RES 1142 07/25/1995 A RESOLUTION #1142 TO COMMIT TO PAI�TI C I PATE IN THE CONTINUED ATTAINMENT OF GOOD AIR QUALITY IN THE SAN ANTONIO METROPOLITAN AREA AND SURROUNDING REGION WHEREAS because the levels of pollution in the San Antonio Metropolitan Area and surrounding region have been increasing, the area' s attainment status under the Federal Clean Air Act Amendment is in jeopardy; and, WHEREAS should the San Antonio Metropo'li.tan Area lose its attainment statue and be designated a non-attainment area, both the region and the State will suffer severe economic sanctions; and, WHEREAS it is imperative that the San Antonio Metropoli:an Area and surrounding region develop a long-term comprehensive Strategy for reducing the level of air pollution; and, WHEREAS it is imperative that each public and pri,,rate entity, including but not limited to counties, suburban cities, businesses, military installations, universities and school distrLcts in the region should address this concern and make recommendati,me to their institution; and, WHEREAS each entity should consider a wide variety of measures to reduce the levels of air pollution in the area, including, but not limited to, the use of alternative fuels and reformulatf.d gasoline, the use and encouragement of carpooling, and rescheduling of air emissions activities which contribute to the formation of ozone . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT CITY OF CIBOLO commits to participating in the Ozone Action Day program through the Alamo Area Air Coalition and implementing a voluntary program to ensure that the San Antonio Metropolitan Area and surrounding region remains in attainment for good air quality//. Adopted this day of �_�u.cJC , 1995 . (Authorize Signature)