RES 1232 8/27/2002 RESOLUTION NUMBER �3a A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO OPPOSING ADOPTION OF THE CLEAN AIR PLAN BY THE AACOG AIR IMPROVEMENT RESOURCES COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, the Environmental Protection Agency unilaterally changed the National Ambient Air Quality Standards from a 1-hour ozone threshold of 125 parts per billion to an 8-hour average of 85 ppb; and WHEREAS, due to legal challenges and ensuing litigation, the EPA has not formally declared any area of the United States in violation of the 8-hour ozone standard; and WHEREAS, no ozone measurements were conducted in Guadalupe, Wilson, or Comas County since all six active monitor sites are located in Bexar County; and WHEREAS, the Clean Air Plan may ultimately require vehicles pass an emissions test during their annual safety inspection costing about $39.50, while existing fossil-fueled industrial and commercial plants may be grandfathered and possibly exempt from emissions testing; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Cibolo opposes adoption of the AACOG Air Improvement Resources Committee Clean Air Plan. We also request the committee approve additional monitor sites in Guadalupe, Wilson, and Comal County to measure ozone levels. Lastly, we urge no plan be adopted until sufficient ozone data is collected from all four counties and the court-ordered 8-hour standard implementation policy by the EPA is complete. PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of August 2002. WAW45r Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: vone n Vin ity Secretary