RES 1318 11/22/2005 RESOLUTUION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, CREATING A 5-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING A PLAN FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR MAJOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND MAJOR CAPITAL PURCHASES. WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo, Texas, is a Home Rule Municipality located in Guadalupe County, Texas, created in accordance with provisions of the Texas Local Government Code and operating pursuant to its adopted City Charter and all applicable laws and enabling legislation of the State of Texas;and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo, Texas, is governed by a Home Rule Charter that was approved by the Citizens of Cibolo in a duly called election held on September 11,2004; and WHEREAS, Section 7.10 Capital Program of the Home Rule Charter specifies that a 5-Year Capital Program be prepared and be submitted annually with the City budget; and WHEREAS,the City Council feels it is important to receive community input and direction from the community in preparing and updating a plan for major capital expenditures of the City. THEN BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO TEXAS: SECTION 1. 5-YEAR CAPTIAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CITIZENS'ADVISORY COMMITTEE CREATED SUBSECTION 1.1 CREATION, COMPOSITION APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS There is hereby created a 5-Year Capital Improvements Program Citizens' Advisory Committee to be composed of an oversite committee of SEVEN (7) regular members appointed by the City Council of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas, and at least FIVE(5) sub-committees composed of at least FOUR(4)regular members and ONE (1) oversite committee member who shall serve as the chairperson of the sub-committee. Said sub-committees and their memberships shall be as follows: • Streets and Drainage Sub-Committee — Streets and Drainage Commission in addition to ONE(1) optional member from the extraterritorial jurisdiction as determined by the City Council, • Water and Wastewater Sub-Committee—Planning and Zoning Commission in addition to ONE (1)optional member from the extraterritorial jurisdiction as determined by the City Council, • Parks and Recreation Sub-Committee—Parks and Recreation Commission in addition to ONE (1) optional member from the extraterritorial jurisdiction as determined by the City Council, 1 • Public Safety Sub-Committee—FOUR (4) Citizens of the City of Cibolo in addition to ONE (1) optional member from the extraterritorial jurisdiction as determined by the City Council, • Public Facilities Sub-Committee—FOUR(4) Citizens of the City of Cibolo in addition to ONE (1) optional member from the extraterritorialjurisdiction as determined by the City Council, and • Any Other Sub-Committee(s) that the City Council deems appropriate — FOUR (4) Citizens of the City of Cibolo in addition to ONE (1) optional member from the extraterritorial jurisdiction as determined by the City Council. The City Council may also appoint any additional member to any sub-committee who has any special knowledge, skills or information that the City Council deems to be beneficial to the sub- committee as an ad hoc member who shall participate in the discussion of the sub-committee but shall not vote. SUBSECTION 1.2 QUALIFICATIONS AND TERMS OF MEMBERS Oversite Committee The regular members of the oversite committee shall consist of at least SEVEN(7)members, SIX (6) of whom shall reside within the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo and ONE (1) of whom shall reside within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo. Members of the Oversite Committee shall be appointed to serve for terms of (2) years. A member shall continue to serve until the City Council appoints his/her successor. Four (4) members shall serve terms that expire on the first day of December 2008, and whose terms shall thereafter expire every two (2) years during even number years. Three (3) members shall serve terms that end on the first day of December 2007 and whose terms shall thereafter expire every two (2) years during odd number years. All vacancies shall be filled by appointment of a majority vote of the City Council and such appointments shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term. Members shall be limited to appointment for not more than two (2) complete successive terms, and are eligible for re-appointment. Sub-Committees The regular members of the sub-committee shall be as specified in SUBSECTION 1.1 above. Members of each sub-committee shall serve until the business of the sub-committee has been completed and recommendations from the sub-committee have been forwarded to the Oversite Committee. SECTION 1.3 MEMBERS TO SERVE WITHOUT COMPENSATION Members of the 5-Year Capital Improvements Plan Citizens' Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation.' SECTION 1.4 ORGANIZATION AND MEETINGS The members of the Oversite Committee shall organize and select their officers and shall hold meetings regularly at least once in each quarter and shall designate the time and place of such meeting. The preferred meeting place shall be at the City Hall or some business located within the City's corporate limits. All officers' terms run one (1) year from the date of selection. 2 Elections shall be held at the first meeting held after twelve (12) months from the date that the officers have been selected. The following describes Officers and their duties: Co-Chairmen: Shall preside over the affairs while the Committee is in session with one (1) Co- Chairman being a resident of the City of Cibolo and one (1) Co-Chairman being a resident of the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo. The Co-Chairmen may vote on all matters before the Committee but may not originate any motion. Secretary: Shall keep an accurate account and record of all meetings, both regularly scheduled and special. The Secretary shall work with the administrative staff of the City of Cibolo to prepare a regular agenda and see that it is posted in accordance with State of Texas Open Meetings requirements. Members of the Oversite Committee who do not serve as a Co-Chairman shall serve as a Chairman of a Sub-Committee. The Chairman may vote on all matters before the Sub- Committee but may not originate any motion. SECTION 1.5 QUORUM A majority of the Oversite Committee or the Sub-Committee members shall constitute a Quorum for the transaction of business. SECTION 1.6 RULES AND PROCEDURES; RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS The Oversite Committee and the Sub-Committees shall adopt their own rules and procedures and keep a record of their proceedings. SECTION 1.7 ATTENDANCE Members shall not miss more than three (3) consecutive regular and special meetings regardless of cause of absence and regardless of excuse. Failure to comply with these attendance requirements whether excused or not will be considered as resignation by the member. In the event of such termination, the Chairperson of the Committee shall immediately notify the City Council who shall then take immediate steps to fill the vacancy. SECTION 1.8 GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES The Oversite Committee shall: (1) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to the plan for establishing and implementing a 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. (2) Receive individual recommendations from each Sub-Committee and integrate said recommendations into a single 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. (3) Provide a recommendation in the form of a written report for a 5-Year Capital Improvement Program that provides a prioritized list of projects, cost estimates for each project, recommended funding source(s) for each project, estimated annual operating cost of operating and maintaining each project, and general fiscal guidelines 3 for expenditures on the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. Fiscal guidelines shall include, but not be limited to, recommendations for maximum tax rates to be established to fund the recommended program and recommendations for the timing of future bond issues. g (4) Review the 5-Year Capital Improvements Program recommendations for no changes, minor changes or annually aand jor reviewmake the program the initiation Each Sub-Committee shall: (1) Act in an advisory capacity to the Oversite Committee in all matter for which the Sub-Committee has been established. s Pertaining to topic (2) Provide a recommendation in the form of a written report for a list of projects and capital expenses for the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. S recommen shall provide a prioritized list of projects/expenditure cos estimateslford et ch Project/expenditure, recommended funding source(s) for each project/expenditure, and estimated annual operating cost of operating and maintaining each project/ex endi SECTION 1.9 P tore. EXPENDITURES AND OBLIGATIONS Whenever it is deemed necessary by the Oversite Committee to incur any expenses m performing the duties assigned to it, an estimate of such proposed expenses shall be submitted to the Ci P ty Manager. No debts of any kind or character shall be made or incurred by the Oversite Committee or any one acting for it, unless such expenditures have been specifically authorized by the Ci Manager prior to the time such obligations are incurred. ty SECTION 1.10 NOTIFICATION OF ACTIONS The Co-Chairmen of the Oversite Committee shall notify the Mayor in writing of all actions taken at regular and special meetings. This notification should be completed within five (5) days of the actions taken by the Oversite Committee. The Co-Chairmen of the Oversite Committee may deliver all correspondence to the administrative staff at City Hall and this will serve as notification to satisfy the requirements of this Section 1.10. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by a vote of for to C against this �Uth day of NO;2005. APPROVED: a� Mayor Johnny,4 utton ATTEST: ti Peggy CimiC39 City Secretary 4