RES 1124 10/13/1992 RESOLUTION f 1124 C I T Y O F C I B O L O OCTOBER 13, 1992 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO INDICATING LEGISLATIVE GOALS FOR THE 1993 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas to indicate its needs and desires to the Texas Legislature in the 1993 Legislative Session in regards to developing plans to manage the Edwards Aquifer; WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest for the benefit of the public that the City of Cibolo develop a policy in regards to Legislative Goals to protect its Member Entities interest: WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Council of the City of Cibolo that is is in the best long range interests and of economic benefit of the City of Cibolo to outline these goals to the Legislature; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS; THAT, Guadalupe County (or portions of) be included in any Edwards Plan developed by the Legislature. THAT, Water transport limitations from the Edwards Underground District created under H.B. No. 2161 of the 56th Legislature be abolished. THAT, there be established a Regulatory Authority on a local basis with local represtation over the Edwards Region which includes (portions) (all ) of Guadalupe County. THAT, the Guadalupe County Judge be confirmed as spokesman for the City of Cibolo and Guadalupe County in regards to these topics. THAT, The City of Cibolo generally supports the Texas Water Commission ' s attempts to regulate the Edwards. THAT, the City of Cibolo supports a minimum spring flow determination of no less than 100 cfs average annual with intermittent flows no less than 40 cfs at any one day as a basis of the management plan created by any entity. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this the 13th day of October, 1992. I Sam Bauder, Mayor i ATTEST: Ann Smith-; City Secretary i