RES 1157 10/22/1996 CITY OF CIBOLO RESOLUTION # 1151 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A $154,000 GAMES COURT PAVILION WITH KITCHEN IN NIEMIETZ CITY PARK WHEREAS, a $50,000 Texas Parks and Wildlife grant has been awarded to the City of Cibolo for the contruction and renovation of Niemietz City Park, which the City of Cibolo has pledged to match with an additional $59,000; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo is growing at a rapid rate and has need for additional recreational facilities to accommodate its new residents; and WHEREAS, the adult and youth recreational organizations in the community are expanding and need more meeting space; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo desires to increase the quality and quantity of recreational opportunities for all its citizens; then BE IT RESOLVED: The City of Cibolo petitions the Lower Colorado River Authority for the amount of $100,000 to construct a Games Court Pavilion in Niemietz City Park. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22 DAY OF U(toloet ,1996 Hon. Sam Bauder, Ma or ATTEST: Rudy Rene Farias City Administrator/Secretary