RES 1169 02/10/1998 RESOLUTION #1169 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO OUTLINING ITS POLICY FOR THE INVESTMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS,AND REVOKING ALL PRIOR AND CONFLICTING RESOLUTIONS AND/OR POLICIES. WHEREAS,a municipal governing body must adopt a written policy for the investment of public funds in accordance with Chapter 2256 of the Texas Government Code,as amended,and WHEREAS,the policy for public funds investment must include a written investment strategy, THEN BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO TEXAS: 1. It is the policy of the City of Cibolo,Texas,to maintain a fund balance equal to six months expenditures in the General Fund. All available public funds shall be invested in securities that provide for the protection of the principal,provide liquidity as needed, and provide reasonable yield to the City. 2. All investments will be in compliance with applicable State and Federal law. Investment funds in excess of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation coverage and/or invested in other than Certificates of Indebtedness of the federal government will be protected by bonding and/or pledged securities in accordance with applicable State statues. 3. The City Administrator/City Secretary,and City Treasurer are designated as the officers responsible for the investment of City funds(Investment Officers),and are authorized to give written and oral instructions to the depository bank and to place orders for the purchase of securities. No other person may deposit,withdraw,invest,transfer, or otherwise manage City funds eligible for investment without the express written authority of the Mayor or the City Administrator/City Secretary. 4. Investments should be made with judgment and care,under the prevailing circumstances, which persons of prudence, discretion,and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs,not for speculation,but for investment,considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable interest to be derived. The standard of prudence to be used by Investment Officers shall be the"prudent person" standard and shall be applied in the context of managing an overall portfolio. Investment Officers acting in accordance with written procedures of the investment policy and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk or market price changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. 5. The Investment Officer is authorized to invest eligible funds in Certificates of Deposit of federally insured agencies,certificates and strips from the Federal Reserve,United States Treasury Bonds,Notes,and bills,and in authorized Investment Pools(as defined in Section 2256.016-19,Texas Government Code)as long as funds may be withdrawn within 72 hours without penalty. No more than ninety percent(90%)of invested funds shall be in pool investments.At least five percent(5%)of the Total General Fund Expenditures in the adopted annual budget shall be kept on deposit in a financial institution in a ready asset (checking, saving, other demand deposit)account at all times to prevent cash shortages. 6. The investment strategy for City operating funds is to invest in a manner which will first emphasize preservation of principal and liquidity,then diversification, and finally generation of income,and assure that investment maturities match anticipated cash flows. Investments with operating funds shall have maturities that do not exceed two years. 7. The investment strategy for City debt service reserve funds is to invest in a manner in compliance with bond orders which will generate revenue income for the debt service fund. Investments with debt service reserve funds will not have a maturity date that exceeds five years and will not exceed the final debt service payment date. 8. The City shall retain and consult with a bond advisor before taking any action that could require the City to issue debt. 9. The City may not set a property tax rate for debt service above$1.50 per$100 valuation. The City shall not set the debt service portion of the property tax at a rate higher than required for debt service. 10. When the current return rate on secured investments is less than the rate being paid as an interest expense item for debt service,the City Administrator/Secretary shall determine if the debt is callable, and instruct the calling of the bonds if sufficient funds are available to repay the debt. 11. The City Treasurer will prepare and submit to the City Council a quarterly report on the investment of City funds. 12. The Investment Officers shall receive formal investment training as defined in Section 2256.008 Texas Government Code 13. A report of all city investments will be included in the annual financial report/audit prepared by the auditor as of 30 September of each year. Passed and adopted this the 10th day of February, 1998. Hon. Sam Bauder,Mayor ATTEST: Thomas A. Newman,City Secretary 2