Min CC 07/28/2008 - Special/Budget Workshop SPECIAL CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL/
200 South Main, Cibolo, Texas 78108
July 28, 2008
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order—Mayor Hartman Called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Mayor Hartman _
Councilman Pedde
Councilman Krasnai
Councilman Owens
Councilman Winn
Councilwoman Davis
Councilman Liparoto
Councilman Hetzel
City Manager Todd Parton
City Secretary Peggy Cimics
Finance Director Lara Feagins
Police Chief Tom Curd
Fire Chief Roger Niemietz
3. Invocation- Councilwoman Davis gave the invocation
4. Pledge—The pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Winn
5. Citizens to be Heard
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not
debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time however City
Council may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion—JC-
0169) (Limit of three minutes each).
No citizens signed up to be heard. No action taken.
6. Ordinance
A. Approval/Disapproval of an ordinance setting the dates,times and place for a public hearing on the
proposed annexation by the City of Cibolo of a 76.87±acre tract situated in the Geronimo Leal Survey,
Abstract No. 210, Guadalupe County, Texas.
Councilman Winn moved to approve the dates of September 9 and September 11th for a public hearing on the
proposed annexation of 76.87 acres. Motion was seconded by Councilman Liparoto. For: Council members:
Pedde,Krasnai, Owens, Winn, Davis, Liparoto and Hetzel; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
7. Adjournment:
Councilwoman Davis moved to adjourn the Special Council Meeting at 6:04 p.m. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Hetzel. For: Council Members: Pedde, Krasnai, Owens, Winn,Davis, Liparoto and Hetzel;
Against: None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
8. Call to Order Budget Workshop -Mayor Hartman called the Budget Workshop to order at 6:04 p.m.
9. Discussion and direction to staff regarding the FY 2008-09 Budget to include city services,priorities and
capital improvements.
Council discussed the FY 2008-09 Budget to include city services,priorities and capital improvements.
10. Adjournment:
Councilwoman Davis moved to adjourn the Budget Workshop at 8:35 p.m. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Hetzel. For: Council Members: Pedde,Krasnai, Owens, Winn, Davis, Liparoto and Hetzel;
Against: None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
Jennifer Hartman
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City Secretary