RES 1117 12/19/1989 RESOLUTION #1117
WHEREAS, the seventy-first Texas Legislature in its regular
session, enacted a proposed constitutional amendment that was
submitted to the voters and approved on November 7, 1989, for the
purpose of exempting certain tangible personal property from ad
valorem taxation; and,
WHEREAS, the exempt personal property unless otherwise taxed on a
local option basis, is defined in the amendment and includes, but is
not limited to, goods, wares, ores, and merchandise, other than oil,
gas, and other petroleum products, acquired in or imported into this
State for assembling, storing, manufacturing, processing, or
fabricating prposes and transported outside of the State within 175
days; and,
WHEREAS, said constitutional amendment, as adopted by the voters,
requires that official actions by counties, common or independent
school districts, junior college districts, and municipalities,
including home-rule cities, must be taken within certain time periods
in order to tax this otherwise exempt personal property; and,
WHEREAS, any official action to tax such otherwise exempt
property in the future must be taken before April 1, 1990, and must be
taken before January 1, 1990, in order to tax such property for Tax
Year 1990; now,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the City of Cibolo shall tax all
tangible personal property as defined in said proposed amendment
adding Section 1-j to Article VIII of the Texas Constitution and in
Section 11 . 251, Texas Tax Code, in Tax Year 1990 and each year
APPROVED by majority vote of the City Council of Cibolo, Texas,
in public meeting on this the 19th day of December, 1989 .
Justino Delgado
Jeff Miller
Bob Glisar
Mayor Sam Bauder
(Absent) Tex Farnsworth
(Absent) Mark Buell
Attested To: ey4- . ax"_� _