plus $6 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to and
including $2,000
$2,001 to $40,000 $115 for the first $2,000, plus $11 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof,
to and including $40,000
$40,001 to $100,000 $533 for the first $40,000, plus $9 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof,
to and including $100,000
$100,001 to $200,000 $1,073 for the first $100,000, plus $8 for each additional $1,,000 or fraction
thereof, to and including $200,,000
$200,001 to $300,000 $1,,873 for the first $200,000, plus $7 for each additional $1,000 or fraction
thereof, to and including $300,000
$300,001 to $500,000 $2,573 for the first $300,000 plus $6 for each additional $1,000 or fraction
thereof, to and including $500,000
$500,001 to $1,000,000 $3,773 for the first $500,,000., plus $5 for each additional $1,000 or fraction
thereof, to and including $1,000,000
$11000,001 to $5,000,000 $6,273 for the first $1,000,000, plus $3 for each additional $1,,000 or fraction
® Cibolo Fee Schedule - 2018
thereof, to and including $5,000,000
Over $5,000,001 $18,273 for the first $5,000,000, plus $2 for each additional $1,000 or fraction
Contractor Registration Fee/Requirements
All contractors wishing to work in the City of Cibolo must be registered with the City. Registration will
require a completed Application, Certificate of Insurance, and Fee as indicated below.
Registration for General, Commercial, Residential, Demolition, Site Development
and/or Sign Contractors (valid for one (1) year) $75.00
Registration for Licensed Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Fire Alarm, Fire
Sprinkler/Suppression, and Irrigation Contractor's (Valid for one (1) year) $0.00
Electrical Permit
Issue Permit (Base Fee): $50.00
Switch., Jack, Plug., Data Connection, Receptacle., Sensor & Light Fixture (each) $0.60
220v,, Appliance Outlet or Disconnect (each) $5.00
Furnace, or A/C Unit (evaporator /condenser coils, etc.) (each) $7.00
Meter Loop (Temporary/ Permanent) (each) $12.50
Main Panel or Sub Panel (each) $12.50
Motor Load or Load of 1 hp and larger - Commercial (each) $15.00
Lighted Sign (each) $20.00
Meter Loop (Temporary /Permanent) 600 volt or less - Commercial (each) $30.00
Meter Loop (Temporary /Permanent) over 600 volt - Commercial (each) $50.00
Solar Equipment (Flat Fee) $100.00
New Residential Electrical Permit will be a flat fee based on the following:
Up to 1,500 square feet
11,501 to 2,000 square feet
2,001 to 2,500 square feet
2,501 to 3,000 square feet
3,001 to 3.,500 square feet
3,501 to 4,000 square feet
4,001 to 4.,500 square feet
4,501 to 5,000 square feet
Over 5,000 square feet
$382.00 + $26.00 for each additional 500
square feet or portion thereof.
Heating and Air Conditioning (Mechanical) Permit
Issue Permit (Base Fee): $50.00
Heating and Cooling Unit -New Construction (each) $12.00
A-2 Cibolo Fee Schedule - 2018
Heating and Cooling Unit - Replacement (each) $25.00
Duct Outlet (each) $7.00
Refrigeration Unit - Commercial (each) $25.00
Exhaust Hood, Make up Air, or Exhaust Duct - Commercial (each) $25.00
Plumbing Permit
Issue Permit (Base Fee):
Fixtures (i.e. bathtub, sink, lavatory, shower, outside hose bib etc.) (each)
Water Heater -New Construction (each)
Water Heater - Replacement (each)
Water Softener (each)
Reverse Osmosis (each)
Combination Water Softener and Reverse Osmosis (each)
Gas Piping - Up to 5 Openings
Additional Gas Openings (each)
Gas Test (each)
Lint, Grease, or other type of Interceptor /Tank (each)
Under Slab Plumbing Repairs
Underground Waterline (Domestic /Fire)
Commercial $100.00
Residential $15.00
Commercial $100.00
Residential $15.00
Medical Gas
(Oxygen - 02; Nitrous Oxide - N20; Medical Compressed Air - MedAir; Nitrogen -
N2; Vacuum -Vac; Carbon Dioxide -CO2; Helium - He)
Issue Permit (Base Fee) $50.00
Med Gas Piping - Up to 5 Openings $25.00
Additional Med Gas Openings (each) $5.00
Reclaim Water Line Openings
Issue Permit (Base Fee) $50.00
Reclaim Water Piping - Up to 5 Openings $40.00
Additional Openings (each) $5.00
Certificate of Occupancy
Certificate of Occupancy $50-00
Pre Certificate of Occupancy Inspection $200.00
Failure to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy $500.00 /per day
Miscellaneous Building Fees
Any Permits not reflected or related to the schedule: $50.00
I:Pnrp Permit
Single Family Residential
Fuel Tanks & Related Equipment &Piping
Foundation Repair (residential)
Manufactured Homes /Mobile Home Placement
(Placement - to include stairs and decks, Additional
permits for utility hook ups is required)
Moving Permit
(Moving -any Building or Structure)
Outdoor Structures
Shed - Pre -Assembled
Outdoor Structures - Less than 125 square feet
Outdoor Structures - Larger than 125 square feet
(Outdoor structures include, but not limited to,, site built
sheds., decks., concrete slabs, pergolas, covered patios etc.)
Sheds 100 square feet or less do not require a permit.
(flat fee) $50.00
$50.00 + 0.0039 x value of contract
Portable Storage Unit - (Up to 90 Days),
(If an extension is needed, it will be on a case by case basis and will require a
new permit.)
Exception: Storage units for moving and kept on site for no
more than 14 days shall not require a permit.
Swimming Pools Inground Pool
Above Ground
Spa Placement
Additional Fees
$50.00 + $100.00 per tank
(flat fee)
(flat fee)
(flat fee)
Permit Renewal: 100% of original Permit Fee
Note: This would be applicable for temporary permits that expire and are
renewed I extended. A Plan Review would only be charged if there were
changes to the original description of work.
Re -Review Fee:
Note: This fee will apply to reviews after the original review has been completed.
Re -Inspection Fee:
For each failure -per trade 1st Failure -
Each Additional -
Note: If re -inspection has been called for and the second inspection
revealed original turn down items have not been corrected in part or in
whole, in addition to the above fees, a seventy-two (72) hour notice of
inspection will be required before another inspection will be conducted.
Proceeding without the proper Inspection:
Lost Plan Fee:
If original field set is lost, misplaced, stolen or tampered
with in any way, the builder must request a new field set
from the City of Cibolo.
Building and Trade permit refunds
(no refund if work began)
Permits which do not require a Plan Review Fee
Starting work before permit issued:
The fee is
Failure to Comply:
Any person who shall continue any work after having been
served with a Stop Work Order, except such work as that
person is directed to perform to remove a violation or
unsafe condition, shall be liable to a fine of $200.00
$150.00 + Failure Fee
Minus Plan Review Fee
Failure to schedule required inspection(s):
Any person /company who fails to schedule a required
inspection(s) within 180 days of permit issuance for work
described by a permit. No additional permits will be issued
to any person/ company who has more than one (1) expired
Demolition Permit
$25.00 Admin Fee
Single Family Dwellings, including detached accessory structures (residential in natul $85.00
Other than single family dwellings, for the first (1st) unit $100.00
Commercial single story $100.00
Commercial two & three story $200.00
Commercial over three stories $300.00
Irrigation Permit
Issue Permit (Base Fee):
t 11
® Cibolo Fee Schedule - 2018
Irrigation System - Residential - 1 and 2 Family Dwellings $50.00
Irrigation System - Commercial $100.00
Backflow Preventer - 2" or less $20.00
Backflow Preventer - Greater than 2" $25.00
Residential - 1 & 2 Family Dwellings - No Plan Review fee
Commercial Plan Review Fee - 1/2 of the total permit
Fire Alarm Permit
Issue Permit (Base Fee): $50.00
Switch., Jack, Data Connection,, Device, Sensor., Relay, Module etc. (each) $0.50
220v Appliance Outlet or Disconnect (each) $4.00
Main Panel or Sub Panel (each) $10.00
Motor Load of 1 hp and larger (each) $10.00
Plus 1/2 of the total permit for Plan Review
Fire Sprinkler/Suppression Permit
Issue Permit (Base Fee): $50.00
Fire Pump (each) $20.00
Fire Sprinkler System (each) $35.00
Fixed Suppression Systems (each) $25.00
Fire Sprinkler Head or Similar Device (each) $0.60
Backflow Preventer - 2" or less (each) $20.00
Backflow Preventer - Greater than 2" (each) $25.00
Plan Review - 100% of the total permit
If Fire Alarm /Fire Sprinkler plans are reviewed by a 3rd party and work begins without a permit. Anon -compliance
fee of $250.00 will be assessed.
Site Development Permit
Issue Permit $75-00 + 0.008 times the value of the
Value to include all work. materials, profit, overhead. contract
Sign Permit,
Any changes that decrease the original contract will not be considered for refund.
Change orders that exceed the original contract must be
permitted based on the same fee structure.
Annual Billboard Permit - Payable January 1st of each year
Illuminated Sign (each)
Non -Illuminated Sign (each)
Replacement Sign -Same Mounts (each)
Banner or Temporary Sign (each)
Flagpole (each)
Master Sign Program
Master Sign Program Revision (each)
Public Notification Signage (Rezoning, Variance, Replat,, Annexation)
Zoning Variance Process (each)
Annual Health Permit
Level 3 Restaurants or Retail Establishments with on-site cooking, schools etc.
a) Gross Sales of $0.00 to $99,999.99
b) Gross Sales of $100,000.00 or more
Level 2 Daycares without on-site cooking, Bars, Nightclubs etc.
Level 1 Retail Establishments with pre-packaged foods; to include
hot dog rotisseries, and Mobile Vendors
Temporary Permits
Event Permit
a) 1 - 3 vendors, per vendor
b) 4 or more vendors, per vendor
Follow up Inspection
Pre - $250.00
Post- $500.00
Cibolo Fee Schedule - 2018
-- - - ------ -- ------- ----------------- ------------- - --------- --- --- -------------- -- --- -------- -------- ---- __ ---------------- -------- ------------ ------- ------- ----------------
--- - - -- ---- -----
� z G AND DEVELOPMENT FEES�---- -- --- --- ----
Application Type
Related Fees
Pre -Application Meeting Per Meeting with Staff $0 First
$100 Second
P&E PG.8
Discussion Only Agenda Item City Staff Fee
Cibolo Fee Schedule - 2018
$100 Subsequent
Voluntary Annexation (temporary agriculture zoning) $0
(permanent zoning request) $750
Non -Annexation Agreement $200
Zoning Applications:
Zoning Change
Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
Planned Unit Development (PUD)
Detail PUD
Detail PUD Amendment
Vested Rights Petition
Development Rights Determination
Zoning Verification Letter
Development Applications:
Site Plans
Staff Appeals
Land Study
Master Plan
Mixed Use Concept Plan
Tree Deferral
Tree Removal Permit
Land Study
Master Plan
0 to 2 acres
2+ to 5 acres
5+ to 20 acres
20+ to 50 acres
50+ to 100 acres
100+ acres
CUP/PUD Amendment
(per amended acreage)
City Attorney and Staff Fees
City Attorney and Staff Fees
City Staff Fee
$750 + $25/acre
$1,000 + $25/acre
$1,500 + $25/acre
$2,000 + $20/acre
$3,,000 + $20/acre
$4,000 + $15/acre
As above + $1,200
50% of zoning fee
The maximum zoning, PUD & CUP fee shall not
exceed $7,500, excluding any additional fees
for any other application listed heron.
$2,500 + Attorney Fees
$2500 + Attorney Fees
$4-00 $150
Any Site Plan 0-2 acres $750 + $15/DU and/or $50/acre
Dwelling Unit (DU) per residential and/or acres
per non-residential
All other Site Plans $1,200 + $15/DU and/or $50/acre
Dwelling Unit (DU) per residential and/or acres
per non-residential
Appeal of Denied Site Plan to
the P&Z Commission
With a maximum fee of $5,000 excluding
additional fees for any item listed in this
section below.
Additional $1,000
$1,500 + $1,500 Consultant Fee
P&E PG.9
Mixed Use Concept Plan
Amendment to: Land Study, Master
Plan, Mixed Use Concept Plan
Variance &Waiver Applications:
Zoning Variance
(or any other BOA application)
Variance to any non -zoning
UDC Design Standards
(Design & Construction Manual)
Wavier of Engineering Standards
Vested Rights Petition
Development Rights Determination
j Am
Tree Deferral $500
(postponement of tree
mitigation to a later phase)
Tree Removal Permit $50
Tree Affidavit $50
Cibolo Fee Schedule - 2018
Pre -Development $500 each variance
Post -Development $1,500 each variance
Each Exception $1,200 first
$500 each additional
May be reduced 50°o for requests that result
from actions of previous owners of an affected
property, i.e. private access easement.
Each Wavier $500
City Attorney and Staff Fees $2,500 + Attorney Fees
City Attorney and Staff Fees $2,500 + Attorney Fees
City Plan Amendment:
City Comprehensive Plan
Future Land Use Map (FLUM)
Future Thoroughfare Plan (FTP)
Unified Development Code UDC
Plat Related Applications:
Minor Plat
Single & Two -Family Residenti�
$500 + $20/DU
Amended Plat
(Plats administratively
Non-residential, Mixed Use,
$750 + $25/acre
reviewed & approved)
Other residential
Redline Amended Plat
50% of Amended Plat Fee
(Administrative or P&Z approval prior to
Preliminary Plat
Single and Two Family Residential
Final Plat
0 to 5 acres
$750 + $25/DU
5+ to 10 acres
$1,000 + $25/DU
Development Plat
10+ to 20 acres
$1,250 + $25/DU
Construction Plan
20+ to 50 acres
$1,500 + $25/DU
50+ acres
$2,000 + $25/DU
P&E PG.10
Legal Fees:
All legal fees incurred by the City in City Attorney
Reimbursement due to City based on
the review, preparation and/or actual legal fees incurred b the Cit
amendment of any legal document g Y Y
associated with a development
application such as, but not limited
to, Private Street Agreement or
Public Infrastructure Agreement.
Public Notification Fees:
All fees associated for the cost of Reimbursement due to City based on
publication, site signage and the actual notice fees.
mailing of public notice by certified
Extension of Time: Each $21000
Fee may be waived by the City
Council if the extension is requested
prior to any approval expiring &
P&E PG.11
A— 21,
Cibolo Fee Schedule - 2018
All plats require Consultant Fee
Other and Non -Residential,
$1,500 + $25/DU and/or $50/acre
Mixed Use, PUD
Dwelling Unit (DU) per residential and/or acres
per non-residential
A replat that requires a public
hearing must pre -pay
Construction Plan Review
Conveyance Plat or
Legal Instrument
Plat Recordation
Guadalupe County
As required by Guadalupe
Recordation Fee
Cibolo Recordation Fee
City Agreements:
Public Improvement Agreement
$1,500 + $100/acre
Development Agreement
(max $4,000) plus City Attorney
Other Agreements
Consultant Fees:
Review of construction plans,
Professional fees as billed by
$1,500, minimum as a deposit against
reports, drainage studies, TIAs &
Engineering and Planning
consultant fees. Staff may reduce this
any other documents associated
consultants, or any
deposit to $750 against consultant fees if
with plats, site plans, mixed use
consultant utilized by the
a project is of minor nature where limited
concept plans or special legal
City to review development
engineering review is anticipated.
instruments or submittals as
necessary per application
Legal Fees:
All legal fees incurred by the City in City Attorney
Reimbursement due to City based on
the review, preparation and/or actual legal fees incurred b the Cit
amendment of any legal document g Y Y
associated with a development
application such as, but not limited
to, Private Street Agreement or
Public Infrastructure Agreement.
Public Notification Fees:
All fees associated for the cost of Reimbursement due to City based on
publication, site signage and the actual notice fees.
mailing of public notice by certified
Extension of Time: Each $21000
Fee may be waived by the City
Council if the extension is requested
prior to any approval expiring &
P&E PG.11
subject to the applicant proving
cause for the extension. In granting
an extension of time, the applicant
will be subject to any new
regulations and standards adopted
by the City in the UDC.
Park Land & Improvement Fees
Postponement: on a posted agenda
for which a public hearing was
scheduled. Applicant shall be
required to pay the cost for
additional notice and legal
Cibolo Fee Schedule - 2018
Park Land Fees paid by $600 per single or two-family unit
developer (at platting) or Council approved 8% Park Land
Park Improvement $600 per single or two-family
Fees paid by builder unit or Council approved 8%
(at building permit) dedication.
Park Land & Improvement $400/Dwelling Unit
Fees by developer/builder
of multi -family units
$1,000 + new notice
publication & mailing
Codes, Manuals, Maps
Unified Development Code (UDC)
Cibolo Design & Construction Manual
Cibolo Comprehensive/Master Plan
Parks Master Plan, Zoning Map,
City Limits/ETJ Map, Other
Special Request Map (GIS Fees)
DVD or CD $10
24 x 36 print $30
11 X 17 Color Maps $10
Per hour
P&E PG.12
amended and shown in Exhibit A-2 attached.
SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this
Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or illegal, such decision shall not affect the
validity of the remaining sections of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it
would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause, or phrase thereof,
irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases
be declared void; and that in lieu of each clause or provision of this Ordinance that is invalid,
illegal, or unenforceable there be added as a part of the Ordinance a clause or provision as similar
in terms to such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable clause or provision as may be possible, legal,
valid, and enforceable.
SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. The Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon the vote
and approval of the City Council.
Peggy Cimics
sh Boyle
Frank J. Garza
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