Min CC 06/16/2010 - Special 1 OF C�
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"City of Choice"
200 S.MAIN
June 16,2010
Immediately following the 6:00 P.M.
Budget Workshop
1. Call to Order-Mayor Hartman called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 8:21 P.M.
2. Roll Call
Mayor Hartman
Councilman Pedde
Councilman Krasnai
Councilman Wiederstein—absent
Councilman Winn
Councilman Carlton—absent
Councilman Liparoto
Councilman Hetzel
Staff Present: City Manager Bruce Pearson, City Secretary Peggy Cimics,Fire Chief Roger Niemietz,
Police Chief Gary Cox,Community Development Services Director Robert Stricker, and Utility
Supervisor Bill Dee.
3. Invocation—Mayor Hartman called for a moment of silence.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Mayor Hartman led the Pledge of Allegiance
5. Citizens to be Heard
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not debate
any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time however City Council may
present any factual response to items brought up by citizens.
No citizens to be heard.
6. Ordinance
A. Approval/Disapproval of an ordinance to formally recognize the expansion to the City of Cibolo Extraterritorial
Jurisdiction (ETJ) per the agreement between the City of Cibolo and the City of San Antonio to transfer
approximately 3,769.85 acres(5.9 Square Miles)from San Antonio ETJ to the City of Cibolo ETJ.
Councilman Winn moved to approve ordinance to formally recognize the expansion to the City of Cibolo
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) per the agreement between the City of Cibolo and the City of San Antonio to
transfer approximately 3,769.85 acres (5.9 Square Miles) from San Antonio ETJ to the City of Cibolo ETJ.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Pedde. For: Councilman: Pedde, Krasnai, Winn, Liparoto and Hetzel;
Against:None. Motion carried 5 to 0. '
B. Approval/Disapproval of an ordinance to recognize and memorialize the City of Cibolo's current City Limits and
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and to repeal and replace Ordinance 813.
Council Winn moved to approve the ordinance to recognize and memorialize the City of Cibolo's current City
Limits and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and to repeal and replace Ordinance 813. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Krasnai. For: Councilman: Pedde, Krasnai, Winn, Liparoto and Hetzel; Against: None. Motion
carried 5 to 0.
7. Discussion/Action
A. Discussion/Action and direction to staff on the annexation of 2,152.12 acres of land.
Councilman Winn moved to direct staff to prepare an annexation plan for the approximately 2,152.12 acres of
property ceded from the City of San Antonio ETJ on June 3, 2010 into the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo
and to direct the City Manager to create an Annexation Service Plan and establish an annexation calendar for the
dates and times of publishing legal notices and scheduling public hearings. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Krasnai. For: Councilman: Pedde, Krasnai, Winn, Liparoto and Hetzel; Against: None. Motion
carried 5 to 0.
8. Ordinance
A. Approval/Disapproval of an ordinance setting dates, times and place for Public Hearing on the proposed
annexation by the City of Cibolo of a 2,125.02 acre of land generally located south of Arizpe Road and
extending to Interstate Highway 10.
Councilman Winn moved to approve the ordinance setting dates, times and place for Public Hearing on the
proposed annexation by the City of Cibolo of approximately 2,125.02 acre of land generally located south of
Arizpe Road and extending to Interstate Highway 10. Motion was seconded by Councilman Krasnai. For:
Councilman:Pedde, Krasnai,Winn,Liparoto and Hetzel;Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0.
9. Adjournment
Councilman Pedde moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 P.M. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Winn. For:All;Against: None. Motion carried.
Jennifer Hartman
Peggy Cimics,TRMC
City Secretary