RES 1148 02/27/1996 RESOLUTION NO. 1148 �l�ti � nom► Whereas, the City of Cibolo has not had any appreciable rainfall for an extended period; and Whereas, weather forecasters offer little promise of change in these hot, dry conditions in the near future; and Whereas; these hot dry conditions pose a threat of large, fast-moving wild fires; and Whereas, such fires have the potential of endangering lives and damaging property on a wide scale; and Whereas, the Texas Disaster Act of 1975 authorizes declaration of a state of disaster "if the threat of disaster" is imminent and; Whereas, the magnitude of potential damage and the rapidity at which such a fire could escalate to major proportions constitute an imminent threat of disaster; and Whereas, declaration of such a disaster authorizes the imposition, of controls on activities which tend to increase the likelihood of such fires; and Whereas, such controls once implemented, have the potential of protecting lives and property by mitigating the of dangerous fires; and Whereas, Judge Sagebeil, Guadalupe County Judge, on the 22nd day of January, 1996, declared a state of disaster based on the threat of large wild fires in Guadalupe County; and NOW THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, that this state of disaster is continued until it is rescinded by the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the issue of this state o f disaster shall be in force and effect. until rescinded by the City of Cibolo. PASS AND APPROVED THIS Q7 DAY OF �r�� y y 1996. SAM BAUDER, Mayor n Attest:__ Charles A. Balcar, City Administrator