RES 1194 8/8/2000 RESOLUTION 1194
WHEREAS, the State of Texas remits one-half of the "tipping fee" on solid waste disposal to local
governments through regional councils of governments in each region of the state; and
WHEREAS, the aggregation and regional distribution of these funds has allowed numerous cities to
undertake local projects that could not have been otherwise accomplished; and
WHEREAS, these projects have included law enforcement related to illegal dumping, recycling
services, waste collection stations, river and lake clean-ups, and collection and disposal of household
hazardous waste; and
WHEREAS, the private sector has benefited from these projects through sale of equipment and
materials, through removal of waste products, and through improving markets for recycled materials;
WHEREAS,the program in 1998 and 1999 contributed directly to private property owners and to the
State of Texas' legislative objectives by:
• Removal of over 19,000 tons of waste from illegal sites;
• Diversion over 620,000 tons of waste to recycling;
• Collection of over 200,000 gallons of paint and over 50,000 gallons of oil for reuse or
safe disposal;
• Avoidance of litter through collection of over 50 tons of waste and recylables at citizen
collection stations; and
• Identification of over 283,000 illegal dump sites; and
WHEREAS, local governments have partnered with regional councils of governments for law
enforcement training on enforcement of illegal dumping laws; regional recycling projects; and
regional public education programs directed at illegal dumping and recycling; and
WHEREAS, the program also has allowed councils of governments to meet state requirements for
regional solid waste plans, regional identification of closed landfill sites, technical assistance to local
governments, and maintaining regional solid waste advisory committees; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, this 8 Aug-day of the year 2000 that the City of Cibolo supports the
continuation and expansion through regional councils of governments of the Texas Solid Waste
Grants program and specifically requests that the Texas Legislature appropriate the full one-half of
fees collected to this important program.
An Roberts, City Secretary Sam Bauder, Mayor