RES 1315 08/23/2005 Resolution No. 1315
City of Cibofo
We recognize the National Guard and Reserve as essential to the strength
of our nation and the well-being of our communities.
In the highest American tradition, the patriotic men and women of the Guard
and Reserve serve voluntarily in an honorable and vital profession. They train to
respond to their community and their country in time of need. They deserve the
support of every segment of our society.
If these volunteer forces are to continue to serve our nation, increased public
understanding is required of the essential role of the Guard and Reserve in
preserving our national security. Their members must have the cooperation of all
American employers in encouraging employee participation in Guard and Reserve.
Therefore, we join other employers in pledging that:
1. Employment will not be denied because of service in the Guard or
2. Employee job and career opportunities will not be limited or reduced
because of service in the Guard or Reserve;
3. Employees will be granted leaves of absence for military service in the
Guard or Reserve, consistent with existing laws, without sacrifice of
vacation; and
4. This agreement and its resultant policies will be made known throughout
our organization.
Certify' or the Employer Cha' ma Secretary of Defense
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Support ofthe ' d and Reserve
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Join Thousands of Other American Y
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Earn Five Star Recognition for your support of the men and women now serving
proudly in America's National Guard and Armed Forces Reserve. Your state's
Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Committee can and will work with you
to provide you with assistance and guidance in keeping your Guard and Reserve
member employees on the job and in the ranks.
You can earn the recognition you deserve by providing demonstrated support for the
volunteers who serve our nation:
1. Sign a Statement of Support and tell your community that you stand behind our
troops—your employees—in peace, in crisis and in war.
Z Review your Human Resource Policies to ensure that your policies comply with
the provisions of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
(USERRA, Title 38, US Code, Public Law 103-353). ESGR can assist you.
3. Train your Managers and Supervisors and give them the tools they need to
effectively manage your Guard and Reserve member employees—ask your ESGR
volunteers for training assistance.
4.Adopt 'Over and Above'Policies in your company that provide your Guard and
Reserve member employees with more support than that required by law. Your ESGR
volunteers can tell you about the best practices adopted by thousands of other
employers across the nation.
5. Support ESGR. YOU can make a difference with your time, energy, effort and
contributions. Ask your ESGR volunteer how you can get involved in your state
ESGR Committee and how you can reach out to other employers.
NCESGR Form 15B-200405-4