RES 1305 02/22/2005 RESOLUTION NO. 1305 ESTABLISHING A POLICY PERMITTING THE CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATIONS FOR CITY DEPOSITORY FROM BANKS, CREDIT UNIONS, OR SAVING ASSOCIATIONS NOT DOING BUSINESS IN THE CITY AND A DETERMINATION THAT IT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY AND ITS CITIZENS TO ESTABLISH A DEPOSITORY. WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo is seeking proposals from certain financial institutions for a depository service contract for the deposit of City funds; and WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Chapter 105.011 requires that the governing body adopt a written policy expressly permitting the consideration of applications from a bank, credit union, or savings association and is not doing business within the municipality; and WHEREAS, the Council recognizes that it is in the best interest of the municipality to establish this depository policy; and WHEREAS, this resolution is required in order for the governing body to consider the application of a bank, credit union, or savings association that is not doing business within the municipality. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to publish notice that the City is requesting applications for depository services contracts from any bank, credit union, or savings association. The City is authorized to accept these applications since none of these types of financial institutions are currently doing business within the municipality. SECTION 2: The City Manager shall publish notice as specified in Texas Local Government Code 105.012 requesting submissions of applications for the performance of depository services. SECTION 3: The City finds it is in the best interest of the City and the citizens of Cibolo that they consider depository institutions located in the surrounding areas since the City has limited financial institution, only one, inside its City limits. It is in the best interest of the municipality to establish this policy and to solicit applications from these a financial PASSED AND APPROVED this _ day of , 2005. --- 4gr CHARLES RUPPERT, Mayor ATTEST: 4NdQGJiRlFFlN, City S r tary