RES 1209 10/23/2001 RESOLUTION )36ct RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY TO EXPAND THE FACILITIES OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Sec. 6.051,TEXAS PROPERTY TAX CODE, authorized the Board of Directors of an appraisal district to purchase real property and improvements and the construction or renovation of existing buildings, as necessary to establish and operate the appraisal office; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Guadalupe County Appraisal District have approved, by Resolution on October 1, 2001, to authorize the purchase of property to expand the existing facilities of the appraisal district, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL by he governing bodies of three-fourths of the taxing units entitled to vote on the appointment of board members; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo of Guadalupe County, Texas, has been certified by the Chief Appraiser of the Guadalupe County Appraisal District (GCAD) as being eligible and entitled to vote on the appointment of directors of GCAD; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas do hereby: APPROVE the acquisition of property for the expansion of the GCAD PASSED AND APPROVED BY, CITY OF CIBOLO, THIS 23RDDAY OF OCTOBER,A.D., 2001. Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: M e I . G necretary