RES 1112 06/06/1989 CITY OF CIBOLO RESOLUTION # 1 1 1 2 WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo, Guadalupe County and the Alamo Area Council of Governments recognize the need for additional Texas Department of Corrections (TDC) facilities to handle the current overcrowding of both state and local facilities, and WHEREAS, the South Texas area, while providing approximately 18 percent of the state inmate population, does not have any TDC facilities, and families of the inmates are unable to visit because of having to travel great distances, with visitation by families being a key element of rehabilitation, and WHEREAS, after soliciting proposals from throughout the 12 county AACOG region, four proposals for providing suitable sites in support of a TDC Maximum Security facility were presented by Atascosa County, Karnes County, the Cities of Dilley and Hondo, and WHEREAS, all four proponents agreed to make presentation to a panel consisting of elected officials from AACOG, the City of San Antonio and Bexar County as well as members of the Legislature, and to support the choice of the panel , and WHEREAS, the process did select the Karnes County proposal as the one best suited to represent this region and to be selected by TDC as the site of a TDC maximum security facility, and the City of Dilley as the preferred site for a medium to minimum security facility, and WHEREAS, in order that this site be selected, it will require the combined efforts of local government elected officials and staff, and full support by the area 's legislative delegation, now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City of Cibolo does hereby endorse and commit itself to promoting the City of Dilley as the San Antonio/AACOG site for a Texas Department of Corrections medium to minimum security facility; and, also endoreses the Karnes County site as the only San Antonio/ACCOG site which should be selected by the Texas Department of Corrections for a maximum security facility for South Texas . Adopted by the City Council of Cibolo at their meeting on the 6th day of June, 1989. ajAj am Bauder, Mayor City of Cibolo ATTEST: Ann Smith, City Secretary <90�O