Min CC 07/06/2010 - Special OF Cog 0 r0 TeX AS "City of Choice" SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S. MAIN July 6, 2010 7:00 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hartman at 7:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call Mayor Hartman Councilman Pedde Councilman Krasnai Councilman Wiederstein Councilman Winn Councilman Carlton—absent Councilman Liparoto Councilman Hetzel Staff: Robert Stricker and Peggy Cimics 3. Invocation—Invocation was given by Councilman Wiederstein. 4. Pledge of Alle ig_ance—The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Winn. 5. Citizens to be Heard This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address-the City Council on any issue. City Council may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time however City Council may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. Both individuals speaking spoke during the agenda item. Bob Hicks —245 Rio Vista Dr. spoke to the council on the Cibolofest. He thought it irresponsible for the council to hand Cibolofest over to an organization Cibolo Community Advancement Network (CCAN) that was not in good standing with the State of Texas. Mr. Hicks also stated that at last year's Pumpkin Patch a sign was put up by CCAN stating go to the Utility window to pay for your pumpkin. Mr. Hicks stated this was also a violation of the penal code. Mr.Hicks also stated that CCAN disregarded their own charter which states that all checks issued by the organization shall require two signatures, one of those signatures being the treasurer. Checks have been issued with one signature and not the treasurer.Mr.Hicks also stated that he felt that the Mayor being a member of the Board of Directors of CCAN was a conflict of interest. Brent Hartman — 136 Earhart Lane spoke to council on behalf of CCAN as he had been involved in the Overall Operation Organization of Cibolofest for the past 3 years. Mr. Hartman did address the issue brought up by Mr. Hicks of the status of CCAN with the State and wanted 48 hours to get the proper 1 paperwork to council on this issue. Mr. Hartman went over the historically data on Cibolofest, how it got started, volunteers and support from Parks and staff. He indicated that CCAN had approximately $3,500 invested in pop-up tents, electrical equipment, cash handling and ticket supplies. Mr. Hartman stated that CCAN has provided roughly$4,000 in funding equipment promoting youth sports. Mr. Hartman stated that they had entered into agreements and contracts for the weekend of October 23rd based upon verbal conversations with staff and CCAN understood that date was reserved at the new multi-event facility. 6. Discussion/Action A. Discussion/Action and consideration on CiboloFest 2010. After listening to Mr. Hicks Councilman Winn made the motion for the City of Cibolo to grant control of Cibolofest to the City and the Parks & Recreation Commission through its establishment of a Cibolofest Committee and to authorize the City to contact TxDot for permission to close Loop 539 on October 16, 2010, in support of Cibolofest and finely to authorize the expenditure of funds with the understanding that all proceeds/profits be returned to the appropriate line item account. Motion was seconded by Councilman Pedde. Before a roll call vote several council members had questions and the Mayor wanted Mr.Hartman to speak for CCAN. Mr.Hartman did speak and several council members had questions that were answered by either CCAN or their representative or another council member. After several minutes of discussion vote on the motion was taken. For: Councilman: Pedde, Krasnai, Wiederstein, Winn, Liparoto and Hetzel; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. 7. Adjournment Councilman Winn moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 P.M. Motion was seconded by Councilman Krasnai. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 13TH DAY OF JULY 2010. LWat4lc ennifer artman Mayor ATTEST: �9,9 1-7 Peggy Cimics,TRMC City Secretary 2