RES 1137 02/28/1995 CITY OF CIBOLO RESOLUTION # 113 7 SUBMISSION OF A FUNDING REQUEST DIETZ ROAD IMPROVaq=TS WHEREAS, The City of Cibolo seeks to provide safe, adequate streets and roadways for all of its citizens, and WHEREAS, the rapid development of three residential subdivisions along Dietz Road has and will continue to increase traffic congestion, and WHEREAS, the congestion and road conditions are developing in such a manner as to impair public safety, and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo and Guadalupe County have a responsibility to assure public safety, and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo requires financial assistance to complete the required improvements on Dietz Road, and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo has obtained right-of-way necessary to complete the Dietz Road improvement project, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO THAT: It shall be the policy of the City Council and the Mayor of Cibolo to seek Transportation Improvement Project funding through the Metropolitan Planning Organization for completion of the project and that the City will reserve upto 20% of the cost for its share of the project, not to exceed 150, 000 . APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1995 Hon. Sam Bau er, Mayor ATTEST: ares A. Ba car, City Secretary