RES 1207 10/23/2001 RESOLUTION G RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE PASSAGE OF CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT PROPOSITION 2 WHEREAS, Proposition 2 of the November 6, 2001, ballot would allow the issuance of bonds for the building of roads in border colonias; and WHEREAS, these roads would provide access for emergency medical service, school buses, mail, and other basic and necessary access; and WHEREAS, through the issuance of bonds, these critical roadways can be built without an increase in taxes; and WHEREAS, since the rate of inflation for road building cost is higher than the current interest rate on bonds, building the roads with funds from bonds will cost less than waiting to build the roads using the "pay as you go"method, such that the Proposition 2 constitutional amendment would allow roads to be built in the most fiscally conservative manner; THEREFORE, City of Cibolo endorses supports and encourages the passage of Proposition 2 and encourages all Texas voters to cast their votes in favor of this much-needed proposition. PASSED AND APPROVED BY, CITY OF CIBOLO, THIS 23P-D DAY OF OCTOBER,A.D., 2001. Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: WQ, n onne R. Griffin y Secretary